Localization Academy

Localize – First TMS Experience

Localize is a “translation management platform for websites and mobile apps.” In this video, you’ll see my first experience with the localization tool. How did it go?

I’ve documented my whole journey with Localize from the first home page visit, through creating a project, to downloading the translated files in German, Czech and Japanese.

Andrej Zito 

How’s it like using Localize for the very first time? In this video, you’re going to find out exactly that. Recently, I was contacted by the team from Localize, and they asked me if I could do my first user experience review of their platform. And so I did it. And you’re going to find out, in this video, whether the team actually made a good decision to contact me or not. So, stay tuned, and we’re going to get into the review right away. Okay, we’re back after some time, I haven’t done this in a while. So, what? Let me see. First of all, Localize JS. Word these interrupts people betting on this. Anyway, Localize – not to be confused with Localise. Localize “the automated translation management system.” Alright, just this first thing that is here to automated translation management system. That doesn’t seem like a very unique thing. You have so many translation management systems, and I guess the main reason why you want to be using a TMS is that because it automates thanks, right? Like, we don’t know, to which, to what extent Localize does it but yeah, and also confused here because I thought it was Localize JS, like is like the JS is part of the name of the of the TMS, but I guess it’s just Localize. It is just Localize. There we go. So I have absolutely no idea what the J stands for. I think when I was looking at the list of PMS before, all names his website, I think, I think it might have come across this. I’m not sure if it was listed. But to me the JS always, you know, I think of JavaScript. So I don’t know why the domain is like this. If the product is just Localize, but anyway. So would you like, Okay, first impression. The hero section is very, very raw. I think this is the the most let’s say, minimalistic hero section that I have ever seen. So, yeah, but maybe it’s here on purpose. So that we you see the actual the biggest names, which definitely look quite big. Discord. We’re using that Cisco, Microsoft, Intuit Atlassian as well. Wow. Tinder. I interviewed Alexei, Alexei from Tinder. No, that was Bumble. What am I talking about? I haven’t interviewed anyone from Tinder. Alright, so that is the first thing that comes to my mind. It’s, it doesn’t look that visually appealing. Because that can be again, just because I’m so used to having nice, beautiful, visually attractive hero sections almost everywhere. So this to me looks very, very bland, I would say we are having some how would I call this mockups? With some light illustrations here and it looks kind of nice later on. But it’s still kind of white to everything anyway. So I haven’t done this, this review in a long, long time. And also what is I think, more appropriate to say is that I haven’t done a lot of design myself. Recently, I haven’t watched a lot of design reviews like I used to before. So that’s why maybe this whole first experience will be kind of like off on my chair. But I’ll still try to share my experience what I think about the user experience while I’m just sharing my user experience, right? That’s what the series is about. But also I used to say a lot about the design design stuff, and I’ll try to do that as well. Maybe I’ll remember some things. Anyway, so would you like a demo of Localize schedule? We’re hiring 100% remote I think that’s that’s okay.

