Localization Academy

Creating English Landing Page In WordPress With Elementor — Live Localization, Day 3

How do you localize an online course into another language? We’re going to show you exactly that! In this third video, we started to create a course landing page in WordPress using Elementor. This is the page that we’ll later translate into Arabic.

Welcome to a new series called Live Localization where we show you the process of localization from start to finish. Together with Ahmed from Words, we’re going to localize our Localization Project Manager course into Arabic.

Andrej Zito 

Hi, everyone. This is Andrej. You should be able to hear me. We are live now on YouTube and on LinkedIn. This is the day three of our new series with Ahmed from Words that we’re doing called live localization, in a way. But what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to localize the localization project manager course that we have created, where I’m the instructor, and we’re trying to localize into Arabic. So what we’re going to be doing today and why I am here alone without Ahmed is that today will be the day where we are going to create English content so that then we can translate it into Arabic. So as you can see from the title, and from everything, when I share it on LinkedIn, today, we will be creating the landing page. So in our previous last stream, the two with Ahmed we discussed, we kind of like change the priorities, because we thought it would, we would just jump into the localization of the course. But that’s not a very smart idea. First, we want to sort of gauge the interest and see if people are actually interested in having the course localized in Arabic. So for that, we’re going to create a landing page, where the people can give us their email addresses and that way they express their interest in the course. And so then when we see the demand, we are actually going to start localizing the videos. So let me actually just go back here, you should be able to communicate with me if you are interested in that. So the chat should be right here below. If you have any questions. I might have mentioned that this stream might not be so much about localization, right? Like we said, we’re going to create the English content. So I will be this time doing stuff in WordPress. We are using element or as you can see here, it’s a page builder. So it’s a plugin that allows you to visually create pages. So you don’t have to use the default options with WordPress. And of course, you don’t have to code anything. What else? I think that’s it. So if you have any questions about these things, I’ll be happy to answer that. But what will be important? And interesting? What will be interesting, from the localization perspective? Is that how I create it and how then we’re going to turn it into Arabic version? And what are the things you know, so normally, typically, you know, in our experience, you have one person on the English side, and then you have the localization team. But in this case, in a way, we have one person seeing both things, so maybe something good will be learned out of this experience. So enough talking. I think I’ll just start. One thing that I’ll explain to you at the beginning, why we are creating a new landing page for our OB course is that I think what you want to be doing with your landing pages is that you want to be specific as possible. So when we go to the page, which is about a course. So this is the course that we are going to try to localize into Arabic, you can see that this is, let’s say integrated within our main website. So there’s a lot of things here in the header, you can see our courses. And the thing is that this English course is already created, so that people can immediately jump in to sign up for the preview. And then they can pay and we have the pricing and everything. But for the Arabic course we don’t have it yet. So that’s why we cannot take this page as it is and just turn it into Arabic we need to slightly adjust it because the Arabic audience doesn’t have the course ready yet and we’re just still Doing the waitlist thing. And also, another thing that I’ve learned is that if you want to do a landing page typically want to minimize the things that people can click on, you just want to have one clear goal, which in our case will be for people to sign up to the waitlist. So then you also want to minimize the things that you have, for example, here in the header, like you don’t want them to go crawl around your whole website. So in a way, what we’re going to be doing, what I’m going to be doing is that we not sure if I have it, if this is the right, okay. What was the link? So recently, we did the,

Andrej Zito 

the teens lpm course, okay, this is the one. So this is the landing page that we use for the pain scores. And I will be using some of the elements from here, you can see that the header is just the logo. So it’s a little bit stripped. So that’s what we’re going to be doing today. I mean, look at the notes from the last time the video, so video, that’s fine. Another thing is that I’m not sure how much time I’m going to need today, I don’t think today, I will be able to create the projects for Archimate in troubles, so I think I might do an extra stream tomorrow, assuming that we are able to finish the landing page today. So I already have the bio from ArcMap. So that’s done. Testimonial will pick two or three. Okay, that’s what we discussed pricing prices, goods. This one, I will also have to tell us something about that. So last time we were discussing about the option, I was saying that the best way how you can gauge the real interest of people is if they actually pay for something, even before they can access it, access it, which is something that you know from Kickstarter, right, that’s the best way how you can do pre sales before you even have something. But I was thinking that I think it’s too risky. At this point, I don’t want to get into the situation where the people give us money. And then we for some reason, don’t deliver it or don’t meet their expectations. Although of course, I can always do a refund. But another thing that I have learned, not sure if you know about it, if you do a refund, like for example with stripe. So let’s say somebody pays you, I don’t know 50 bucks, you give them a full refund. So they get back 5050 bucks back. But the fee that stripe took from the 50 bucks, they will keep the fee. So it means if you have to do refunds, you’re basically losing money. So that’s another thing, why I don’t want to do pre sales yet. So we will not be collecting any money at this point. Because we can still do it at a later stage. So we can start by collecting the emails. And then at some point, let’s say once we are I don’t know, half way through or wish 75% or even 100% done with the course, that’s when we can tell the people like hey, now it’s the time like this is what we created. And now you can get in the course and pay us. So I think that’s a that’s a way safer option. Because I’m not saying that we won’t finish this. But you never know what’s going to happen. This is sort of like an experiment in a way. So that’s why I want to stay away from taking people’s money at this point. So that means that we’re going to create a simple thing, it means I don’t have to bother creating some special. I don’t know like a product on stripe so that people can pay for it. So we will just do very simple form where people just put in their email. And that’s it. So I’m talking too much. So let’s start creating, I’m actually going to probably start, I’m thinking whether I should clone this page or whether I should cloned the localization project management one, I like this thing. This is this is bigger and it also has the ball link, which could be good for the localization from the localization perspective. I think we could do this. I think this is the same thing that we have actually let me think about this to where we are so the header will be okay. I already changed this. There was something else about discovering. So this is the video that we’re going to add I think the allow that I would like to try is a more centered one, not doing a two column layout like we have here. But I think I’m going to do something like I think Evernote had it. If I’m not mistaken, okay, they changed already. They had a slightly different one, but it’s similar to this one, like you have this one, and you have this one. And then below that, we’re going to put the file Form. And then below that, we’re going to put the video.

