Localization Academy

How To Use Meistertask As Localization Project Manager

Is Meistertask any good for localization project managers?

Welcome to another episode in this series, where every month we’ll check out a new project management platform and see how viable it is for localization. All online software will be either free or with a free trial, so you can try it on your own.

In this video, I’ll show you how to use Meistertask for project management. We’ll use simple localization projects to demonstrate the different options available for PMs.

Andrej Zito 

What’s up, everyone? This is Andrej. Welcome to a new short tutorial. In this one, I’m going to show you, very quickly, how you can use Meistertask, specifically, the basic free plan of it, to schedule and, let’s say, monitor or manage your localization projects. Let’s get right into it. This is exactly how you’re going to start, when you first sign up to Meistertask. The way we’re going to organize our projects, partially because of the limitations of the basic plan where I think you can only create two or three projects. And also because we want to find a way how to group all the information that we want to track across all of our projects. That’s why we’re going to only use, let’s say, one project to track all of our projects. And I’m going to show you how to do that. So first of all, we’re going to rename this first project that was edit by default. And we’re going to say that these are My Projects. Let’s start by creating the first task which will be Installation. When I click it, open the details, this is where we’re going to first use the tags. Now I’m going to create a new tag, which will be for Project A. So this is our first project. And let’s say we want to have it green. There. So now our translation belongs to Project A. Next thing we want to do, normally, I think I work with 30k translation, so that should be roughly three weeks. So assuming that we start next Monday, it’s going to end in July 1st. So that is our due date, we cannot set the schedule. So the start time and end time because you have to upgrade to use such a basic feature. So the only thing that we can do here is we can add a new checklist. And we’re going to use this checklist to keep track of the translation for each of the languages that we have in our scope. So typically, for my tutorials, I use this set of four languages German, French, Japanese and Korean. That’s our translation. Next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to add review for this one, I usually do 40 hours, the same way, we’re going to assign it to Project A by using the task. The due date will in this case be one week later. So that’s July 8th. And once again, we can add the individual languages. And then finally, as no as a final milestone or as a task, we just have the delivery. And this one will be the same day as we complete the review. And for this one, I’m going to skip adding the checklist items because I assume we’re going to deliver everything at the same time. So the way how you can use board view like this, regardless of other apps that you may be using, is that let’s say we have Project A, right, so you can see all the tasks. And we started with the translation. So once you send the translation to your translators to the team, you move it to In Progress so that you know that right now, the translation for Project A is in progress. And maybe as you start getting the translations back, you can start taking these individual languages off, right, because not everyone will deliver at the same time. So we want to keep track for each of the language for our project. And then once everything is completed, so you can see here, it’s four out of four. So it means all the languages were delivered, and we just moved the card to done. And then you probably want to start the next task, which is to review. And if you have another project, which say has translation as well, the way how you differentiate it is you create another tag, say this one will be Project B. And let’s have Project B use, let’s say orange. So I’m going to assign this one to Project B.

Andrej Zito 

And you could again, it will the language is for the project. And then once you move you just move the cart here. This is a very simple way how you can track your projects in a slightly higher level. You don’t have the granule level that I usually do in other tutorials because it would get too messy with the checklists. If we had to track let’s say at heads-ups and heads-up confirm handoffs and handoff confirm and delivered and so on. So that’s why we keep it simple in this case. But here at least you can see what you are currently working on what is still on your pipeline. And if we add here, I don’t know this due date. So you can see what is in progress, what are the individual languages that you have already received for that particular task? And when is the due date for the task that is in progress? So, that’s it. That is how you can use the basic plan of Meistertask. Goodbye.

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