Andrej Zito 

What I’m missing here is a way to remove it. This to me seems like The section that you, especially if this is, let’s say, within the app, where they want to bring your attention to something like a motion or a discount or something, there should be a way to remove it. But in this case, it’s instead of discount. It’s not an offer. But I’m still like to see how it looks like without it. Deve go away. Oh, I still have this think. Wait. Marketing header, CTA Delete. Think I like it better now. Although now I think this this, this, this border here isn’t centered, but okay. Localize product solutions, resources, customers pricing. The menu looks nice. Try it free login. And it’s fine. The logo looks super simplistic, which I think I like. I’m not sure how much how much thinking when behind it. And actually, sometimes the simple logos can have a lot of thinking behind it. Not sure what it’s supposed to represent. If it’s just like, I don’t know, like, you know, like, typically when you search for localization or globalization icons, you get the basically the art. So that can be eat, I don’t know. But I like the simplicity of it. So that’s nice. So about the hero section, I already talked about is it’s very bland is just x. Web app translation without files. Is that interesting hook. Web app translation without files. It depends on where you’re coming from. Let’s say with web app translation means for me, because I’m using WordPress and I think, I don’t know what is the statistic like 30% of websites are running on WordPress. I know that there’s a the the WP P and L I think plugin, which basically connects your web in WordPress. And WordPress is the CMS here with TMS. So then of course, the exchange of the content happens kind of automatically. And you really don’t send the files to a team as manually. So to me, maybe it’s because I’m, let’s say more, I would say advanced user or technical person, not an expert. But maybe this to me doesn’t seem so convincing. Like, like a huge effort like Like, like, this is why I would now start using Localize, because I can translate my web app without files. Although actually wait, now that I think about it on the second glance, it doesn’t say website translation rights, its web app. And web app, when it comes to this thing I can think of So is this something? Is this going to be something like, I don’t know, what do we have Fraserview editor, like the DMS is that connect with the with the code repository and your CI CD. I’m just throwing some some weird terms here. Although I don’t understand it fully, completely, like how it works on the on the dev side. But anyway, let’s continue easily translate websites and applications that easily translate websites and applications to new languages and streamline streamline your translation workflow. That’s pretty clear. But again, it’s not something unique. requested them or try three. Here we have two buttons, which are kind of like the same. Same style. So you don’t know which one is more important. Like which one should people click more? I don’t know. Here, we have tried three here. He’s tried free. But the request the demo is on the left side. So I would assume that request to them is more important one. I don’t know. I don’t like the hierarchy here.

Andrej Zito 

And technically, if you think about it, like even this button here, and this is still above the fold, at least for me. on this monitor, which is nothing special, it’s just 10 ADP. So yeah, like these, all these buttons are the same style, the same height, same phone, so nothing here stands up. And again, maybe this is even more emphasized by the fact that this whole hero section is so teeny tiny. Like, if you had this bigger with some nice image, then it would be less buttons here. So it wouldn’t also compete with this one. But yeah, this this whole hero section is to me very, very weak, I would say. But again, maybe it’s just because I’m used to seeing the hero sections pretty much everywhere. I guess it makes sense, right? Because the hero section is supposed to be there, like you jump into the page, and you should be off in the first three seconds. And if I just came here, I don’t think I would be on I think the only thing that is the strongest think the strongest point here is definitely the list of the customers. So maybe that was the intention, I don’t know. But the hero section on its own, not so nice. So then we go to the next one, the the the customer logos that I mentioned is nice. I think I don’t even think that the text here. Now does that much all like from the copy perspective, I think it’s nice. But it’s just, you know, people know these companies. So I think that’s good. It’s good. Also, I like the fact that it has this grayish background. The reason I’m mentioning this is that we are actually working on a on redesigning of Localization Academy’s website. And I was thinking of having something similar for us for the company page. And a lot of the designers they just left it as white. So it would be white section, going into white section and then going into another white section. And I think it’s better if it’s separated with slightly grayish, so I like this think. Okay, so let’s move on. From the header. What do we have here? Okay, so what can you use Localize for. So use, it’s for a web, okay. And here our animation is showing

