Localization Academy

Lionbridge: YouTube Channel Review

Lionbridge has one of the best marketing in the industry in my opinion. How good is their Youtube game though?

If you consider YouTube to be an important channel for you and your audience, this series is for you! Together with Anny Chia we’ll do YouTube channel reviews so that everyone in localization can improve and provide more value to their viewers!

In this video, we reviewed the Youtube channel of Lionbridge and shared a bunch of suggestions on how to make it better.

Andrej Zito 

I always thought that Lionbridge had one of the best marketing in the industry. The question is, how good is their YouTube game? In this video, we had a closer look at their YouTube channel and we provided some suggestions on how they can do it better. What we looked at is their consistency, branding, thumbnails, copywriting, SEO, and pretty much everything that we can drill into. If you consider YouTube to be important channel for your audience, for your customers, and how you pretty much present yourself to the whole industry, then this video is right for you.

Andrej Zito 

Welcome to the second episode in our new series, where we look at the YouTube channels of the companies from the localization industry. I’m not doing this review alone. I’m joined by Anny and we want to use the series as a way to educate you, to share with you our experience and practical knowledge how you can improve on YouTube and how you can capture the attention of people on this channel. Previously, we reviewed the YouTube channel of RWS Group and how this whole content came to be is that we actually live streamed the review of both channels – RWS Group and Lionbridge at the same time. And we called these YouTube Wars, that we put these channels against each other and try to find a clear winner. So in this video, you’re going to see the second part of the live stream which is dedicated to Lionbridge. If you want to see who we review next, if you want to find out who will be the next contenders in the YouTube Wars, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit that notification bell and let’s get right into the review of Lionbridge’s YouTube channel. Okay, so let’s start from here. So Lionbridge…

Anny Chia 

Ay, look at that. Connecting the world, Lionbridge. Same thing as build more meaningful connections. But they got that bridge there. They got the Lionbridge there. They got the… Yeah. 3.7k views. I mean, yeah, but let’s go to the channel.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, no, before we let’s look at this one, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So they have I think around same, very similar.

Anny Chia 

Yeah. Similar size. Why?

Andrej Zito 

Do they close it? I think we should keep it because we’re doing this sort of a versus thing.

Anny Chia 

Ranking that keyword up volumes. One point 44.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. And there’s so many videos. But it’s a lot of shorter videos. Stop. Okay, so Lionbridge partners with brands to break barriers and build bridges all over the world for more than 20 years. We have something something. Yep. I think it’s good.

Anny Chia 

Yeah, I think so. Like you can read the first sentence, you don’t need to finish the rest. But you kind of get what this channel. Well, do you get what this channel is about, though? No, I don’t.

Andrej Zito 


Anny Chia 

Yeah, but still.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. It’s funny that there’s a Leon bridges.

Anny Chia 

Yeah, we never actually talked about the icon. Like the Lionbridge icon and the RWS icon like YouTube channel icon, huh. Yeah. I mean,

Andrej Zito 

I think, well, it’s it’s for RWS, that it’s the same, right. So it looks

Anny Chia 

Is, is that actually high res or? Not really? I mean, I have I’m seeing here from your screen.

Andrej Zito 

It’s fine.

Anny Chia 

Okay. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Yeah,

Anny Chia 

That’s my my end is a little bit pixelated. But I think that’s just internet transmission. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

All right. So, so good so far, since the beginning. Okay, let’s look at the this one. So they’re better. Just has the lion. Which I think is captivating. It doesn’t tell you much about it. But it’s. Yeah, really just like branding thing. And also, they use more social media links here. Right. Than RWS. RWS has only their website? Yeah. When it comes to performance though, it’s 864 in the last 30 days. Actually, yeah. Actually less than RWS. How about the subscribers? Ten, but it looks more. Well, it’s just the short timeframe but if you remember for RWS, it was just like one day and then what?

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

Okay, so views, okay. So sort of consistent. Okay. So we have the trailer, the connecting the world, that’s fine. And here, we finally have some better structure. Yeah. Of the home page. How do you call it? The homepage?

