Localization Academy

How To Add Arabic Subtitles To A Video In Adobe Premiere? — Live Localization, Day 9

How do you localize an online course into another language? We’re going to teach you precisely that! In the ninth video, we show you how to add Arabic subtitles to a video in Premiere Pro.

Welcome to a new series called Live Localization where we show you the process of localization from start to finish. Together with Ahmed from Words, we will localize our Localization Project Manager course into Arabic.

Andrej Zito

Hi, everyone, welcome back to a new stream that we are bringing to you. So my name is Andrej from Localization Academy and I’m here with Ahmed. And I can hear myself. Ahmed from (Creative) Words. Yes, that’s Ahmed. So, what we’re going to be doing today is, as you have seen from the title of the video, we are going to be burning the sub panels that Ahmed and his team has finally finalized. I think you took a different approach, right? I think you just translated everything and then you did the manual timing tried to fit the video, because it’s just better to do it that way. Right?

Ahmed Elmiligy

We translate it directly from video, created new subtitling, the new time good. Front Line. Break.

Andrej Zito

Okay. Good.

Ahmed Elmiligy

See it, see how it looks like.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, so I’m going to show it to you right now. And also, if by any chance, you saw the last stream, I was trying to copy paste the translations that Achmed did before for the On screen text in the video. But when I shared the video with with with Aqua, and he said that it’s actually corrupted, like the text was not very good. So I had to redo the things. And I will show you exactly what I had to do to fix it. So that you are also aware of that, even though I left the comment in the previous livestream for everyone. But I will still need to do some changes in the video. So I can show you that as well. And then hopefully today, we’re going to try to finalize the whole landing page. So we want to fix some of the On screen text based on documents feedback. And then we want to burn the subtitles that Achmed has just delivered. And then we want to upload the video to YouTube with all the things then we want to put the video into the landing page. So hopefully everything is fully Arabic. So that is what we want to be doing today.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Which is

Andrej Zito

all right. Let me change the view. And let’s get started. So where do I start with? Okay, let me maybe I’ll start with doing the fixes. So, here is my project. Premiere project. And I will show you exactly what had to be changed last time when I was doing it. Because I switched it again to European. So if I want to be doing the changes, ACMA told me to do a have to do this anyway. So Premiere Pro on its own is not very, let’s say multilingual, you have to change something here. So if you go into the preferences, and here we have graphics, you will see this option for the text engine. So there’s a how’s it called Radio Button between European and East Asian. And the second one is for South Asian and Middle Eastern. So this is what you need to have selected. If you want to be copying and pasting and creating text layers in Adobe Premiere with, let’s say Middle Eastern language. And that also like once you close up and right now I have European East Asian. So this thing is not enabled. But once you switch it to South Asian and Middle Eastern, you also can set the direction right to left. So it seems like I have it set correctly. So it should be working fine. So basically what I had to do and I did this off stream is that I had to really recreate the X layers again. Because just by changing the text engine, it didn’t fix the copy pasting that I did before, so I had to do it all over again. But even when I did that, still Achmed would like to fix something. So I got this PDF from Archimate. And I think many of you are familiar with this. It’s basically a PDF with comments. I think it’s used a lot. And so I assume that this means that I should just simply replace the, the existing translation with what’s here in the comment. Is that correct?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, correct.

Andrej Zito

Okay, and maybe you can explain to the, to the, to the people like why the Translation Translation changed?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Well, I, the translation, here was perhaps broken during the segmentation and travels. And the reason that we have to change it here, because I think there was the word like course, project management course, separated from localization course. And when you, of course, you don’t know Arabic, and when you started to copy and paste, and sadly, I was not here, because if I was able to attend live, they, we could have saved some time, like fixing directly. But segmentation is a very important thing in localization. And perhaps anyone who does real real localization work will understand the importance of segmentation. And the other reason that perhaps, when I emailed you to explain why we have to change the animation, because the animation in English video, started by, by different words, and animation is related to how the how the person can read the sentences. And in Arabic, we read the sentences in in a different manner. Not only that, it’s reading from right to left, but actually in grammar. We do not say localization project management. No, but actually in Egypt, in Arabic, we say the will say it in a different manner. We say project management localization, like it’s a project management course in localization. This is how can I can simplify how it’s pronounced in Arabic? I see. Okay. Yeah, that’s why we have to choose the not only that, we change the segmentation. And we added a missing word that perhaps was in the Excel sheet, the word course itself, and it’s a quick course. And we see on the screen here, it says that it’s the app, some seen it on the other screen. Yeah, it says that it is a quick force in localization, project management, translation localization project manager.