Andrej Zito 

So I think that’s going to be more prominent about the action that we want you to take, which is to put in your email, then, okay, so we have testimonials. So we’re going to pick two three about the course. I think that is almost the same. It just has a different color here. Okay, this is different. Meet your instructor. I think that’s the same information and FAQ. Maybe we’ll need to do something for pricing. We won’t have the pricing. Okay, so which one do I clone? Technically, I could even use this one. Or maybe I should put the words logo up there. I don’t know. Okay, I’ll just start with the with the teens things one. So again, I’m gonna take a page published, where are teens? And I’m going to clone it out where it’s probably the error page? Nope. Oh, of course, it’s a draft the ins and outs of this this will be lpm. Course. Right rahbek. Let’s just do this for so what is the slug slug is the thing that you see after the domain name? So it’s basically part of the URL. What are we going to do here? I think just to open pores or robic now or do I just do a our knowledge just pull it out the way that’s okay. Update. And let’s open it in mmm, border.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so the problem here is, okay, I have even this part here, which I, uh, hit after we closed applications. So you can see here that we have the header from the, let’s say, the main website. And the same goes for the footer. So the way it is set up is that you have these templates in Elementor. And I have a header. And we have the main header, which is used for pretty much every page. But then I have the ones which is used for landing pages. And so since we didn’t set up that this header landing page is used for this new page that I created. It means I need to set it up. If it makes sense. I’m not sure if we’re going to be doing another landing page. I thought it I’m just going to wait you cannot see this. Can you see it? I think you can see it I think I shouldn’t be able to embed the one so create a new one. And can I do my templates I can get at a landing page. That’s the one apply the settings apply okay we don’t need this thing. Now what are the settings here actually, the only thing that we need to set up and that’s what I was talking about is this display conditions. So where exactly is this header used? So I’m going to say that this header should be used on a single page and that is our erotic. Ah, there we go. Save and Close. Okay, is there anything else here that we need to change? I think no. So now if I refresh this

Andrej Zito 

Okay, we have the right header. Okay. So that’s that and title. I need to rename it. Maybe Let me go back and put some put some plates. Header, a header header header. So what is my naming convention? A header? Landing Page? remain a header landing H rahbek. Let’s do it this way. Okay. And the same way, we’ll do it for the footer. So footer landing page, let me copy this right away, Add New. And take the templates from the footer landing page insert, why? And where is our title? Here is my title. robic. And it’s very simple think, okay. This is another thing that I thought of, what do we do with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use? I don’t think we want to translate it. Hopefully not. I think maybe in this case, we should do the trick. Or if there are other suggestions, I’m open to that. But what I remember is at that’s actually a good question is how do you indicate what say, a rabid user that the link that they’re going to click will be in English that that page will be in English? And I think I think Microsoft used to do it. Like you put something in the brackets or something like that. Okay, so this shouldn’t be there. Let me refresh. Nope. Let me refresh this one, too. We have fooder. He Yeah, we do. Okay, good. So that’s that that’s taking care of the header and the footer. And now let’s start putting in the hero section. So here are a section, for those of you that don’t know, is basically the first main section, typically below the header that you see that is supposed to capture your attention and communicate the value so that people don’t just close the page right away. And basically everything that you see, the people see before they start scrolling. So if somebody starts crawling, in a way, it means that they are curious, they’re interested in a little bit more. So that’s why the hero section is one of the most, if not the most important parts of your landing page. Okay, so what do we want to put here? So we had discovered the role of a project manager, I think, I don’t think we should do localization project manager course. Because that technically not the value that’s much value. So since we have this big one, or it’s what is my style here is the smaller one, it’s the smaller one, should I put the bigger one? Think it’s going to be? Maybe small. So what would we do here we would do that doesn’t have localization, what I liked is that our course is basically structured in 10 days. So in a way, it’s learn project management in 10 days. I think that sounds good. Let’s see if it ends. Learn localization project, man, Jim, and in lace. Is it too long? To learn localization project management in 10 days. I think there’s some bad this is one of the things that I can pull and get stuck on is just thinking about the little words and if they aren’t the right things. And so let’s go a little bit faster. So then we have the subtext, subtext, because it’s smaller, you can put more text there. Typically, you want to communicate, I don’t know, at least like Who is it for? What is the value and what exactly it is? I think we should do say that it’s of course, I think we say that now. Was it for awhile, it’s not communicated here. Go from zero to managing two projects on your own. That’s technically not true, because that’s part of the simulation which we don’t offer in the course. Learn the basics and discover with the job or under the guidance of seasoned industry professionals. Okay, I’m just going to leave it here for now.

