Lokalise is a “localization and translation management platform for agile teams”. In this video, you’ll see my first experience with the tool. My goal was to translate a simple DOC and XLS. How did it go?
Welcome to the new series where we look at UX of all the TMS tools in localization. I’ve documented the whole journey with Lokalise from the landing page and signup, through creating a project and translating the documents, to finally downloading the translated files.
Andrej Zito
Hi my name is Andrej Zito Welcome to the second part of the UX review of the local TMS tools that we have in our industry. In this video, we’re going to have a closer look at Lokalize.
Andrej Zito
My goal with the series is very simple. I have one word document, one Excel spreadsheet, and I’m trying to get them translated using all the TMS tools in our industry. Just to recap, what are the files that we’re going to try to translate? There is a great horror beneath a man recently playing this game called Darkest Dungeon. So I copied this text from the wiki about this game. It’s a very short one. Here we have a title or something bold and italic. There are a couple of links here. And then we have a simple spreadsheet with the list of the DLCs for this game. So these are the two files. Very simple. I picked up the series with memsource. And the reason for that was that I had this idea to do a UX review of memsource sitting in my backlog for quite some time. So I felt like I finally wanted to get it done.
Andrej Zito
But now the question was which TMS will I review next? And so in order to not overcomplicate it, or think this I came up with a very sophisticated method, the list of TMS put together by Mimsy 12345 626 27.8. Okay, still point, what I’m going to do is I’m always going to roll a dice. If I end up with the TMS that we already reviewed with so far as only memsource can, we’re going to roll again. So here we are, by the way, it’s Saturday, at 10:54am, here in Vancouver, here we go. We’re gonna have to step three to one, stop. number six. So that’s something on the top. 123456 Lokalize my experience with Lokalize is that I have definitely never used the tool before. I think I’ve visited their website once.
Andrej Zito
Now, the mandatory disclaimer that I have to say is, this is a UX review. So this is all just my personal opinion. Different TMS tools have different features that are better for some customers and are not right for other customers. So that’s definitely not the objective of this video. As you know, I’m just trying to translate very simple document an extra sheet. And I’m trying to look at the TMS tools more from the design perspective, like what are you trying to tell me on your website on your homepage, and then from the project manager perspective, as someone who will be managing projects through your UI through your app. Okay, enough talking, we have so many things to cover. So let’s get right into the video. I think this link leads to NIMS. So we don’t want that.
Andrej Zito
So let’s go let’s review Lokalize. Okay, um, so first of all Lokalize, we see three main colors in the logo. So let’s see, if we also see them on the website, you can see from the first glance that their primary color seems to be orange, which is part of the logo. My first impression from this design. What I see here above the fold is that it looks very nice and clean, like a typical SaaS landing page that you would expect with a value proposition, some text here, some call to action here. And then on the right side, we have some hero image. What I like about this is I’m not sure if you’re going to see the Microsoft Word impression before this video probably No. Is that called words he used a very, very generic hero image, just like a guided suit and something with with languages. So this one definitely looks like it was created specifically for Lokalize, we’ll see if they keep a style later on.
Andrej Zito
What I like about this is that I like I like this kind of image, this kind of style. These illustrations and this graphic style into the first impression is very, very good. You can see that the trade free trade free, is consistent. It’s the one that they want me to click. It has a thing it has the same colors but anyway It’s the it’s the, the two buttons that stand out here. Because of the contrast, and because of the color is try three. So it’s the same action. So regardless of where you click, it’s the same thing. Sometimes I see that there are multiple call to action buttons that actually do different things. So this is super nice and clean. And I definitely like it. It’s it’s simple and clean already. Accelerate localization from code to delivery.
Andrej Zito
Okay. This is one of the things that I feared that may be Lokalize only integrates with some code repository. And I’m not sure if I’ll be able to plug in my simple word document and spreadsheet, but we’ll find out later. The menu is on the left side. And I don’t have any objections. It looks super nice and clean. Next one, okay. So of course, we have the references or who is using this tool. I think mentors had the same thing. I think it’s one of the most important things once you have big names, to put it on the top. If preferred localization tools to have 1500 plus companies very good. Again, the color is I guess it’s a different shade of orange. So perfect, we’re still picking to our color palette.
