There are many translators out there… and the AI is coming too, I’ve heard. How will you survive? Learn how to stand out and increase the value you’re offering to your customers. The translation is not only about translating words.
This episode was recorded on a live stream. I started my Twitch channel with the goal to show localization live. 100% transparency, 0% bullshit. Watch me LIVE at
This is episode #18 of my speaking practice, also known as the Localization Podcast 🙂 #localization and #translation news across social media delivered to you by the power of my voice. #translators
Andrej Zito
This will be Episode Number 18 of the localization podcast. Hi, everyone, this is Andre. Once again, it is Saturday it is 11:36am. So I’m very happy that I’m keeping with the schedule that I wanted to keep. And that basically means trying to record all my regular content, which right now is localization podcast, and then the toggle week report on Saturday, try to do as much editing as possible on Saturday, and maybe even Sunday, and then just prepare the copy and the thumbnails and have everything ready for the release on Monday. And then just keep releasing the content on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, which means kind of like promoting it on social media. And I tried it last week, actually, it actually felt pretty, pretty good. So what I used to do before is that I would always charge the copywriting of the social media posts, as I was doing the the posting.
Andrej Zito
So this time I prepared it. Right when I was finishing the copy on YouTube, which is basically the title and the description and the tags. So this time, I did it all at once. And it felt much better. Because during the whole week, I actually felt like I have time to do other stuff. So before that, I felt like, um, like my whole week is about, you know, thinking of the copy and doing the promotion. But this time, since I had everything prepared, I felt like every time I finished my work, like I could work on more stuff from the backlog. So I definitely want to keep this routine going forward. Because, of course, my goal was I have mentioned a couple of times on the podcast is to create my own website that can use kind of like a content generated generating platform, that I can then localize with the help of other people and basically demonstrate the whole localization process to everyone and livestream everything, including the successes and the failures and all the experiments that I want to do.
Andrej Zito
And that I cannot do right now, because of either NDA or because other people that we’re working with are not that open to experimenting. Is there anything else that I wanted to share before we start? Yeah, so I achieve a small milestone with my YouTube content. So last week, I hit 100 hours of watch time, on my channel, most of the hours and most of the traffic actually comes for the first educational video that I made, which is about toggle and how to use toggle and stop wasting your time. So as I shared on LinkedIn, there’s still a lot of things that I have to do to make the localization content more interesting. But at least I’m happy that I’m getting quite some positive feedback about the localization podcast, and people are still still finding it, there are new people who are getting onto this.
Andrej Zito
And I think that one of the to do items that I have to do for myself, I actually have to put it in my backlog is that by the end of the year, I said that I want to have at least one guest on this podcast and see how that format changes the dynamic of the podcast, because when I was cleaning up the all the previous episodes, to remove the sensitive content. And I was basically listening to my own creation for the first time, I definitely see that there’s like a lot of room for improvement, like, first thing that I don’t like is like the awkward pauses. And then many times it feels like I’m just reading the article, which technically still brings value to the people because they don’t have to do the research. They don’t have to check the new posts on social media. I do that for you. And then I just kind of like, narrate it.
Andrej Zito
But I still prefer articles, where I can add a lot more of my own experience. And in many cases, especially I remember the episode, where I was talking about my localization engineering, beginnings in Moravia, and that episode really felt good because like I had a lot to share. And I think that like once I tap into the memory and or maybe just like, at that very moment, like I feel like pretty relaxed. So my my speaking is like more fluent on like right now because I feel like I’m a little bit nervous, a little bit stressed because I’m also alive on Twitch mixer and. And yeah, to hopefully like if there’s another person, or basically my job is just to ask the right questions. Hopefully that will be a little bit more interesting and engaging content. So I think that’s going to be it for the introduction, just a quick update about what I’m doing in general.
Andrej Zito
And I think, because on Monday, we do have a national holiday in Canada. So there’s no work. So hopefully, I’ll start working on the WordPress, which is the first step for me to build up my to build up my website. So hopefully, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it by the end of this year. It’s possible. But if not, then probably in January, I will start looking for I will start looking for translators that would hopefully volunteer to help me with the translation of my content. Anyway, enough for the intro, we are already entering eight minutes, which is still pretty good for my interest. And so for this episode, number 18. I have picked three articles. Starting with article number one, I found this on LinkedIn. And it’s from a translator. It’s a Japanese translator, I think he translates mainly from English into Japanese and his name is hire tacky masaharu.
