Localization Academy

Nitro Online Translation – First TMS Experience

I’ve got a $100 credit to try out Nitro – an online translation service from Alconost. In this video, you’ll see my whole experience translating a few strings into Czech, German, and Japanese.

Margarita Shvetsova from Alconost joined me during my first experience with Nitro. I made several suggestions on how to improve the user experience for new Nitro users. What do you think?

Andrej Zito 

Hi everyone, this is Andrej. In this video, we are going to see my first experience with nytro. nytro is a translation service online service from arcos, where you can simply send your textbook translation, and it will be translated into many languages within 24 hours. In this video, I’m also joined by Margarita from the Nitro marketing team, and we talk about my first experience, we look at all the details, what I thought could be improved, and what I think was working. And you’ll see the whole experience of me sending a couple of strings for translation and receiving it back. And yeah, let’s get right into it. If you want more videos like this, please do subscribe. Thank you.

Andrej Zito 

So I’m here with Margarita from Alconost. Hi Margarita.

Margarita Shvetsova 


Andrej Zito 

So I received a promotional sponsored message from you guys. on LinkedIn. I think it was directly from your CEO. And it was about your new service Nitro. Right. So my idea was that I would just get in touch with you somebody and I will share the whole first user experience with you on this video. So that maybe we can share it with other people, you can get my feedback, because I also work kind of as a product owner, Product Manager. So yeah, very happy to have you here. And I hope that my feedback will be good. My first impression from your home pages is pretty good. So I have high expectations for Nitro.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Great. I’m also looking forward to hearing what you have to say because, you know, I have had some customer development interviews with people, but never with a project manager. So I think you will have a great insights.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. I’m wondering, so two things. So at what stage is Nitro currently? Is it kind of like an MVP? Like, is it very raw? or How long has been working on it?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Actually, Nitro has been around for about 10 years now. So it is definitely not in there on stage. But as far as I know, it hasn’t been advertised for broad audience for a very, very long while. I think we’re only started advertising and promoting it about a year ago, maybe a year and a half ago. So from this point of view is pretty new.

Andrej Zito 

What was the audience very small and targeted for such a long time. And you’re continuously developing it and now you’re interested in the stage or?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Oh, the reason was pretty simple. Originally, Nitro was developed for our clients from from the demands of our clients, because basically Alconos is a localization studio or a localization vendor. And our CEO started noticing that for many people, short text translations are a problem, especially when it comes to localization, it is often in multiple languages like 510 2030 languages, and up. And when they have a small update, maybe it’s just a few lines, sometimes just a few words. So very short text. And to translate that into those 20 languages, you have to contact the localization manager, which for localization manager, you can talk about translators and it is it is not very convenient. And he realized that it would be awesome to have self service relation, where you can just paste your text, choose languages, and the available translators will pick it up. And you will get notification when the translation is ready. Because such a short station doesn’t require a lot of time to deflated. So why waste a lot of time on talking to the localization manager, so there was a reason for it. And for a very long time Nitro’s clients were Alconost clients. Our CEO decided that it’s time for this product to to become available to the broad audience.

Andrej Zito 

So is it mainly for the end clients? Or is it also for lsps?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think it is mainly for the end clients because with LSPS it is more complicated. They probably don’t have such a such a big demand for what Nitro can do but it is possible that lsps can also use it. Okay, I’m not sure if we have such clients as lsps. For the moment, I have encountered them, mostly this end users. So companies.

Andrej Zito 

So is it let’s say, I’m a localization manager somewhere What? I should mention that it’s that maybe the users of the service don’t have to even contact a localization manager. So when we were talking about localization manager, were you referring to their in house localization ship manager, let’s see unfeasible? Can I’m like a product team responsible for I don’t know, let’s say Facebook Messenger. So if I have something to translate, I don’t have to go through my internal localization manager, or did you mean that I don’t have to contact the vendor- localization vendor? I can just use Nitro?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Well, in this case, I mentioned the vendor or the position project, but it can be the internal manager as well. It goes, some clients saying that they are salespeople and sales managers. And if they have to ask their or localization manager, sometimes it’s not very convenient, because they’re busy with other projects. But mostly it is. It is companies who don’t have their in house localization team. So maybe level designers perform the translations in game development companies more. Independence can be different job titles, honestly, they are people who don’t have their own translators. Or sometimes they order translations from, I don’t know, freelancers, or he depends. So some people order the bulk of the translations from somewhere, can be localization ventures, as alkalosis or can be some flaws, translators, and they still have those short translations coming up. And in this case, they go to Nitro.

Andrej Zito 

I’m wondering, maybe this is something that we’ll be able to answer once we try Nitro once I try it, but I’m wondering right now, how do you guys handle, let’s say terminology, if somebody pastes a string, which has, like terminology, heavy sentence.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Sorry, I didn’t get that out how we handle what exactly?