Andrej Zito
Okay, moving down, control the localization process. Again, this is this is something this is the same style that I’m using on my website. So I’m just going to say that I like it, for sure. It’s this, these are like the more detailed benefits. I assumed that when I scroll down, it will be on the right side text and something on the left side. That’s what I like. So which rollercoaster should process here we have first link, which is actually underlined. This is how links used to look like before. I’m not sure if they would be actually better if they were orange. But yeah, for example, here you can see this is active learning. This is active link. This one is underlined, this one is not underlined. And also Yeah. So it’s kind of inconsistent. To tell the people what you can click on. Maybe with the start now I would either put it as a button or maybe add greater, greater s sign, you know, that looks like the arrow to the right. So kind of make it look like it’s something interactive.
Andrej Zito
Right now it doesn’t stand out. But maybe people are used to this design already. And they know that the last thing here standalone is is is a text that you can click. I don’t know, this is the only thing that kind of like, stopped me in my thoughts is let’s look at the graphics, I think it looks like they’re displaying something from the UI, which is good to have an insight, it’s moving a lot. I’m not sure if I can keep up with it. Maybe it just serves as a trailer sort of. I don’t know. Like maybe I’m spending too much time like trying to understand it. And it’s just supposed to give me like a glimpse overview how the UI looks like. And that looks good, at least from this animation. But just trying to understand the app from this thing on not sure if I would be able to do that.
Andrej Zito
Yeah, like you have some status updates. these are these are workflows. This is against that as update what has happened. And this is what monitoring your project tasks and some dashboards or metrics where you are at in the process. Okay, sounds good. Okay, as I said, Yes, it’s on the right side, shortened time to market. Lokalize you’re predicting Birla with development cycle use Adobe XD XD pain, sketch plugins, oh, maybe. Okay, maybe we can use XD to plug in the copy from the word document into alkalies. We’ll see. The links again are consistent with what we saw before. And I think these are good because at least they have underlying I’m only questioning this this one. Maybe this one would look good if it was actually orange.
Andrej Zito
Okay, here we have next section. I think this looks like a different shade of yellow, which is the second color. It sticks to the color palette so no worries about that. The contrast is good. That’s a lot of the credit that I had for cloud words. There’s no issues here. That the style. This is super nice. This is super nice. Like, for example, this controller, it looks super clunky, it looks clunky isn’t the right word. It looks as if a child who drew this, but it’s super great because it still sticks to this one. You know, like, even here, you see, I don’t know if these are supposed to be men and a woman or like a girl or a boy. But it’s very, very playful. And I really liked that style. So this perfectly matches that style as well. I really love it. So web apps, mobile apps, games, documents, marketing, emails, IoT. Nice. Again, the links with underline, and I guess these sections are they don’t go into into their own web pages.
Andrej Zito
Okay, when it comes to style, no issues, boost your localization team’s productivity tenfold. tenfold. I don’t like to work 10. I think if you put 10x it would look better. But maybe it’s because I spend some time with Mr. Grant Cardone, who runs Linux, whatever, anything. Okay, again, we have the same graphic style, that’s perfect. We don’t have much colors in here. It’s pretty much just black and white, and some shades of gray bar, it looks great. We are left aligned, which I think is good for a longer text. I was always thinking that when you have these things, you need to center them like this one. But I think this looks better for for longer texts, if you had a longer text, like a paragraph that spans over multiple lines. And if you had it centrally aligned, your line is centrally aligned. Yes. So like this, there, it would be not as easily readable. So this is good. And the images are also left aligned. So it looks good.
Andrej Zito
So here, for example, you can see that here we have learned more and learn more. Now it looks like the same style as we had before to start now. This one is bolt here we get lower in the page. So I guess it’s less important, but here we do have the underline. So I don’t know why we don’t have underline here or I would definitely prefer to see these maybe in orange. But maybe they just want to put orange on the try three. So so you just click the main CTA, I don’t know. But that’s what I see here. I address developers, calculators, okay, everybody is going to be happy and working connects. Here we have a new section with a blue color. First of all the blue color fits well. I think it’s kind of like the same shape and the added colors. thing is that the blue is here for the first time very first time. It doesn’t come from the logo.