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

I guess so. Okay, so first one is the latest uploads? I guess that’s, that’s okay. Then we have a place for Lionbridge recruitment. Make sense? And then just a list of playlists. Right? I think if you have multiple playlists, I think I would maybe put more playlists here. Because right now, it looks like the structure is only the latest videos. And then language recruitment. And for some reason, yeah. And just the playlists, which I think you can use the space a lot more, right. And a lot better, but okay. So what is your first impression just now?

Anny Chia 

More consistent, and like, you can see there’s orange, there is black. That’s the branded the colors, so it’s very nicely. Like, you can tell, like someone thought about this and then put it up. But yeah, I agree. It’s odd. That is, like recruitment is like up there. But maybe they’re recruiting at the moment. That’s why it’s emphasized. Yeah, yeah. But Yep. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

I think I think it’s okay, that it’s here. But um, I would be just have a few more. I have more. Yeah. Yeah. If you already have the playlist. Yep. But just like when I’m actually looking at the playlist. It looks like some of them don’t have the branded thumbnails. Yes. Maybe that’s why they didn’t include it. Yeah, this one. This to me, if I look at it, it’s like, is this a different company?

Anny Chia 

Yeah, that’s like a different type of color scheme.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. So

Anny Chia 

Yeah. quite different.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So yeah, okay. Good. So this one looks good. So let’s look at the videos. Alright, so here, it looks a little bit more mixed. Yeah.

Anny Chia 

That car Really? Yes, standing out.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, in a bad way.

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

Yes. in a bad way. Um, yeah. So when I look at this, I can definitely see the branding and the consistency, but I need to think about it first. Because when I look at this word orange is so prominent, right? I can definitely associate them with Lionbridge. Like, I like it, like half of it is, or more than half of it is like

Anny Chia 

Grayscale, that orange

Andrej Zito 

Image and this one. This one’s with the people. I really have to look closer to see the branding. I can see that it’s there. But it’s more like I don’t know, grayish. And then yeah, it’s not really obvious. Some images here. Yeah. And the text is super, super small. So on the thumbnail, it’s not readable.

Anny Chia 

Yeah, I can’t read it. Yeah. Even I would say even for those orange ones. I can’t really read it.

Andrej Zito 

Though, I sort of can

Anny Chia 

Prominent? Okay, it’s, it’s again the internet. Sure.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, oh, this looks nice. Until you see it. Yeah. Yeah. It’s nice. So yeah, and this looks like different thumbnail style for things like for different webinars you mentioned. I like definitely. I prefer definitely this one more where you show the people but to me, this one is like so much text. Yeah.

Anny Chia 

This is a very busy thumbnail.

Andrej Zito 

Yes. Yes. Very busy. And do you extra like the background pattern? Or no, to me? It’s also

Anny Chia 

To me it’s a little noisy. I kind of Yeah, yeah. Hard to make them all at peace together, I guess.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So just my personally for me, the best thumbnails are these ones. Yep. I once and I think, yeah, I think the ones with the people where you have that side model, let’s say which is used for the branding. I think those could work. Because I like the fact that the people are so big. That’s what we were talking about before, right? Like, yeah, connection to the people like these are definitely better than these ones. This is just like zoom windows. It’s Yeah, very, very basic. So this one’s would work better. If I

Anny Chia 

The text was better to read.

Andrej Zito 

Yes? And if also the sidebar had the better, I don’t know, maybe darker black and without commerce and contrast? Yes. Because if you have the people there, they take the, let’s say the first because of the people, and you don’t need to make it more noisier. Because even if you The thing is that even if you use like a normal? Like if you don’t crop the people, like they still have the background, you know, like from the I don’t know, from the capture, yeah, it means that their background is already noisier. So you don’t want to add more noise by adding these illustrations or whatever this is in the background. So I would keep the left side, simple their text and more contrasting branding. Yep. So either orange or black? Or ideally both. Right. Okay, so going through here, we have something different. So do you have any thoughts on these just like all black and just Lionbridge?

