Localization Academy

Analyzing The Course Landing Page For Translation – Live Localization, Day 2

How do you localize an online course into another language? We’re going to show you exactly that! In this second video, we shifted our priorities to stay lean (& smart) and decided to first localize the landing page into Arabic.

Welcome to a new series called Live Localization where we show you the process of localization from start to finish. Together with Ahmed from Words, we’re going to localize our Localization Project Manager course into Arabic.

Andrej Zito 

3, 2, 1, 0. Hi, everyone, this is Andrej with Ahmed. We are back with our live localization project. Ahmed, Hi. Say hello to everyone.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Hi everyone. How are you today?

Andrej Zito 

So hopefully, you guys will be joining us soon, I will soon switch to the to the desktop view that you saw last time. So all your messages that you have for us will be shown on the stream. So as last time, we again appreciate it all your comments and questions and your input, I think it helps us because like I mentioned, in the posts, we don’t know exactly how to do it, or how we do it the most efficient or the best way. So we’re still kind of like figuring it out on the way as we go. So all your input is useful to us. So with that being said, let me just switch this to the to the other view. There we are. So this should be good. So the thing that I, where am I going to start? I’m going to start by saying that the thing that I mentioned in all the posts like what we’re going to be doing today in the day two, I think we actually might scratch that partially, because I’ve realized one important thing, and that is the update that I have for you Ahmed. I think if you if you remember, what we were discussing initially, is that we wanted to maybe first gauge if there is even interest for this Arabic course, right? Because it doesn’t make sense for you to start all the translation. And then actually, nobody will be interested in the course. So what I thought is that what we could translate first is just the landing page that we can use to share with the people and actually start collecting their, I don’t know, interest. Or maybe if we even want to go a little bit further when we could do is we could do something like pre sales, where we offer the course at a slightly lower price while we are working on the localization of the subtitles. What are your thoughts on that?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Well, it makes… Actually. It’s like you read my mind? It makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Because because we we need to test the waters and testing the waters. Now we are drinking the water not not testing the water. Testing the water, testing the waters is very important in such initiative. And yeah, it would be great if we extend the this like this marketing and advertising thing. And give ourselves all the time we need in preparing the content into Arabic.

Andrej Zito 

Right? Yep, exactly. Okay. Let me change something here. And please, if all of you are watching, it would be very helpful if you at least said hi, because I’m not sure if we are actually live and if you can hear us, but I think everything at least on my part seems like it’s working fine. So if you can say hi, or thumbs up or something, please give us some feedback if you’re seeing this. Okay. So you agree with this. I also think it makes sense. And just do it just to give people maybe from localization, maybe translators or maybe people who are not familiar your item No with with a lean business approach is that you don’t want to invest time and money and in this case, your your time and the time of your team into doing something like localization. Before you know that there actually will be a demand for that. Okay, we have response. Hello. Yeah, hi guys can hear you. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much for confirming. So as I was saying,

Ahmed Elmiligy 

My Yeah. Yeah, thank you for

Andrej Zito 

Okay, can I continue? Can you hear me?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yes, yeah. Okay.

Andrej Zito 

So, just to, I’m not sure if I’ll be the best person to explain this. But basically, like when we’re talking about startups, and creating some new products or new services, there’s a lot of time that you can spent creating something, especially if you want to create it, I don’t know very, very well. And created, I don’t know nice product or service. But it needs a lot of time, like, for example, when you’re developing a new software or a new app. So the problem that can happen, and this is what used to be happening before time before that is that you can spend a lot of time and then you put out your perfect product into the market. But the problem is that nobody actually wants it. So the different way how you approach this thing is that you first want to test, let’s say the market, if there is demand if people are interested in what you want to be creating. And one of the things is that you can create a very simple landing page, which I’m going to show you in a while, and you can get people to sign up maybe for a waitlist. That’s one thing. But as I know, there’s a very big difference between people expressing interest by giving you their email, and actually giving you money. So if people give you the money, that’s the best way how you can validate the idea because people are actually willing to pay for it. I’m pretty sure that many of you know Kickstarter, Kickstarter is one of the ways how companies want to create something new, how they can validate if what they want to create, there, if there are people interested in that the people actually give them money upfront, and the companies that startups can use the money that they get from Kickstarter to actually build the product. So I think this is exactly kind of similar approach that we want to do here right now. Because maybe I mentioned it in the previous stream. The early analyze analysis that I did for the course, is around 50,000 words, of course, we can, you know, reduce it with using machine translation, and all those nice little things that we have in localization. But it’s still a lot of effort. And like I mentioned, if we do this, and then nobody is interested in the course in the aroma.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Something also