Andrej Zito
Since we’re at the end, do they use green? No, they don’t use green so I don’t know why they opted for blue. Maybe I would rather see the green shade of the not yet the green. Maybe I better see the shade of the green that’s from the logo. But I mean it’s killed looks good. I would say maybe the green didn’t match this. This one below. I don’t know this section with the reddish brown or orange. Brown looks kind of brown. So we have one testimonial with a picture. That’s really good. The style looks great. Pairing this consistent on the top on the bottom.
Andrej Zito
I don’t see any issues here. What I would definitely like to see is more more references testimonials. Especially if in the beginning you say that you have 1500 companies then more people we need more people more testimonials. Now what is this one the most loved translation management software Okay, these are like what aggregated reviews I don’t know what kaptara does. I think it’s like where people review software or something like that. Maybe it will be good I cannot click anything if it was like a lane so I can actually see on the on the captors website. If this is true But but that’s about it. So I guess it’s still kind of like fits into this. what people say about Lokalize, and it’s the most loved translation management software. Well, we’ll see. Again, we have a graphic of the cape, which still fits the style that we had before the Nice hand illustration. Okay, finalize, finally, what do we have integrate, Lokalize with your work tools, automate processes, eliminate routine tasks and track progress with ease? Again, we have the same graphic style. Very nice. So this is Lokalize. What does it mean?
Andrej Zito
Does it mean that it integrates with everything around? Or is it that the bird takes something from the left side and puts it to the right side? I don’t know right now. Okay. So here we have first button. This is the first button after the main CTA. No button here. Nobody, nobody, nobody no button. Yeah, this is the first button. Okay. So I don’t know if they paid that much attention. I mean, if they want you to see all the integrations more than they want you to start now. So that’s what I’m kind of surprised like, why we have a button here, which definitely stands out towards the end. But these other things here are not more visually distinguished from the regular links. Organization Made Easy Why wait, try for free. Let’s show you how it works tried free. Technically, try for free or let us show you how it works. How can I let you know that I want you to show show it to me. Maybe it would be good if there was a ghost button. Same way, as here. You know, for example, here you see, you can try it free and vocal demo. But here we have tried for free, which is this button. Or let us show you how it works.
Andrej Zito
I think that’s where the demo button would come in. Now. So you can see as I’m moving here, the button doesn’t do anything. Which is inconsistent with the orange buttons. So the orange buttons kind of darkened out a little bit. Book them also doesn’t react to mouse over. Which is weird. Maybe it’s by design? I don’t know. I typically like when all the buttons react to mouseover. But this one doesn’t react at all. So that’s a little bit inconsistent, I would say. Finally, we have case studies. Specialized but specialized writing towards global success with 100% teammate enthusiasm. I don’t understand the copy here. So case study, like Who is it for? I don’t know, I don’t know much about case studies. But I would say that typically when you have a case study, you want to say Who is it for? Like who was your client, and what you accomplished. But this is like, what is what is specialized? I don’t know what the specialized means here. Riding towards global success with 100% teammate enthusiasm.
Andrej Zito
This just seems like a bunch of big words. Here we have the full part. All the links up here, I guess. Yeah, not much to say here. Yep. Overall. Here we have the support chat. Think window. We’ll be back tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday. Close it. Yes, I can. Okay. Overall, my impression from the homepage is very, very good. The only thing that I don’t understand is some of the active elements. And that’s pretty much it. Maybe here to blue section. Yeah. What I definitely like about this, this The site is is this graphic style and that it’s consistent across a it looks clean. It looks it looks very nice. So now, let us proceed. to the to the to the registration. Tried free. That Oh, you have a dog here. A year. Sign up. Okay can set up with Google. GitHub. I don’t have Microsoft.