Andrej Zito
So he has this pretty, pretty long article on LinkedIn. I just left a comment because I found it on my way to to the office. And it was so long, so I just quickly skim through it. But all the all the subheadings look like it could be a very, very good article, which basically is about what the title is five overlooked elements of web content translation that makes successful localization. But this article basically says what are skills then? translation, the translators need to make them more successful. And it talks a lot about the other elements like marketing, SEO, design and copywriting. And so now that I finally read it today, right before I started recording for this podcast, it it really did deliver the value that I expected it to be. So that’s reason why this article is the first one in today’s episode. So let’s get right into it.
Andrej Zito
Web development is a complicated process that involves marketing design, search engine optimization, and copywriting. So this is kind of like introduction when I already mentioned what is that it’s like a whole complex think the translators need to tackle and so let’s get into the into the overlooked elements. So number one translators need to know marketing. In Norway, a Big Mac costs $5 65 USD, and the GDP per person is 97,030 USD, which means on average, Norwegians can buy 17,170 Big Macs a year. This makes Big Macs casual food for the average Joe in Norway. However, in India, a Big Mac costs only $1 a three USD, but the GDP per person there is only 1627 USD, which means on average Indians can buy 889 Big Macs a year. So that’s 889 versus 17,170. In Norway. This means a Big Mac is a fancy food for rich people and tourists in India.
Andrej Zito
Marketing is not as simple as that. But this big mac index demonstrates that when entering an overseas market, you need to consider changing price and or adjust your marketing approach due to different pricing and economic environments. The above information should be collected and considered before entering an overseas market and translating websites, posters, product catalogs or anything related to marketing. However, overseas market research is not only time consuming but also difficult to execute because of language barriers. In many cases, it is more efficient to go ahead and translate marketing materials. translators would not know when price a product is a super deal, or cheaper than everyday milk. And they should report to the project manager when the text doesn’t fit.
Andrej Zito
The local market marketing is not only about pricing, there might be a local competitor that conflicts with the unique sales proposition of your products, there might be a local distribution channel or another platform for selling translators have no language barrier to make local marketing research harder. They should know the target audience and possess customer insight to write sales copy, who better than translators to conduct local market research? So what am I thinking here? So first of all, I definitely like this idea. When I was reading this article, the first thing that came to my mind is kind of like a throwback to the very first episode of the localization Podcast, where I was talking about, like the future role of translators, assuming that nmt will eventually create a quality that will be kinda like the same level as human translation.
Andrej Zito
So this is definitely some extra value that the translators could bring in. And it would make them better and more valuable compared to an AI who, let’s say, we’ll just do like a good translation. And also another thing that this reminds me of, and actually this whole article, so we will get to the next elements later on. But just the idea that I was saying before, and I still have it kind of like in my backlog is like one of the potential business ideas is that like, lsps, typically, or in my experience, they mostly do just the localization or K, or maybe they do, I don’t know, transcreation or something like that. But we had a couple of articles on the previous episodes where we were talking about, like, how products are changing and how they’re different in various markets.
Andrej Zito
And I was wondering if actually any lsps are able to deliver such a value to the customers or if it’s usually which I would assume is the case is usually the result of like the local marketing or sales team of the company, which sells to or creates the product in this case, like, I think like the current way that this is being done is like, I think it depends on the size of the of the company that creates these products and these marketing materials, what do they do have any local marketers in the country which should be able to kind of like alter? Not just the pricing, but like, Is it like a fancy product? Or is it like an average product? And yeah, so often? And who better than translators to conduct local market research?
Andrej Zito
I think this is kind of funny, because it brings me back to one discussion that I just recently saw on LinkedIn was between one very special translator who was kind of like shitting on all the cat tools and saying like, how much money he makes by translating and that he leaves most of the work from the proofreaders, but I kind of understood that like he brings his massive value that he brings to these customers is because he is kind of like very specialized in like a certain niche. And like he knows like, the right words to use or how to describe this. So yeah, I think that like right now, like for example, like if you are hiring translators, many of them they say that they specialize in fields like it technology or even like makes it so that kind of means that you can you are like capable of doing like very generic translation like you have some understanding of it, but maybe what is required here is that may be if translators, some, some of them probably do have it because of just the way that their otter non translation interests align with their translation expertise.