Andrej Zito 

Maybe I should do the copy later. I don’t want to do waste your time going you how bad of a copywriter I am. At spacer, we’re going to add some space here. I think this is too wide. I think we should maybe put some Oh, we already have a margin. Why do we have a margin on the right side and not on the left side? Okay was off center navigation to 10. So I’m basically compressing the content in the middle so that it’s not that why because people don’t want to read paragraphs that go for. So for so long, like such a long paragraphs. Okay. So that’s that now, where is our form? T dT T dT d form? Now, how do I do the forms? So we’re going to do the elemental form, that’s for sure. It has so many things, which we don’t need, we just need email. And technically, what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to create something like this. So this is exactly what I want to put there. I think it looks pretty good. So let me see if I can recreate it. So yes, we just want email. And I think the way that you do this is to do medium and do the large. I think we can do technically even large because we have a lot of space here. And is this large? Is it the same size? I think it is. So the way how you put it next to each other, I think is using the column width. not mistaken. Yes, buttons. So if we say that the email is taking 75% and the button is taking 25%? then voila, put it close to each other. And it’s still wrapped within the size, but I think it’s still big. Is it too big? I’m going to of course remove these parts. Is it too big? Or is it okay? How much space we will need for the button? Well, I mean, this is English, right? So it doesn’t matter, because then we’ll need to adjust it for the Arabic translation. But I’m trying to think what will be the texts? What do we have here? reserve my spots? I liked that one. So let’s put it there. Reserve lash bot. And I think we have the icon rights. I even have that in there. That it moves a little bit’s icon library. Which one is it? Center right angle. Oops, after. Okay, so now we need to resize it a little bit 3070 there or V 70. There. Now if it’s okay, I’m going to have to style it a little bit. I think this can work. Maybe I’ll need to even compress this slightly more. Okay, so this looks decent actions after submit. I will set that probably later. So this is what happens after people put in the information. What I definitely want to get rid of is the label. We don’t need to label and label is this part because it’s just one field. Where do you do it? I think it’s why do I set it up here now. Thank you if I just delete it, yes. Okay. Easy. Laser hurdle visa holder. Enter your email address. This is another thing that you will need to enter your email 123 advanced ID email and a skirt. Oh, there’s a label. Okay, I could have just left it there and just turn it off here. Okay. I don’t know does the button look good? I think the button doesn’t look that great. Think we’ll need to do something about the form. Should I compress it even more? Oops now it’s in three lines.

Andrej Zito 

Think I need to just bring it maybe closer. Maybe this is too much. It’s too helpful this 25 I

Andrej Zito 

think maybe this one shouldn’t be smaller learning the basics in discover what the job is about what does it look like when I put it in just one line think it’s better although I’m repeating learn learn Am I actually even live Can you hear me see me Okay, so this is this thing around I think next thing we want to do is we want to add the video. So I’m going to I’m still not sure how we’re going to end up this thing. This thing I can remove if I’m able to select it once on goodbye okay and now how do we add the video? Do I want the video to overflow something? How do these guys do it? They still have a part of that section

Andrej Zito 

now that is tricky

Andrej Zito 

cuz put a space there and after that we put in the video the video do you think this looks fine okay, I need to adjust them because there’s so much padding here. So I think we need to do 100 We just do 50 Now that’s close 100 And I think not sure how this end will go I have that extra wave there. But I think I might just want to add it like in half I like that thing but maybe that means that I’ll need to move the video to another section and then move it up with a negative margin I think I think if I go to the section where I do negative mirror margin What are you doing by doing negative margin does it pull it up? It does pull it up

Andrej Zito 

okay I think I think it will look wait and think about the testimonial section are we going to keep it on the blue side or on the white side and we have a blue one

Andrej Zito 

Okay, let’s just keep it part of this section. So this is the video What else do I need to do another video of course we will change to the to the actual video which is where is my link? Let me find it. Give me a second studio corn Kent and whereas our course localization project manager slash insurance where is it with Anil Chris course. I shouldn’t be this one. Okay, copy and now we are back and then we just replace this URL. So that is there a thing what I like is to do some rounding here. thing that looks decent. Now the white there are just too much threat. And that’s it look like when I moved this to black bop, bop bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop bop. kranjcar. But I used to this one, was it look better? Ah, it doesn’t stand out. Problem is that if I leave with the red, then we also have the red from you. whoops that’s not good. I do it blue. How does it look like blue? Bill do I think it looks horrible. Okay, let’s just leave it as it is right now. So reset the color and let’s continue so learn this is your email give us your email this is the video that’s fine and then we go to the next section right video keep it now image translate subtitles Okay, that’s for tomorrow testimonial. Okay, so I guess this part now goes away now the question is What style do we use? I like this one and I think it’s the one that actually moves ancillary set and we’re going to have two and three with with Mr. I think we should do this one This looks good.

