Localization Academy

Financial MT, Tips for Game Localization Testing

Machine translation engine for finance from Lingua Custodia. Testbytes share tips for testing your game localization. Learn about International SEO in a video from Venga Global. What are 4 localization strategies for different game genres? More localization tips for marketers.

6:03​ – Financial machine translation company Lingua Custodia
14:09​ – Localization on social media
20:37​ – Venga Global publishes a video about International SEO
24:26​ – Tips for game localization testing by Testbytes
31:34​ – Yolocalizo shares 4 strategies for different game genres
37:00​ – Marketing localization tips from Motionpoint

Andrej Zito 

Hello, everyone, this is Andrej and this is I think it’s the fifth episode of the localization podcast. So welcome, everyone. How would I start? I think maybe I would start by saying that the previous episode, I shared it, and I publish it on, I think it was Thursday or Friday, maybe even Friday. So I was late by few days. I think that originally in the description of the podcast, I promised that the podcast is regular and is, and you can get the new episode every Monday. So I was laid by a few days. And the reason for that was that I, one week ago, which was Sunday, so by the way, I’m recording this on Sunday, and it’s already 10pm. So one week ago, I went to a dance audition. And because I was like, really into it, and I was really lucky with the with the songs that we dance to the rest of the day, I just spent, you know, like listening to the song and thinking about dancing, and I just couldn’t focus on anything work related.

Andrej Zito 

And then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I just try to be a bit more social, and how when I with my colleagues on two different days. So again, I kind of discovered for myself that I am very bad at mixing these three things that I have to juggle, which is kind of like dancing, relationships, and work or just creating content. So when I start doing something, I find it like very difficult to switch to the other thing with full focus. So yeah, it was late with the release, and now I’m trying to get back to schedule and maybe I’ll switch the weekly release to Tuesday. I think I still remember that when I was checking, like what are the best days to post on LinkedIn, which I think is still the main platform where I should be sharing the podcast. And I think that in that article, it was said that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, are usually the best during the lunch period.

Andrej Zito 

So I assumed that Monday is not the right one because people are probably recovering from the weekend or they have too much work. And then Friday, they’re like more lazier. So they don’t have that much interest in going to LinkedIn. So I think I’ll try to do the next post on Tuesday, which should give me enough time, since it’s Sunday. And if I finish this one today, hopefully I’ll do that, I think as well. So tomorrow, I’ll prepared the quick copy. And on Tuesday, I can release it and then hopefully, continue with my regular schedule. Although I think I released this, the last one, Episode Four, I think it was on Friday, and it got like pretty decent amount of use compared to the previous one, which I think was getting the views pretty slowly. But I’m not sure if it’s because if it may be related to the, to the to the image that I attached to it, because the previous one was 16 to nine format.

Andrej Zito 

And this one was a square format. And it was with the new picture, which is like much more positive than the previous one we’re about was kind of like picking my nose, at least according to what my colleagues and so that may be a factor as well. Anyway, I don’t want to prolong this any further, because I think I’m already a little bit warm nap warmed up. So let’s get right into the content. And for the last week, I think maybe it was is it week 31 or week 30 I think it’s probably week 31. So once again, there’s not much on Later. And let me get my notes. Most of the articles again, once again, had to do with m&a business, IPOs, investment, stuff like that. So it’s pretty boring. But once again, the social media came to the rescue. And there were a lot of interesting pieces shared on social media.

Andrej Zito 

But here we go, Slater, I’ll just try to go quickly. So the first article was talking about acquisition on the German or Swiss market. I’m not even sure. But the most important information that I noted down from the article was that there are 750, lsps, in German, and Switzerland. So the market is pretty fragmented, and I had no idea about us. second article was about a company called lingua custodia. And this is the one for which I took most of the notes. And I learned, again, something new. And this is a company that is specializing in financial machine translation. So pretty much every week we talk about machine translation. And this is the first time that I kind of discovered that there is a company that specializes on a certain industry when it comes to machine translation, so I didn’t know like, what would the other companies do?

Andrej Zito 

Like if they’re trying to put all their translations going like, across different industries? And they try to feed the the same model? Maybe that’s what Google did. And I think I mentioned this in either the last episode, I think, maybe No, I think it was two episodes back when I talked about Google’s massive multi lingual nmt, which is just one model for all languages. So I would assume that they fed all the data that they had. So these guys are probably focusing on financial, not probably, they’re doing it they’re focusing on financial translations only. And they’re feeding the data into the, into the engine. So my question, as I was reading, this was like, okay, so does it mean that there is like market for different mt providers, or the call that way and the providers for different for different industries?