Andrej Zito
And I’m just so confused right now what I’m saying. So what I’m trying to say is that not every translator, not every translator like can do like market research, proper market research. Like many can probably say that like, if you request like a translation from someone who is in China, and they will said, Oh, in China, we use, you know, different search engine, we don’t use Amazon, but we use Alibaba and similar things. But let’s say, let’s say, let’s say, Okay, here’s, here’s, here’s maybe a good example. Let’s say you’re like new coffee manufacturer, or like you have like your chain of coffee shops. And you want to go into China. So you’re looking like for like a consumer products, specialize translator. But maybe one of these translators who claim to have this expertise in the field is like really like, like a geek, when it comes to coffee. Like he’s like a coffee enthusiast, like, he knows everything, he tries everything new.
Andrej Zito
He knows, he pretty much knows the coffee market in China. So that person would definitely be the right one to pick for, for this job. Because not only can they translate, but they’re like, expert in the niche. And in the in the market within China, that you’re trying to get into. And of course, this will definitely increase the value of that particular translator. compared to the other ones who maybe have like, I don’t know, a huge experience translating for consumer products, but they just don’t have that touch or connection with the coffee market in China. Yeah, so I think maybe that’s like one of the future role of translators, that they would not just be post editing machine translation, but they would also look at the market conditions and advice on a different level. And I just cannot speak to the okay.
Andrej Zito
Number two. So there are five tools so this is number two translators need to know laws in the UK, low in alcohol is defined between 0.5% and 1.2%. Alcohol by law, and advertisers cannot claim to drink is low in alcohol if it contains more than that. Regulation of advertisement is different in each country. You might be tempted to ignore the laws, but the cost of losing your customers trust is greater than any fine. regulations in Japan are very strict compared to most western countries. Here’s one example from Japan. It’s the act against unjustifiable premiums, and misleading representations. The act against unjustifiable premiums and misleading representations is part of the jepun Japan anti monopoly law, which regulates deceptive consumer practices.
Andrej Zito
The law prohibits representation on the quality quantity standards or likes from being shown much better than reality, or representation without evidence that supports the claim. For example, the law prohibits phrases like the best or effective without supporting evidence. The law also prohibits false discounts that misleads consumers about the regular price, discounts, and several other things. So law is something definitely that I have never thought of. And having translators be able to, or be familiar or like with law for a certain niche is something very, very special. I don’t think like that many people know but again, this comes down to the to the to like the deep expertise that was mentioning before on the example of the coffee. So maybe some people who are like the coffee enthusiasts in the know the market from the consumer perspective.
Andrej Zito
And like, Where are the players? What’s their value proposition? What are the prices? What are the great places? What are location So maybe this goes even further getting down to law, but I don’t think that actually, well, maybe, maybe the translators could point out something when it comes to the law, but But yeah, this is like a really tricky part. I never like dealing with the legal stuff when it comes to translation. But again, like if translators had such knowledge, it would definitely make them stand out. Cool. Let’s move on to number three. translators need to know SEO, you might be walking through a small white street when you stumble upon a nice hidden cafe with unmark entrances. That never happens on the internet. Because you need to enter specific keywords and click Next many times to find hidden websites websites need to be optimized to be found by the right visitors.
Andrej Zito
The technique to achieve that is called search engine optimization. One of the most important components of SEO is keyword optimization. use keywords that users search on key components of website, including title and a description, header tags, Alt key words of images, category, etc. When translating websites, translators need to use keywords with high volume in natural text search engine optimized translation improves ranking on search engine results page, drives traffic and increases awareness in search engines. Making translated text search engine friendly takes very little effort. But the impact of it or rather, the impact from the lack of it is not so small, you want to make sure that translators have established an efficient process to deliver SEO translation. So I did mention my little experience with SEO, localization.
Andrej Zito
That was when I was working with alpha, and Autodesk, which is kind of like I was part of the team that was handling Autodesk projects. So out of this decided to outsource the STL localization for the first time. And it was kind of like building the process for su localization along with my, with my boss. And I like it was basically just like, basic process. But I think even like, because it was kind of like a version one point over the process. It was not too refined further. But even just this basic thinking of like how to arrive to the SEO keywords, like the research that you have to do, which is not very complicated, even that I think this deal still delivers a lot of value compared to just localizing the keywords. Because people translators like I don’t think like unless they already have experience with with SEO.