Andrej Zito

So is it translated as one sentence?

Ahmed Elmiligy

No, we, you mean, what I see now it’s not it’s not translated in translated into us splitting the sentence into two lines. Alright, and of course, with the animation is something preferential, I believe, it’s like a design thing, if you’d like to make it in three lines can be also. Right. We can think about that. If we want to, we can split and emit a chore. But simpler than that. It’s in the right. No, no,

Andrej Zito

no, no, I think that’s too much.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I mean, for example, yeah, for example, you can animate every word. But you don’t need that because it’s, it’s a very quick,

Andrej Zito

right. But what I’m wondering about and this is maybe as the I don’t know, the designer of the original message, you know, like this text was supposed to be not, it’s a localization course. It’s it’s supposed to just let’s say highlight the key words, which was localization and project management. That’s why those that’s why he didn’t say course. In the source text. i Yeah. So you think it’s better for the Arabic to was,

Ahmed Elmiligy

that was the Yeah, that was that was a like transcreation thing. We have to we have to You add the word course. And we, we, it’s without, without actually with the team that is going to be a bit confusing to separate between localization because the word localization itself in, translated in, in Arabic in as a poutine, which is not very commercial, not very common. Not very catchy. Too many. Actually, we added the word translation, we thought that we needed to add the word translation because the vast majority of the target audience that we would like to speak to is from the translation industry, which is, it’s a cultural thing, you know, by we add the translation because translation is involved, one way or another, right. And, and I understand that from the content, they will have to learn localization anyway, by any way they will have to learn localization in the middle of the course, which is the most important because this is the localization Academy.

Andrej Zito

Okay, good. And just one more thing, just just to make sure so if you have seen the video, there’s like, like, this thing appears first. Yeah. And then the auto think appears on top of it. Is it okay for Arabic the way it is right now?

Ahmed Elmiligy

The way it is? Right now on the other screen, where we fixed it is the most convenient

Andrej Zito

towards correct right now, right?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, yeah, it says a quick course in translation and localization project manager.

Andrej Zito

Okay. Good. So that was the first one let’s move on to the next change. Is this one this text is that that’s not this one.

Ahmed Elmiligy

This is the second change is is not really it’s a grammar thing. We discovered it during the proofreading. It’s not a mistake, but it’s also because of the segmentation because the guy saw that it’s a separate word. While in reality, you were actually seeing something that this course is divided into two parts. This word actually it means two parts,

Andrej Zito

right? Right.

Andrej Zito

Okay, so from

Ahmed Elmiligy

my grammar point of view, we fixed it.

Andrej Zito

Okay. So, paste Okay. Oops, what did I do? And it’s paste

Andrej Zito

thing and that’s correct. Now how do I send this as it’s centered give slightly centered. Okay. Next one. We have this thing here. So where is this text and gets this one okay

Andrej Zito


Andrej Zito

paste. Okay, and get changed. Let’s try something like this. And then the lady. Okay. So here I assume based on the comment that the first line is what should be the first line as well right, like the bigger red text?

Ahmed Elmiligy


Andrej Zito

okay. Okay, copy this, this one. Ace. Okay, that set thing and here we have the second one. That’s this, this one select All East there look good

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah everything looks fine

Andrej Zito

all right Awesome. Now let’s see what we can do about the subtitles so I think

Ahmed Elmiligy

I think we need to fix the animation of the intro at the very beginning

Andrej Zito

what exactly which part

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah the very first was the lady looking at

Andrej Zito

yeah so which part needs to be changed because I think I asked her about this

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay, can you go back to No no no at the very beginning

Andrej Zito

there’s no text

Ahmed Elmiligy

here here go alright, I can see it on the other screen Google meeting. Yeah, here here. You like you can see the animation here. The second line start first Yes. Which is not which is incorrect. Should the first line should start first. Yeah, so this is the reading or the thing

Andrej Zito

okay. So the second line should be first should it also be first or

Ahmed Elmiligy

no the yeah the first line is the top should be the first and the second line should be after it. I see I see okay. Okay. This is the logical sequence in Arabic

Andrej Zito

kami accepts paste

Andrej Zito

paste Okay, so the first thing is the top one and then the second one Yeah, okay. Good. So let me see what I can do with the SRT I think I should be able to just so this is how the assert T looks like in in here. Now let’s see what happens when I drag and drop it. I need to

Ahmed Elmiligy

I’ve never seen this before.

