Localization Academy

Importing Arabic Translations Into Elementor? — Live Localization, Day 6

How do you localize an online course into another language? We’re going to show you exactly that! In this sixth video, Ahmed will show us how to import the Arabic translation into Elementor & WordPress.

Welcome to a new series called Live Localization where we show you the process of localization from start to finish. Together with Ahmed from Words, we’re going to localize our Localization Project Manager course into Arabic.

Andrej Zito

Hi, everyone. Welcome to the stream. This is Andrej. And finally, we have Achmed. Here. Say hello to everyone. Welcome to the stream. This is Andrej. And finally, I think I think you have to mute me because people can hear from me. Yeah, I’m going to I’m going to quickly switch to this view because you cannot see accurate. So there now you can see him fully. So Akamas

Ahmed Elmiligy

problem with my camera. I think it’s just a position

Andrej Zito

that you are slightly off, you know, so when I had those big ones, yeah, you’re still slightly off. That’s, that’s okay. We’re gonna be in this few. So today, I believe it’s the sixth. And maybe tell me what you and your team was doing in the last week.

Ahmed Elmiligy

We were assigned like in like any good translation team. From from the truthers clouds. And we were expecting that we will find the machine translation and inside. So the first stage that we took is to perform the mtpe, the machine translation, post editing, because everything, everything, almost every every cell, made no sense. And this was the first stage and then we ran actually a second revision, or a second post editing. Because we thought this, as I spoke to you, before we launch, something that this will be the landing pages is kind of very important that we perform reasonable quality audit, I understand maybe we’ll find some stuff that everything there is room for improvement when it comes to style. Because you know, the sentence, sentence structure and the way things are writing. In Arabic, maybe it’s not, as you know, readable in the same way in English. Like, for example, when you say, Welcome to the real world, or the real world, which we don’t really use such phrase in Arabic, for example, there has to show you, and we will play with it. To see how it will go. And then after this, we we actually assigned the file to proofreader who concentrate mostly on their Arabic output is not it’s not looking that much into the English. Right? And because in Arabic, we have the, you know, some dictations, maybe some that we call the skin on. On some words, and then and then and then we were implementing these changes on products. I had a bit of a hard time with it today maybe because of the internet connection. Not sure but you know it thanks a lot. We will we will see. I think we will we will have to extract the text. And I was not sure why I was not able to download the bilingual document to have something that we can check. Maybe it’s a function that I’m not aware of. But when I’m when I’m using this I don’t want to jump but let’s jump

Andrej Zito

so what are we jumping into it? To download the bilingual file,

Ahmed Elmiligy

I would recommend that too but to download it because I think, you know, copying and pasting from from from truthers is not going to be very practical, practical. Oh, yeah, that’s right.

Andrej Zito

I won’t be doing that, because that’s not how you would do it. But let’s first talk about one thing that I have to say is that yes, our chat is open. So if by any chance you have any questions or comments for us, feel free to send it on YouTube or LinkedIn. It will show up and I’m not sure if we have something here. Document. I’m not sure if this is your friend. I don’t even know how to say your name. I’m sorry about it. And he said 100 naamyaa. Is it? robic are what does that mean?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Sorry. Sorry. I’m not sure I can. Can you can read someone who is attending with us is

Andrej Zito

yeah, it’s I don’t know how I can share this with you.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I can see it on YouTube right now. It

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

a where you have?

Andrej Zito

Where is it your friend or? It’s different.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Anyway, if you see have is my friend All right, even even if I don’t know him.

Andrej Zito

Okay, so first thing that I want to ask is because I can see that the captions are still in translation. Is that correct? Can you see that on my screen?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, I think the captions are not. We’re not translated yet. Because we want to see the landing page first.

Andrej Zito

Right. Okay, and so that one is still in the linguistic review. So do we want to complete it?

Ahmed Elmiligy

The for this? Yeah, this this one I’m going to complete right now. I actually clicked it. It keeps me you know. I’m not sure why it’s not as easy as Memsource are smart get but maybe this is my internet connection. Because it keeps keeps asking Okay. We need validation.