Anny Chia 

Um, no, I don’t really know what that’s about it just by looking at I know, it’s a video about Lionbridge. But that was that has just two logos. I don’t really know what that’s about.

Andrej Zito 

I think that when I looked at the title, it’s, I think it’s maybe like, I don’t know if it’s Lionbridge connected with another company or if it’s another tool. I don’t know what

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

Yeah. But I think it’s about the connection with language with someone. I think it’s sort of okay. At least it’s very clear from the thumbnail like, it’s not noisy. Then we have these these look nice.

Anny Chia 

Those are the HR stuff. The recruitment on the homepage. Right. Working out monthly. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, okay, I’ll just scroll up. Or so these these ones out those or that’s already three years ago. Yeah. This is like they probably just started.

Anny Chia 

When is their first video? Oh, seven years ago? 10 years ago?

Andrej Zito 

Damn, look at this. Yeah. So we went through this ourselves with our channel and when we rebranded. So I don’t think that the company like Lionbridge wouldn’t be able to find a budget to redo the thumbnails. Yeah. Yeah. To videos, for sure. So, so that’s what I would definitely do. But it looks like that, at least from the start already knew, like, they can not customize your thumbnails. It just like their style evolved over time. And they just left it there. Yeah. So I think that it’s definitely worth I mean, moving towards a better like, I like their current style. Especially on these ones. So yeah, it would be better if it was consistent, even if for the previous videos. We cannot see their analytics, but I’m pretty sure that some of their older videos are still getting right. Traffic tractions that yeah. So yeah. Anything else you want to say about this? No, no? Um, okay, so let’s look at the the copy. Mm hmm. Which one? Do you want to look at?

Anny Chia 

Should we take the latest? Right,

Andrej Zito 

So the latest. Okay, then. And maybe something from the recruitment?

Anny Chia 

Yeah, that has higher views working remotely? Okay. Yep. And one more? What about that branding? One? That was like Lionbridge connecting the world?

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Good.

Anny Chia 

There that lion, right. Connecting the world Lionbridge.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. So the latest video,

Anny Chia 

It’s a stream. Live Streaming about this healthy data management for a thriving global recovery. So that I mean, the title is not bad. It’s pretty clear. If you’re looking for data management stuff, you will probably find it or I guess global recovery stuff. You will find it um, a fireside chat with Jamie and listen today. There are two guest names joining this discussion with blah blah blah well. Can you refresh before you press on? Oh, to show less? Show less? Yeah. Yeah. So like it just, sentence is cut. And the stuff, first sentence and the second sentence pretty much say the same thing. You know, like a fireside chat with these two people join the discussion with these two people. Also, with copy, you’re trying to make things as short as possible. So it doesn’t really help. And the sentence is like, halfway cut. Okay, so show more, show more and discuss the importance of working with language provider with global scale and 16 minutes, they will address Yeah, so this copy actually tells you what this video is about, like in 60 minutes, they will address digital transformation, importance of reaching global markets in a post COVID world. Topic range from cx journeys to operation technology more, so it’s definitely a better copy. It tells me what this video is about. It just maybe could be shorter, but I don’t have too much against it. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I think do what you were saying previously? I think they’re not using the keywords from the title. I don’t see it. Being a management. Yeah, I don’t see here. So yeah, I think probably there. Yeah. Scripture. There’s all tags, but yeah, yeah. Next, whatever. But yeah, the title and the description. Don’t use the same keywords. Yeah. I think that’s important for the SEO. Yep. And I thought you were also going to mention the thing that you want to you mentioned the thing that it’s duplicated, and it’s maybe too long. Yeah. Which is, which is true. And I think what I would add is that, I don’t know how it looks like in this way. Let me actually search this. your topic? How data management’s, Lionbridge? Okay, so, what I thought you were also going to say is this thing?

Anny Chia 

Yeah. That’s why. Yeah, it’s important. It’s important, like the beginning short stuff can actually get your point across in case because people might not ever click on it, right? Yeah. So it might be good to skip those two duplicate ones and just get like in the 60 minutes, you will get blah, blah, blah.