Andrej Zito

I mean, the subtitle burning

Ahmed Elmiligy

ad in the subtitle in Premiere is not really my thing.

Andrej Zito

Right? Format sub panel style. Sure. Are you interested in localization and project management where to start looking for learn how to

Ahmed Elmiligy

produce this problem is happening where Arabic Arabic letters are corrupt on the screen. They are not corrupt on the editing

Andrej Zito

Run run run right below now why is this happening

Andrej Zito

is it because of the font or no

Ahmed Elmiligy

no no I don’t think this is a fun thing. There is there is likely a an encoding hmm yep

Andrej Zito

probably 140 K let’s see what I can.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, it looks fine editor. But

Andrej Zito

let me premiere. What subtitle, subtitle to ethics and to manga to settle tested Premiere Pro.

Andrej Zito

SRT if you already have a prepared transcript, you will need to select Import captions from file Captions are styling options menu on this menu which covers the text engine and deciding the choices to European graphics

Andrej Zito

start up open the Options menu from the panels at the top of the Viewer okay maybe like me this back window I’m lines whereas it’s one of the captions many from the past at the top of the Viewer Where is that thing? Click the captions option in the next window to access the host I think I saw this somewhere next Oh captions right here all right, so we are here captions bom bom bom imports, import captions go away. Import captions from file whereas my father my father is here open import input files I’m fine fine. You have to transcribe this. Transcribe it’s gonna be their substance, Captions Captions style stream or months subtitle source timecode start source timecode or not the source time codes Okay, I think it’s still the same Why is it bad press create captions various caption formats. There is a styling option menu on this which encompasses the text engine I don’t have that oh boy

Andrej Zito

explore disable auto scrolling. If anyone in the chat has an idea how to do that. That would be perfect. But actually here it looks good. Here it shows the the question mark on the left but in the preview it shows it on the right side can you see it?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah in the BMU it looks okay in the editing bar down in Adobe perhaps this something we can consult someone

Andrej Zito

right but at least it imported correctly so just the way displace

Andrej Zito

why is this wrong? Track settings. Oh, here we go. I found it Middle Eastern.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Cool. I didn’t even realize that. So

Andrej Zito

I didn’t even need Google. Okay, it looks to be on the correct side. I think now I just need to change the font. And then it should be

Ahmed Elmiligy

good. You could do like scroll scroll to another sentence with a full stop.

Andrej Zito

Full stop where do we have a full stop

Andrej Zito

there’s one helpful stop.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, can you see if you can see that the three dots should be actually in other direction which is the alignment. So the Arabic now reads fine, but these false tops they need to be aligned. The next next to the to the last word

Andrej Zito

right Wait, got it. I think I know what you mean. But I can see even but there On the right side even in the source

Ahmed Elmiligy

know, here in this note where we can actually align it from right to left. We don’t have this like if you right click on it and asked I’m not sure if you have this on your system but if you right click on it in the note bed and ask them to align it from right to left Yeah look, this is how we read we

Andrej Zito

read the Arabic right yeah,

Ahmed Elmiligy

there’s many if it’s aligned the other direction I’m not sure why it actually in Windows is usually from left to right. So we have to move it

Andrej Zito

where is it because of the way I imported it No, it’s still no

Ahmed Elmiligy

it is no I don’t think so. Because it’s UTF dash eight with vom the encoding is correct. And yeah, we are learning because I have the situation sometimes and we we fix it easily in subtitle edit sometimes you have to fix it like manually

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

It is called Let me check the socket I will tell you what it’s what it’s called dysfunction and subtitle edit issues really it’s called Fix RTL the con Unicode control character right to left mode

Andrej Zito

windows to change

Ahmed Elmiligy

is usually sometimes it’s done for every like when you select everything I’m not sure if these functions are in Adobe Premiere but I assume it’s the master of everything so I think it’s it is their function is available

Andrej Zito

Hmm All right, let me try to see what happens when I change the font doesn’t help what is this something here? Oh, yes, yes. I found it there’s there’s a there’s a toggle here or right to left enables?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. It is it is Adobe Premiere so it’s it’s like yeah,

Andrej Zito

cool. Well, this can this think a cough

Andrej Zito

Okay, now how do I apply to everything? Can I select all of them make them right to left brunoise and let’s make it your nice font that you like here we go that’s this look good.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, we can bold and bold it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I would I would recommend to bold regular bear. All right, looks fine now. All right,

Andrej Zito

nice. We somehow did it. Now let’s see. Are you interested in localization and project management but don’t know where to start looking for a practical way to learn how to manage projects even if you have no previous work experience? I have good news and that seems fine. No care everything is there. The characters look nice. I think we just go in export it and then maybe I can share the video with you and you can play it on your own just to quickly check if it’s fine.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I Yeah, sure. I don’t want you to leave.