Andrej Zito 

Like could there be like, I don’t know medical focused, empty, could there be like, tech focused, empty, legal focus, empty? I don’t know. I didn’t do the research. So that’s a shame on my part. I’m not a good reporter. But this is just like the first thoughts that I had when I was reading this. And let’s say that like, You’re like a big company, let’s say like, more Avia and LSD. So you have clients across different industries? Wouldn’t you then have the same? I mean, not the same data but access to like a lot of data across different industries? And you could train like your own industry specific models? Or do the clients want? Justin model that’s trained on their own translations? I have no idea. I have no idea. Okay, so going back to the article, I have two interesting quotes. I think they were provided by the CEO of this company.

Andrej Zito 

And they said that their machine translation engine is specifically designed for investment finance, and corporate finance. They also said that there’s a strong interest for the main specialized, empty and this I can add, read empty, empty services and the services. Yeah. Okay. So I’m just I’m just thinking about Right now, like, should I start like, oh, gaming? Hey, that would be ideal for me, should they? Should we just like start right away like empty company that’s focused on game? Game translations only? Or, for example, like if you are gaming translation company, can you leverage your data and build like mt for death? I don’t know, a lot of questions. No answer. The next number three, the article number three was about some new higher rates across different companies.

Andrej Zito 

And my comment is, man. So I don’t know what the article is about, like, these are like new people that were hired into localization coming from different industry, because I know that some of them were would fit that pattern. But they were usually like, I don’t know, like, Director of Sales, business development, marketing and stuff like that. I know that one of the guys was talking about digital marketing. So that it was a little bit interesting, but it was nothing new. article number four was about sleep at all. So I think that’s a Korean company that I mentioned. Probably in the second or third episode, I don’t remember anymore. And these guys have an I remember is very well, these are these guys have kind of like a translation services where you can like request something.

Andrej Zito 

But the smart thing about that is that every translation that goes through their platform, is then used to train. Well, actually, they’re not training. Are there nmt. I think their main business is from reselling of language data to AI and Mt. companies. And I think the article was about their IPO. So that is not very important. article number five. This was about the government awarded contract in UK for language services, I think it was worth around 3 million USD or something like that. And it was split. Cross nine lsps. And that’s about it. And the last article number six was about certain merger in Estonia. Okay, that’s it. Nothing very interesting, nothing very practical for us. Maybe I’m thinking like, maybe I should just, I’m not sure. Like if the direction of this podcast is actually correct.

Andrej Zito 

It’s still good for me because I get to practice my speaking. Which, by the way, I should have brought up right at the beginning. So that people who listen to this for the first time are not surprised or don’t have like high expectations. Because this is really, mainly just me, talking to myself, about what I see on the internet, what I see in the social media, what captures my attention, and I’m just recording this and sharing, and hopefully, maybe somebody will find this useful. And then truly Anyway, now that I just did my position. Let’s go talk about the social media. Facebook again, I mentioned it several times. That one is pretty much that so there’s nothing nothing valuable happening there. So I totally skip it. Then Reddit, I mentioned that we got like a new moderator on the localization subreddit last week.

Andrej Zito 

And he promised that he will try to like each week share something interesting. But so he did post something I saw something on Reddit but it was something like probably like a joke or something like an image like from bad localization. It was like from a from a golf broker. Cast, I think. So nothing really valuable. But to be honest, I haven’t contributed anything valuable at all. By the way, I’m not even posting this podcast to the subreddit. So maybe I should, because I’m just afraid, what would be the what would be the the feedback in case nothing new on Reddit, and Twitter. So Twitter, I was checking Twitter yesterday when I was going to see and, and what is what is the name of the doctor like food specialists like ortho something. And I was checking to Twitter.

Andrej Zito 

So that’s, and basically I discovered like new way how I can be more productive on a commute. Because every time and then I, every time before I start recording the podcast, I basically go over all the articles on Slater. And I also go through the different social platforms and I try to go over the localization hashtags, or if there are any groups that I joined, I go through them. And so I do this everything pretty much at once. So I have to see the history of all the posts from the last week. So I think like today took me like one or no, almost two hours, I think. So this could be something more practical, if I do it, like every day, you know, like 2030 minutes. And maybe I will also see those posts in more detail rather than just skimming through them, like I can do right now. So, so Twitter, there were a couple of things that caught my attention.