Andrej Zito 


Anny Chia 

Yeah. And then you can show more and then be like, a fireside chat with blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Yes. It’s like swap it. Yes.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, exactly. So it’s again, the same thing as with the audio and the title, you want to communicate the value of video. Yeah. Or the potential viewers. And I was just laughing because I noticed the video of below. Yeah. Well, continues. Okay. So okay, good. One thing that I was also thinking about, because since this is this was live stream. I think the reason why you said that this is this is a better copy and absolutely is. I think this might be a copy that they put together for the live stream just like it right. But then after it was live stream, they didn’t, let’s say fine tune it.

Anny Chia 

Right. Well, we can see their other videos later to see if that exactly,

Andrej Zito 

Exactly, exactly. Yeah. All right. So let’s go to the the HR one, which definitely won’t be live streamed.

Anny Chia 

Okay, working remotely with Lionbridge, Lionbridge Recruiting. Okay, it’s clear, it’s about working remotely. And then it’s, maybe it’s a CV, so that’s why there’s Lionbridge Recruiting. So that is also clear. Lionbridge supports a global community of over 1 million crowd workers who help our customers enhance train, translate and localize. There is nothing about working remotely in this description. Maybe we do show more. Could it be there?

Andrej Zito 

Technically, technically

Anny Chia 

Yeah. It shouldn’t. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Yes. yet. What I wanted to say is that technically, it maybe relates to somebody who’s interested in working remotely. That you say that you already have a big community, sort of it is sort of related. But But yeah, I think it’d be a better, better way to show more

Anny Chia 

for For 20 plus years they have build trained. Okay, our communities diverse, talented, we actively recruit and welcome. Yeah, it’s kind of like a recruitment pitch. There’s nothing about working remotely. So yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’s a that’s a good point.

Anny Chia 

Yeah. Like, where’s where’s the remotely par? Yeah, I will feel like the first sentence before you click on show more. It could be more about working remotely. And then once you click Show More than it tells you about lion bridge. Yeah, but at least there’s a CTA in this, which is click to action to apply there. Like if you watch this video for like, a good company for me to work at you can click that and then go apply. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

I’m actually interested, just quickly skimming through the video.

Anny Chia 

It doesn’t really say remotely, actually. Well, this guy working concludes

Andrej Zito 

I think is sort of an overview, right?

Anny Chia 

It does kind of say, yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Kind of minor or under Ah, work at line. No response. Okay, maybe we didn’t see this before people leaving comments.

Anny Chia 

There wasn’t any comments yet.

Andrej Zito 

But here we have once. Yeah. So it’s like a gaming channel. I’m thinking of ninja. Like his hair. So yeah. So I think once you already have a channel, and you get an engagement, which is I think, or anything, yeah, yes. Then you should respond. Especially if it’s about recruiting. It’s like you give this Yeah. And you’re like, Hey, we’re here. For you, by the way, and people ask you respond, like, Yeah. Like, posted. My job is done by? Okay. That was this one. And then you send this one?

Anny Chia 

Yeah, the branding one.

Andrej Zito 

Watch us build a more connected world?

Anny Chia 

Yeah, that’s, well, the only thing that’s better than the building more connections. One is this has Lionbridge in the title, at least, you know, it’s about this company. But the rest to me is the same. Like I guess it’s just the branding video, so they don’t really put too much into coffee. Yeah, but at least if they actually I wouldn’t mind. Here, they describe more about Lionbridge and how they connect a world you know, right. But that show more is there anything there?

Andrej Zito 

They’re actually telling you to watch?

Anny Chia 

Yeah, but

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I’m boring if they actually show didn’t build the world. Patient a generation. He brought people together. That’s hence lionbridge has been driven by cutting edge training of passionate. See, this is why I said I like their marketing. Right. Like this video. He’s just been nice. Nicely done. Okay, so sure more.

