Localization Academy

How To Use Pseudo Translation In MemoQ

Is memoQ your favorite CAT tool? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use pseudo translation in memoQ with our instructor Carlos.

Carlos García Gómez 

Hi, everyone, and welcome to the third and last part of memoQ, where you’re going to learn how to set up and run a single translation in all of your files from your project. So let’s dive in. Alright, so what we’re going to do is to work on the same project that we created in part one, and that we updated in part two, this is going to be the project my project, so we can double click on the project as such. And now what we can do is to go to memo queue, then resources and resource console. Here, you’re going to learn how to create and set up your settings for pseudo translation. And it’s important to note that the pseudo translation, in case you don’t know, it’s actually our way of processing the source file with your parsers. And then running some kind of process as if it was a real translation, but with some dummy characters. This way, when you export the settled translated file back, you’re going to be able to compare the source file and the exported or civil translated file and check that everything has been correctly processed. So we’re going to do is here under Mimikyu, and then resources resource console, the cylinder translation can be created and set up under the AMT settings. So it’s going to be treated as some kind of machine translation settings.

Now, what we are going to do is to create a new one, because you will see here that the list is empty. So we can click on Create new, we’re going to give it a name to this empty Settings resource. So we’re going to call it several translation, we’re going to leave the description empty as usual. And we can click on OK. This is just an empty Settings resource. Okay, and for now, it’s empty. But the simplest translation resource can be edited. So we can right click and go to Edit. And here we have some machine translation settings, what we are going to do, and as you can see, all of them are actually real machine translation servers or engines. But if we scroll down a little bit, we’re going to see the memo queue to translation plugin, we can enable this plugin, and then click on Configure plugin, you will always get some notification like this for the first time. And this is basically that the signal translation engine or settings that we’re going to create here, is going to send the content to the cloud. And then it’s going to process that content in the cloud, and it’s going to put it back into your computer. That’s the reason why it sends or it gives you a notification about the GDPR stuff, right. So in case you have sensitive content, you should be aware of all of these things. So you can click on OK, and do not show this warning again. And here you’re going to see this little translation settings, you will get a default configuration. And this is how many of you could process the pseudo translation by default.

Okay, and we can see down here that we have the replacement rules, and the expand and shrink rules. However, what we are going to do is to create a new kind of setting, because we’re not going to use the configuration settings. By default, what it’s doing is to add the character, like the hash symbol at the beginning, the dollar symbol at the end, we can see in here. And then what it’s going to do for the replacements is that for any letter, no matter if it’s uppercase, or lowercase, it’s going to transform it into a kind of extended character letter. And here we have the sample text. And so the translated text. However, what I like to do with the pseudo translation is to not add anything at the beginning or at the end. And instead of replacing these characters with some extended characters, I prefer to use $1 symbol for all of the characters. This way, when we export this to the translated file, it’s very easily to know if we have a large file that the content has been included really for translation.

Alright, so what we can do is to create a new setting, so we can click here in New, so we can say and see the translation, for example. Now you can even compare it with the default one in order to check how your settings are. But basically, for the source script, we’re going to see Latin and for the target script, we’re going to see Latin again. Now we need to have some assigned language pairs in order to be able to use these empty settings for deceptive translation later on in the project. So what we can do is to click on app and I’m going to specify English United States and then Spanish from between Spanish from Spain down here. This is basically because my project is set up for these languages are the source and the target languages otherwise is not going to work correctly. So we can click on Select, and you could even add some more language birth.

Now down here again, we’re going to see these sample texts and these still translated text. But for now, let’s just click on save. Okay, and at least we have saved these two translation settings, what we can do is to go back to the default, copy the replace these characters, go to enter to the translation, and we’re going to enable this option and paste this here, you will notice that we have an error here saying characters zero to view. But what we’re going to do is to replace all of these with the same numbers of dollar symbols. So $52 symbols, because its character, so the uppercase letter A is going to be replaced with the dollar symbol, the uppercase letter B is going to be replaced by this character, which again is $1 symbol. And the same happens for all of the characters. This way, again, if you look at this text, you will know easily that everything has been imported correctly.

Now what we’re going to do is to disable the arc to start or add to the end text, we don’t want to add anything at the beginning or at the end. And for the staff, we can even expand or shrink this in translation, you can expand this translation. And that’s important sometimes when you work, for example, from English into German would you would like to check out the longer text actually fits for your file, if it’s a PDB file, for example. But in this case, we have some XML and txt files. So we don’t actually want to check that extension. What we can do then is to disable the expansion rates. And we’re going to keep the same length or more or less the same length as the source. And I say more or less, because here we have the segments of any length. And we could even shrink it or expand it. Depending on the percentage that we want to use. We use 100% it that means that the source text is going to be the same length, as they say the translation text. But here as you can see, and this is one bad thing about the settings for this translation is that we don’t have any field where to enter the 100. Okay, we can only just move these bar. And it’s impossible to say just 100. So it’s either 92 or 102. However, we’re going to keep it as 92. And even though you can see here that each letter has been transformed into a character, at the very end, for example, we have the letter pain, and we only have three words. And that’s because the change length is depending on the number of segments.