Andrej Zito 

One of them was this company called VOCA bridge, that’s voc a bridge. It’s kind of like a lion bridge. So I saw like, a lot of posts from them, you know, because that’s, that’s how I just, that’s how I roll. You know, I just search for the localization hashtags. And then I scroll through the posts. And you know, because I like recognize, like, if something like repeats, then can like, stands out. And so this company, and their Twitter account was the one that stood out because I seen like a lot of a lot of posts from them for the localization hashtag. And I took a screenshot, so I was checking them out now before the recording. And what I discovered was that they’re actually very active, which is true, they, the the post, like a lot of stuff, but it’s not their original content. So it’s usually shared stuff. I also check their website.

Andrej Zito 

And the funny thing is that when I wanted to see their team to maybe, you know, contact the CEO, and tell them that, like or maybe like, ask them, like, if they’re planning to do like, some original content, or if their strategies just like, you know, sharing content that they find around the web. There, our team page has nothing there like no photos, like I don’t even know like who is the CEO. So it’s kind of very, very sad that they’re trying to be so present on Twitter. I think they’re not on LinkedIn. At least I haven’t seen their posts on the localization hashtag on LinkedIn. So if they’re spending that much time on Twitter, maybe they should just update update their page because I don’t know about you, but for me, like About Us page or like our team, that’s like one of the main things that I check, either as like a potential employee or maybe like as a potential customer, I want to see who I’m going to deal with and what are the the people are wearing suits and they put on their fake cowboy boots smiles or if they look like normal people.

Andrej Zito 

The second thing that caught my attention, and we’re still in the Twitter arena, that was a company called localize, and it’s okay a Li s e And the only note that I have here is that they provide automated localization. So it kind of like fits into the agile, continuous localization. I guess they have like, their own solution. Or like their own API I have, I have no idea. And unfortunately, I cannot provide more feedback on this. I don’t know even why I put it here. Anyway, the third thing that I saw there was from venga global, so venga. I already mentioned them in the previous episode, when they’re kind of like a chief HR person, she also, she’s also probably CFO, she shared an article where they talked about their best HR practices. So this time, they shared a video about international SEO.

Andrej Zito 

So video, and this is actually something kind of like a hint for you. And also for me, because there are not many videos shared for the localization hashtag. So I think that as I was watching that, I was thinking like, yeah, like, I need to do like a lot more video content for the hashtag. Because the only video so far that I shared on LinkedIn, I think wasn’t even tagged as hashtag localization, because it wasn’t related to localization. But that should be like my main niche. And there’s definitely opportunity for it. Because, as I mentioned, there are not many videos. And the people that do the videos usually keep them in 16 to nine formats, so they don’t know how to do it the right way. And so going back to this video, the quarter was pretty good. And actually, when, as I was watching it, like, there was this lady talking, she kind of reminded me of myself because of the quality.

Andrej Zito 

So she had, she had a lav mic. So her quality, like the audio quality was pretty good. Her lightning was almost the same as my like, exactly like she was standing like in front of a white wall, same as me, and she had like this little glow from like a lamp, like at the bottom left side of the video, which is the same for me. Um, they also did like a little bit of like animated graphics in it to display, you know, like website and how it flips into localized version and like, why SEO is important and keywords and blah, blah, blah, and stuff like that. So I mean, content wise, it was pretty, pretty good video. And I was actually wondering, like, if Vanguard is like starting to do like more content sport of their marketing strategy. And so I checked their YouTube and they actually did several videos in the last few months.

Andrej Zito 

They are not very, very big on the video content. And the same way he was there in the previous videos. And their videos don’t have that much views besides the very first video, which is kind of like introduction to Bangor global, which I would assume is probably embedded or like linked on their website. So that’s why it has that many views. So yeah, that’s it for Twitter. And now finally moving on to link in which I was checking just before I started recording this. And there were two interesting things. And actually from two new companies that I haven’t seen and mentioned before, so the first one is test bytes, test bytes, and they have quite a lot they have more than 11,000 followers on LinkedIn. They are not focused on localization only they are software testing and QA company according to their LinkedIn profile.