Andrej Zito
So first of all, SEO is kind of like more like a technical thing. To know, like, what actually these things mean, especially if like just like them, the title, and the keywords. And the meta description is just like extracting the cat tool, and you don’t maybe in many cases don’t even know that this is important for SEO. So you just treat it like a text and you just don’t think about like how you would localize it. Not to mention the fact that you probably don’t even make any research. Because like if you had to do research, you would expect to be paid for it. It not just like translating or vocalizing and just getting stuff from Mt or tm. So yeah. And I’m not sure like, if people who are doing website translation on a regular basis, let’s say you have like regular content updates, or new content if the buyers are actually aware, or if the lsps are even proposing that there should be like a separate process for the SEO part to make the actual translations of the content itself more valuable because doing a proper SEO localization simply brings more traffic to the localized content and therefore increases the ROI of the translation of the content.
Andrej Zito
So yeah, yep, another another great point. So moving on to number four. translators need to know copywriting copywriting, many may think they know what it is, but few know what it really is in the difference between writing copywriting is that writing is usually to inform, whereas copywriting is to get people to take action. The word copywriter includes the word writer. But copywriters spend often very little time writing in copywriting process or prewriting projects consists of research and analyzes of marketing environments, including customer insight, and competitors. An interview with a product planning, manager, editing, proofreading, sourcing and editing images, and planning and implementing marketing campaigns. copywriting projects are often executed by a team consisting of a creative director, market researchers, graphic or video editors and copywriters, copywriting since copywriting is a part of marketing and marketing is a part of copywriting requires adjustments to local market environments when entering foreign markets.
Andrej Zito
However, executing the entire copywriting process, including marketing research, and graphic design is not only an inexpensive option, but also runs the risk of creating a different brand image in the foreign market. And affordable solution to localize websites is to hire a native translator with marketing and copywriting experience all important components of copywriting, market research, writing and design. So yeah, I think we did have a couple of articles. And even I was mentioning it before when it comes to transcription. So transcription To me, it’s kind of like a next step after localization, which basically is like a blend of translation and copywriting. And it’s mostly relevant for for marketing materials, of course. And so yeah, this whole article is about website translation.
Andrej Zito
So website usually has a certain purpose, whether it’s to drive leads, or to sell a product. So that of course requests copywriting skills on the English or source side. And then of course, the translators should be able as part of their work to do a certain level of copywriting themselves. It’s funny because like, this guy mentions that many people often forget the writing in the copywriting process, which I would hope that most of the translators actually are kind of like a writers maybe just like the good ones. Because that’s part of like what you’re expected to do when you offer localization services, right? It’s not just like, translation, translate word by word, like a machine. But you need to make everything sound natural and nice as if it was written in the in your own native language. So that to me, like it’s writing already on its own.
Andrej Zito
So copywriting is kind of like adding that marketing, marketing tone are like, like really playing with words to make sure they hit the nail on the head. Okay, and last part is translators need to know design. localization necessitates the rethinking of even visual design. Let’s take a look at a big international company with successful localization. The Coca Cola company has different eye catching images and designs for 20 different locations. So therefore, images here, I think one of them is Japanese. He, one of them is probably Chinese, then there’s like a rabbinic one. And then they’re probably like a US version. So he had the homepages are totally different. And it’s not only the hero image hero image takes like most of the most of the space, but like the whole layout is slightly different. Well, not the top menu structure.
Andrej Zito
And also in one language, Coca Cola is actually translate it. Okay, let’s get back to the article. However, design localization is not only an expensive option, but may also compromise and brand identity having an internationally unified design has its advantages, including coherent branding, efficiency, lower costs and less complication. So what design components can be localized without compromising brand identity eye catching images? Which photo is a better eye catching image from A web page about affordable family health insurance. For me to class Japanese in Japan does not take a fancy survey or an academic paper to tell that the Japanese audience can relate to the picture on the left more. Those of you who are listening, dare to images. One The left one is of course, more accurate is actually a Japanese looking like family.
Andrej Zito
Father Mater and two kids and then the right images, people who look like I don’t know, it’s like Indian, or Well, not Filipino. But they definitely don’t look Japanese. So just based on the race, of course, it’s probably better to show Japanese people to the Japanese market. And here he continues, it takes very little effort or cost to replace and localize photos. There are many stock photo websites that you can download stock photos available for commercial projects for free, or for very little money. Second thing how you can affect design components is color palette, a Coca Cola pages different color palettes, except for the Coca Cola trademark ret. Each red and green color has slightly different saturation for example, the saturation of green on the post header is darker on the Japanese website. And finally, type pornography.