However, if we move it to words, then very easily, we would have the same number of dollar symbols as we have for the letters, because we will need to have 100 character words in order to see the difference. Hey, we have 92% for words, then again, we will need to have a 92 letter word in order to see that difference. So we don’t actually need the 100%. And the last thing is that in case of any expansion, we could even add this part, but there is no expansion because there is even a string of 92. So that okay, if we go back to replacement roles, we’re going to see that this is all setup, we can save the settings. And you can even compare it with the default. Okay, by default, again, we have added some letters at the beginning or at the end some characters, but for the end, simple translation, we’re not going to do so. Okay, so that should be.

Now what we’re going to do is to close it. And now click on OK. So we have modified the settings for this pseudo translation resource, we can click on Close, and now go to translations. And what we’re going to do is to apply these empty or single translation to both files, we can select both files, right click, and then use the tasks and then re translate. For this pre translation, we’re going to use machine translation engine, which again is going to be not a real machine translation for digital translation. So we can go down here and configure MT services. We select this and we need to enable the civil translation resource that we just created. We enable this resource. We go back to translations to the same asks pre translate, and now we have these parts in here. Now it’s going to be translated into Spanish because that’s the target line which aren’t just in case you can even select Empty, just to make sure that your plugin is selected.

And as you can see, for the first time that you do this is not selected. Once you have selected the corresponding memo queue, so the translation plugin, and click on OK, it’s going to be active at any point later in the project. Okay, so this is a one off setting that you need to do. So if you click on OK, we’re going to actually run an empty or a single translation, in this case for both files. So for example, let’s actually check the parsing dot XML, which is the one that we created in part one. And as we can see, the placeholders are kept in the target. And we are adding, instead of having the normal letters, we are adding the dollar symbols for digital translation, the same can be checked for the parsing dot txt. So if we open this file, we will see that the content is now settled translated, while keeping the tags that we have protected already.

Now what we are going to see is okay, we have seen how to set up and wrong translation, but we’re going to export these single translated files into our local machine. So what we can do is to click on select both files, go to export, and then export choose Path. Here we have file name one out of two, but we can export all selected files here, in order to know to do the same, like note do the same thing twice. And even if you have a project with 100 files, you’re not going to be clicking one by one, we can specify the folder here for the output. And what we can do is to say for example, create a new folder, which is the pseudo we specified here. Now all of their civil 3d files are going to be stored here. You could even append a language code, for example, the ESP language code that it adds to the very end of the file, but we’re not going to do so.

Okay, so we are going to keep the same file name as the source. And we can export the files, can you you’re going to get our report here, exported successfully and exported successfully under this folder. So we can close. And now we go back to Mimikyu. What we can do is actually to check, okay, so these are the source files, and these are they say the translation, what we can do, and actually, let’s check this with notepad plus plus, we’re going to open first, the two source files, okay, these are the two source files. And we’re going to also open the target file. Even though the file names are the same, you’re going to very easily see what has been included and what has been excluded for translation. For example, this part and this part. The first tab shows the source file for txt, this is the source file, and this is the several translated exe, then we can see all of these parts is kept as per the source. Alright. And the comments at the very end have also been kept as per the source. But the only thing that is changed is the strings for translation. Okay, even the placeholder has been kept on the same for the time, only the strings for translation has been modified.

And lastly, for the XML, we have the source XML and the target XML or JSON translated XML, you will notice the difference by toggling between the two of them. But the good thing is that if when you check the civil translation, if you see something that has not been settled, translated, that means that the project is not incorporating that for translation. For example, this placeholder is not included for translation, because we don’t need to include it for translation, we don’t need to translate. And the same happens for the mental element content. Okay, that’s ignored or excluded from translation as we did in part one. Now, the good thing with this with the translation again, is that for example, if you see this sentence in English, as we can see it here in the source, then that would mean that we are not including everything for translation as we should.

And the same happens for the placeholders. For example, if the placeholder was the symbol translated, then we would have needed to double check the settings in order to correctly protect the embedded content. Okay, that’s all for this part. And with this video, we finished the memo cue chapter for this cartoon video series. I hope you have enjoyed and learned some interesting stuff about processing XML files, protecting your embedded content using the regex tagger using the advanced text filter, and setting up and running a simple translation on your files. If you are interested in going deeper into technical things, you can check the localization engineer course using the link below. In this course you will get a much deeper explanation of regular expressions, and you will learn how to process our website, software elearning or app localization project, among other things, you will be able to access the free preview and see that for you. Thank you again for watching these videos. And I hope to see you soon

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