Andrej Zito
Okay, let me just try external registration. Full name. Let’s put this one email still works as password on typing weak password. Let’s see if it works. join an existing theme. I don’t have existing team already have an account login. Nope. Creating your account. Is it working? is it doing something? Almost there? Yeah. Most there. Wink, wink. Get the best. Yeah, also this thing here, kind of like works with the style of being playful. So I like that. It’s like, like not not super serious. And definitely like, the best experience by telling us a bit about yourself. So this is kind of like the same thing that we had with mapsource. Where it’s like setting up your account role. What is my role? I am. I am. Who am I? A project management company. Phone number why people ask me about phone number. How did you find out about Lokalize. Other?
Andrej Zito
Complete sign up. Oh, wow. Wow. Well, Geeta. Hi, Andre. Should you and I have a video called to go through the features? Thank you. In case you have any technical questions, no, I don’t need it. But thank you. And now I just met now just notice that this green is the green from the logo. So it looks nice. Okay, very first impression is very nice. Very nice. It looks very Nash bordie. Like a lot of numbers here to track. And I definitely want to confirm again, this is the first time that I see this. On this wondering, let me check my email quickly. If I got anything. Okay, I check my email. I check my email, and I got no email yet. And I guess there’s no need to confirm or verify my email address. Okay. Let me grab my drawing think. And let’s see what we have here. So in the top, we have the 14 day left and trial upgrade.
Andrej Zito
Now as you can see if you remember what I did for memsource them so it has a big button actually is the biggest button in the whole UI, which is to subscribe. These guys are keeping it a little bit more subtle. Which I definitely like. Okay, what do we have here? new projects. Oh, they even displayed the the keyboard shortcuts. Does it work? Is it shifting? Ctrl P. Notice, yes. Okay. Expand all collapse all. Oh, collapsing the projects. Okay. Guys, we have a great view of the projects that I’m working on. And we already have a sample project here. Do I want to use the project? Or do we set up our own? Maybe I can just try to So since this, since I’m trying to cover what you guys would see if you started using it. Maybe I should try to make sense of it. So we have a sample project? That’s fine. That’s the name of the project. This is how far it is base words.
Andrej Zito
Based words I assume that’s from the source language team. You could put multiple teams on a project QA issues, I don’t know what it means, what it means QA issues, is it some automatic QA, checker keys 12 I have no idea what keeps me and have a bunch of things here. I don’t know. I’ll need to change my cursor to something else. Actually. Yeah, let me just go back to this think. I think I need to draw anything right now at this point. Upload Files, upload files, I guess download files, tasks, contributors. Activity screenshots glossary more. More Nice. Yeah. So what is this English? English is 92% done doesn’t mean it’s part of the target languages. What is this? thing here? this.if. It’s 92% done and can be source language, right? What is this little thing here? This was like a something to mark, what is the source language? Why? title? Is it in the title? Shouldn’t be in the title right?
Andrej Zito
Before? before? Yes. I don’t know what this means. I have no idea. transmogrified French German Hebrew words into 180. Okay. Russian? Yeah, you can see that actually, yeah, for English. We don’t see how many words are there to do? And what is unverified? So it must be source language. But why does it show 92%? Done? If the project is 27%? I don’t know why we can even add language from here. nicer. Oh, so what are these options? Whereas in language one, a three, edit in bilingual view? Nice. Sure. Duplicate language settings. Okay. Okay, we can search with can we search? I don’t even know we can search? Doesn’t matter. So okay, so that’s the project view. I do like it. I’m not going to lie. I’m not sure if this, how would I call this if this view is the best to track where each languages would maybe read a seat in a table format, where you can sort things by what is not done yet.
Andrej Zito
Instead of this view. I don’t know how this this interface looks like if you have, let’s say five ongoing projects into 10 language each, how convenient this to to get the information that you need. As adults so far I don’t see anywhere else where you could set up some dashboards or some views. And just by being here, okay, you can move you can this size here that’s just collapsing. And this is more than the order or the projects. But this layout, which gives you the details of your project for each language seems to be fixed. Or at least I don’t see anywhere to set up a different view. So that’s my comment right now. Anyway, let’s go create a new project. That’s what we’re doing right. Create Project Name Dorcas dungeon, lala la la. offer it based language based language English II and Okay, you can also have different variants for Oh, you have custom languages check. Czech Czech Republic, it’s the same thing as memsource.