Andrej Zito

But I think it will be probably slow. So I’ll just explain it because I have to explain it anyway. And then I can share with you. Where are we where’s our rabbit?

Ahmed Elmiligy

I’m kinda in carries to go on with Adobe Premiere from here and

Andrej Zito

quite simple right once

Ahmed Elmiligy

my young brother is a graphic designer is I’m playing with it all the time. videos and all the stuff.

Andrej Zito

Okay, I’m just going to export it right away. All right, so let me go back to this one What time is it? 1052? A just ages draft I still think we want to add the thank you page, right?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, yeah. Do you like receive an email when everybody’s like subscribing and everyone? No,

Andrej Zito

no, I think so. So when they put their email, I think we just send them to another website, which will be like, Thank you, we will be in touch or something like that.

Ahmed Elmiligy

But do you have anything where you like, collect the emails of these guys? And

Andrej Zito

yes, the emails will be collected. Cool. That’s why we have the form.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Many, many a lot of friends. They actually asked for, how can we subscribe? Okay, can we just

Andrej Zito

right? Can I see how it looks like are you interested in localization? Oh my gosh, I’m stupid. Okay, I didn’t actually burn the subtitles i think i have to select something here. Oh wait one more thing I think this thing when it’s cross dissolves it dumps the thing but it doesn’t them the thing can actually cross this so this one where is the effect? Cross the solve instead work on subtitles it doesn’t Burr and just going to delete it that’s a little thing. Let me go again export and I think I have to check it somewhere. Captions yes, there we go. Captions burnt captions into video cool. There we go. It shows now BUM BUM BUM us maximum okay. No, wait, what’s this one? Captions and burn me overwrite the song. Yes. Export. Replace Yes. Okay. So this will be first Cupich

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay, okay burn burn burn

Andrej Zito

all right. Archie, are you interested in localization and project management but don’t know where to start looking for a practical way to learn how to manage projects, even if you have no previous work experience, I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place in the few weeks our course will help you learn the basics of the job and give you the opportunity to manage your first localization projects. Campaign looks good. So I’m going to share this video with you. Where do I upload drive

Andrej Zito

give me a second for those of you who are watching just want to share this with our commands. And actually even if you see it, it’s fine. What I’m what I’m so this shouldn’t be done. Okay. Alright, so err to share with anyone because why not? Copy the link. Now I’m going to share it with you through WhatsApp. there so you can download the video if you want to watch it on your end. Now, in the meantime, what I’m going to do is I’m going to click Create Thank You page and set up the form. Now how do I do it fast just clone the swan composition page around pick up your course or a big say this

Ahmed Elmiligy

right now I’m downloading the video.

Andrej Zito

All right to

Ahmed Elmiligy

make your final check open folder for this project

Andrej Zito

chair so I need to set up the header and the footer again for this one Elementor templates templates to builder any noise my header, header header header landing page around basic and the footer What are for Arabic? Okay, I just need to set up that this one also works for the thank you page. So page is one thing you are abic Okay, save and close and water display conditions singular they age. Thank you. Thank you. Alright, update let’s refresh this one

Andrej Zito

okay, so we have the header, and we have the footer in place, girths. So let’s make this very, very simple. I’m just going to delete all these things here on BombBomb. K. And I think what we want to say here is Thank you. No, let me open a new one. Thanks for your interest. And what do I say after That’s Thanks for your interest. Can I type it in? Thanks for your interest. And he will say and that’s

Andrej Zito

thanks for your interest.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Something like we will show the give back to you.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, I don’t think it will be that shortly. We will tack to we will contact you once the course is ready, now. We will contact you once we have no more will contact you as soon as the cars becomes available

Andrej Zito

then that works. I wanted to do this one one little thing is that I wanted to maybe embed the video way it’s maybe not. I don’t know. Thanks for your interest, we will contact you as soon as the course becomes available. So I wanted to do is in the meantime. In the meantime,