Andrej Zito
This is what many people think of when they hear the word typographic. But type of typographic isn’t just a creative graphic design. It’s also setting the right kerning line hate typeface color, and size to ensure readability for legibility visibility, as well as delivering your brand message. This is reason why designers spend days and weeks to create a logo with original typeface that represents a company’s brand identity. This is why the New York Times both newspaper and website are beautiful. Even though they have very few colors and graphics. typography is equally important in Japanese, or in any other language. Arabic for example, is a right to left writing system. So left to right web design is almost disturbing to users. Traditional Chinese and Japanese have very complicated logo graphic characters called the kanji.
Andrej Zito
Whereas the highest stroke count of the English alphabet is for the highest stroke of kanji 84, the high stroke kanji that college students should be able to read and write is 23, the highest stroke kanji that is included in fourth file, Evans goetic, or Ms. minto is 33 strokes. Obviously, you should never use less than a 12 pixel font, final final words about this article from my site. And I think I’ll just probably repeat what I tried to say when I was talking about the first thing, which is marketing. Like if there were translators, that we’ll be able to deliver all these extra values, you know, so certain expertise, in marketing, in law, in SEO and copywriting and in design, then they would really be super, super valuable, and they probably wouldn’t have to fear having their jobs taken by an entity in the near future.
Andrej Zito
And if you think about it, if you’re able to identify these super translators in different regions, they will be the first for me the choice when it comes to the business idea that I was sharing previously, which is, instead of just doing localization, would there be like a special? What if there was like an LSP that would give the chance, especially for startups, to simply like, test their presence in a certain market, which would require a proper localization, working with translators who know few things about marketing, SEO, design and including the wall and he would just basically run these smaller experiments, which would then tell your client if it’s worth it, entering good market or not. So you would be just like the agency that just test the market and prepares the ground work for them. To enter the market once they see like a certain ROI in the market.
Andrej Zito
I’m sorry, but I’m like really having trouble expressing my thoughts today? I’m not sure if it made sense. But yeah, his article is very, very, very good. I don’t think I’ve actually seen anyone put it together as like this big picture. And that would definitely saw a couple of mentions of translators knowing something about target market. We also so of course, translators required to know how to do copywriting which basically means there are quote, translators, we also talk about SEO, but I have never think before stumbled upon article that would also mention certain experience with the law, or expertise. And then of course, design is another important thing. So if there are any translators out there, who know all of these disciplines, and they actively use it in their translations, or they like, give feedback back to their customers, then I think that would be like a very rare case.
Andrej Zito
And yeah, they should be called Super crossfitters. And let’s move on to article number two. So article number two, I found is I think it’s like a website about cars. And I have I know nothing about cars. So I’m 34. And I still don’t know how to drive a car. I never had driver’s license, I’m not sure if I’m eventually going to get one. Because so far, I’m pretty, pretty good surviving without a car here in Vancouver. So this is kind of like a funny article because it lists 20 car names, which have hilarious meanings in other languages. So this is definitely not from like a typical LSP or like an article from a translator is this is definitely something you so it’s just the list of 20 cars, cartons, and I’m just going to go through them one by one. So number one, Mazda laputa carmakers keep struggling with the Spanish speaking market.
Andrej Zito
A very famous example is the Mazda laputa a rebadged Suzuki K, which was produced from 1999 to 2006. The name of poor comes from Jonathan Swift book travels into several remote nations of the world. But sadly, it’s often associated with a Spanish word laputa which translates to the whole war. Okay, he also said that he had to censor these words. Because otherwise the website which is cart throttle, wouldn’t let him post it. Okay, so I was the first one luck with that. Yes, I know that worked. Number two, a Chevrolet Nova, or Lana Nova. Another example from the Spanish market. Although the stamp it’s far less brutal Nova, which was used by both Chevrolet and Lada simply translates into doesn’t work. As in no va. The British foxhole Nova managed to escape this fate, as it was sold as the Apollo chorus and the rest of the world.