Andrej Zito
They also have check just check on Czech Czech Republic. Maybe there’s something to do with the way you set up your languages in your code. And that’s why you need just a plain check in the Czech Czech Republic. I raised the questions in the mentors video that why we need to have the country if it’s just one check. But also, I guess it’s to be consistent in the way we’re okay, let’s stick to English options. reviewinc. Good. We have a tooltip here. I like it. Turn around to enable a reviewer access for project contribution contributors. We don’t need to review project types localization files or documents super for known key value documents HTML available starting with essential plant word please
Andrej Zito
Okay, I don’t even know what plan I’m on. This might trial a cover everything. Okay. Upload your document files. I shall do that. Okay, we are on pump. Here we go. Oh, it’s Oh, it doesn’t support exhausts clock me. Ready for import book x four keys I still don’t know what the keys me What are the keys can be a paragraph 1234 can be possible. Okay, what do I do with the spreadsheet? Oh, I just tried to migrate the content into a Word document Whoa. Okay so this is our new document that’s pretending to be a spreadsheet yet because this one doesn’t support and let me grab this boy Okay, there we go. So and for this one it says 24 keys. Set what we think 1234123456 Yeah, that must be okay. So key means one paragraph. Okay, projects Darkest Dungeon English What do they mess up the setting when I was creating the project? Wait, did I have the option to wait I’m confused. I’m very confused.
Andrej Zito
Based language. I created this language right that’s the source language. So I didn’t have the option to okay. Right my brain the right things. Okay, let’s try to upload it again. Upload upload upload. eclectic languages English. Yes. Very good. So there’s an arrow here is this where I picked the target languages Okay, and we do check Japan and we do German Okay, the input for the language is is looking at looking and working great. I didn’t mention anything about the UI but so far it seems pretty nice. And if you remember when I was talking about mentors that the buttons are teeny tiny these buttons look good and they do something. So next very good. languages we What do you see what has happened?
Andrej Zito
Okay yeah English is marked with the dots I guess that means that based language but I uploaded my files then I selected the languages and now my documents are gone. Okay, I uploaded them again. Do I need to save it somewhere What do I need to do? Now languages added okay go away. Okay, ready for import? Oh I need to import if I got to follow or edit to the process queue what is the process Q is this display placeholders as blocks? Number position the project process key Okay, let me click it. Dark is dungeon active processes. Zero finished processes import important okay. Okay, I didn’t the languages the name important the files. Sure. Okay. Now what happens next? Why am I still here to upload things? Should I be here? What is going on? Okay. going on.
Andrej Zito
I already have six issues. Oh wait word. Dispatch is the person To get to where you can manage transition keys and from the actual transitions. Oh, okay, so we have a tutorial nice toggle between the motor and bilingual use here. Okay. Delete project languages. Yeah. Whoops. We have an issue but is this an issue? I don’t see any next here. Click Edit and review suggestions. Oh, in order to continue to okay. You can enter your translation for the corresponding language into this text box. Try understand text view. Common. Common. Yeah. These are glossary entries, as well as Google blah, blah suggestions. You may also see transition memory and uploading results here. Oh, there’s a way to upvote is it what the reviewers to mean?
Andrej Zito
Click this checkmark to continue. Okay. Using these buttons, you may review translation for the given language service to verify and verify it and view translation history English and there’s a red indicator showing that the quality assurance have failed yet. Okay, that’s what I thought. Okay, mismatch. Here we can see the translation key name. platform currently set to web tag description and transition five loves to hover your mouse cursor over the key to see the action buttons.
Andrej Zito
Add a new transition key. A professor Yes. Okay, what do you see? Comments clipboard screenshots to call man. Oh, okay, we have training, and then we have on the fence. Anyway, I don’t want to do it on this one. Let’s go back to the project. And here’s my doctor’s attention. So first of all, let’s look at this what we have here. So we have three target languages. Okay, now we know that this is a base language. It’s done 100%. So I don’t know why this one wasn’t done. Oh, maybe what it means is that if Lokalize is mostly about integration with something, it’s maybe means that it detected some changes in the source code, but you still haven’t imported the changes here. So that’s why it’s another I don’t know. What do we have here? Oh, Darkest Dungeon is down. 25% which I guess means it’s counting the source as well.