Andrej Zito 

on the Localize, kind of like a mock up of a website, what’s your website and web applications? minutes not base? What clothes runs in your website by executing a one line JavaScript snippets? Okay. That makes me wonder if I’ll be able actually to do what we normally do. Okay, we have Localize documents. Thank god. Okay. So I assumed that how does this integrate? I don’t know how it integrates. What is the JavaScript snippet? Do you get just get some? I don’t know some button that just pushes stuff into Localize. I don’t know. Well, maybe that will be another season of my TMS reviews where we actually do something more practical but for now we’re just going to focus on the plain simple Office documents so anyway, going back to the the website so we see these colors these are not sure if this is supposed to be part of their branding, I guess not. So the brand is definitely just blue. Yeah, I don’t like the blue thing. It’s just the buttons here are so so many blue buttons. Anyway so this one drink they think we have like this is a more saturated blue or something like these discard this blue here, this orange here and then this purple, which we also have in the screenshots I guess those are the colors for the for the for the web images or for the web assets and know how to name this. How to call it anyway, I guess it explains it nice. The hierarchy is there. There’s enough space whitespace here I think it’s I think it’s all right Close your mobile deliver, blah, blah, blah, burden source within the this, okay? Localize for documents, import any document type or translation in once into space manage the transition process for your external documents within the Localize dashboard. Okay, so we’re going to see that soon. Next one, the Localize advantage. Or class transition management system delivers the most advanced platform on the market today. Oh, really. With all the tools you need to effectively manage your translation workflow. On 10 detection, nice. No need to manually import an expert content. Localize automatically detects new or edited content on your website application and pose it directly. Okay. Continuous localization in context editor. Oh, it will appear on the website. And it’s nice. I hope it will be able to see the in context editor for the documents in collaboration, of course, translation delivery directly to users quickly. Okay, quality translations. Reporting. Alright. Volquez advantage, the only thing that I don’t like here is this thing. And maybe I would even say that, I would say, but like a bigger space here. Because these things here, they have more space in between. And then I’m not sure if this is intentionally part of this section. Or no, but to me, like this is like a separate thing. And here is what I was talking about before, is here you have like, obviously, like this is one section. This is another section. This is another section because you have this different background here. But this one, I think this one I don’t like for the same for the reason that first of all, it’s not separated by a different background color. And then also the spacing is just very close to the previous section. Not sure why. And I also don’t like the copy here like the look less advantage. I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be like some some of their term or, or whatever it is, but it’s even like with uppercase I don’t know.

Andrej Zito 

I don’t know. Yeah. But again, these these things here are not unique. Right? So I’m not sure if I would call it the Localize advantages. Like it’s the only advantage that only Localize can give you so that’s my comment on this one. Okay, fits neatly into your existing tech stack acquires integrates seamlessly with many services. That’s cool. I think this one is okay, try three. What do we have here? Okay, testimonials, testimonials without people’s pictures. I’m not a fan of that. Maybe again, just because I read it somewhere. This is just the names but you want to see the real people right? So absolutely don’t like this. Like regardless of what this says is I would definitely add the pictures of the people

Andrej Zito 

Trello I used to like Trello Yeah, this would be good but the pictures are definitely missing. There’s so much whitespace here Yeah, I think this part could be done way better. Okay, and we have a gray background here. Anyway, started with a trial with unlimited access for 15 days unlimited access. That’s good. no credit card needed. Simply sign up for a free trial today. And you will get full access to the Localize platform cancel or upgrade your plan at any time. See here they have different buttons. Try three contact sales see and contact sales leads to request demo. Thank you should be able to see it below me. Which is the same thing as here. request them. Yeah. So here they have the buttons with a different let’s say hierarchy or different style, which makes the hierarchy work by Here we have the same and funny thing is that here the order is different. Here it’s first tried free and then contact sales. Which I would still say that probably tried free is the main CTA. But for some reason here, we have requested them first. Not sure about that. Okay. So and for the footer