Andrej Zito

Your mind it shows that it’s completed but for some reason it’s still in the linguistic review stage. I really,

Ahmed Elmiligy

maybe maybe just the the button thing, but now I think we can extract it. No problem. I’m sure I finished it. Like a few minutes before we started okay.

Andrej Zito

signings on or off met? Can I do it? It’s Paul versions. 20. September target generation,

Ahmed Elmiligy

isn’t it? The captions are already in the match one Excel Right? Or they are separate.

Andrej Zito

It’s a separate file, right? Because it has the timestamps?

Ahmed Elmiligy

i Yeah. Yeah. So I think that the content is in the Excel itself. Because when you say hi, this is Andre this from the video.

Andrej Zito

But that’s not part of the batch, is it?

Ahmed Elmiligy

It is. This way I was asking you a few days ago. It is. So these captions are in the batch one file already, but not with the timecode. And this is the something that we can speak about later because I’m going to work on the subtitling part, but I will not do it here on travels. It’s terrible.

Andrej Zito

So let me clarify that I think I mentioned to you that the SRT project can be ignored. Yeah, yeah. Because the captions are part of batch one file but the batch one project consists of two files.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Alright. So we we will continue with a landing page until this one is finished because I this is what we give it a lot of

Ahmed Elmiligy

Hello, my

Andrej Zito

with Yes, you are I thought that you were going to finish saying what you were saying.

Ahmed Elmiligy

All right, we we focused in this in this stage on finishing the batch one, which is pending beach. And for the captions I think we are going to do it offline. Why? Because we need to align it with the subtitles with the with the with the video itself. So let’s let’s move on with it. But we will get it done very soon.

Andrej Zito

Yes, but it’s clear. Right? That’s yeah, we have to translate both. Yeah. Because the spreadsheet the spreadsheet only contains I extracted some text from the video. But it’s not the whole. It’s not. Yeah. Right. So now, I think I saw here that you generated a target file today. So did it download for you

Ahmed Elmiligy

download but it download the target only?

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

Which is a bit weird for me. I was expecting to download the bilingual but maybe maybe it’s a function that I don’t know.

Andrej Zito

Oh, wow. I didn’t know this. Do you see what I’m showing right now? I didn’t know that for you. Even the ABC starts from the right side.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, this is the this is what I what we this is the view we experienced. Yes.

Andrej Zito

That’s interesting. Okay.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Isn’t not very organized. You need some fixing?

Andrej Zito

What do you mean is that organized?

Ahmed Elmiligy

RTL in some sales is like, wrongly aligned.

Andrej Zito

Okay. Well, we’ll see once we put it to the website. So I want to just put it where is my hiding? Think? Back to one

Andrej Zito

maybe do some stuff here. Let’s say this one is translated. And I want to put it into one Swan and this one.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, now I open this caption file and I remember it, Andre? No, I, it’s, it’s terrible to do this on the clouds I must do on subtitling tool to be able to play with words and move. You know, like move the text because the structure is quite different in Arabic and I’m you know, so I get to play but some parts of it. Yes. Some parts are included in the landing page. Document. Okay, okay.

Andrej Zito

Okay, so I copied the translations here so that I know what is what. And as I’m checking, is it normal that you translate names of people?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, yeah, it’s no big deal.

Andrej Zito

But how do you translate the name? Is it just like

Ahmed Elmiligy

we translate three the names you know

Andrej Zito

Okay, okay, okay. Okay. So

Ahmed Elmiligy

after all, it’s something you know, some clients they prefer that we put like the English beside the Arabic perhaps in brackets or something but it depends on the you know, on the project options, but it is for anybody who reads Arabic Okay, read luksic this this lady’s name is Rafaela pain she’s a UK and of course the mana Eman is is from Egypt. So her name is

Andrej Zito

I see. Okay, question Luna. Hey, are these video series recorded to watch later? Yes, absolutely. free. You can see all the videos that we did before. So now I’ll just start copying this into the, into the website, right. And we’re going to then do the layouts together. Right? Is that our goal for today?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yep. Okay, here is something that I, that I need to discuss when it comes about the localization and the translation of the content. And of course, you have to like, give me your idea, but let’s go on with it when we are copying because I’m excited about this.