Andrej Zito 

Yes, please. Yeah, let

Ahmed Elmiligy 

me according to some study that I conducted in LinkedIn, about, especially that I posted it in Arabic, if you remember, I remember. Yeah, asking the guys if you would be interested in a localization project management course in localized into Arabic, and actually the the feedback was quite positive. And I actually met a lot of a lot of people in Egypt, for example, and then some friends from from the region who are very interested in something like that. And the case here, and I that we are doing SUBTITLING TRANSLATION. Not I believe it’s not 100% localization of the content, correct? Because we are not. And you would correct me if I’m wrong, because I have not seen the content constantly. Yeah, because what we are doing now is we are localizing subtitling, and that makes more sense to me. Although some of the feedbacks we received from like translators, and also project managers who are working in now, in the region here in Egypt, they they were asking to localize everything, including the presentation and the raw material and which is something that I think is going to take a huge year for now. I, practically when I was a product manager, I did not care that much if the material is in Arabic or the content is in Arabic, but training it when the training is all the perhaps the the trainers speech or the instructions and is localized Arabic that cuts an important deal of the of the training itself. Right. And I don’t really care if the material is localized into Arabic, maybe this is my personal opinion, I don’t really care the presentations are localized. But maybe maybe someone will like that. In recent training, conference that we conduct conducted last year, I was in Cairo, many of the Egyptian colleagues and students and some of the actually on also some of the professors in the teachers who are teaching translation, they were asking if Why do you prepare your material in English? Why you are delivering your speech or maybe your training in Arabic. And we have mixed opinions about this. Some there are some of the audience in Egypt for example, they prefer that everything in Arabic, even the right thing, a translation, or localization project management, this is a different topic. We, we do not really need to have the presentation. In English. I do not really see any, in we don’t really need the presentations or the localized material into Arabic. But we need the instructor. We need to understand and I believe this exercise will give us a lot of feedback. We understand what what the guys were. Right.

Andrej Zito 

Right, right. Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think it would be best if we create the landing page in a way that we can actually see what people want. I was even thinking that may be you know, like, you could, let’s say, Buy early into the course, which is only, let’s say, subtitles translated. And then there will be option where you could pay more, but you would get like a fully localized course, that that way we could, you know, like see if people are actually willing to pay extra for the voiceover because like, it will create a lot of extra effort. And I actually even think that it might be even easier if someone just redid the whole thing. Being Arabic, rather than trying to localize the voiceover.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, maybe maybe the content will need a little. Some tweaks to be like, right. And this is the very good point, because if I’m teaching of course, for Arabic speakers, I would prefer to speak in Arabic to speak in, but I still believe that all the content and material needs to be in English.