Andrej Zito 

I was gonna say not much to say here, but the only thing I’m curious about, and maybe this is where I can finally show off with my epic pen if this works is the alignment of the logo. I don’t know. Think it would be better if it was aligned with the with the headings. Just my but no, why did I lose my fun? No, that’s good. All right. So now it’s time to move on and get into the platform. So try it free. Let’s see. Okay. Great. Your account. Interesting think funny thing is that when I was looking at this, this progress bar, or how do we call this like these steps? I would actually I was actually thinking am I actually in step two. And then I’m seeing like, step three is also fully filled out. So the step one, the one where we’re actually doing right now is the one that’s larger, which Okay, makes sense, but it’s the one that’s not filled? I would actually maybe it’s just because it matches the logo. But instinctively, I would probably do it the other way. Like where you are, that’s the field one that just a little I need to create an organization sign up with Google I like that. Why not? Let’s give it a try. If it works Oh, I don’t have my I don’t have my thing here. Okay, so let’s do this thing phone number. I don’t want to give you my phone number. Search countries Why do we have we have this gradient here? Looks bad. 1112223344 on the conversation had a meet that comma as squirt, very weak password. Let’s see if it works next. Looks like it works. Okay. Create an organization will position Academy and the employees one to five? What is your role? I am I’m the CEO. No, I’m not the CEO. I am with say oh, a lot of these things are oh, this is really intended for direct clients. Not for LSPs interesting. Let’s say I’m the product manager. How did you hear about us? Your marketing person contacted me but I’m worried to say I use the Google on tree Yeah. Are you interested in the demo? Not at all get started? Okay, create a project oh, we’re already starting do I have to do it now? Okay, so we want documents project URL project name. What do we do here? Wait I have Darkest Dungeon to things so we do Darkest Dungeon right translate from English Okay, translate to No, no What I cannot select multiple languages. Why is this ordered? The other way What the fuck? Is this one also ordered the other way? It is why why explained to me why. Okay, that’s weird. That’s absolutely weird. Okay, but we want we’ll do the usual German. I don’t know why I cannot select multiple languages here. But hopefully we’ll be able to add more languages later on great projects. Alright, we’ll come through the app. Project key. What is this for? Is this for for API? Probably. Okay, your email address is not in confirmed, you will need to do it. Okay, I’ll do it just for the pure effect of getting rid of this message. Okay?

Andrej Zito 

You now have full access to Localize. All right. So I can get rid of this one. And let’s have a look at the menu. Just like I was saying on the main website, it looks kind of

Andrej Zito 

kind of more wind. That’s my first impression. The sidebar what kind of wind doesn’t work? Oh, you from inside it? I cannot collapse. It’s okay. I guess so. So the sidebar looks fine. darker blue. Sure. The only thing that I don’t like is how this things look like here inside. This is just so basic. It’s just you know, like create a create a container, give you the border and then somehow load up things. And again, we have this like to schedule a demo. Am I tripping? Or is it actually higher, then add a new project? Or maybe they’re the same for some reason it looks bigger to me. But the fun thing is that previously I was asked if I want to schedule them I said no. And why is this button here? Jesus? Okay, your trial ends in 15 days. I don’t know if it has to be in ret especially at this point, I just started and I have a red thing here. It’s like that’s, that’s like okay, like something’s wrong. And it draws my attention to it. I want to first try it. so bland free trial, Sherlock was a she got me one active projects. Okay, that’s that’s our project. One languages. Haha. One active projects as well. One team members, okay.

Andrej Zito 

Alright, so zero pageviews. What it tracks pageviews as well, for the Localize websites. Interesting. Anyway, oh, we have the similar way of adding projects, like we had with poi editor I think but P auditor had this thing done. Way, way cooler. Anyway, okay. So let’s wait, what do they normally used to do? So I spoke about the the main, the first login in the, in the in the app in the UI, right? I talked about that. I don’t think I need to go into the other things. So like, can I get rid of this thing? Schedule a demo that’s the whole thing. Delete. Okay. Better better. Alright, let’s go into our project. Darkest Dungeon. So can we change the sidebar menu to manage project? Project Overview. Write an announcement. Interesting.