Andrej Zito

You’re excited about me copy pasting.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. Actually, actually, I was going to ask you to let me do this copying and pasting myself because but I have no access to your to the admin of this page. And let’s watch together and I will tell you, if it looks okay, and

Ahmed Elmiligy

I have not actually used the word brace like five years ago, I used to use it a lot to bring in beige and stuff

Andrej Zito

what a lot.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I thought I can read a comment here from Luna, how are you? Luna? Are you is this is this ritual on LinkedIn as well?

Andrej Zito

Right. Yeah, but people are sending the comments from

Ahmed Elmiligy

from from LinkedIn. Right.

Andrej Zito

Okay, awkward. So this is my first copy, paste.

Ahmed Elmiligy

You owe me the money.

Andrej Zito

Oh my gosh, that’s the fun look. Good. Let’s start with that.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Can you go back again

Ahmed Elmiligy

the form is not the best thing. It is okay. But it’s not the nicest font that I would choose in. Okay, so fine.

Andrej Zito

So if you had So are you saying that the font is not good? Because it doesn’t look good? Or it doesn’t display the characters in a nice way?

Ahmed Elmiligy

No, it displays the character in a normal manner. Okay, perhaps I can I think it displays the I’m not sure if there are extra speeches between the two first words, but but it looks fine so far. I cannot determine because I’m not you know, I’m not editing myself.

Andrej Zito

Okay, so you’re asking you their space right. Okay, I need to get used to this. Where if I go if I go home? Okay, here we are, I think 1234 Actually, there seems to be a double space. Is there supposed to be double space?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Between the first two words No. Only one

Andrej Zito

Yeah, I see double space in the spreadsheet as well.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Here’s this situation with with one of the challenges that we faced with traduce clouds you know, you know it the the Arabic writing. I’m not sure I’m able to explain it but it was kind of weird, you know. Especially when it comes to spacing. Maybe we need it. Maybe it’s our fault. Maybe we needed to spend more time with it. But I think in here we the very first line between the two first words, I think there is one extra space that we need to remove. Okay. In fact I will need also to the situation here has nothing to do with that. translation quality but more than it is it is more about the travel travels us maybe.

Andrej Zito

So you think the trellis added the extra space

Ahmed Elmiligy

perhaps it could be like you know after the track changes because because we used track changes in this

Andrej Zito

okay alright, so you’re saying that it looks good right because I can also change the font if we need something better

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay, okay.

Andrej Zito

Okay as it’s good are you want me to change the font?

Ahmed Elmiligy

No need for now just keep it as it is as long as we are able to read.

Andrej Zito

Okay, good, good, good.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Because I would suggest that after this publishing the or maybe exporting the decks we are going to proofreading words once again it’s like illness. Oh, you know,

Andrej Zito

I see. So on the website, right, yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy

On the website itself, yes. Right. That’s that’s where we are going to remove maybe the extra spaces here like maybe a full stop or anything to make sure that everything is alright,

Andrej Zito

right. Okay. How does the second one look like to you? Seems a little bit small um, or is it normal?

Ahmed Elmiligy

My actually the screen is frozen so I’m not sure I can see the second one I

Andrej Zito

think I shouldn’t be still sharing on Google meat if you’re there

Ahmed Elmiligy

you give me access once again please

Andrej Zito

Oh, it looks like oh everyone lifts

Ahmed Elmiligy

now I can see it

Andrej Zito

I can see it Are you checking it on YouTube or somewhere on LinkedIn?

Ahmed Elmiligy


Andrej Zito

Oh okay. Do you want to join them in the Google meet thing because that’s where you can see my desktop in real time.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I think I think you need to give me access alright

Andrej Zito

okay wait it’s me opening again new meeting okay going to give you the link in the Zoom chat again

Andrej Zito

admit to now just share the screen here

Andrej Zito

all right. Can you see my screen

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well I can see right now the the second line second headline and branch you can see it with you even if you don’t know Arabic. So you can see that the full stop is at the start of the second line, which is not correct. So this is a a write RTL an RTL issue. And you know, I think some I think Marina was asking on a in a comment in LinkedIn, but fixing that. And here it is. I think it depends on the tool is the tool is prepared to do are this or are we going to do this manually?