Andrej Zito 

Periods I learned how to translation below Boom Boom

Andrej Zito 

Okay, I think maybe I’ll need to when I was picking the testimonials for the teens. I think I was looking for something different than we might look for this course. But I still want this type of style. So I’m going to actually open this page in Elementor and I’m just going to copy the whole section. Copy Wait, we are habits. Oh my gosh, I already have it. I’m stupid. I’m completely stupid. Okay. Now what are the main stimuli testimonials that we have? I think Aleksandra stars first scores extremely disappointed. Henson will be very helpful because it should be newbies and experienced project manager switch sides I truly enjoyed it summons intellect feedback. Scores is invaluable resource with a great mission. I think that’s a good feedback. That’s why I have it on the first one is of course it brings value to everyone interested in first stepping now localization world shifting their career that’s a good one. And then we definitely take Emin

Andrej Zito 

I liked this one from Rafaela. So what do we do here? I need to change these things. Or wait what is this a difference carousel than this one? I am confused. I am very much confused. Let’s see. I think I have two different carousels one from Elementor and one from Qi add ons. And I see that here I use the bolding which I like and I think I couldn’t use it for this one I have so many smiles here it looks like it’s the same one is it not layout let’s do several okay see the options are different. This one has to be the key why Adams now why did I not use this one? I don’t know whatever Okay, so opening the general that’s where we have all that information it’s taking so long because there are 3020 Plus I think this morning was maybe a close up okay let me click again Okay, good. So I think we take what did I say? Do we take Aleksandra? way

Andrej Zito 

the screws is extremely to the point of Henson and will be very helpful for British English.

Andrej Zito 

One the one from Rafaela. Let’s do wait gave her Take a reference do we have someone that says something different? It’s a world plan laid out and super easy for me to follow those examples are helpful because it really helped me get ready for my new role. That’s fine. Company training or the working it is a complete training both for beginners and professionals already working in acquisition industry. I think a lot of the people might be already working in the acquisition industry. So this would be good. So let’s start with Rafaela. I really enjoy it. Wait, where are we here? Where is Raphael? This is a referral. Okay, copy paste. Bomb. Okay, I really enjoyed the online course. Right, Fila United Kingdom choosing Mitch. Brian Fowler. There she’s insert media. That’s one. What did I say for the second one? I think I said the this one qubit acquisition industry. So let’s do three. Sorry, Christina. So this one Julia Eataly. Was there this Julia? Julia? There? And then we say we do em and right. Where is everyone? From farm from pom pom pom pom pom pom here. She’s pom pom. So if we could this insert and emin in Egypt. And there we go. Wonderful. Of course everybody has different size so that’s a little bit weird. Okay, what do I need to do here? I’m stupid. Oh my gosh, I’m copying it in the wrong one. Oh, boy, Jesus. Law. This is this is what happens when you have so many tabs open. Okay, at least I can paste it here. Okay, delete this one. And this one just reverted back. Okay, we didn’t change anything. Nothing was changed. Okay, so this is this the thing that I want to do is I want to bold some of the things that they like I really enjoyed the online course because you’re gonna need a course was well plans and laid out their thing this may be a typo is laid out? Yeah. I thought it was laid out. Oh, there is there a different layout is correct. Okay. So see typos in source laid out? well planned. Super easy for me to follow which one is important. Be super easy. I can leave with the whole examples and assignments were very helpful to learn the ropes, ropes, because it really helped me. really help me get ready for my new role. I like that. Okay, two things that we bolt. That’s nice. Next one. You will Yeah, the online course is well structured. well structured. With a hands on approach. Absolutely. All the lessons are effectively explained exporter practical. Complete. It is a complete training for both beginners and professionals. Look there. I like this. And finally Eamon the course was really insightful was really insightful. And Edie has been helpful to me throughout the project.

Andrej Zito 

Everything is really going I would bold the whole thing but it’s too much mucinous now for me through the project I’m working on. Everything is really going well. Thanks to you Things I Learned from of course what am I going to bring over here has been helpful to me throughout the project I’m working on everything is really going well everything is really going well thanks to you and the things I learned from the course insensible maybe I just bolt this one thing since her feedback is not so long as I’m working on