Andrej Zito 

Right announcement subject. Hi. This is my first announcement. Is that like? Oh, it’s basically like, comments. Communicate in app with your team posted announcement to share updates with your team. Okay, got it. Well, it’s kind of cool. It’s kind of like a mini wall for the project. Localize team getting started with your projects. We’re so glad you’re here. Are you looking for resources on using the documents feature? Now hopefully figure it out. Okay, we have quick links here. Think I understand that this is different than getting my epic pan, graphics muy. And what I was going to say is that I understand that there are two sections. And technically you can stack each section individually, but for some reason will not for some reason. But the the misalignment here is technically bothering me, I think this first thing is aligned. But then the Quicklinks are not aligned with anything. And if I get it right, then the right announcement is kinda like a fixed thing here. So technically, you could align the quick links with you could align the quick links with this one. So imagine this was not here. Or actually, well, well, yeah, you could align quicklinks with this thing. And this one, this link, align it with this think? I think it would look nicer. And maybe you could the concrete align this thing with this thing? Seems to be almost the same thing. So yeah, whoops, what am I doing? What am I doing?

Andrej Zito 

Okay, we’re back. So that was that about this think? Get ready announcement now. Okay, it’s funny that I’m in my project overview. And there’s actually nothing else. It’s just the the comments, or the wall, or I’m going to call it announcements as they call it. But this is not my project overview. I don’t see any statistics about the project. Okay, this is called Project Overview. I don’t have any overview. Maybe it’s because we haven’t started anything yet. So let’s try to do something. Languages. enabled language source language, English. Human Machine, not translate it. Okay, add languages. So we do Japanese. And I can again, only add one language. Oh my gosh, why? And then we go check, add, right. So this is what not translated, but what is not translated? I didn’t even add the files. Okay, style guide. I don’t care. Scrub your business. Wait, it looks like you feel all this information and then it goes into their ipipeline? Do they provide us editors? Task Manager? Track your team’s localization tasks all in one place, create tasks, assign task owners and set due dates. Is this how I add the files? I would assume so. Settings, import export files in their translated documents? Journal settings, website project corrections. Duplicate No. Okay, I guess we don’t have any other place. Right. Project Overview. There’s nothing here. Okay, so let’s do Task Manager. Add a task. Wait, there’s no way to upload the file. What the fuck? Oh, documents I see documents

Andrej Zito 

that’s interesting. So you upload documents regardless of a project, you don’t make the documents only be part of one project. Okay, let’s let’s see how this works. All file formats. It’s all all of them. That’s cool. So I think we do a bounce and we do the DLC rights. Okay, file name. Doc sauce. Okay, uploads. Success successfully imported documents, right And these documents are not translated what happens if I click it okay it is into the three languages I mean it shows here in the table but why oh wait everything here is part of the project’s

Andrej Zito 

confused right Can I go somehow outside of the project? I’m so confused now. Why does the sidebar right under the name of my organization show the project name which based on the hierarchy I would assume that everything below is part of Darkest Dungeon. But here we are managing the organization which is not related to the project and then these documents are a part of the Darkest Dungeon project or overall I would have to create another project to see the change Okay, let me try test documents create projects translate to a rhombic Okay, now we are in test I can still manage organization which is my overview. And yes, there are no documents okay. So the documents are part of the project but manage organization is global. Okay, okay, here you can actually change the projects Okay, I think this is quite confusing. Okay, so anyway, good, we have our documents we have our languages. Now how do we get started? Probably not here is a task manager or just somewhere from the documents translate all wait, so what is the task actually about? Okay, let’s say we want to do DTP make it look nice, dude. signing on Resita to do is this just a to do list due date Friday status to do in progress done what?