Andrej Zito
Isn’t that a little bit confusing? Worse to do. 861 words do 480 Okay. He’s 28 to one. QA. She’s six. So how did we get to that thing? Like click here? Yep, yep, yep, yep. Here. Okay, here we are starting from the bottom. Wait, but this view is different. document. Okay, so this is key 1234 add the tags there. And we are translating into Czech Republic. Switch to Germany. It shouldn’t be Germany. I think I would prefer to do it like this instead of doing it in the multilingual view was it harder to see before weight projects as any effect click the document No. Get there? This one I don’t have this think I have it. Darkest Dungeon I will see you here. I don’t see the button here. My blind. No, I don’t know maybe just doesn’t word with the document. I don’t know. Whatever. Let’s start with the Germany, Germany, Germany. Ooh, oh, I’m getting suggestions.
Andrej Zito
Oh, I can use all three. Oh, I can use all zeros to insert tours. which in this case is the one that I hope it worked. It worked. I press ALT zero and then reconfirm Can I confirm the contract tap Next tap Next Oh, it worked. Darkest Dungeon oh gosh I don’t have any folks pushing the force here. Why Why are they not there? What and also in that space Why does it space around? This think false it’s fine. They’re right. Or it’s fine. That is fine. Their Darkest Dungeon focuses on our bench Why do we have our bed here we are. Tags are so bad whatever it is it hurts me It hurts me. It’s correct right so maybe I should try a different engine NERC is done June 2 executor. Okay, that’s it. Was I supposed to do next keyword issues? spying grammar? errors where there’s no darkest dark is the dictionary.
Andrej Zito
Okay. It has its own dictionary. Got it? So it’s growing Optique sure architecture looks at it. darkest see why Okay, now right. Now it doesn’t show but this thing is still here. Why is it still there? Just one QA issue but I fixed it back then. The same one with darkest same thing here. Okay, this one was removed. Why is this once what is the issue here? I don’t understand what is the issue here. Okay, so not I translated What do I do next? Mark is unverified Oh, it’s verified already. Got it? Wait, I bought I mark is on reified. Now I’m marked as verified. There’s still QA issues. What are the security issues? And why? Okay, how does it show in? In overview? German 64% or 50% down for a document engineer? That’s because it also comes the base. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know why. It does not make sense to me.
Andrej Zito
Germany. Do I have any filter here? That’s weird. I click Germany Why does it only show the first document that you bow? What about DLC think that’s weird. That is weird. That is weird. I’m telling you it’s weird. What am I missing? Can I only trust like one document at a time? DLC Do we have it? We do have it it’s right here that’s weird I don’t yeah even says sort by document order. Why am I not seeing yet a file? I don’t have any filter what what what are what? What what Confused I’m super confused.
Andrej Zito
Just not scrolling, you know for what is going on? I don’t get it. I don’t get it. Okay, anyway. Let’s go to the DLC thing from Germany. Germany, Germany, Germany. We’ll see this one is this one description beschreibung What is that thing? Price platforms platform and just putting the think price Why does it add the secret smile? Aha that’s see Oh, is it Oh I see. It’s probably because I’m it’s probably because I’m pressing the wrong one or pressing the one online numpad which still works, but it puts in the stupid smiley, the Crimson court What? Okay, why did it look different? Okay, where are my suggestions?
Andrej Zito
Okay, they’re coming up. See, this is what I don’t get. I pressed about one. And it’s not the one on the numpad and the way it inserts it is this one looks like the block. But this one doesn’t. Only when I get out, it turns into this. This nice one thing. That’s when I do all one on numpad now see now that’s fine. But it adds the stupid thing because I guess this the code for the smiling I think what I maybe need to do isn’t to out one and maybe do speech. Yeah, but then it to delete the space which is the field breaker. What do I miss? are no whatever else. Let’s stick it in Google. Yeah, there’s the this bothers me a lot. Just for whatever suggestions that we have here is this kind of Chrome pm from what I already inserted before. Color of nervousness, the color of madness. Let’s drag it off to one. Yep. It bothers me okay. I can just do all tomorrow and just go next.