Andrej Zito

Right? This one? I’m trying to see

Ahmed Elmiligy

you can see

Ahmed Elmiligy

if you can see the second line?

Andrej Zito

Yeah, I can see that I’m trying to find it.

Ahmed Elmiligy

So yeah, it’s this, this full stop is not supposed to be here supposed to be at the end of the sentence that says, says that this. This, this course is on the resume online. discovered the role of a project manager, project manager. And then basics of project management in 10 days. And here is the situation I’m not sure about the tool does doesn’t really support because I’m not editing by myself right now. You will not be able to do but in this section in the in edit text editor, if you go to the full stop. And perhaps you I guess, I guess you maybe had this experience before that you had to edit languages that you don’t know, which is in Chinese and Japanese and other languages. So the full stop, it needs to be moved. To the to the left. The last two words. Go on. I think you’re scrolling right going with the mouse.

Andrej Zito

The last two words. Look at all the way the end.

Ahmed Elmiligy


Andrej Zito

Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s messed up.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, this is messed up. There is Yeah. Yeah, I think I think there is a solution that maybe we don’t know about WordPress, because I understand the corporate does support that a bit very well. But maybe there is a function of some kind that we don’t know.

Andrej Zito

Mm hmm. Yeah, I think it’s just this text editor is weird. So this one, okay. Yeah, it’s it’s this thing here, right? Yeah, it jumps weird. So okay, this is the start and go forward. Alright, go for

Andrej Zito

Yeah, it does something weird here.

Andrej Zito

so odd? I was here,

Ahmed Elmiligy

we I think this is absolutely normal. Because we have seen this in many, many website localization projects, when the developer or the guys are actually building the pages. They do not know Arabic, right.

Andrej Zito

Oh, yeah, this is exactly a good a showcase of what people might be struggling with.

Ahmed Elmiligy

So it’s quite natural as we go on things in Arabic, and then everything will be fixed.

Andrej Zito

Right. So should I just continue copying things?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. Time.

Andrej Zito

Right. Yeah. Yeah, we need to we need to find out. Maybe I just need to set something like you said. Okay. Where is my thing here? Enter your email. So this will be a form I have here. Yeah, this is completely different. Yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy

I wanted to ask you that haps you should actually change the layout. This button This button reserve my spot I believe it should be moved to the next Yeah

Andrej Zito

How about how about I just copy paste everything first and then we can

Ahmed Elmiligy

okay yeah yeah in this in this in this stage everything will look weird

Andrej Zito

okay testimonials I really enjoy it what does it look like

Andrej Zito

oh yeah even the ball tacks are off

Ahmed Elmiligy

this is another thing of course yeah.

Andrej Zito

Shifts okay, why did I pick

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah which is something that I think the offline toggles doesn’t do it it actually keeps the formatting as much as possible

Ahmed Elmiligy

this also needs to be fixed, the layout be fixed. The RTL is flipped you know, you can read the Arabic but the full stops and quotation marks do you need to be fixed?

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

I used to manage a lot of DTB projects, that’s why I’m like crazy about Arteaga

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

But there is there is no other like automated or that instant method and reuse that you know what?

Andrej Zito

I was just I was just thinking about it. Well, there is W PML. Right. But yeah, I was explaining that previously why I did it manually because we just do it for this one page. So I don’t mind doing this for one but if I imagined that we would have to translate the whole website or if we wouldn’t be adding more content and of course this is not sustainable to do everything manually.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. That this is funny because I’ve been preparing for a large website localization with one of my my customers and we were spoke with we were speaking about a method that will make things easier so that you wanted to like see the progress instantly.

Andrej Zito

Oh, yeah. And how is their website created? They use WordPress or something else?