Andrej Zito 

Are these tasks somehow related to the translation workflow or what? I didn’t even get any chance to set up any more poll right. I’m confused. And if this is supposed to be like tracking tasks, like what I do with notions and Asana is and Mondays then this is very, very, very, very, very poor. Like what would you do with this? You just set it to Dawn once you’re done and that’s it. All right, documents about let’s go with this one, we can actually select multiple things, send them to translation rd selected or what did I do? Well, I press Shift, go so when I select one, it’s highlighted in blue. And I select the next one it’s highlighted in blue I can hold Shift and click but then I don’t get the sidebar think. Okay. Anyway, let’s start with about what does this think generate machine translation upload a book or keyword play to occur? What does it mean upload documents? Is this uploading what oh, I started machine translation Do I have any limits on that somewhere? What kind of engine is it using? If I did that horrendous translate all do. I tried it on the DLC think. Okay, we’re going to leave the spinning. Let’s do the DLC one translate all okay, it just does. Empty is soon yep must be what this is spinning as well. Everything is spinning and the files are not that long like the content is super small Why is it taking so long that’s all we have here it’s what’s 300 words Yeah 300 words

Andrej Zito 

why is it taking so long Turkistan June documents. It’s still pending i I’m sorry, but I just don’t know what to do about this

Andrej Zito 

let’s try support, why not? open a support ticket? Machine Translation and find air I’m trying out lock wise. And on my documents, the chain translation is showing and then or a long time when will it be finished? Or number? Oh my gosh, don’t call me

Andrej Zito 

twice soon as possible. Well what is the message here? Manager translation, even this thing, like when I refresh? Why chose that thing there? Oh, gosh. Right. Anyway, um, I think that’s it for now. How long have I been recording recording for one hour and I’ve been stuck here for quite some time. And that’s just what’s happening. So, I hopefully, so today is Sunday 9:30am Just so that you can see. So hopefully I’ll get some reply on Monday so that I can finish this video and this recording. And after we get it machine running, I’ll just download it. So technically, we’re not missing that much. But I don’t want this to be just you know, show that it’s pending. Again. That will be the end of the video. So hopefully, this will be resolved. So until then see you late turret We’re back next day, Monday 12:33pm You’re in Vancouver the situation should be resolved by now. So just so that you can even see the customer support that I got. I send this on Sunday so I do not expect to get my issue resolved on Sunday. So I got first response like acknowledgement at 9:36am We’re sorry that you’re having this problem I’ll look into it and get back to you. And then it seems that one hour later the things has been finally resolved. So from from what I know from the person the marketing person who contacted me from Localize is that they were actually having some technical issues with this which is why it was pending. So hopefully now when we go back to this thing it will be finished Okay, so this is this is us still have this think that’s the announcement I already saw that can go away. Now this is my first thing Okay, so it should be documents. translate documents hard percent. Okay. About Okay, so this is how it looks like. Go google google. Generated machine translation. Can I still click this? Okay, I cannot get word documents download document. This is the part where I’m sort of puzzle Oh, but I think I was asking about this yesterday. So it doesn’t mean that if you want to do mtpe You do it this way and then the translators just download the

Andrej Zito 

the empty the document and they have to posted it separately somewhere. How does it work with the TM? Dos? Okay, yeah, this looks nice. Even the links were preserved enable edit think. And the links are good. I’d say yeah, not off border cinematics. Here you can see in the the tooltip. Like right here character classes. I think this is the one thing that I didn’t pay that much attention to in my previous experiments. But in some cases, some of the TMS tools were even able to extract that tooltip or is it all text? I don’t know right now. But here we still have that in English. But otherwise, this looks good. So I guess Okay, I have this machine translated, do I just download it? Because I just don’t want it. Can I download both documents somehow? Think that when I did the shift thing, it didn’t do anything. Hmm. That’s interesting. Is there another way to download it from maybe the project what the project overview is absolutely useless. I would say Darkest Dungeon Can I download it here now? We have settings here. Okay, zero. Wait, what’s Wait, I will have one project. Today delete my projects. Could be I don’t know why. But um, what? Okay, okay, I refreshed. Okay, that was probably the way what

Andrej Zito 

what did I do wrong? How come you didn’t show up? Right away? Was it cached or something? That’s strange. Okay, so two documents. That’s true. 10 translated documents. How come I have 10 123123? Where’s the 10 coming from? I’m confused. 10 translated documents for three languages. So has three translated documents