Andrej Zito
Free costing the butcher scope there what washed circus. Sure. Surprise. PC free. And that’s it. We have QA she’s again. Oh, I hate this QA things. Okay, so now it’s done. Let’s go back to the projects. Do we have. Oh, yeah, great. Good. Surprised.
Andrej Zito
Okay, German is now 100% up good cricket again. I only see the first file where is the second file? Oh, piles. But, okay. Oh, okay. There I found it. I found it. That is technically weird. Why is this so hidden? Like because I’m translating English to German under the Darkest Dungeon project. I do have the indication here that this is the file I’m working on. But maybe the better if there was like, I don’t know some heading that this Is the about document in there, I could switch it to the other file. That’d be better. But on social memory, we don’t care. What is the history look like? So now we have the whole German need to take a break. They have a call. We have a call in the formats. So I’ll pause this video right here. Okay, Kiki, I am now back. Is there anything that I wanted to say about the user interface here? When it comes to the editor? Yeah, I like the fact that the tax these blocks in the code blocks placeholders, yes. They’re pretty helpful. So that’s good. So we did German. So in the same way, I’m going to do the other two languages, and I’ll skip this fast forward. Okay. We are back in overview. Now we have everything translated. Okay, sample project, I don’t care about you. Darkest Dungeon done. 100%. Bass words 447. Keys. So that’s paragraphs. I think maybe it refers to keys because it’s mostly for the key value. Things like Jason QA, she’s 22 whatever, download, I guess that’s what we want to do next. Right. Is there anything any final comments that I want to do about the UI? Oh, yeah, maybe the only final thing that I wanted to say is the segmentation. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t work well with the document. But in rameters, we have the traditional, you know, segmentation by sentences. Here. Everything is in the same paragraph. That’s all I can say about it. So projects. Let’s download. Let’s see if it works. Download format, HTML. Oh, no. Okay. Doc. Download doc include tax. thing we shouldn’t be. thing. We shouldn’t have this. Set anything here? Yeah, why is English there as well? field and download? Let’s see. Dark is engine there it is. Cloud words. So before which is all Lokalize.
Andrej Zito
Again, I don’t know why I haven’t English there. They actually built the whole English from scratch or is it the same one? So let’s go back here. Let’s open the English one. And let’s hope the German translated dark is doing john. Yeah, so first glance, it looks okay. Only problem is this stupid. extra space that was buried by a parcel. That’s all the way that must be all the extra tags that add it. This one This is the extra space. Oh yeah. Actually, it’s me. What did it Yeah, it’s me. Oh, maybe it’s like a non breaking space. Supposed to be a non breaking space? Yeah. That’s a problem of my form. I think I would have to give me that. Sure. Do it like this? Yeah, this is how it should be like. So that’s on me. That’s only help them find a kinematic editor. Now, glass looks fine. What do we have next here. It’s DLC rights. On the English one. We couldn’t have submitted a spreadsheet. And here we have this think it looks pretty good.
Andrej Zito
I think that’s it for for Lokalize, is there anything else that I wanted to say? The UI is very simple, which is secured, I guess I wonder how it works if you have not met so many different documents. But again, maybe maybe the objective of Lokalizeis not to translate some simple documents, but to plug in and grab the content from other tools were to content lifts. So I think that’s it. I think we’re done for Lokalize data. And that’s it. That’s the end of the video where I reviewed Lokalize from the UX perspective, if you like this video, if you found some value in it, please give it a LIKE, give it a thumbs up, and definitely do consider subscribing. As I mentioned, I’m committed to doing the review of all the TMS tools in our industry, which will probably take me around one year because there are like 28 different TMS tools. So hopefully, I’ll get my hands on on all of those and give you guys my honest and authentic feedback and experience and suggestions when it comes to each of the tool. So thank you very much for your time and see you in the next video. Bye bye. Thank you