Ahmed Elmiligy

I think they use WordPress but it’s kinda huge. It’s kind of big, big very big, very, very big website. I think that’s exactly 100,000 words or more and a lot of blogs and stuff and I was trying to sell the idea that let’s do it offline is is much safer

Andrej Zito

What do you mean Oh fine.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Without without using any like online tool that we don’t know of and

Andrej Zito

you have a comment. much useful. Thank you. Omar will

Andrej Zito

be the first chain and enter your email and enter your Email button. Is your wife’s phone Can I meet the team

Andrej Zito

oh this is my name in Arabic

Ahmed Elmiligy


Ahmed Elmiligy

rent then hanging on the wall

Andrej Zito

courtesy of worse how are you

Andrej Zito

I’m going to learn so many things while doing this thing

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah every everything needs to be aligned to the right

Andrej Zito

to connect with me in okay final parts FAQ

Andrej Zito

on bom bom bom bom bom which Do I need any previous experience

Andrej Zito

so it’s already 36 Let’s see what we can do within 20 minutes

Andrej Zito

Okay, so here is the link now how do I link okay, this is the link copied here so can you still see my screen? Yeah, yeah. So I love the I love the a tags here so I think I have an idea but I think yeah, the RTL is off because I think what you want me to highlight as a link is this thing between the brackets but I don’t think I can I can select it as one text confused so this should be the link right the thing that I just highlighted is that correct

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah this should yes look at the the view

Andrej Zito

Okay, so I put it as a link and that means I can get rebuilt with the 8x

Andrej Zito

tax No

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay, I think I think kind of it right. Now many things are clear for me you know, you know, like we were when we were working on traverse like you can see that it was blind we’re blind we’re even if you are like referring to the website and looking at website at the website, the English source things are quite different when you look at it in Arabic, you know, the template to get ideas like I’m going to have second remove this word. Maybe I can bold it so I can perhaps I can change something. Of course I would change the layout of this FAQ section needs to be read but let’s discover Yeah,

Andrej Zito

yeah, I can I think we can change that. Awesome. Let me just finish this piece thing

Andrej Zito

So my thanks. Emoji

Andrej Zito

Do you localize emojis

Ahmed Elmiligy

No we can if we want

Andrej Zito

can my company

Andrej Zito

yeah this is a lot of copy pasting yeah just one page

Ahmed Elmiligy

very tedious

Andrej Zito

yeah this is how you should not do it

Andrej Zito

what pls do you use Now what was the DNS name source

Andrej Zito

okay ah we have the link here which is going to turn in to Elaine that’s easy it’s an English one final question I’m working studying will I have time for this episode Utley okay and then we have the footer of thing oh we have also the SEO title I almost forgot about it. Let me save this. Let me change one thing about the header and the footer we header another aerobic and footer. robic to add it to change that this shows for singular h which is our robic that we just get her and you cannot see it and I also cannot see it seven close okay. That’s step one and footer we’re gonna do the same thing. I’m gonna display conditions at condition singular H rahbek. C’mon White cannot find it. Not by author agenus Arabic Arabic AR save and close. Okay, so that shouldn’t be this thing. Now if I save the drafts any file refresh it will hopefully show the right header and the footer. Yes. And in whereas our footer footer is there but you cannot see it. So I’m going to make this small for now and we need to edit the footer would you like to save changes Sure. And now we just copied the footer Okay, so here we have the lanes here this is my bad but I assume that the first thing here is the weight I don’t even know how to select text in Arabic

Ahmed Elmiligy

I lifted it in like any way like selecting any text

Andrej Zito

the thing is that my you know like my mouse goes see like he does these things like I don’t know what is the trick there. I don’t even know which direction I have to go okay, I’m going to the right side which is not the right one

Andrej Zito

okay, no wait, this is me going back. I think I’m in the wrong space. Okay. Okay. Oh, is what I just selected is the privacy policy.

Ahmed Elmiligy

This is the terms of use.