Andrej Zito 

But they just made like this one nice infographic about successful game localization tests. And it’s a very nice movie, I can just read through it through the steps, although I don’t like that I’m just kind of like stealing their content, but hopefully, it will be okay if it just like part of the podcast. So number one, do not wait till the end of development localize the features as per completion. So this step is pretty, pretty clear, especially if and I mean, like, it’s 2019. So everybody should be exposed to Agile Software by now. So we’re no longer doing the waterfall so you don’t wait until like the English is fully done. Because then you would have like, a limited amount of time to do your whole localization process.

Andrej Zito 

So this is kind of self explanatory and kind of, like, obvious to me that you don’t wait until the end of development and you need to do it on as I don’t know, for example, like as a sprint of the game completes, then you start the localization, localization testing, or, or Yeah, we’ll start because I’m thinking be between like sprains and like how to call the other approach, which is like, okay, we we created these certain tickets, so let’s just mark it as complete and then certain, like the next. Well, it’s not sprained, because it’s not time boxed, but it’s based on like, certain features. Okay, second step is cross collaboration between team is important. So that’s kind of obvious. It’s important for everything. Tip number three test critical business scenarios. So I’m not sure what this means.

Andrej Zito 

What are the critical business? scenarios? Is it something like related to like payment, for example, like when you have like a mobile app? Or I guess maybe like, in your game, you have like certain certain areas of the game, or the process of like getting people onto the game that are like, critical for the business. And they need to be tested more carefully. That’s why I’m thinking right now. Tip number four, ensure there is no message resource attributes and linguistic errors. No message. What does it mean? There is no message. linguistic errors, yeah, we get that that can happen. The resource attributes. Tip number five, check the usability of the interface. So yeah, that’s, that’s pretty good and relevant to the games. Tip number six, have a thorough idea about censorship and cultural appropriateness with respect to the target audience.

Andrej Zito 

So yeah, this is a big thing that and by the way, I have like zero experience with with games localization. So I think this is what usually we, when we talk about, like localization, it’s like adapting to like cultural to the local culture. Right, but the sector official, official, official description of what localization means. But in practical terms, especially like if you’re a project manager, you just like send it to the to the right people and you expect them to do the right job. But maybe with gains, there’s like a lot more that you need to do when it comes to culturally adopting your game. Step number seven include native language speakers. Alright, that’s pretty obvious. Um, so yeah. So if you are, if you are interested, I mean, like if you’re doing QA and software testing, not only for gains, but in general, these guys seem to put like a lot of great content.

Andrej Zito 

Like educational, and it’s it’s pretty good like, this is like so far the best content strategy execution that I’ve seen so far, it’s even better than Moravia. Like for example, I’m just like looking at their LinkedIn profile and their posts like 50 qa interview questions to land the job. Smoke testing explanation with example, I check that article and it was very good 52 software tester interview questions that can land you the job that’s kind of similar. For them this 121 best programming movies, software testers must watch. That’s brilliant. Software testers, salary, India, UK, Canada and USA 2019. Very good. So I guess no wonder why to have that many followers because they really do. provide great content for free. And okay, I guess that’s all I have to say. So, I have one more thing here.

Andrej Zito 

And oh, actually, no. I have two more things. I forgot about the second one. Because I didn’t do too, because I didn’t take the keynote. So the second thing was, and I discovered this on Twitter. And then I saw it again on LinkedIn. It’s from this guy, I I added him into my, into my network, but now I just totally forgot what his name was. Or here is Miguel Sepulveda PMP. So he’s, he has his own blog called yo localizer. And he does like a lot of he creates a pretty, very good content about games. localization, and this one that caught my attention was, it’s not I wouldn’t call it like an infographic. It’s kind of like, just like an image with like, a lot of text. And it says localization strategies for different game genres. So he split. Well, it’s actually not like, genre. I mean, okay, it could be genre.

Andrej Zito 

And so he split it into four different game genres, hyper casual games, casual games, mid core games, and hardcore games. In for every type of these schemes. He says, like, What is his experience? And like, what is the requirements or localization? And this was, this was pretty, pretty nice. For me to learn about to learn about a different how do we call it scopes? No, like just different localization strategies for for different different content types are source quality, but source quality be the right word to say this? Probably no. I’m just confusing. See, now you can see how difficult it is for me to express what I’m actually thinking about. So I will not read everything, maybe I can just pick some some things. So for hyper and and maybe we can, like try to find like, parallel with with things that I actually understand, which are I have more experience with which is like software and marketing, localization.