Andrej Zito 

Right? Right. Okay. So okay, good. So that means that we agree that we should start with the landing the landing page. So I won’t even show you how I collected all the files because in preparation for today, I was basically going through all the videos that I have, that I can share with Achmed once, we decided to actually go ahead with the SRT localization. And I was collecting all the sub panels so you can see it here. I just wanted to make sure that all fits the names of the videos that I have here, and this corresponds to everything that you can see in the course. So this is the course structure. And I think I would still need to export the, the titles of the lessons and of the chapters or the modules. But that’s what I was planning initially to do today. So we are good going to skip this part. And let’s talk about the landing page. One thing that I wanted to ask you like when you were talking about, you know, like, maybe project managers don’t need it in Arabic? Are you dealing with clients who are Arabic clients, and they talk to you in Arabic? Because you know, like, from my experience, I’m just, to me, it’s like, you mostly have international customers. So English is like, like the default language that you communicate with everyone. So I think in that case, it’s even better if you learn in English, because you are going to be using English to communicate with your clients, right? Or vendors. But how is your experience? Do you also have like a local customers?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, I have Aurora, actually, some regional customers, we have who speak Arabic. And but I actually I really meet the customer and Arabic customer, who prefers to communication and in Arabic, it was like him, I think it was like 5% of the whole. And when you say a customer, I have to be specific. A customer is not buying training. He’s buying local translations. Yeah. And this is a very nice question, because we’ve been doing all the Arabic translation to customers from Europe and the States, who are managing localization or perhaps selling their products into the Arab region. But it was I had I had I had experience with with Arabic speaking customers, who are actually a part with me bigger organization and multinational organizations. So all of our communication was like an English. But we the nice thing that when we were like discussing specifications, like the terminology, we communicated about this in Arabic, or maybe like explain things in Arabic, but the communication channel was mainly in English. This is, perhaps this is my personal experience, because some some other companies and other local language service providers in the region here, they have much more regional Arabic speaking customers, and they communicate in Arabic And they write down everything in Arabic and the perhaps like contract even in Arabic, there are things but it’s not my it’s not in my I have not been into this right. Because in the language industry, we have here a huge demand for in the Gulf, for example, they have huge demand for legal translation, which is usually local law firms in the Gulf. This has been Karabakh communicating and the translate things you’re breaking you think my connection now it’s better.

Andrej Zito 

We can give it some try. But you’re breaking up here and there. But it’s not that bad. It’s not that bad, it just only like a bowl of characters just fall off. Okay, so if we’re doing the, the landing page can I show so this is the page that I have right now for the course. So just to just to explain to you the structure of the the landing page for the course. So here we have the the name of the course, which maybe is not the best thing because maybe this is where you want to communicate some value, but whatever. Then we have a sub heading, which is the one where it communicates like what you’re going to get out of the course. So this is kind of like an extra text to convince you because the whole idea with this so this part here that you can see is called a hero section. And this is the most important part I would say is when people land on the page, you want to capture their attention right away and make it straight to the point what they’re going to get out of this so that they kind of like scroll down. Here is here is a thing that we probably might want to change, because here on the right side, you can see I have a trailer, which is fully in English. And it’s actually the the file that if you remember, we created last time as the as the test. So that is that thing. So we can completely change this. And I was thinking that maybe we should have something like, like a picture, something like this. And this is where I’m going to ask maybe this, this the super stereotype question. So do you think if if, let’s say we go with the image, because the image doesn’t need extra localization of the video or anything like that? Do you think that this lady should be I don’t know wearing? I don’t know how you call it in English? You know, like the like the typical Arabic person? Should the image be localized to someone who looks like? More like Arabic?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, yes.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. Yes. Do you think it makes sense? Or is it doesn’t matter? Doesn’t matter. Okay.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

No, it doesn’t matter. Okay, if you like, Okay, if you like, but it will be, you know, it doesn’t really matter hours have another idea, perhaps why we want to actually localize the introduction video. itself. I think it’s small, like what should be for, okay, instead of barren, because, you know, when someone will come to the, to the landing page, most probably he or she will be interested to hear what is this is about. And it’s localized into Arabic copy, maybe like, connects more than, like adding a picture of and then adding a picture of a guy or girls. This is just an idea, and I think it said it will not take much effort. And it will perhaps like show case, showcase the right? Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So in the in the case of the trailer, then we would still do only subtitles, right?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

We can we can still do it in subtitling, okay, no problem. If if you would like to, perhaps like try to rebuild it with VoiceOver I. I don’t know. I do not have an answer because they need to like this. But I think which voice or some?