Anny Chia 

Yeah, so this is better, because the later part does talk about like how we have, we are like a partner of 1000s of companies. We are fluent in a blah, blah, blah language, and you can kind of see how it connects the world. So at least the copy does say to that. But yeah, it doesn’t have any keywords in it aside from Lionbridge, I would say Right,

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. But I think in this case, maybe it is only about Lionbridge. Yeah.

Anny Chia 

Yeah. So probably it’s fine.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Yeah, I think it’s good.

Anny Chia 

I was there why other tools and artists things they want to write like rank and like concert put together but yeah, that’s fine. Yeah, right.

Andrej Zito 

Okey dokey. So bom, bom. So we look at the videos. Okay. Quick. We playlists, so bunch of playlists with old stuff. Channel rules. I don’t think they have anything strong about. So first of all, to me, it’s just raw text. Right? partners, blah, blah, blah through our world. Lionbridge. Yeah. So it’s the same thing. Like you said before. It’s more like about company. Yes. Yeah, I think that’s how most of the companies actually view it right now. Yeah, like an extension of their website. Yeah, they’re not thinking of like, Okay, this is our since the beginning dedicated channel. Yep. Just for people who I don’t know, enjoy YouTube, and we’re going to create something special for them. Yeah. So yeah. Okay, so let’s close this up. Since we said this is a Let’s fight. So I’m comparing this to

Anny Chia 

I probably lean towards more Lionbridge

Andrej Zito 


Anny Chia 

Yeah. better, better branding for me. Better copies, and I know what their kind of content is about, although I do really like those like short and sweet, simple tridion demo and then just block, kind of Yeah, title for further tools. But to me, like, overall, I guess this channel lionbridge is more consistent.

Andrej Zito 

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Well, I think one thing that we didn’t say is like, if you have a sort of a sense of what type of content they create,

Anny Chia 

Yeah. Um…

Andrej Zito 

I guess the webinars? Yeah, I think is something that is useful for you. He didn’t says learning with Lionbridge. Yeah. So that would be a good thing. It would be a reason why you would want to subscribe. And here I see people like the zoom chat ones, which again, is something like people discussing so you might learn something. Yeah. And then I guess we had those recruiting once. And then we had those marketing like the connecting the world once. There’s a connector one. And yet this is like already three years ago. I think that’s what we didn’t talk about the consistency of the channel. Yep. Where is there a way I think maybe by use the Social Blade, the social blades? Show the posting lights? Rich? Six. Oh, no, it doesn’t. To me, you know what the I’m always surprised by is this random? Plus 10? Minus 10.

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

Like, what is that like? Otherwise? It’s flat, like nothing’s happening. And then suddenly, you get less than subscribers. I’m not sure what to think about that. I’ve seen somewhere. I’m not going to mention whose channel it was. Yeah. On one day, they gain like 100 subscribers.

Anny Chia 

Maybe just hate the video or Yeah, or like paid subscribers. Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

They’re paying for it. But I don’t think he would pay for and subscribers.

Anny Chia 

Yeah. Maybe it’s like a way it’s always on. Oh, nevermind. I was gonna say is always on Tuesdays not? Yep.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so I didn’t see the posting. So let’s look at the term here. So three for one week, two week, one month, one month, two month, two month, two month, three videos in two months ago. two videos in three months ago, or? They’re slightly more? Five months, seven months? Yeah. So I think recently, it’s mostly used for the webinars. And I think maybe they dropped some content when they needed maybe they’re the ones who are using it on their website. I do not know.

Anny Chia 


Andrej Zito 

But it again doesn’t look like any strategy is in place. Like I don’t know, every month we put together. Yeah, sort of a new video about something. Yeah, yep. Okay, good. Alright guys, that was the review of Lionbridge’s YouTube channel. Hopefully you got some value out of this. Thank you for watching all the way until the end. If you found this useful, please make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell. If by any chance you want the your YouTube channel to be reviewed, just email us at youtube@localizationacademy.com. And we’ll try to make your dream come true. Hopefully I’ll see you in some other video. We’ll be back in next two weeks with another YouTube review. We still don’t know who it will be. But make sure you stay with us and I’ll see you then. Bye bye!

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