Andrej Zito
I didn’t know that it has this meaning I think Nova is also like a character in Starcraft is not. Okay, number three, unite coder. You might argue that most of the cars in this list are pretty old, and that the car makers probably have learned their lesson. The recently introduced, Hyundai Kona proves the opposite. Its name sounds very similar to the Portuguese word Kona with sea, which is very vulgar expression for the female genital unites solution to the problem. The Kona will be sold as the kouign, a main island of Hawaii on the Portuguese market. The appelle Ascona was also pretty unpopular in particle. Number four, Toyota m r two but not only Spain and Portugal get carmakers in trouble. They also have their problems with the French speaking market.
Andrej Zito
A nice example is the Toyota Mr to its name stands for mid engine, a rear wheel drive two seater, but the French pronunciation Mr. Dude, sounds very similar to the French word, man that which means shit. to it I reacted by selling the poor man’s Ferrari as the Toyota Mr. In France. Number five, Audi TT coupe. So this is like a premium car. Another example, I didn’t know that this one would be also fucked up in some language. Another example from the French speaking market, although this time the car in question kept its name. The Audi TT coupe is pronounced similar to Ted tech coupe, which is French for a cut off head. So if you’re a French murder, look no further This is the car for you.
Andrej Zito
Number six, this is an ugly looking car. Mitsubishi town box. The midship Mitsubishi town box was produced from 1999 to 2011. And it’s box shaped. And it’s a box shaped key minivan designed for narrow town streets. Oh, I see. How could this straightforward name costs any controversies? Well, the problem was that Mitsubishi often use the abbreviation key box, which also seems fine, at least until you move the space between the words because then you’re driving around in the car to cold meet to be shitbox you decide if that’s actually a more fitting name or just a hilarious fail? number seven. Forget Uno. Another card that seems to have a really straightforward name is the yet Uno. How can the Italian word for one cause any trouble? Well, finish uno means for also pretty fitting I guess.
Andrej Zito
What car do you have a drive a Fiat fool? You fool. Okay, number eight Honda Fit. Honda Fit on the fit. Jazz. Wait, what? Oh, there are different names based on the regions. Okay, so the Honda Fit is a cool little minivan. At least in China, Japan and America. In Europe. It’s called the jazz But did you know that none of these names was originally planned on the actually wanted to call it the Fiesta fit eta However, they bitch to name pretty quickly when they found out that it’s a very rude expression for the female genital genital in Scandinavian languages. Number nine Chrysler PT Cruiser as if the weird proportion retro design with the big smiling face wasn’t yet controversial enough. visor. Chrysler came up with the name PT Cruiser. In theory. pt stands for personal transportation.
Andrej Zito
But in reality it’s pronounced very similar to PT. Oh, but hey, let’s be honest, PT Cruiser is actually a very fitting name I think number 10 Lamborghini reven tall and yes, even $2 million supercars can have on fitting names, although this one is actually pretty hilarious. In Lamborghini tradition, it’s named after famous fighting bull. However, Spanish reven Tong means blowout or flat tire. Let’s just hope that this will never happen to the Remington drivers, especially not at the top speed of 221 miles per hour. Number 11. Mitsubishi parkhero probably the most famous example is the Mitsubishi Pajero, it had to be renamed to Montero for the Spanish speaking market, or would you want to drive around in a car named male masturbator aka Mitsubishi when a nice number 12 d. s pero. Would you drive a car named I hope?
Andrej Zito
Well, that’s exactly what the Spanish word as pedal means. And although it may be actually fitting for that car, you never know if it will start They will react to it by renaming it to ouranos in some Spanish speaking countries. Number 13 Volkswagen Jetta the Jetta is very unpopular in Germany, but it’s pretty common in the rest of the world. But how about Italy? Because sadly, the word Jetta name sounds very similar to the Italian word yet, which spells eta, which means losing streak or streak of bad luck. And coincidentally, I featured it 13 in this list. Okay, he mentioned some ways but there’s no link. I assume it’s something to do with accidents. Number 14 Ford Pinto.
Andrej Zito
Take a look at the photo above the car in front is a Ford Pinto with just received a slight tap on the back from the military vehicle behind it. And boom, it went up in flames. But it wasn’t just the badly placed fuel tank which costs controversies. The name had its problems as well, at least on the Brazilian market, where Pinto is an expression for a small penis. Okay, okay, number 15. This is difficult for me. sukwon see Matisse the Citron see Matisse concept was unveiled at the 2006 Paris Auto Show. It’s a hybrid shooting break and it can switch between a What is this FWD, rW D and a WD depending on the situation. The French word mid piece means half cast cast, but sadly it also means bastard number 16 Ooh, fancy one. Rolls Royce silver shadow. The name silver shadow doesn’t cause any problems in different languages.