Andrej Zito 

I think is going really well. Thanks to you and the things I learned from the course. really insightful. Maybe our boards really insightful helpful to me there so we bought through things back in one sentence. I think that works. Now the question is I think I turned off the our our our or the auto sliding with default images stacked I think they should be white. I need to change the section. Alignment slides to preview I’m not sure maybe let’s put a month second one. But doesn’t look good. Whatever. Slides scroll default one is their speed. There is a speed what is the speed that we normally use? I think we use five seconds now eight seconds 800 autoplay infinite loop. What is autoplay? Oh, oh, I’m stupid. So transition duration is how long does it take to switch? This is autoplay How fast was on how we’re also an interaction. Yes, yes. thing that looks decent. Okay, so now we need to fix this white thing. So we need to make this white for sure. For sure. But white and the parts where I have this wave I think I normally do slightly closer because you have extra space on top I actually don’t like the layout. The they fuck it up. I thought it would look better. It actually doesn’t look better. I don’t know why is it because they compress it too much. I think I might switch it to the two column layout. It doesn’t look good. I think it doesn’t look good because of the the trailer shit can we fix it right now? 000 I’m editing the column. Okay, let’s add a new column and let’s put the trailer into that column. And this one should be now left the line Yeah

Andrej Zito 

60 to an odd mix, it’s so small. Now it means I need to change this stupid thing

Andrej Zito 

Okay, let’s pretend that it’s going to learn oh my god, he doesn’t even fit. These words are so long. Okay, I’m just putting this here as a temporary thing. So if it’s for two if it’s for to two rows, this one can now have more tanks. This is here and this is looking ugly. I think this needs to be now smaller. And I think I need to reduce this thing because it needs some more space for this thing. 5050 I think is too much. 55 The trailer is still too big. I need to set this to middle. I think we do middle. Is there okay there’s this extra thing that’s ugly. Okay, I think we need to make this smaller now that it’s not full it’s the medium medium. Okay, I think it looks nicer I think still distinct can be improved. And we need to change the sizes. These things buttons 40% and 6060

Andrej Zito 

It looks weird. It looks weird. Okay, I normally do some margin on the left slide or the way slightly margin on the right I don’t think it looks good. Think it looks trashy? Okay, let’s move on. I’ll get back to it later. Where I think it might have difference what is this? 101 50

Andrej Zito 

Wow, how’s it’s how is it? How is it? How is it how is it on this beach

Andrej Zito 

huh oh, I don’t have the we don’t have the thing there. Do we want this thing here? Or do we just do it without

Andrej Zito 

Africa it’s better with I think I should maybe make this I don’t think this is too small. That I would like to push this out a little bit more. To do 150 I think it’s too much 120 And I think I usually I used to do with the extra at the bottom thing this is slightly better. Still not nice, super nice. But that’s okay. Okay, anything else? So this morning I’ll pick two three. That’s done. Video work on the people only to do this later on. So this one this one has nothing to do we just do the weightless certification in payment system no payment system. Translators involved so we don’t know who will be working this show how I collect all the files. I did the last train assignments. We’ll check it later started projectional plugin. Okay. I think we didn’t agree on anything else. So let’s just continue doing this about the course. I’m going to do the same thing that I have here. So this little thingy. thingy thingy. And I think I have a gradient there because we’re going we don’t need this thing as well. So gradient from blue into white. And I think we stopped maybe a little bit earlier so AD AD one hundreds it looks okay. And how do you put that thing on the top the shape divider? Arrow and 20 I think I do 20 Show up of course. Oh of course. I am stupid. Because I need to take the text from here right? Your journey as a localization project manager this is the next genes we don’t want that at the end you will be able to blah blah blah think that these things are the same all the cars are different. I should have just copied this whole section. Actually Why did I not do that? Idiot beats good. This one. There we go. Saves time so this looks good. Okay, these are the things from the for from the team so we won’t have any timer there. And it’s section turn of the hiding in the lead it and then we have of what mute your instructor tells me. Now how are we going to add Achmed? What time is it 1019 It’s almost one hour I knew this is going to take some time this will be the difficult part how excuse me how and where to where especially if we might be adding more translators to the page later on and then how do I edit work huh structure with this this thing have the gradient Oh it does but it doesn’t show I don’t know why sometimes it’s good to save a draft meet your instructor huh

Andrej Zito 

meet your instructor meet the team

Andrej Zito 

I also don’t like this so much information about me I don’t think it’s that important. And I also have a goal for this week to to change the form to think it’s too small we don’t use this for normals anywhere it’s not consistent with the rest but we’re not

Andrej Zito 

to put it in this section like meet him behind the course or out the fact Wait Wait I think that could work but it means we would need to reduce the amount of text because there’s only so much text I could do another like in the way you think about it the layout that I do here technically doesn’t matter that much. Or the translation right because because that’s something we can and we still have to will we will have to change it for when we get to translations because I will need to change everything completely alright meet your instructor meet your who your instructor

Andrej Zito 

when I think this goes into blue right where is my preview review this looks ugly this needs to be bigger Why did it make it so small Okay, we have this thing about the causes looks nice okay so this goes into this thing so I need to myself as gray unless we keep this whole thing blue shifting we don’t want to do okay so up myself as as a gray person think that’s okay. And then I guess we could do another section which will be super good this one meet the your I want to see translated but I don’t know what else what else to call off it with your localizer I don’t like that word. mean You’re