Ahmed Elmiligy

this is a very nice question because when the course can be available, it’s like after reaching a certain number of attendees or

Andrej Zito

we don’t know right? That’s the thing.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I mean, yeah, I mean, in general, how do you like schedule it? Like when you finish a course and you start a new one? Even in English I mean

Andrej Zito

wait, what do you what do you mean? Like it’s confusing the sentence

Ahmed Elmiligy

No, no, no, no, I was asking, generally, when, when the course starts it’s like when you finish when it was started, like after payment after registration, it’s an online course. So what exactly when? Why do we say when the course is available? Right, right. Well,

Andrej Zito

it will become available when when we have the subtitles, right? Because that’s the whole you

Ahmed Elmiligy

mean. This is about the Arabic course. Yeah,

Andrej Zito

yes, yes. Yes. Yeah, I’m just I’m just putting it here in English because if by any chance, you can, we can just have it translated right away and I can just put in the Arabic translations

Ahmed Elmiligy

again, we

Andrej Zito

will contact you as soon as the course becomes available in the meantime, check. Check how we got here. In the meantime, you can follow our progress on YouTube meantime, you can follow our progress on YouTube. And that’s where I would like to have the video of what we’re actually doing right here. We’ll contact you as soon as the course becomes available in the meantime you can follow our progress in the meantime, you can see see how we got here. Now you can you can follow our progress you can follow our

Ahmed Elmiligy

watching the video on my site.

Andrej Zito

In the meantime, you can follow our progress experience I have co sync the course in rahbek on YouTube there and this is where I would just the video thing this year and why do we have 10 things the least? Video video there will be the video. Okay. Thanks for your interest. Because I have a question for you. Yeah,

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah, sure.

Andrej Zito

Do you want me to send you these strings somewhere on the WhatsApp so

Ahmed Elmiligy

can you try to because I can see them? I can see them and I can translate them right now. Yes, please. You said it’s alive localization thing

Andrej Zito

Oh yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay, hold on a second

Ahmed Elmiligy

I watched a bit of the video and it looks fine so far. I will watch the rest of the right now because we don’t need to wait any any longer. I think I’m gonna say we say thank you for your interest. Okay.

Ahmed Elmiligy

We will come thank you

Andrej Zito

soon as that force

Ahmed Elmiligy

the meantime,

Andrej Zito

we can

follow our progress

Andrej Zito

with localizing force new issue

Ahmed Elmiligy

all right. We will I’m going to translate. Translate it right now. It’s no big deal. This doesn’t care. I don’t think it’s going to need a lot of proofreading because for with small lines

Ahmed Elmiligy

Oh this is as quickly as quickly and as easy

Ahmed Elmiligy

as quickly as easy as possible and I’m going to like send it to you in a doc file in Whatsapp this is real life localization

Andrej Zito

What is this ID 9992 Site Settings

Andrej Zito

are you sending it over email or through WhatsApp?

Ahmed Elmiligy

No, I’m going to send it in WhatsApp,

Andrej Zito

okay. All righty

Ahmed Elmiligy

All right, maybe if any of our friends translate to the watching, and has any idea or feedback about this more quick translation would be nice. I always like to collect feedback. Some translators do prefer to use their own style of words. And they and sometimes they say, Oh, this is incorrect. And that’s a big this is a big very big issue when you are dealing with a conflict and in the middle of a translation projects. So far the translation here is fair enough squeak

Andrej Zito

Okay, so here I have the translations split back in

Ahmed Elmiligy

and it’s not machine translation. Machine Translation

Ahmed Elmiligy

There we go. We will have to fix the exclamation mark I think you have gained very good experience in fixing this stuff. I liked the comment from Marina today. She commented Yeah, she her commented is is like very very accurate about the Arabic projects. Takes a lot of effort to fix direction and

Andrej Zito

how to fix it last time. Oh, I think the RTL I think I just need to refresh this think. Yes, okay. It’s fixed. Okay.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Awesome. There. It’s like It’s like cue prepared you a ready made code right in WordPress.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, I just you know, the the RTL direction that I was showing before the one that was the RTL thing, so I just added it to this new page. See Nice. Okay. So I’ll need to change the video there. Okay, so what do we do? The final thing I think, is to put the trailer on YouTube and now let me see about that thing in the wanna share too many details or our videos no way

Andrej Zito

think I also need to do something in Canva Do you know Canva I know what do you know? Canva

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, of course you I know. Canva is very nice. I use it every once in a while?

