If you are a project manager figuring out how to create a project in POEditor, then you are on the right page.
In this video, you will learn all about creating projects in POEditor in just under 30 seconds! In addition, you will find many handy mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up your routine tasks!
Andrej Zito
If you’re using POEditor to manage your localization projects, in this video, I’m going to show you how you can create projects in under 30 seconds. First, I’m going to show you my speed run how I did it, and then I’m going to provide you my commentary to explain to you how I did it. So let’s get right into it.
Andrej Zito
Alright, now that you have seen how I did it in 30 seconds, let me walk you through step by step. As usually in my previous videos, we’re starting from the dashboard, I don’t think there’s any shortcut to create a new project in POEditor now that I know of so, pretty much just move your mouse into the field where you can add a new project, and you can start typing the project. So here at the bottom right, you can see what I’m typing, how i’m using my keyboard. And you should also be able to see, when I left click, so I just left click here. And the good thing is that the form is immediately focused on the on the name of your project. So as soon as you click, you can start typing. And I just typed sample JSON, I leave the description, field empty, because it’s not mandatory in this case. And then as you can see here at the bottom right, for some reason the video is a little bit scrambled to right now, you just press Enter. And that means it’s going to confirm the form and submit it, which basically is the equivalent of moving your mouse and clicking add. So as we go here, first thing that you need to do is add the new language, I start by first adding the source or the reference language. And by default, you have it selected to English. But what we typically like to do is make sure that the country in which this language is spoken is also selected so that it’s clear what let’s say type of English we’re referring to. So in this case, I’m just going to select the field. And again, apologies for this messed up think. And when you click the drop down, you have the search field which of course we’re going to utilize because there’s a huge list of languages. And of course, you don’t want to scroll through it and find what you need to. So in this case, I’m going to type in US, as you can see here, bottom right. And this filter is all the languages that contain US in the name of the language. And the selection that I want to do is the second one. So I’m just going to move down with my arrow key and confirm the selection with enter. And then what I do is you can see it here, I do tap return. So since we are active in this field, the language selection. After I selected the language, I just tap into the next element, which is the Add button. And I again, once again, confirm it with enter by pressing enter. So that adds language. Now, a very handy shortcut that I found out in the POEditor’s knowledge base is that if you hit plus on your keyboard, it’s going to show this very small form which allows you to add new languages. So typically, in all my videos, we add three languages, Czech, German, and Japanese. So now we’re adding the next language. So I again, once again, I select the drop down and I start typing CZ, which only gives me the option to select Czech. So let me pull up a little bit here. Because this may be important, and you come across these language
Andrej Zito
forms a lot. So hopefully, what I’m going to show you here is going to be useful to you regardless. And just okay, let me pause here. So the idea is that we want to type in the least amount of characters that filtered the language that we want to select to the top position. So in case of Czech, I just start typing CZ, and I have the language that I want to select already highlight added. So I don’t even need to move, let’s say one position down, because it’s the only selection that I have here and it’s on the top. So I can just press enter, which confirms the selection. And then I do quickly tap, enter again, which is the equivalent of pressing add. So after we add Czech in again, once again, apologies for the, for the quality. So okay, I do the plus again, to bring up the form and add another language. In this case, I’m going to look for German. For German, I tried different combinations. But it seems that GER is the thing, the only thing that you need to type in to bring this up on the top, because like G E or R M, it doesn’t work, it also brings up other languages to the top. So this time for Germany, we’re using three letter code GER, which brings it to the top and again, I confirm with Enter, and then I tap and enter to add language. And then finally, for Japanese here, you can see I’m not starting with J, because I think J A gives you more options. And I’m actually doing AP, which brings Japanese to the top. So again, the same principle cannot be added the languages. Let’s move on quickly. And this is, again, this is bothering me. So this is a very interesting shortcut that I once again found in their documentation is that when you are in your project screen, and you press G I, it moves you to the import, I would say this is a tap or import window, or to form where you can import your files and your terms. So I did that, I press G I, it automatically switched here. And then I’m going to rouse to select the files. And I did this on purpose here. So again, this can be handy for you, if you’re using this sort of file upload function in all of the different online platforms that you can have is how to find the file that you want to upload. In this case, the last time that I use this file selection dialog, I was in my downloads and my file is somewhere completely else. What I’m going to do is I’m going to switch to Free Commander. And Free Commander has this nice thing, which I’m going to explain to you in a while. And that is I press Ctrl, enter and that is going to copy the path to that file, which then I’m just going to paste quickly here in this dialog, and that means that instead of having to browse through the through the structure and through the different folders to get to the file, because I already have that file, open in my Free Commander I can just copy the path, quickly paste it here and then open it. And the final thing that we do is we just select to source language, the default reference language in this case it will be English US. So what we import will be considered as English translation. And by the way, these this file that I have here, it’s the sample JSON file that you can also download from POEditor. Now let me finally show you two things that I wanted to show you. So if I go back to the project, the keyboard shortcut is ctrl forward slash, which shows you the shortcuts, I guess they call it hotkeys. And this is basically what I was using write out a final thing that I want to explain to you I was explaining this in another video. But in case you’re watching this for the first time, what I did with the Ctrl, enter is that in Free Commander, and I believe you have the same thing in Portal commander if you’re using that one. So if you go to keyboard shortcuts.
Andrej Zito
What we can do here is we can scroll down, and I believe the command is right here. So copy file path clipboard, and that’s what basically means that if you are anywhere here in your call commander, and you press Ctrl, enter, it’s going to copy the path, which then you can use in the default operating system like to select the file without having to navigate into it. So that’s the end of my mini tutorial on how to create projects in POEditor in under 30 seconds. Hopefully, you have learned couple of tricks how you can speed your routine tasks. If of course you’re creating the project manually. You can of course also create them automatically through integrations and through API, but in case you’re doing it manually hopefully this helps you. If it did, or if you enjoyed this video, make sure you subscribe and hit the like button and all those nice things. And thank you for watching and I’ll see you in some other video. Bye.