Localization Academy

Translation Memory (TM) 🎮

Watch this video and learn what is TM or Translation Memory using Fallout 3 🎮 Get ready to level up your knowledge of the localization industry!

Localization Explained is a series from Localization Academy in which we explain localization concepts using video games. Join us on this journey and discover how your favorite games can help you learn a thing or two about localization 😎 

What is translation memory or TM? Let’s take Fallout 3 as an example. In this game, you collect a bunch of stuff from pretty much everywhere that you put into your endless inventory. And some of the things you might find useful, some of them are pretty much just garbage.

And in a way, that is what a translation memory is. Instead of collecting garbage, you are collecting translations that the translators did for the previous projects. And in some cases, the translations can be reused for new projects because the strings, the sentences and the paragraphs they translated before are occurring again.

So they don’t need to translate from scratch. They just take it from the translation memory and automatically use it for the right string. That’s it.

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