Andrej Zito

Is it is it good with RTL? Um,

Ahmed Elmiligy

honestly, no. It needs it needs some refinement and but but I think the guys are working very nice because they started to have their own localization team in Egypt, Middle East so I think they are progressing and solving some stuff. But it’s very nice. It is like it is a dream come came through to have come back we have very nice comments. Very good channel. Thank you keep up the good work. Thank you so much.

Andrej Zito

Thank you do I have gotten the lock? Where is the trailer it’s right here alright, so I think I can share now so I uploaded the video that we couple of minutes before exported from Premiere the one with the burnt subtitles so I need to fill out some of the information and fortunately I have the translations from Archimate from long time ago I’m still wondering how it’s going to work so let’s see if I’m able to piece it in well of course on the other side this is one thing that I don’t know like if I’m even going to be or maybe it looks bad on my site because I have left to right but maybe once we publish it maybe it will show correctly

Ahmed Elmiligy

this is synced with with YouTube yeah it flips the title What’s up okay it’s not it’s not the it’s not very bad

Andrej Zito

oh, we need to change the link as well.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, usually when I used to post anything in Arabic on YouTube, I had to write it outside and make sure it looks fine. And I don’t think the Ctrl Shift Right. works in this situation I don’t remember if pressing Ctrl Shift on the keyboard, the right control shift it changes the direction or not

Andrej Zito

right control throw shift Yeah. What else? What is the shortcut?

Ahmed Elmiligy

It only control shift together but I’m not sure even you know when we write when we write any posts on LinkedIn have the editor in this like shitty manner it aligns everything to the to the left. So I but but when the post is posted so you can read it

Andrej Zito

Okay, so, but we have a wrong link here. It See, I might even need to localize a bitly link This is what localization is about. Yes, because this link leads to this link leads to the English one. Let’s see. Bitly Do we have any here somewhere? So many links okay. What do I need to show? Okay, we I have so many tabs open now losing control of this one. So, let me do first thing and that is I’m going to actually publish the page publish sort of I

Ahmed Elmiligy

like no, yes. Awesome.

Andrej Zito

So this page is live and I need this page for the link Sure, yeah, a new create new link and too long you will at row create create and here is our a bit delay lane. And we want to do something like this one can join do lpm course AR can I use Dash

Andrej Zito

has been edited goods. So LPN goes AR copy. And that’s the one I’m going to put the right here. And also right here. All right, next thing Canva. So I’m going to duplicate this one and see how this is going to be pasted. I’m scared see the error? Wait, no, it looks actually good. It looks the same way as it does in in the spreadsheet.

Andrej Zito

Can you confirm it looks good.

Ahmed Elmiligy

So what I see on Canva right now, I wouldn’t use the Yeah, it is correct. But I wouldn’t use this Arabic word. I say we translated it but when I see right now, I will be using.

Andrej Zito

Do you want to give me a better one or?

Ahmed Elmiligy

I would I would strongly prefer to use the translation for localization project management course.

Andrej Zito

Not a trailer is this notion

Ahmed Elmiligy

of trailer the word trailer here is not I would not use that. It is correct. But it’s not. We don’t you do not do that in a you know in Arabic. It doesn’t make any sense if it is already a trailer. I don’t need I don’t need an Arabic to like, say it’s

Andrej Zito

right, but like when people are here on this page, then it’s like this is the trailer.

Ahmed Elmiligy


Andrej Zito

It should just say it’s the localization project manager course.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, yeah. I would. I would say watch maybe watch this video and Arabic if I’m if everybody actually knows trailer, you know, by the way, everybody even if we left it in English, but I would recommend that we use like watch this video. For more information or anything. Share heddle and you can watch now.

Andrej Zito

Okay, can you? Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes.

Ahmed Elmiligy

It is a call for action in Yeah, yeah. Not sure if you can clearly see it on. WhatsApp can questions like watch now.

Andrej Zito

Question is where it’s going to be copied Correct. Can you see the color if it copied correctly? It looks kind of weird.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Correct. It looks screen okay, yes.

Andrej Zito

All right. He made me make it smaller. Make this one smaller do we make it bolt?