Andrej Zito
However, the car was originally intended to be called Silver Mist rolls, Rolls Royce had to pitch the name because in German mist is a different world for dirt or crap. Silver shadow really is a better name for a luxurious set and then silver ship. Number 17 Audi e three as Adi a three e Tron sounds so futuristic. Audi sells its plug in hybrids under the E Tron label. However, it sounds suspiciously similar to the French word it horn which means pile of shit. Maybe there’s a reason why nobody buys it. Number 18 Ford Kuga, I think I was looking at this car at some point were the the fourth cuca is a very popular SUV which is currently in its second generation. But Gus Ford know that CUDA actually stands for the Black Death, the past in Slovenian and serbo. Croatian. Probably not. Otherwise they would have changed the name pretty quickly.
Andrej Zito
Number 19 Mitsubishi I meet Evie. This is some Japanese name or something. The Mitsubishi i e v, which stands for Mitsubishi innovate electric vehicle is a small electric car, which is also sold as the citoyen c zero and the petrol, I own. I own all these names sound very fancy and modern. However, Mitsubishi definitely came up with the worst one mi IV sounds very similar to the German word meif, which is colloquial for smell. This didn’t quite match the environmental friendly character of the car. And so mission needs to be should rename it to Mitsubishi Electric Vehicle. Finally, number 20. forks walk and vent. The vendor was introduced in 1992 as the successor of the second generation Jetta. Volkswagen wanted to change the image and increase the profit by changing the name although they kept the general name in the US and some other non European countries as people were already used to it.
Andrej Zito
The Jetta has been featured earlier on this list and apparently Fox one also fucked up the knee. The new name Vento is indeed Italian for wind. But colloquially, that word is also used for wind that comes from someone’s arm. So basically the car is called forks wagon fourth. Okay, so that was the list of here’s the first comment, folks wagon fart, stinky air these legate you don’t make sense now. Okay, so this was the list of 20 cars with fucked up names from cart throttle. And that was the article number two. Let’s do the final article number free, although I’m already approaching one hour, but I think I want to do the third article. So this one is when do businesses need to localize their content, which is kind of generic. This one is from this wickert. And it’s actually from March 22,019. So it’s not in the article. But I just discovered it now. And it’s from, it’s on the Shutterstock website, or its founder block.
Andrej Zito
So this age of personalization, consumers want content that speaks to their unique needs. Discover how international brands are realizing localization is the best way to give it to them. Think global, act local. What does this mantra mean to the marketers, it’s the idea that the global expansion shouldn’t occur, occur at the cost of irrelevant customer experience. Research conducted by global management consulting firm at Kearney shows that 90% of companies believe they must change their strategies in order to succeed in the current global business environment. 89% are there for pursuing or considering localization. That includes creating content in local languages, designing marketing materials for specific regions, and adapting marketing campaigns for increase the relevance and effectiveness one of the most iconic examples of this strategy comes from Coca Cola and his long running share a coke campaign.
Andrej Zito
Starting in 2013, the company printed a selection of first names on its bottles, and cans in countries like Australia, Israel and the US in an effort to connect with customers by making their interactions with the brand feel more personal. When it came to China, however, the huge volume of first name options with Coca Cola to take a different tactic in Chinese markets. The company swept first names for nicknames like superstar, and sweetie pie. Coca Cola also customized bottles with quotes from popular movies and song lyrics. Meanwhile, in the UK, bottle labels were printed with wills and Kate to celebrate the birth of royal baby Prince George. Around the same time, Belgium released limited editions share a coke cans that read the kerning and letter Ori, which translates as King, Flemish and French.
Andrej Zito
When the country’s war in Crown Prince Philip as its new kink in every market, consumers receive the slightly altered product and marketing a message that spoke specifically to their culture. The global campaign is credited with boosting revenue in key markets. After all, after launching in the US, coke sales increased for the first time in more than a decade. But customizing packaging for local markets isn’t the only way brands can localize their marketing strategies. What’s more connecting What’s more, connecting with consumers on a personal level is only one advantage of a localized content. So number one, building brand affinity. A big advantage of localized marketing is that it allows companies to promote and build affinity with your brand. Airbnb is known for partnering with local social media influencers to attract young consumers in India.