Andrej Zito 

the man behind the translation. Meet your instructor

Andrej Zito 

behind robic translation something like this. Okay. Where are you ah commits. I need to open your bio that is send me a D. Contact Korea’s localization bio. Do I have any image I’m pretty sure I have your picture somewhere Achmed has more than 20 years of experience. Okay, let me find the picture. Oh I have it somewhere in Canada Allah acknowledges us it temporarily and then we can lay with it Where are you coming from lock worlds there are habits download portal I think on my need to optimize the photo as well how big is it 198

Andrej Zito 

Okay, I’ll just put it as as a temporary fixture okay optimizing it in tiny I downloaded it okay let me upload it to the media library and then I can go back to show you what’s going on so that’s like the close my Outlook tiny png right we’re back the team behind met so I uploaded the picture. Let me change it to will not probably fit Wait, okay. How do I make a circle? I make your circle with the mask that doesn’t fit

Andrej Zito 

does it show so much? Ace what Okay, I will need to adjust the image so sighs fit he’ll know it provide Repeat. Repeat Why is there so much space

Andrej Zito 

Oh is it just because oh the messages masks it but still it has the size of it. Wait, what? Oh, yeah. Okay, well, I’ll have to update this picture later. So osmand l. Now I don’t know exactly how it is. Off Limits. Give me a second. So they don’t type your name. Matt, Emily. Oh, it’s easy. Jess, I thought me wiki Alright, Achmed has more than 20 years of starting his career as a freelance translators furnish versus which was perhaps a supply chain okay that’s nice. Let’s see how it looks like here during his render he was specializes in recruiting.

Andrej Zito 

So much text get to know me better. We are going to change this to arguments Linked In. Which second A is this one right up up up up. Ah. Okay, now this part looks awful. Some things will need to be fine tune okay. So gray into white. That’s good. And then we have FAQ. I think that’s gonna be it. Okay, so much text. Frequently Asked Questions. So that’s different. We need FAQ from here So copy this one with a Get here. And let’s see what we remove. Okay to route to. General, where’s the general? Do I need any prior knowledge to start a lpm? Course? I think that can stay the issue certificate. Yes, we do we will be able to get the job. No, you need to do something extra. Should I work as a translator before pursuing? I think that’s good. That’s based on recent. What type of job will look as you try to help me to get? Can my company pay for the course? Yes. What is the course from other team as the US? I’m working? What is the simulation? Think we still mentioned the simulation here so we can leave it there. Although, it’s may be important to know that the link is going to lead to an English page. Maybe we shouldn’t do it. Maybe it’s too much. This looks like a lot of FAQ. Okay, let’s publish the page. Have a look. Okay. Oh, I need to also update the the meta thinks about the course. Does this look good? I think it looks decent. Meaning structure, the team behind Arabic translation. Okay, this needs to be fixed. Fixed. Mama frequently asked and then we have the footer. Okay, so it’s one hour. We have the basics there. But word of translation. I need to fine tune the copy. It’s one thing and I also need to fix the layout. It still looks shitty. Think we should maybe reduce these things? I don’t know. I think it would be better if there was like some carts, not carts like apps. Maybe. Think this takes too much space like ideally combine these things together. I don’t think people are interested in learning the bios, especially if there’s a link maybe we should just reduce it I’m on London on hey, I’m Andrej and I’m your instructor blah blah blah get to them we better Hey, I’m the person behind the translation get to know me better. Yeah, I don’t think we need this thing. Take so much space. So either we would change the layout or I mean at least how these things appear. If you could maybe switch between the two so the section would still be the same that would work or just to reduce the amount of text I think it’d be better if you if there was the Meet the team behind and there would be me and ACMA then the other people that we can just add thing that’s probably a better idea but that’s just fine tuning the design which doesn’t make much sense right now but first thing I need to do I need to fix this hero section because it looks ugly and also the COP is there that can be copied this thing Oh right. I even have a different color here. It’d be this thing. How is this thing setup why does this thing look better? I think I have more space and I also have the background thing there oh what is my size here? 5755 here

Andrej Zito 

Do I have five? Oh I don’t have but I have a person here to check it out. Maybe that’s what I should do here as well. Let’s do eight here. It just makes it smaller. It looks weird with this. This thing here looks off 4k. Let me put it back to large. Arch did look better? I think it looks better. It’s just this the border around the forum is just bad. Now where is that? Is it the fields? were to come color. Do we need them order? Oh, we absolutely do need a border. That’s for sure. I think I usually have this current which is called the foreign border which is slightly lighter. Does it make it good? Or is it worse? What if I do something darker? This to me looks not the goods secondary I just don’t like it you also the spacing is weird. Maybe it should just be slightly close to it Do I have three I do have three

Andrej Zito 

I think I like the one with the field I think I like the one with the light slightly there but it doesn’t stand out that much

Andrej Zito 

how does this one looks so better? It’s almost the same. I don’t get it I don’t get it. Okay, what else do we want to do here? Say we want to change the copy on is there’s a better the to close. Okay, if I put in the border there. Wait, how do I do that thing? There’s the trick with this spacer, I believe you put a spacer here and you put a mask white space or you put a background color which I think is this one then you mask it into a circle and then you do what’s that? I think you just changed this okay, and then I think what you need to do is you need to do app so notes and then you need to do something with the Z index. I need to make the video slightly higher fuck are you interested in localization and project management but it gets obscured No, this is not what we want to do. Why am I okay, I’m able to move it slightly. I think we need to put this one let’s say higher Derek Can you move? Why does it always stop? Okay. Where is it?