Ahmed Elmiligy

This is a call for action like you can watch now

Andrej Zito

gonna center it that way this position center it is in the center. Okay. Yeah, so this is approved. Good Yeah, okay, good thumbs up I see Perfect. All right so

Ahmed Elmiligy

we think yeah, I like that we we give to this idea

Andrej Zito

all right. So downloads Hello okay download it

Ahmed Elmiligy

and do you use a paid account on Canva

Andrej Zito

yes we have a paid account cool okay doesn’t need to go anywhere tax now want to see how this works with the tax you have a bunch of oh we even have this we even have hash tags nice I didn’t put the hash tags in

Andrej Zito

way but I think this this doesn’t make sense because this says take a free preview of the free preview is not available yet. That’s a bullshit. What is it say go from zero. Are you interested? Sign up to our intro and get a free preview. Oh my gosh, okay, that text is not good. That’s a mistake on the source side. Okay, now how does this work? Oh, shit. It didn’t work. Oh, wait, do you have commerce here? Or you have commerce? But I think it doesn’t think it’s your commerce. And it doesn’t probably register these commas in the YouTube can I somehow replace them with the normal ones

Andrej Zito

that didn’t work.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I would suggest also to use English hashtags. Hashtags are our Arabic it’s not necessarily that all of them are Arabic. It can be mixed true.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, but I think it only works for three hashtags in YouTube. So should I use the English ones are the Arabic ones

Ahmed Elmiligy

I would I would recommend like two an Arabic and one in English or two in English and Arabic Okay. translation of the word localization in Arabic is not very common. And yeah, but everybody knows I mean in industry they know what is localization, but some prefer to use the arabic one this is these are this is one of the Arabic translations the one that I prefer actually okay. Because we have some Arabic translators they prefer to use like weird weird words from like a very depths of dictionaries and language institutes just to feel that the like speak a classical kind of Arabic while actually the word is going in different direction

Andrej Zito

now we are over in chorus, position online quantum science.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Localization course is okay. Project management may be

Andrej Zito

tags don’t even matter that much. Okay. So how do we have this thing? What do we do with it? We want to say that this is public. And not

Ahmed Elmiligy

for children. Not for

Andrej Zito

it not for kids. Yes. Okay, this is the first robic video on my youth.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I saw that you were you we’re actually building codes for teenagers. How is it? Oh,

Andrej Zito

we’re almost at the ends.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Really do have really some teenagers interested to learn Then, like they are like 16 and 16. And

Andrej Zito

the youngest one is the youngest ones are 17. Oh, very nice. They’re doing pretty much the same thing that the adults wants are doing sometimes even better than them.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, of course, of course. Okay, let’s see young spirits. Oh, yeah, we are young,

Andrej Zito

the future. Now let’s see if we can put our Arabica video in that. Yes, it looks great. Update. So we have our video. One thing that I need to do is I need to set up this thing, the form so we have the thank you page, right? I still need to do the video here. What video Do I put in there? Can I do the video playlists?

Andrej Zito

The first one is episode one while in episode one. Thinking the playlist, this one I was at work this one change to this thing there. And I can also publish this one. So the thank you page shouldn’t be done. Now what I need to do is here I need to say what happens after people submit the form. So actions after submit number one is redirect. And we are redirecting into our

Ahmed Elmiligy

very nice terminal to share the Arabic Video link. Guys.

Andrej Zito

Thank you Arabi. Oh, big thank you. Okay, that’s one thing. And the last thing that we need to do is because right now still nothing happens with the submissions. So give me maybe some more minutes and I’ll show you how to do it in a make this one here, make that the comm sign in make what form? K okay sign with google aundre. Oh, gay. And I think I also need to create a new spreadsheet. So you can also see who signed up. So Andre, spreadsheet, a new 1k. And you scenario. This is where we get a little bit more technical. So I’m going to say that this is

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah, we are technical. Technically, we are taking