Andrej Zito 

So for hyper casual games, it’s mainly about translating the UI elements, App Store description, key words, and it’s not necessary to have a strong setup of LSP. Okay, for casual games, one to two lsps consolidated vendor approach is recommended. You might have random QA sanity checks, and it’s good to have glossaries Mid core games, the localization becomes more strategic. You need a solid terminology style guides are crucial. context and screenshots are shown show. Okay, that’s a very good point. Outsourcing model works better for scalability, different monetization scheme or country. Okay. And then for hardcore games, this is where you need very high effort and cost from a localization perspective. And this is a great new voiceover if you do subtitles, you have professional translators, in each transcript, the game story, and blah, blah, blah.

Andrej Zito 

So, yeah, I’m just going to shout out, I think it’s called Yo, so spelled YOLOCAL. A high Z Yo, yo, lo kaleido. And so this guy, I think, uh huh. So from his, from his LinkedIn headline, it looked like he just mainly does his own blog. But he’s like a localization manager at kink. And if I’m not mistaken, King is like, the company behind crush candy is that the name of the game? A casual one. I saw one presentation from from them at one game, the game developer conference. Okay, I got lost again. And the third thing that I found it was shared by some it was shared this article was. So this content was created by a company called motion point. That obviously, I mean, that obviously, they’re claiming that they have a better solution for translating websites, better than using connectors between CMS and TMS. Better than using API.

Andrej Zito 

And they call it somehow turn key something something. I was trying to learn what it actually means on their website, but I wasn’t successful. And so they created this content, and then some other company, shared it on LinkedIn. And it is about localization tips for marketers. And it’s also kind of like infographic is an infographic, it has a lot of text. It has some images here and there. But it looks very nice, like the colors and the images are very nice. So I’ll just try to go through this quickly, or maybe not quickly. Um, so tip number one, define your target audience. And content localization isn’t just about language, you need to also consider consumer behavior, such as preferred payment types and shipping options. Okay, that’s a good point cultural touchstones such as holiday celebrations and customs.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, because he might want to create like a specific marketing for certain days in the country, I guess. Locally preferred formats for dates units. Okay. So that’s kind of like, standard think. Second tip is define your business goals? Is your goal to increase online sales, localize all stages of your website’s checkout funnel, including product information? Are you testing the viability of a new market? In that case, you might just want to limit translations to critical content only. Yeah, so this is this is a good point. I’m not sure if we actually applied it in my experience. But yeah, like, if you’re like entering a new market, you probably just want to test the waters first. So you might want to reduce the scope for localization and see how the the critical the critical business content.

Andrej Zito 

And thus first before you do more, like maybe like, maybe you just want to start by, I don’t know, test testing, like, let’s say you have a certain product and you want to go into, I don’t know, let’s say, Korea, then you just might want to do like a website to, I don’t know, to, to raise awareness about your brand and your product. And at the same time, maybe you want to generate leads, but maybe you don’t want to do the full sales process yet. Because you’re not ready to deal with the customers with their payment methods, with refunds with customer support and stuff like that. So yeah, that’s my take on that. Tip number three, select efficient translation technology. Oh, so this is where this is. This is what I mentioned before that they have this turnkey proxy solution. I’m reading it right now. And I have no idea what it means.

Andrej Zito 

So they also mentioned CMS connectors, API’s, of course, both of them, they say, have some disadvantages, because of course, their solution should be the best. And it says that, I’m just going to quote quote this because this is like their public material. So turnkey proxy solutions, eliminate it effort, and fully handled the development, translation and ongoing operation of the localized website. Practically all effort is removed from your team. somehow magically, I don’t know how that works, but okay. Tip number four, approve a localized glossary and style and guide installer guide. Okay, so that’s kind of standard. Choose your translation approach, this is something interesting. So, conventional translation is word for word conversion of content from one language to another, but your company’s content may require other types of translation including localization.