Andrej Zito

This is Terms of Use. Yeah. Oh boy

Ahmed Elmiligy

but it looks fine to me

Andrej Zito

wait so which part is all rights reserved

Ahmed Elmiligy

the first one Yeah, yeah, this was one Yeah. No no no go back this one now you selected the privacy policy

Andrej Zito


Andrej Zito

okay, so this one oh I see. Oh yeah, it looks different here. Do you see how it looks different here like in the preview I think it’s how it should be like I can see that this is probably all rights reserved, right. This is privacy policy This is Terms of Use, but here in the editor it’s localization Academy Inc and then there’s already this this this pipe I don’t know why that’s so confusing.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Do you think do you suppose it’s flipped as well?

Andrej Zito

Could the be I don’t know. But it just

Ahmed Elmiligy

it’s not in the same in the same direction like the Yeah, yeah. No, I got it this is

Andrej Zito


Andrej Zito

so where is actually my privacy policy?

Ahmed Elmiligy

The one in the middle Yes.

Andrej Zito

This one it starts here.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. Yeah, yeah

Andrej Zito

this one right all right. Continue why continue here? Or no

Andrej Zito

I still don’t know where the All Rights Reserved are in this text. Is this the privacy policy?

Ahmed Elmiligy

The one in the middle is the privacy policy. Okay, the last one, the first one. I wish I can go into my mouse. Yeah.

Andrej Zito

You mean the one on the left right.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Um, I’m not able to like maybe highlight or anything on Google. Google mean I cannot like use any marker or anything

Ahmed Elmiligy

I can’t use any marker with you right the point

Andrej Zito

now All right. Well, I think I think this is so you say this is not privacy policy? Is this privacy policy?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yes, this is already reserved. Really? Yeah.

Andrej Zito

Why is it here different? I thought this one was looking good. I’m confused. How’s it here in the spreadsheet?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Let me send it to you on

Andrej Zito

on Zoom.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Okay. I can break it down into the three sections.

Andrej Zito

Oh yes please

Andrej Zito

okay for someone who doesn’t understand or obvious

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah, it is live it is live okay in zoom I’m gonna send you all right reserved

Andrej Zito

okay bear with us for a moment

Ahmed Elmiligy

all right. Privacy Policy. It is

Ahmed Elmiligy

terms of use is supposed to be the last line okay, and it’s an Yeah, I need it is live should be fixed.

Andrej Zito

All right, let me see. screenshot of this slide. Don’t mess up the view loads this thing in where are we here? Okay

Andrej Zito

all right. So we shouldn’t be yeah

Ahmed Elmiligy

because okay

Andrej Zito

a b Oh I think I got it so wait ways okay so this should be privacy policy right the one I just highlighted

Ahmed Elmiligy

in the middle

Andrej Zito

Do you see what I highlighted? No. Do you see on the Google sharing

Ahmed Elmiligy

yes this is the privacy cozy

Andrej Zito

right okay privacy

Ahmed Elmiligy

add the links

Andrej Zito


Ahmed Elmiligy

yes need to tell the guys that this is not really the project manager’s job

Andrej Zito

right yeah. Who would be normally doing this is like a DTP person

Ahmed Elmiligy

need to be personal or maybe the proofreader rose. Preparing the final test

Andrej Zito

Terms of Use all right finally okay. We I think I messed up something here why doesn’t show the next day here? What did I do? Okay, let’s update our router. Why did it put differently this is so weird. Okay, whatever. We can fix it later. can let me get rid of this one up the the footer. The text is weird. And let’s go back to the page and I think I messed up something with the FAQ Did I mess up? This one is about a TMS with TMS you use that looks fine. Why the last one doesn’t have a question I’m working studying there we go. I have time for this okay. Save Draft okay 1052 So this is how it looks like right now after the copying

Andrej Zito

all right I think I’m going to have to experiment with the with the dot and see what is the support for RTL in this plugin? Maybe what we can do is we can do the some of the flipping Are you with me

Andrej Zito

Hello, are you still there

Andrej Zito

I guess we lost Are you there?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Again? Yeah, I’m here again. I think I’m I love connection because yeah, my internet’s not the best today at all.