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, you’re you’re breaking up again. I think you froze.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Now I froze.

Andrej Zito 

Now you’re back. Now you’re back. Now you’re back. Yeah, I think, at least from what I see your video is lagging a little bit. But you’re still with me. Right? Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it’s something with your intranet probably today. Okay. I think, technically, technically, in a world where we will have a lot of people come to the landing page, you could technically AB test it, right? You can have one version with the image and one version with the with the video and see how that impacts the signing up. But as I’m thinking about this, okay, because right now, maybe maybe it’s not obvious. Right now, this video is on YouTube. So I think if we do the SRTs, maybe, I’m not sure if I can embed it in a way that it starts automatically running aerobic translations, which would be the easier way because the assumption is that, okay, somebody lands on the page, they click play, and we want to automatically start playing aerobic subtitles, right, we don’t want to want to expect them to go set it up somewhere. So if there’s a way to do that, we can do that. That will be easy, because then I can just keep this video we’ll just add Arabic subtitles to it on YouTube and then somehow I’m going to embed it in the way that it starts playing around with stuff that was the second option is we just burned the subtitles to the video and we create another another video with with the subtitles burned. So it automatically plays in Arabic because if it’s going to be an Arabic landing page and we then we expect that and assume that most of the people I mean all of the people will be speaking Arabic,

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I think, I think burning the subtitle is more convenient, because, you know, some, I would assume that you understand that 80% or 90% of the visitors will come from their mobile phones. So, they will probably not have that much time to if this title The subtitle is, pops up directly without the need to change it manually, because nobody is doing this in Arabic, I assume. And also the subtitling the this automatic subtitles in, in YouTube is usually like rubbish in Arabic, usually like, nothing. Even the English is sometimes even the English

Andrej Zito 

share, but but you can, you can upload your translations.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, yeah, I know that. Yeah. So if I would, if I would go, I would go to translating the subtitle, and burning it into video shows is directly.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, I like that. Because it’s something something new that we can show, right. I think that like, localizing the landing page, like gives us a lot of things that we can, I don’t know, explore and maybe even show to the people like what localization is about. So I like this thing. And maybe maybe, while I’m typing this, maybe you can explain to people what burning subtitles means.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Burning the subtitle is usually in subtitle file is the common the common subtitle file is separate from the video. So you have to like, select it some from wherever, you saved it on your machine, and it’s going to be displayed. And then any common MediaPlayer is like, famous was this and but burning the subtitle is like, you stick it on a video, it’s like it’s a video editing thing, too, but when you burn it, it’s there is not going to be removed. And you do not need to select it somewhere on or maybe like as for collectors, cc buttons. In our case, for example, if anybody is watching from YouTube right now, you will find that this CC button is is is deemed as inactive because there is not nothing that we uploaded to the right channel at the time.

Andrej Zito 

Right. Right. Okay, good. Okay, so moving on. So that will be the hero section. I think that’s pretty fine. Then we have next week. Next thing, we have a bunch of testimonials. I think we even have a testimonial from from Eamon. Yes, man.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, we used to work together. She’s very good.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Where is she? There she is. Yeah. So we have a lady in the hijab. So all is good. So I think we have Yes.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Oh, go. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, yeah. So I wanted to what I want to say, oh, yeah, I wanted to say that I think we have maybe 20 or 30 testimonials, that are just basically scrolling through here automatically. I don’t think we need to localize all of them. Right? Because it’s just, it’s extra. So do we just pick a few?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I think it doesn’t really matter.

Andrej Zito 

I mean, like, the reason why I’m asking because I don’t want you to to, you know, like to translate extra things that we don’t need?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, basically, we don’t need we can we can make like two or three including events.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. Yes. And I think that’s quite important, don’t you think like to have a testimonial from the countries? To which, right? Yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I forgot. I forgot maybe I shouldn’t have asked us to join this live.

