Localization Academy

How To Create A Project In XTM (In 30 Seconds!)

Watch this video and learn how to create a project in under 30 seconds or less in XTM 💪 Discover the easy techniques and tips I used so you can use them in your projects!

Whether you’re new or a seasoned XTM user, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to create projects quickly and efficiently.

Andrej Zito

Hello, this is Andrej from Localization Academy. Welcome to another speedrun video. In this one, we’re going to have a closer look at XTM cloud. And soon I’m going to show you how you can create a project in less than 30 seconds. And then after that, I’m going to explain to you how I actually did it. And what are the tips and tricks that you can use to make your product creation in extreme cloud a little bit more efficient. So let’s get right into it.

Andrej Zito

All right, that’s how you do it in less than 30 seconds. Now, let me guide you through the recording of mine that I just showed you and explain to you step by step how I did it. So we’re starting from the project list screen in XTM. And since there are no shortcuts to add a new project, I basically just have to move my mouse and click Add Project. And along the way, you’re going to see this little circles pop off. That means when I click and in the bottom right, you’re going to see what I’m typing with my keyboard, because keyboard is the whole point of this idea in a way because it allows us to enter things a little bit more efficiently than if we had to use mouse for everything. So by default, when you create a new project, your active field is actually the project name. But if you have more than one customer, you actually have to first pick the customer. So that’s what I used shift tab, which, as you may know, tap makes you go forward in the fields. And if you use Shift Tab, it makes you go back. So that’s why if I did the shift tab, it makes me go into the customer name. And if I hit Enter, I’m going to be able to select the test customer.

Andrej Zito

And once you select the test customer, it’s, let’s say opens or enables the rest of the fields based on how you have it configured. And then as you can see here, the final thing that I did is that I tapped, which puts me back into the Project Name field. And so this is a mandatory field, I’m just going to type in Darkest Dungeon. Now, because we have a bunch of optional fields in between the next mandatory field which is source language, instead of doing it through tap, I just grabbed mouse and clicked the next field, which is source language. Now here, when it comes to the languages, this is my usual trick that I give in most of the videos is that you need to identify the least amount of characters that you need to type in so that you can easily find or select the language that you need to enter for your project. In this case, extreme cloud doesn’t use the search function. So you cannot use for example, if we’re selecting English, United States, you cannot search for S T, because it’s something that’s part of United States as part of the whole string. But in this case, this is a simple drop down, but you can still use your keyboard to jump into the first letters. So I’m going to show it to you right now. So here I just click into the drop down. And you can see here, I typed in e n and that puts you to the first option in the whole list of languages that let’s say match this pattern. So the options that start with em. And since we have as you know, probably we have a bunch of English languages spoken around the world, what we’re trying to do is try to find the United States, because that’s the language that we’re going to select as our source language. So as you can see here, I pressed page down four times, which scrolls down the list to the place where you can already see United States. And because it’s somewhat in the middle, I think it’s faster to actually click it with your mouse instead of using just the arrow down key because that might take a little bit longer. So here we are using a combination of keyboard and mouse to select the language that we want. Next thing I’m going to get into the next field target languages. And here it works the same way you start typing the first letters of the language. So typically I add three languages Czech, German, and Japanese. So here by typing CZ, it already finds checked in the list. And then all you have to do is press Enter. And it’s going to add it to your list of selected target languages for this project, so instead of having to click the arrow keys, you can just do it with your keyboard because you’re already using keyboard to navigate to the language next

Andrej Zito

When we have German, this one is a little bit trickier because as you can see here, I type in G R, but we have Germany in so many different countries spoken. So we want to find a one that is spoken in Germany. But in this case, it’s only one and two options below the first German. So as you can see here, I just hit down arrow key twice, and I select the German Germany. And now I’m just going to confirm it with enter. Finally, what we do is we want to find Japanese. So for that one, I type in j, A P, and it finds language and and I just hit enter. Next, I go into the choose files for this project. And that’s how we’re going to add the files for this dark extension project. And this is a standard Open File window dialog that you have in Windows in my case. So this is the trick that I show in most of the videos, how you can quickly navigate the files that you want to upload or open in this case, instead of having to go through the whole structure of your computer and manually finding it. So if you have the location open somewhere in like FreeCommander, what you can do is you can just find that folder or find a file and use a keyboard shortcut which copies the path to this folder or file and then you just paste it here. And it’s going to move you to that location right away so that you don’t have to navigate manually through the hole, this PC structure. And since we are here in the folder, it opened the folder, it cannot upload the whole folder. What I’m going to do here is I’m going to click inside the folder and I’m there I’m going to hit Ctrl. A as you can see, it’s going to select everything, but it’s going to ignore the folder. So it’s basically just selecting the three files that I have in this folder, which is exactly what I want to upload for this project. And then you just hit enter to confirm. And once we’re done with that, the last thing that you have to do is confirm the workflow you want to use for your project. In this case, I selected translate and review. And then I just hit Create manually with my mouse. And that’s pretty much it, the project is now going to be created and STM cloud will parse the files and give you the word count soon. And in case you don’t know what is the trick to set up a shortcut to copy the path to the folder or file in FreeCommander. You basically just have to go to your settings where you define the keyboard shortcuts and you look for something called Copy file path to clipboard, in this case UNC and you just set it for me I’m always used to using Ctrl, enter and that’s what I use. And that’s it. I hope you have learned something new in this quick tutorial in case you’re still creating projects manually in XTM. Hopefully I showed you that the combination of using keyboard and mouse can make you be more efficient when it comes to filling out these forms that you usually see pretty much everywhere in case you’re using a web application. So that’s it, give it like, subscribe to our channel if you want more of these videos and I’ll see you in the next one with more tips on how to create projects in under 30 seconds. Until then, bye!

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