Andrej Zito 

Alright, just did this while right. It will here it matches right 3123 way I think I may have a theory. I think I pressed the machine translation wise. Like it was pending. And then I think I hit it again. Is that possible? It just doesn’t mean I don’t get it. I thought maybe it was counting some like the source files. But it’s probably not because here for the second one. We have only these three files and it’s correctly showing three translating documents. So where are these 10 coming from? I have no idea. That’s probably Book Notes. Anyway, let’s see if the machine translation is fast now. Translate all and link really hope for Localize that this will be working right now. Okay, it’s coming back good huh it says new. I have any status here. I don’t have any label here. Why is this new and why is this not new? I haven’t seen the the new label. Now it’s like new since just based on timestamp. It’s slowly going away. Interesting. Interesting. Anyway, let’s complete our journey. Going back to the main one. So technically, I can delete the second one. And wait, I think last time I was trying to find a way how to download all the files. But I don’t see a way maybe if you put it in the folder, maybe I can download the whole folder. Let’s try it out. Test. Now can I? Oh, drag and drop works. That’s nice. Okay, I have it under test. Can I do something with tests? Oh, they even do right click. Okay, I can just rename or delete. That’s not useful. So now. So it means I have done everything manually. One by one. I don’t get it. Artists limitations here just because I’m using the the Localize for documents. That one is the least developed one. Whatever you have project of, I don’t know. 10 files. That’s not coming automatically into TMS. Do you just have to do it manually for each one? Okay, downloads. Oh, yeah. Well, there’s only that one’s a source file. So I actually have to download each one manually. I can’t even get all of them all at the same time. Oh my gosh. Okay. This is not cool. Not cool at all. Okay. German twice. Means the second one. The E, okay. Okay, this is the source file, right? Yeah, that’s the source. Okay, so we check German on us Japanese look like, Okay, it looks Japanese. Even our convention is left in English. That’s pretty neat. And check one. Oh, even this is your hardcore RPG game of stressful spoiler names. Prakasam. genome. Translation. Actually. They left everything on translated that’s nice. Okay, so that’s this thing. Let’s check the spreadsheet. No surprise here. No thing gods. Rice. tenten. tenten. Yeah, this looks good. Japanese looks Japanese. And check. box check. Okay, going back, this one. So we are done. Now. That didn’t take that long. Okay, um, final impressions. I think there were some

Andrej Zito 

things on the homepage that I think could be improved. But again, like I was saying yesterday, it could be just because I’m used to something else. And I don’t think it’s that visually appealing. Or, like, it’s not good at catching attraction, especially the above default part. When it comes to the platform. I was thinking about actually this one thing. And that is I think we saw it somewhere here. Nowhere is this thing, was it here or was it? Yeah. This park okay, this to me is just like, like no. Like this is this thing that we saw here is definitely not the most advanced platform on the market today. You cannot download translated files at the same time, or at least I haven’t figured out a way how to do it. This think project overview is far away from Project Overview. It does almost nothing. There are no statistics here nothing. I don’t know where I would do the the post editing if my translators actually have to use a different tools. So no, this is just not true. And that’s my conclusion. I know that previously. One of the things that I was trying to pay attention to was comparing the let’s say the marketing side what they’re telling us versus what the platform actually delivers. And this is, like so obvious to me that there’s like a huge discrepancy. And this is really just the marketing. I don’t know, it could be that, you know, because the localized documents, I guess nobody cares about localizing documents at this point in this era. And maybe they’re just focusing most of their development efforts for or to automation, or weapon mobile. But I guess, for our series, were the plain old boring office documents that are still used, and I’m sure about that. This is not the most advanced platform on the market today for documents. And that would be my conclusion for Localize JS, I don’t know if it’s Localize JS, Localize. Alright, that’s it. Stay tuned for season two coming up.

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