Andrej Zito 

Is it fixed? Or is it absolute? I completely forgot. I think it’s absolute. That kind of makes it fit into the section I do is zero and zero. Yeah, it puts it in the Okay, it’s still a relative within the column which is which is exactly what we want to do. So I think the offset needs to be just down because it doesn’t matter it’s different because it doesn’t show. I think it’s looking okay. P make it slightly larger. And now I don’t know how to center it. Just do it by eye. And by fingers. Like it’s kind of in the center. No. Yeah, I’m just too close Wait, I think for the previous one we have this 1/5 seventh. Yeah, it’s too big. Too big 300 and And maybe this thing is still too close what the fuck

Andrej Zito 

What the hell

Andrej Zito 

the video looks Wait, what? Do I have something on a section? I don’t have anything here. This one is 57 It shouldn’t be the same one is here. This one is 43 and eight. This one is whereas it’s close this think this one is 43 and eight why doesn’t fit? Wait? Oh, maybe my oh no, it looks the same. Looks like I have a shadow here as well where it actually looks like it’s in the same spot. Almost. I mean of course. It’s not exactly overlapping but it’s because they have different height of this thing. Where the same Okay, where is my shadow? At all? What I use the shadow border on two to 15 zero okay to 215 zero to kind of lift it up a little bit I think that’s fine. I still feel like

Andrej Zito 

it’s too close to it. I think I know why just optical illusion not optical illusion but there’s more text coming to the right side and there’s even the button while this one is kind of like on the left side and only this thing goes let’s see to the edge of the column that’s why it looks more spacious ah

Andrej Zito 

just stick to the same thing

Andrej Zito 

okay, I need to reload it. So that shows the the thumbnails zoom

Andrej Zito 

it’s the same thing. Almost the same thing. Okay, I think what we can do here is we can slightly reduce the form now I’m wondering what I should squeeze it in through the whole column or not. Works life enter your email. I’ll reserve my spot think for the reserve my spots. I mean, just get rid of the basic 10 actually looks good. I think it’s looking better now. Think it’s looking better?

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Just one little thing. I’m wondering, I am wondering if I add a shadow on this one. But I feel like it’s going to probably add a shadow to the whole thing. Does it? Yeah. It’s ugly. All right. Because if your score has gone to zero conversion room or learning basics, with our acquisition course undiscovered edge of the river, remember what our students are saying. Then then then then above the course blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah, they should be a gradient. meter is structure the team behind Arabic translation. I have to change this. Frequently Asked Questions. Because questions think at They would God the things there it’s just now there will be so much. What? Oh no worries. No worries. I hope everything is okay. With your emergency. So no problem is this the preview? Oh no, that’s the course. How’s it look like? Oh I need to fix this thing

Andrej Zito 

to where is our Yoast thing now then Yoast

Andrej Zito 

Google why the variable doesn’t show up that’s weird Google preview here which was fine because it shouldn’t project manager course to do app with erratic

Andrej Zito 

maybe let’s see that’s that thing and what do we have one this one this one okay practical hands on learning our localization or Arabic or vacant position course will prepare you for Korea’s liquid bridge fast J bomb bomb but what did I do? What did I do What did you Berber Berber. Oh come on

Andrej Zito 

What can I not just copy everything? Does it work or does it not work? No. It works all right. All right. Copy paste copy paste. Alright. So now this thing up here should change goods. Oh my gosh. What happened with the style? There we go. Look, this is your project manager corps bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Good job. Oh, thank you sir. It still looks bad. What our students are saying that’s fine about the course that’s fine. Your instructor this thing is the worst one then we have FAQ that’s fine. Should there be another lie? I usually do that on the landing pages. How many sections that we have 123 or I need to merge this somehow. It’s driving me crazy. Okay, let’s try something different. Well, if we’re going into white this one goes into white so we should have the team on the gray one so that stays meat No no, no No, no, no, no, no no. What I want to do is I’m going to duplicate so I can keep it in case we need to revert it meet the team behind the course meet the team in the team meet the team that’s fine. Now how are we going to we actually have any any widget for that I think there might be some but I don’t know which one Better Sweater betters

Andrej Zito 

I mean that could we just need to customize it. I don’t want to spend much time I have like I don’t know 10 minutes I want to go eat after that. What would we quickly with there? Something like the quotes nah. Be your instructor

Andrej Zito 

Okay, just for the sake of the speed I’m just going to try something to read the image box. Does the image box look like this could work? Can you put a lane I think you can even put a lane in there but it basically links the whole thing which sucks. Okay, I’m thinking I’m just going to do it on my own where how would it be? Would it be two columns? Or would we people in rows what is the right thing to do? Think columns right especially since it’s just the two of us right now Wait, did I duplicate it? I did. Am I changing the right link? Okay, let’s do it. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. So this should be 5050 I think right now. We have the image I think what I need to do with the image what do I need to do with the image is the question what do I need to do with them which image do I need to do with the image I think I need to make the image in line now if I move this here and I make it in line and it doesn’t go next to each other why what did I do wrong