Andrej Zito

So do we want to I don’t know,

Ahmed Elmiligy

very good broadcasts.

Andrej Zito

Do we want to maybe so so for this one for the forum. You say that we just have to flip the two things right.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. See If I can, I don’t want to be rigid, it’s supposed to be like the book of DTV saying that it should be flipped the button need to be moved to the Next button. But now the way I see it up, no, it’s no big deal. You know, it’s just a design thing. We don’t want to be very rigid, about, you know, like, what the books saying.

Andrej Zito

But are you saying that because people can understand it? Or?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yes, people were understanding? Yeah, people will understand it, I would probably prefer that. I’m, for example, this arrow before the How can I should it’s, it’s much better if it’s moved to the next to the left, and then I can, but let’s try to fix the RTL first. Then think about like small things, moving the button here or button, you know, like the design thing is the last that I care about in this matter, you know,

Andrej Zito

right. Right. So I moved the arrow to the other side. The reason why I wanted to do maybe this thing is because we have I don’t know, like five minutes. So I don’t think like I want to do the research on the RTL on the stream, because I think it will be very boring. Or people I don’t know, and I don’t want you to sit here. So I was just thinking if we shouldn’t do this. Think I still don’t even know how I would do that. Using what Yeah,

Ahmed Elmiligy

yeah. Correct. What are you done? Right now is perfect. Perfect. Even and Eric because the button is to the right and and feel were you. So okay, maybe next time when we get the AI, the RTL fixed. And perhaps like the next time we can have the subtitling video working?

Andrej Zito

Oh, yeah.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Because Because this one is going to be I’m not going to be able to do this on targets. I will have to like download the video from the from the site here or from YouTube. And I will subtitle it offline.

Andrej Zito

Right. Okay. So I guess we all are the day for now. Oh, you don’t translate vendor management? Is that the word you keep in English?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Really? Well, well, it depends. I think the translation is written in. In the same document. Strictly. Yeah, yeah. It’s translated then. Because vendor management is like, very common. Okay. Yeah, but the translation is available before it in Arabic. It’s about the supply, language service supply chain. sounds something like that. And there is also, we don’t have a lot of room to discuss like the linguistic. But I would be very happy if we received feedback from our friends or watching or going to watch the video, speak Arabic. Think I’m going to send the less to Eman to give us your feedback.

Andrej Zito

All right. Okay. So I guess that will be it for today’s stream. Thanks, everyone, for watching. And we will be doing next time is hopefully we’ll find a way how to fix the RTL think we’ll probably do some changes in the layout. But as I understand, it’s not so important. And next time we want to do the video right? Maybe as well. Yep.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Yeah. And also we will do some proofreading on what we actually copied and pasted today. Right? Really very big linguistic change, but much more like to sign off to make sure that spacing and everything and maybe I can discuss this with you to teach me how to use this.

Andrej Zito

Oh, well, I will not be giving you access to this one. I don’t think like normally clients would do that. Right. Like, are you changing? But isn’t that like the whole perspective of localization that the the linguistic quality should be fine analyze before people start doing this thing, like we were doing,

Ahmed Elmiligy

this is not what I meant. This is not what I meant. Usually we can do this offline without having access to the client sport or whatever. But we can perhaps, like print it into a PDF, or we can add any. Yeah.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, that’s cool work.

Ahmed Elmiligy

But but as a as as for fixing the RTL is going to be with you. And we can like sign it up and say everything’s okay. Because working, you know, working with my own hand in in building the content is different from letting you do this.

Andrej Zito

Yeah, you’re right throw away. Okay. Good. Any final words from you?

Ahmed Elmiligy

Oh, ah, thank you so much.

Andrej Zito

All right. Thanks, everyone, for watching.

Ahmed Elmiligy

Thanks for the guys. 10. Today, Luna and ml. Thank you very much.

Andrej Zito

Thank you. And we’ll be back next week. I don’t know. Maybe if I find something about the RTL maybe I will do a quick stream to explain what I discovered. But otherwise, we’ll be back next week with regression or percussion. Until then, goodbye.

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