Andrej Zito 

Maybe next communicate that we

Ahmed Elmiligy 

used to work together and we communicate every once in a while.

Andrej Zito 

Right. Okay, so that’s clear for the testimonial. Then we have this section is pretty clear. It’s just what you’re going to get out of the course. Here’s a bunch of bullets. And here we have some cards. About What is part of the course? So 64 lesson on your assignments one community on Discord. I think that’s pretty clear not much to localize there. Well, we’ll still need to

Ahmed Elmiligy 

how long it is how many hours or minutes? You have an idea.

Andrej Zito 

I think it’s two hours total like like your footage just watching the videos I think it’s two hours something and then of course you have the 19 assignments and extra stuff. So media instructor This is information about me which I think will still stay there. But what I was thinking about is that especially since you’re doing this in your free time, I think it would be nice if we added the people who will let’s say would be working on the translation maybe alongside with you you know, so that it looks like okay like this is the instructor but these are the people Yeah, yeah. Okay. So okay, but the people yeah buy something Yes. So for this how do we do this? Do you tell me first like like some short bio about yourself? Or do we do you just want to be listed like hey, like hey, these people are helping with the translation and we just put out no pictures and your name and that’s it? Or do you also want some short bios for you and for

Ahmed Elmiligy 

you? Yeah, in a typical training course will be perfect if we like showcase the the moods bio or no problem in this case say you’re you’re the instructor so it’s better to view your your biography bigger than or this is the team who often agreed in this contract.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yeah. Yeah. Like the like these people bring you the Arabic version or something.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Oh, today okay.

Andrej Zito 

Something like this, but it means it means that I will probably have triggers breaking up again. hello, Yeah, your

Ahmed Elmiligy 

thing with content. You can see me Yeah,

Andrej Zito 

I can hear you but you’re breaking up. I think your video is completely frozen

Andrej Zito 

Okay, give us give us a few minutes and see. no no, no, you’re frozen.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so what I wanted to ask Achmed was, if we’re going to write BIOS about the people, and we just use those buyers only for the aerobic landing page. Does it mean we still need to write the bios in so let me switch to this one for a while. Well, Achmed joins zoom back because it messes up my whole setup. So what was I think? Yes, what I wanted to ask Achmed is me show you the spark, right. So if we are adding some bios for let’s see the translators, or at least for Achmed, do we need to create it first in English? So that then we can put it into Arabic? Or is it just enough if they supply the BIOS to me in Arabic, because in a way I don’t think we’re going to be and that’s another thing. I don’t think we’re going to be localizing this page in some very nice way. I’m actually going to do the things which all of the localization people complain about and that is getting translations in strings for translation in spreadsheet. What are you back? You’re back. Are you back? I can see but your camera is frozen. Yeah, Yeah, your audio is still choppy and your video is frozen. My camera’s still frozen. Yeah. Um, this is Sparta

Andrej Zito 

now it’s moving a little bit very very, very slowly. I think your internet is completely crappy today. Yeah, and even your, the quality of your video seems to be like a low resolution, but I think it’s okay if we can hear you. Okay. Yeah. Okay, so going back to what we were discussing about the Bibles. So is that something that you would just write in Arabic? Or would you write it the first thing in English so that we can translate into Arabic? That doesn’t seem to make sense to me? Hello?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I suggest it’s also the virus translated,

Andrej Zito 

translated, okay. So that means that you guys will need to give me the bios in English, right? Because you will know yourself better to write BIOS about it.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