Andrej Zito 

I am confused start eating your heart while still taking the full width I don’t understand but now it works once

Andrej Zito 

okay, maybe I shouldn’t bother with so many things okay, it’s the text the whole thing because I think that image naturally can take so much space I have so many other things their way I think it doesn’t matter what oh I’m so stupid. Why am I so stupid? I think it needs to wait no what I think they shouldn’t be in the center don’t put it in line leave it as the whole and center it thing let’s say we take on now one text two texts so much texts. We need to reduce this one text to text three text and then next to that we this handsome person aced Why is it not taking the full width what way Why have some margin here? I do of course I do. Of course of course. We do have margin here. I do have my is it left and right different can Let’s do five five let’s what’s 255 here that’s a kid it’s slightly different. This thing is bothering me Can I do something about it? Can I reduce the height

Andrej Zito 

I can I actually can I mean that works? I think it’s still it’s not the the aspect ratio is not right but okay, this can work

Andrej Zito 

people stop

Andrej Zito 

cool. And I know that I’m actually copying everything with mouse, which I would normally never do but I let’s see if it works. We’ll see Ctrl C, it doesn’t work as intended so that’s why I do it with the mouse. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong. Okay okay, I still need to play with this. But we’ll get there we’ll get there. Let’s say we want to align this okay? I’m Andre I’m your instructor. am Andre be your instructor for dance. Rs. I started bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla okay asked me to wait. I am centered with the center Achmed. Achmed has more than 20 years experience started

Andrej Zito 

he’s the founding member, along with different industry topics. Can I just correct it here? Still too long, but okay, maybe you know, some extract blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Delete, delete. Okay, how does this look like? Like, this looks better. I think this looks better. So what I would do is I would style you in a way some somehow like I am right here, so that the images look consistent, and I think we need to reduce the copy a little bit. And I think that should work. Hopefully it will be better. All right. Anything else? Where I didn’t save it. Update. Group date. Oh my gosh, please. Okay, is there my spot where our students are saying about the course blah, blah, blah, me the team that works somewhat. meter instructor blah, blah, blah. Okay, I’m going to actually hide these things for now. Just to see, and hi.

Andrej Zito 

Alright, Arbor Day. Let’s reload this. K, bow, the Korres Meet the Team FAQ. thing, it looks fine, somewhat. Alright. I think it’s time for my breakfast. This was work. Well, we’re at Hope stream. So what we did, just to wrap it up, is we set up I would say 90% of the of the landing page. So we put all the pieces here we have the hero section, mean tail subhead. Here’s here’s the CTA. Here we have the trailer that we’re going to localize. We have three testimonials from the students, we describe the course, we introduce the people. So me and I’ve met. And then we have some FAQ. I think what is missing is and let me put it actually here as I need to set up something like to do list or this one to do list. So I think I would want to add add final CTA. So when people scroll to the end, maybe there are two ways. So maybe you add a section where it’s a reserve your spot, and then it’s it’s a link that scrolls up to the top, which is what I use for the teens. But since this form is very simple, I think we’re going to just repeat the form at the bottom. I think that’s what I would add and then the most, I mean, not the most important thing. But then the other things which are, let’s say the little 5% but they are the most important is to actually fine tune the copy first of all, because that’s what’s important for the translation. And the second thing is to find two Under design a little bit, I think right now this part is the one that’s lacking. And I thought that maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to dispatch the job to Ahmed. But maybe tomorrow, I’ll just continue. And I see there’s a typo here. So yeah, I’ll think about it. And maybe just tomorrow, I’ll just turn on the stream and continue working on it. So you see everything that we are doing. We’re gonna live localization. Or maybe we just give it I don’t know, another another week. But I think at least next week, I wanted to create the project. So yeah, I think, since I’m working on this, let me let me actually do another stream tomorrow. I think I don’t have anything else planned. And we’ll just wrap it up here. I don’t think I have anything else planned for tomorrow. Actually, I can quickly check. I don’t have anything in the morning. So it means tomorrow, I can do another stream to fine tune the money page. So I’ll see you tomorrow, same time. 9:30am Pacific. And then once Hopefully, tomorrow, we fine tune everything. Then next Wednesday, what I would like to do maybe with Achmed is that I’m going to prepare everything for translations. So we are going to take the strings from the landing page, and the video SRTs and maybe some texts that’s already, let’s say baked into the video. And then some other things like the meta title, meta description, and those things that I just copied today. And, and those are the things that I’m going to send to awkward as the first project that we’re going to localize translate. And then once we have it back, we’re going to play and adjust the layout so that it hopefully looks nice in our epic. That’s it for today’s stream. Thanks, everyone for watching. I hope you learned something. Like I mentioned in the beginning. If you have any questions, just let me know. Just let me know. So I’ll be back tomorrow, same time 9:30. See you then. Bye bye. Bye. Turning it off. Bye.

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