Andrej Zito

lpm around basic waitlists and I’m going to create a new web, web custom web hooks. Choose a web hook, add a new one. And this is my lpm or abic. Wait List web hook. Okay. So what happens is that this gives us a URL. And we’re going to use this URL in our element or and we can say that after people submit their email, it should send that information to our web hook there. What is advanced that I don’t know what to do as update? Now let me test it. So we have our landing page and we say that my email is drawn ads. This one met Okay, so it goes to the thank you page. And it should have also send us some data. Yes, it did. So now we know the data. And now we just need to send the data to the spreadsheet that I just created four years plus arrow. Okay, how am I going to call this lpm aerobic Course waitlist, and I’m going to share this with you. And what do we need here? Think we need email and pretty much, right? We’re not collecting anything else and choose the file. Okay, this one. And sheet name sheet one. Table content has headers, yes, email, email. And the date, we’ll put. I forgot if I can just put now there’s one key. Let’s save it. Let’s turn on this thing. And let’s see if it works. So let’s go back here. Let’s try again, John. Okay, submit the form. All right, got some data, and inserted the information here in our spreadsheet. But I think I need to format the day because it’s ugly. That can be fixed. Yeah, that’s just a little tiny detail. I can do this offline. So you can see now the website is already live. So it is this one. Arabica if any of you want to check it, or interventions, you’re actually interested in the course. But at least you can see how we how far we got. And a couple of weeks ago, weeks ago, we didn’t even have this page in English and now everything is in Arabic. Or is looking fine. Everything is RTL we localize the video. As you play the subtitles, yes. Schlag news for you. You can see it’s burned. Inside of the video, we have our testimonials, information about the course. Another call to action information about us FAQ. And that’s it. And if you submit your email right here, blah, blah, blah, then it’s going to take you to the thank you page, which is also localized. It shows you the video of what we’ve been working like how we get to this point.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I have a question Andrey. Where, how well how generically, you know, someone can find the Arabic page from the localization Academy website.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, that’s something that we can maybe discuss. But I think it would be good if both you and me added it somewhere on the website, you know, so that people can like when they’re browsing. You can also mention it somewhere on your website, you know, because like, otherwise, it’s just going to be like staying here and doing nothing, you know, so

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah, I think we can add it to our websites like a pop up of some kind or maybe like a section on homepage. Who, yeah, I think we can create a section on our homepage, where everybody can click and go to the localization Academy right away.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, just just to the speech here. Just to the Arabic one.

Ahmed Elmiligy


Andrej Zito

All right.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Like celebrate this, I don’t have anything to drink. I had a cup of coffee, but uh, I I forgot it. And it’s, it’s very cool right now. So so key to celebrate with a cup of coffee.

Andrej Zito

So I’m very happy. Thank you. Thank you, again, very much for all your help or your translations or your or your consulting. The same goes to your team who was helping you with this one. Even if, like people didn’t sign up at all, I think I’m like super happy just by localizing the landing page. And the video I think that on its own, provides, like hopefully some educational value to address like how we did it, how we did all the RTL,

Ahmed Elmiligy

I have a feeling that it’s going to sell because a lot of guys are asking and they are quite interested to know that Canva has been canned and in Arabic. Maybe it’s not like what how I imagined and also I would Yeah, I would like to maybe they will not watch it right now. But I would like to thank the team invests vests from Tunisia. Oh, thank you, FF for helping in machine translation, post editing and our proofread. aside, thank you say it.

Andrej Zito

Thank you

Ahmed Elmiligy

think I’m going to like, send the these greetings to them. Oh, yeah. Thank you so much. And thank you. And we look forward for more adventures. And we will localize

Andrej Zito

live live or close? Yeah, it’s, well, we’re just we’re just starting, right? Like we just like we said, like, we just want to see if people are actually interested in this. And if they are, then we’re going to be doing the main work, right, which is to actually localize the actual course. Yep. Yeah. All right. Good. So that’s it from us. This is, let’s say, the final stream before I go to EU for three weeks, so there won’t be any,

Ahmed Elmiligy

I want you to enjoy and if you happen to meet any buddy, from the guys in the conference, take a couple of pictures and maybe like a quick hello. You. I’m not sure if you will go to the conference itself, but maybe we’ll use anybody and say hello to the guys from Okay. Friends from Italian.

Andrej Zito

That one that those I will meet. Yes. Creative words.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Awesome. It’s cool that you are meeting with the breaking points. Okay. Oh, yeah. Didn’t my regards to everybody?

Andrej Zito

Yeah, I’m also meeting God. Yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, cool. Pictures and say this is for good, didn’t make it.

Andrej Zito

Alright, so thanks, everyone, for watching and sticking with us until this point on. Like I said, I’m very happy that we localize the landing page. I think it looks great. I’m also happy about the video. Hopefully you have learned something while seeing a struggle, especially me. So yeah, and hopefully we’ll see if people are interested in the course that we will be back maybe in one month to actually see if we localize the course. So that’s that. Have a good week, and we’ll see when we see you. Bye bye bye

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