We can use your if we have buttons,

Andrej Zito 

saying you’re breaking up a landing. It’s very bad. It’s very, very bad.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Oh. Think I would have to perhaps like disconnect for a minute and come back again.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, you can you can do that BDD BDD BDD. Okay, what can I say in the meantime? So okay, so we’re going to do this awkward, so that he would prefer to write it in English first, I don’t mind, I’ll need to also work on the layout. And because it’s basically adding a new section that we don’t have in the English one, so the English and Arabic landing page won’t be one to one. And we will do some, let’s say customizations. To to to make it better for the Arabic audience. Now, when it comes to the pricing section, I think this is something that again, I would be curious, I don’t think we especially if we only do the Arabic subtitles, then I don’t think we will be changing the pricing. Because if we let’s say award a price, then everyone could just get into the Arabic course. Right? Even if you don’t understand Arabic, because you’re still going to technically get the same content. Even if you only speak English. So I think credit pricing, it will stay the same. And I think I was mentioning in one previous videos that I was considering at some point. That may be you know, because not everybody can afford this. Wait. He’s back. Are you back? I’m back. You’re back.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Right now.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I think you have video on the Google Meets. Maybe start by turning that off and put your video into zum zum zum zum zum zum zum. See working Are you there?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yes. Can you hear me? Connection is much better. Okay. Good. Apologize for everybody on the live right now.

Andrej Zito 

I think I think you just have to turn on your camera on Zoom, and then we’re good.

Andrej Zito 

Up there, perfect. All right. So okay, so Let’s, let’s finish the discussion about the BIOS. So if you want to translate it, it means that you will need to provide me the

Ahmed Elmiligy 

bios, I think we, it’s it’s not a big deal is small and but touch is a very important part that the guys would like to know, the speakers or the trainers, or perhaps the team who worked in localizing the content. So it would be would be great if it’s localized as well.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I mean, yes, I’m fine with that. But question is, can you provide me the bias?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Oh, yeah, no problem.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. All right. So to buy a house? Maybe we can start with you?

Andrej Zito 

Because Because I mean, like, like, we’ll start by translating the landing page, right. And I assume that it will be you? Or do you already know if there will be someone else working on it? And then, once, once, once we once we see that there is a demand for the Arabic course, then we can add more translators, if we know that they will be actually working on the course. Right. Make sense? Okay, good. So the next thing that I was talking about is the pricing. And I think the pricing, we want to keep it the same as it is. And the reason that I was saying is that if the course is basically using the same content, it’s just the subtitles are translated, it means that even people who don’t understand Arabic if it was cheaper than why would they pay the pay a different price? Right?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Would you go back? Honestly, perhaps I shared my feedback about the pricing before then it seems to me, I’ve been a project manager and myself for years, and I did not see any kind of like, economic and easy to reach. Course, like this, the only thing that was available in the market was the project management course by the localization Institute. And I think that the other one is, is quite costly. And maybe, maybe because this is more academic, and it’s more advanced, it has bigger, but I sync, the way I see that your, your course is, is reachable to anybody. And I think I think we, if anyone will start with the basic and or the bluffs in Arabic, and it’s going to be very, very convenient for someone who wants to start with project management, understand what it is about. Especially that we when we used to teach and train new comers and junior staff and stuff like that, there was nothing in the market. We created guilds and we included some Arabic presentations or whatever. And I think I think the price is very reasonable. If anybody wants to be more, okay, do it

Andrej Zito 

well, that that would be a good test, like we would increase the price for the Arabic translation. Yeah. And the test is are you willing to pay extra for for the translations?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I did not actually, like converted but the way I think if I converted my my is very reasonable. Actually, yes. And I I understand that it’s there is a demand for for it in the market. Especially for people who are want wanted to join the project management as a career or students or translators who, who, who would like to learn how to manage their own projects, because we have to mention, every time I was like teaching, training, project management to a junior staff, or maybe someone who’s just joined, I say that it, if you are a translator is going to help you in managing your own translation work. And if you are going to manage projects and manage other other other teams, it’s going to be very helpful for you as well. Okay, and I see here what I see this is a, I think you are introducing Memsource license for 30 days, which is very nice. This is a very nice. Add on.