Andrej Zito
The brand works with bloggers and bollywood celebrities who have stayed in Airbnb properties when they share their experiences online. Airbnb is India’s marketing manager Varun Karina says he’s able to garner a positive visibility for the brand. Local influencers can help brands appear more relevant to their local target audience. Be sure to look for an influencer whose image style and outlook is in line with your brand. When you need to build customer loyalty in specific markets, as with account based marketing, a localized strategy and enables you to speak directly to your most important buyers Forrester consulting report in 2018. That 64% of technology buyers value localized content that’s tailored to their country or geographic during the technology decision making process, expanding new markets.
Andrej Zito
Another scenario that weren’t. warrants localized content is expansion into new markets where your brand isn’t established and competitors may have the upper hand brands, or what brands of the world over brands around the world are modifying their advertising creative to appeal to local preferences, and capitalize on local trends. Creating localized content lets your audience know you understand their geographic region and can meet their specific needs. develop content in the local language to encourage interaction and show prospective customers you respect their culture.
Andrej Zito
When entering a new market. Get to know the marketing landscape start with the most popular social network sites, networks, sites and search engines in the area. For example, when the NHL began expanding its brand presence in China earlier this year. It marketed through mobile video app do we even know in the US stick to and use aggregations who is generally toutiao boy both are highly popular among Chinese consumers. If your goals include increasing your brand’s appeal, consider partnering with local charities and nonprofits that reflect your brand values. supporting a good cause is no longer a choice for brands by promoting your involvement with organizations that supported local community, you can gain a foothold in new market. Finally, mergers, acquisitions and rebranding.
Andrej Zito
Mergers and Acquisitions often involve rebranding and getting your evolving business off the ground requires an aggressive marketing strategy. By developing digital content and marketing messages that local consumers can relate to, you’re more likely to boost interest in your product and services. After a merger or acquisition. companies often find themselves struggling to convey unified message speaking to the advantages that the merger can provide each local community. For example, by expanding your product offering or the area you’re able to service can strengthen your brand’s new image, a consistent omni channel campaign is the key to success. localized marketing allows you to build a bond with local vendors, suppliers and distributors to further grow your business. localized content can also increase your market share help would help build the report with new potential customers and solidify your business in the minds of consumers.
Andrej Zito
Regardless of your marketing, objectives, localization is increasingly vital to business success. Show your customers, you understand them their local culture and their environment. And they may see your brand as a long term partner, rather than just another company. So that’s the end of article number three. And just to share with you, I really feel so I don’t feel like relaxed, like during the whole recording of this podcast. I don’t know why. I feel like I cannot even breathe properly. Like I run out of breath. I also feel like I’m just like, are we reading the articles, but I don’t actually process the information. So I don’t come up with anything meaningful to say about it. And I don’t know why it is like that. Yeah. I have no idea. I have no idea. I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s, I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m streaming. And that makes me a little bit uncomfortable a little bit.
Andrej Zito
There is also the new light that I just bought. So I bought a ring light for my streaming and for my video creation. And although it’s like 12:44pm searches, like a lot of light outside, I still use the light, and it makes my eyes hurt a little bit. And finally, I don’t know. I don’t know why it is like that. And this kind of like brings me just to talk a little bit more before we end up this episode. Like how this translates into work performance. Like how many times are we just like not in our best mindset or are feeling and it affects how efficiently and well we actually work and I think thing that for many people actually they don’t even realize it. That one there are kind of like off. So I’m definitely not in my zone today, hopefully later when I started the editing process, so maybe through the routine, I will be able to get into the zone and I just play my music and just get going.
Andrej Zito
Anyway, I don’t know why, why am I even saying this? Yeah, so I definitely felt a little bit off. But hopefully, at least the first article was, was interesting to you. I’ll probably have to edit it a bunch, because like, I have trouble expressing my thoughts once again. And, yeah, that is going to be it for today’s episode, I definitely need to start looking for guests, or these podcasts. And hopefully, it will be a better value for you. Because even like me, I’m not super convinced about the value of what I’m doing right now, especially when I feel like I’m not saying anything useful. So that’s going to be it for Episode Number 18 of the localization podcast. Thank you very much. If you survived until this point, I appreciate it. So thank you for listening. Thank you for watching, and I’ll talk to you next week. Bye.