Andrej Zito 

Do this is what I would consider a standard next level is transcreation. Translating marketing copy may require this creative approach which captures the spirit of the source material but may take liberties with word choice for new ones at impact. So yeah, this would be definitely something something recommended for like high level marketing copy for example, like taglines or I don’t know your ad title is something that and the third and the in the in the in the next level above transcreation, which I think I have never heard before. It’s called transliteration. in some markets, brand, or product names should be repackaged in ways that makes sense to local customers, such as using wordplay to evoke a brand’s aspirational qualities. So not sure how this differentiates from transcreation

Andrej Zito 

But okay, I guess I guess so. to comment. analyst IP is international SEO considerations. I coin booth talked about this a little bit when I mentioned the the venga global video about SEO. So let’s see what these guys say they say we should translate metadata and structured data such as page titles and descriptions. That’s pretty obvious. Do not embed translatable text in website images. Wait, what does this mean? Do not Ember translate with text instead overlay webtext across images to make it detectable by search engines. Oh, okay. Yes. Wait, is this actually practice that’s being used? Do they actually mean not to? Wait? Do they actually mean that? What he says is standard practice? Well, the standard practice is that you just create like a text layer. But then when you export it, so so you create a text layer so that it’s easier to localize it because you just look at the text layer.

Andrej Zito 

But then when you export it, it’s still just like an image. So are they suggesting that text should not be part of the image at all, and it shouldn’t just be kind of like, positioned over the image like with CSS. I’m not sure if I have ever seen this in some website. I don’t understand this. Because like with images is usually the alt text that helps search engines know what the image is about, right. Okay. And third, recommendation for international SEO is connecting your global properties by cross linking multilingual websites, and offering intuitive language detection technology that helps ensure visitors find the luckless experience they’re looking for. I’m not sure what it means. They mean just like a language selector, or they know like they can detect like from which country coming from so they automatically serve you the website in that particular way language. I assume that’s what they meant.

Andrej Zito 

Anyway, so this was from motion point, not calm. And I can see right below this article that they have links to more articles, which also look very nice. They have very nice graphics. Oh, well, this one is so nice. This is kind of like a flow chart, not flow chart like to call it like the decision one, like, do you need your website? Yes, no. And then you go to the next step. I don’t know how this is called, like decision, decision something decision flow chart with code that way. And it’s really nice. Let me check one more. Oh, it actually changed. Oh, this one Russia. Global snapshot of Russian speakers. Oh, this is so nice. Oh, this this infographic is so beautiful. Yeah. Oh, beautiful. Okay, so that will be it. Motion point.com. Again, check them out. The one before was test bytes. Check them out as well. These guys do a lot of nice content. And you can learn a lot from it.

Andrej Zito 

So that will be it for this week’s episode. I guess I’m also not also, I guess I’m already entering the 15 minute mark, as I see in my Audacity. So and what is the time for me ever means 10:57pm. And I actually don’t want to finish. I really like doing this but I hope that I maybe I should I don’t know fuck. And also, by the way, I’m not touring that much as I thought I would be. Which is kind of a shame. Because I thought that would be my you know, unique attribute. But for some reason I didn’t feel the necessity to to swear a lot because like not many things base me off. And I just usually try to pick the good things. Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t be doing like more recordings like this and just talk about stuff that I encounter at work. And by the way, I already had this idea that I just need to dump my ideas that I should just at least you know, share them like publicly and social so that maybe somebody will take an action or something.

Andrej Zito 

Anyway, I need to go eat something because I was eating very poorly today. So I will stop the recording right here. I hope you enjoyed this episode and Yeah. Stay tuned. I want to do more content. Oh, and by the way, what is it today, it’s all goes to the it’s August August for it’s August for. So in less than three weeks I will be moving to Philippines where I’ll be staying for more than a month. And I also plan to have two weeks vacation during this time. So I hope that that one just get into full procrastination mode and I just be lying on the bed and or just going out. But I want to do a lot more content during those two weeks because I kind of want to test how my life would be if I did content creation and dancing and being more social and going out.

Andrej Zito 

If that would be my life, kind of like 24 seven because I really enjoy doing content, doing videos editing, just talking and I like and hope well, I don’t get that much like response from people consuming the content. But I still like the process. And if I get like more little bit more feedback than it would be even more engaging and rewarding. Okay, now we’re just talking bullshit. So I’m going to stop right here. Thank you very much for listening. This was the localization podcast, episode number five. Thank you and I will talk to you in a one week bye.

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