Andrej Zito 

Right. Okay, good. So, two thinks about this whole, or even three things. Why don’t we see what’s at the end? At the end? We have FAQ, I think that should be fine, just to translate. And that’s it. So three final questions. Or maybe four, how to know. And we can wrap up the stream with this. So question number one is, do we do the? Do we do the pre sales? Do we allow the people already to buy in? Because buying something is the best validation of a demand? Or do we just keep it as a lease? Sign up for the waitlist?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Could you please like, explain more is?

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, so this landing page will be created before we have the course. Right? So option number one, the easier one is, if you’re interested sign up here. And that basically means that people fill out the form and they give you an email. And that’s it. Okay, it’s an easy way. The second, more, more valuable way to gauge interest is to do pre sales. So it means people can already let’s say, buy the course before we even have it. Let’s say at some, I don’t know, slightly discounted price. And that way, if they already pay for it, it means that there is actually a real economical, let’s say demand for the course, because it’s very easy for people to just fill out an email, but you can have, I don’t know, 100 people registered. But in the end, I don’t know, only three will buy the course something like that.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I think this thing has to be like tested as well. I’m not I’m not really sure how it’s going to go. Right. But it’s natural that if you open the signup option, you will have lifetime many, many people will sign up but who will actually who will? Actually, boy? Yeah. So I suggest that it’s to be tested before. Before we can make a decision about

Andrej Zito 

we’re right, I’m thinking how to how to test it. I think I think the way I would approach it, so I was thinking two things. Number one is you can buy early, buy early into the let’s say the version where it’s just translation. Sorry, like the subtitles translated, like what we want to do initially right? And there could be I don’t know a sign up or afford the fully localized course. Because because we don’t know how we would prize that. So that’s one option, option number two. Well, option number two would be to a be tested but I don’t think we’re going to get that much traffic to make it meaningful. So to me, option number two is that we just start with pre sales and see how it goes. And then if nobody is interested in that, then we just change it to the signup list will be Okay. So what did I say? I forgot. So option one, pre sales plus weight is for look, option to start with pre sales and then see if we need change. weightless. Okay, so that is that thing. So if we do pre sales, this is where I’m going to ask you about the payment systems. Are there any special payment systems that are used in the Arabic world? Or are people generally fine with PayPal, and debit credit card? For online payments?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

And recent days? The credit debit card are the most common for international payments. PayPal is not PayPal has many problems in Egypt, perhaps it’s like, yeah, if you are able to send money, you will not be able to receive money and, and stuff like that. It works in one bank doesn’t work in the other. And it’s not, it’s not consistent to pay bail is not the best option in our region. Okay. But I think credit card, debit card, yeah, this will work. We can start to buy things from the internet recently. I prefer to learn anything. Yes.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Sounds good. So there’s no like a local auto sum payment gateway. Where people have money.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

There are local payment gateways. But, you know, we tried it for like local events and stuff like that. Tickets and training and it’s, they are very, very complicated. The they will not be easy to like, you know, get your money back, they will cut a big chunk of it. You know, it’s it doesn’t make any and, you know, I don’t prefer even if we are like in Egypt and delivering the course, the course year, I would only use them.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Okay, cool. Understood. And the final thing that I wanted to ask and this is very important is so the plus version and above, it comes with the certification. And the way that the certification works is we have a bunch of final assignments at the end of the course, which then the students submit to me, and I verified them, and I even have a chat with the students about it. And once they finish all the assignments, and they do it well, that’s what actually gives them the certification. So there is this human aspect in the course, which shows or I don’t know, verifies that you have actually done the course and that’s what gives you the certificate. So it’s not just you go through the videos, and then you automatically get a certificate. So how would this work? If we do this for the, for the for the Arabic audience, do you think they would be still okay to do that with me? Or Should there be someone Arabica that they will be speaking to?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Someone Arabic does speak to him? I’m not sure I understand this word. What do you mean?

