Localization Academy

How To Create A Project With JSON File In Lokalise (In 30 Seconds!)

If you are a project manager figuring out how to create a project with a JSON file more efficiently on Lokalise, then you are on the right page.

In this video of the newest series, you will learn all about creating projects in Lokalise in just under 30 seconds! In addition, you will find many handy mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up your routine tasks!

Andrej Zito 

If you’re using Lokalise for your projects, in this video, I’m going to show you how you can create a project with a simple JSON file in under 30 seconds, let’s get right into it.

Andrej Zito 

Right now that you have seen the speed run, let me walk you through the steps that I did using keyboard and mouse so that you can also create projects in Lokalise under 30 seconds. So this is how it starts. So we are on the projects screen or the project page. And you can see here too, the first thing that I did was that I tabbed. And then I hit Ctrl + Shift + P. Now let me explain to you in the app, why I did that. The reason why I did Ctrl + Shift + P is because the great thing about Lokalise is that it actually has some shortcuts within the within the app. Now the reason why I actually had to tab first is that when you load the project screen, it by default starts in this search field. And when I’m in the search field, I’m going to now press Ctrl + Shift + P, what it actually triggers is it triggers the print dialog, so that’s why I have to tab out. So that then I can hit Ctrl + Shift + P and it actually does what it’s supposed to do. When this dialog opens, it’s already in the first field Project Name, so nothing special here, I just type in countries. And sometimes, the player can be a little bit weird. So I just typed the name of the project, nothing special there, then I tab. If we have a form with a bunch of fields, it’s easier to use Tab to go to the next field if we are going to be typing the text again. Because otherwise, you would have to I don’t know, if you type in countries with both of your hands, and then you want to move with your mouse to the next field, you’d have to reach with your right or left hand, whatever you’re using to the mouse and then position the cursor to the next field and then click there. And then you move your hand again, back to the to the keyboard so that you can type with your hands. So if our hands are already on the keyboard, we can just use Tab to navigate through the fields, if you want to go back, you can use Shift + Tab, and then you can just type everything and fill out the whole form using your keyboard only. So that’s why we’re tabbing. Next thing, we are selecting the base language. By default, it is set to just English. But a good practice is to select the, let’s say the flavor of the language based on the country that it’s spoken in. So based on my experience, most of the a lot of the customers are from the United States. So that’s why we want to select United States. Now the reason why I’m typing here “st” as you can see is that because I found out that this combination of characters, because this here serves as a filter for the values. If I type “st” is going to bring up the value that I want to select, in this case English United States to top positions in the selection so that it’s easier for me to select it. And I can show you here. So if I just type start typing E, N, G, now it’s starting to show the English versions, but there are like English versions for so many countries. So I will have to scroll down and it will take a lot of more time for me to find United States, the value that I want. So that’s why I typed in “st” because that gives United States in the fourth position. And that means I only have to type three times down so using the arrow keys to select English United States. And then I just confirm it with Enter. Now, next thing, moving on to target languages, here you can actually see at the bottom right that I actually had two tab twice. The reason why I have to tab twice is that the first tab actually selects this little tooltip here, so that’s where you have to tab again if you want to go to the Target Languages, okay? So from Project Name to Base Language we moved with one tab, from Base Language to Target Languages, we moved with two tabs. And now here the same principle applies again, as to the Base Languages. So it’s pretty much the same drop down, it works the same way, except instead of this one, you can choose multiple values. So here I want to select German (Germany). And again, based on my experiments, what I found is that typing N, Y is the least amount of characters that type in to bring Germany to the, to the high position in the drop-down list.

Andrej Zito 

If I start typing just German, there are many different flavors, and N, Y country that I want to select is a little bit lower. Okay. So again, maybe I’m repeating myself, your whole idea when you’re filling out this forms, first of all, do not use mouse just to scroll down like crazy chicken, try to find the least amount of characters that you need to type in. So that then you just have to do the minimum amount of movement, either with your keyboard or mouse to select what you need. Okay? So for me, this one is for Germany, German Germany, it’s N, Y. And because it’s in the second position, I just need to tab down once, and then I do enter. And then immediately you can start typing the next languages. So the next two are quite easier because it’s just Japanese. So I typed J, P, which basically founds the language code here. And it’s, it’s again in the second position. And then I found Czech (Czech Republic). And it’s the same thing, CZ just gives us two options here. Alright, so I have everything set up here for the project type, I leave it as default, because I’m using JSON files. If you had to select different options, again, there’s way how you can do it just with keyboard. But what we’re going to do right now is just hit the Ctrl + Enter. And the reason why we’re doing Ctrl + Enter is again, that this form submission, like this button to proceed to create the project has a shortcut. And you can see it right here, Ctrl + Enter. So that’s why I’m doing that. So while we are waiting for this forum to be processed, you can already see that I’m moving my mouse to where I’m going to click Next. So again, just to give you some ideas, what to think about, like if you really want to speed things up by few milliseconds, or a few seconds, is to try to, if you’re waiting, try to see if you can do something like be ahead of what you will do next. So instead of just being here with my mouse at this point, and then moving it, I already move my mouse to summit position where I’m going to click once this page loads. So in this case, I just really just clicked my mouse, because I think that if I was using tab, I think it would start tabbing through all these other things in the website. So just click Upload Files. And again, similar principle here, while the and you can see here, so I clicked. And while the Upload Files page is loading, I’m already out tabbing. So that should be familiar to you to my Free Commander, where I have my file. And I’m just going to grab it just with my mouse. And I’ll come back to Lokalise and then as soon as this screen loads, and I can drag my mouse here, I just dropped them and it starts uploading the files. Now, if detected English language, but like I mentioned to you in the beginning, we want to sort of make sure that we also specify the country in which this English is spoken. So I’m going to just manually click here to trigger the field and it’s the same field like we had before, except this one is prettier because it has the flags, but I’m just going to again filter S, T because that is going to find my United States English and I’m going to select this one because I want to make sure that it matches the base language that I set for my project and here so I pressed Enter to select English and then I did tab return. The reason why I did that is because I’m here in this field tab actually puts me to the next active element which is actually import files, which is what I want to do That’s how I want to, let’s say finish this screen where you upload the files. So that’s why just from here, I just tab and enter, which is going to confirm the import of this one file. And that’s pretty much it. The file is uploaded. And then I just go back to the editor to show you that the files have been uploaded and processed and parsed and translation can start.

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