Andrej Zito 

So at the end, the people need to submit their final assignments to someone who verifies it. They have interaction with a person. So yeah, okay, if that person is me, because well, technically, I’m the guy in the videos right? Or do you think it should be someone Arabic

Ahmed Elmiligy 

It doesn’t really matter, but I don’t think it’s really matter if the will come in because they if they will communicate with you much better. But if you would like me to help you with this, okay, I can be the person who will validate the the questions, but as an Arabic speaker, but I don’t think it’s necessary. Okay.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, good. Okay, good, good, good, good.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

That assessment is very important and the certificates also The certificate also is very important because they like the like to, like share it with the friends and add it to their profiles

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so speaking about the certificate, do you think this certificate should be localized?

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I don’t think so. Doesn’t really matter.

Andrej Zito 

Right. Okay.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

If someone I used to I used to make like an Arabic in some some of the local courses I used to make an English certificate then and Arabic one translated one into Arabic because some somebody if somebody would like, like to share it with the send it somewhere share it as reference in any like Arabic university or accompany or something. Just not. I think the the will if anybody wants it, it can be prepared. There was extra fees.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

All right, they came to me. Yeah, if anyone wants. And here’s another idea that if someone wants to have a hardcopy sent to him, or Yeah, but you mail it, you would probably pay for it the everybody does this.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Well, I mean, surely we can we can explore those options later. Okay. So I think it is quite clear.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

I used to do this in the past. Yes. Send it send a hard copy.

Andrej Zito 

So do you have any comments about the landing

Ahmed Elmiligy 

COVID-19 and stuff like that?

Andrej Zito 

We can send you hear me? Yeah, I can. Yeah. Do you have any other questions about the landing page? I think we covered

Ahmed Elmiligy 

No, no, what I was going to ask you perhaps if you can share a couple of videos with me. So I can I can get familiar with. I can dive deeper into into the into the course. It’s a very, very good.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. I’m not sure if you already signed up. But if you sign up, I can I can give you access to the course.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

All right. All right. Yeah, I will. Yeah. Okay, cool. I guess someone who left at me right now, are you going to localize a course that you haven’t seen yet? Well, yes, we do adventures.

Andrej Zito 

Well, we said that, I mean, once we proceed with the course localization, then of course, I mean, you’re gonna get the access to the videos right now. But then if you like, involve more translators, like, we will give them access as well. Right, because they need it as a reference anyway. So. Sure, okay, good. So one hour. So, I think I’m clear on this right now. So I think the next stream I can do on my own because it will basically be about creating the landing page with the things that we just discussed. So I don’t think you need to be sitting there, but of course, if you want to watch that will be fine. And then once I have the landing page, then we can create the project in Kratos and I can send it to you and then you can do the translation and then we put it back and then hopefully we create the landing page. And also like another thing is that when when we when we have the translations then you will also need to help me with the layout right because some of the things may need to be swept right like the order

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Yeah, I was I was going to mention this Okay, good. I was going to mention this because when when you will create an Arabic landing page. You will have some perhaps you will have some struggle with the layout. Yeah. We will assume that we will have to fix some stuff.

Andrej Zito 

Oh yeah. Yeah, no worries. We can we can do that together. Once we once we have the translation. So that will be again something I think interesting. I’ve never done I didn’t do much RTL in my life. So Okay, good. That’s it. Final word.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Thank you. I’m sorry if my connection was not the best thing today. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, good. All right. Well, that’s it from us today. For today. Thank you everyone who’s watching either live or on the odd the recording. And like I mentioned, I will be doing the next stream alone, which will be about creating the English landing page which with the with the with the Arabic localization in mind. So I will be doing that I will show you how to do it in Elementor because you were using Elementor Elementor is a plugin for WordPress. So basically adjusting the landing page in WordPress so that it can be localized into a Radek. So that will be the next what the next stream will be about. Probably next week. Alright, nobody has any questions. I mean, no comments. So thank you for for doing this with me. I think I think this was a good, interesting discussion about the whole landing page localization. And so we’ll see what comes out of that.

Ahmed Elmiligy 

Thank you so much. Thanks.

Andrej Zito 

Bye bye bye, everyone.

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