Andrej Zito 


Margarita Shvetsova 

Ah, terminology. Um, we have glossary, so you can create your own glossary and explain what a certain term means or preferable preferred translations for this term. And if this term comes up in your next translations, that translation will see that there are some explanations for it. When you go to create a new order, you will see that with the fields for you, where you can leave a comment for the truth layer. And sometimes you don’t have those terms coming up there often. So you just want to specify for this certain translation that this thing means this or don’t translate this term. So you can do that in the comment section.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, got it. Okay, I think we’ve talked a lot. Let’s just get right into it. So we’re going to click the message that I received from you guys. Which would be this one. Yeah. Okay. And her a professional online translation service. Is this a link? Okay, so this link to the landing page. Oh, nice. Oh, looks good. Okay, sign in using Facebook or Google. Good. I like that. It’s very simple for me. So I’ll sign using Google.

Andrej Zito 

One thing that I’ve noticed, I’m not sure if it makes sense to go back. Let’s see if I can do that. No, I think I’m already there with the link actually still work. No, it doesn’t work. So one thing that I noticed I can refer to the previous signing page is the way the input fields and the buttons were styled. So the signing had the drop shadows, not sure if you know like the buttons look like they have a shadow. And the same for the fields and here I can see that inside you are using a flip button. So there are no drop shadows. I should have mentioned this before, I didn’t think I would notice it. But now I can see it. So can I can I somehow go to the same signup window? Probably if I log out, right?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, if you look out, you will go.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Let me show you that. Yes. Okay. Now this is totally different. There was a tripping. No, I’m sure I wasn’t. Yeah, I remember. Oh, yes. Because if you remember, like, even the signing signing button, it was like small notes. So for some reason, when I clicked the link from the linkedin this forum look different.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think it’s because here you’re signing in. And in the previous form, we were signing up.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. I think Yeah. Yeah. So this, this button looks good, because it looks the same way as when I sign in. But before that, I can just pull up a screenshot from the previous recording. There you see us You see the difference? Even like he said,

Margarita Shvetsova 

I never paid attention to that.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so I’ll send back with my beautiful $100 credit. Okay, so Nitro. Okay, so explain to me, what does this mean, this underscore is part of your branding?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I Well, yeah, we use it everywhere as as the logo.

Andrej Zito 

Does it have any specific meaning? Like, why did you guys decide?

Margarita Shvetsova 

From what it looks? You can tell that when you’re typing something, and I don’t know what it’s called, but it disappears. And it comes back again? This little thing? Yes, yes.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. I like it. So okay, so a new order? Do you have a larger translation localization project, contact the project manager? So how does this work? Is this like an extra service on top of Nitro? Or does this mean that I just started working with Alconos as a regular client?

Andrej Zito 

I see, okay, so this is just a message how this is set. Here we have input for the source text. Okay, I see there’s probably some automatic calculation of the characters. So let’s, let’s give it a try. I mentioned that we’ll try a couple of strings from my website. So nothing super heavy. Don’t be a sheep. So that’s gonna be a challenge for your translators. Oh, and even has a reference to to Rick and Morty. So I’m really wondering how you’re going to handle this. So I’ll do something very specific. This is more of like a marketing thing. Would this be a good thing for people to use? nitrile for if it’s like a marketing, like a creative content?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Actually, it’s the opposite. Nitro is an extra convenient service for Alconos because the the main reasons of Alconos is that we do localization projects, and Nitro is, like convenient addition to that, but sometimes people can come to us and for example, they have a PDF file, or a very long text. And it’s inconvenient and not preferred to translate that she was a Nitro. Because for large projects, you also have a problem when you have a glossary set up, or you want to ask the localization manager to, to, to create a glossary for your project. So for all those things, which are more complicated, you need to contact the project manager, and go ahead, like with a regular localization project,

Margarita Shvetsova 

Okay, I need to specify something here. First of all, yes, Nitro is also used for marketing purposes. But you should be aware of the fact that even though our our translators can be creative and come up with interesting ideas, or marketing content, like you know, for banners and stuff, but at the same time, it is not like creative cooperating. So it will definitely come up with some new translation. But if it is something like you’re trying to translate your application, so it is just a word or several words, and you want it to sound like super good, very, you want to hit home, you know, and probably it’s not, it’s not a good place to start. You need to talk person to the translator to explain to you depth about what it is about what the audience is the counter that in nytro, it’s, I wouldn’t really recommend it only if you want to do that the cheap way. Otherwise, this is brand new stuff that should be handled by by copywriting translators or something like that.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, you probably need the more Have your process for creative content need to provide probably like a creative brief explain like what you meant by those expressions. But anyway, let’s just let’s just give it a try, just for the sake of the process.

Margarita Shvetsova 

But this one, I think, is a pretty good example. Because it’s, it’s like somewhere in the middle. Okay.

Andrej Zito 

And to have something more generic. Yeah, that’s me. This part? Is the formatting any way relevant?

Margarita Shvetsova 

The formatting if you have that it won’t be kept. Usually just places that plain text.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. But I meant like, like spacing? Like, is it important or probably no.

Margarita Shvetsova 

If you add spacing, it will be regarded as extra character, and you’ll be charged for that.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, I see. 275. I see it right now. Okay. Yeah. I’m wondering if somebody copies string from, let’s say, a PDF. With a lot of, you know, hard coded new lines that break the strings, does this somehow mess up with your process? Let’s see if it would be like this.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Well, the translator will just translated keeping keeping the line. So if you have, like two lines, he will translate it he will understand that just accidentally hit the enter button. But it shouldn’t mess up the process. Just he will keep it to one.

Andrej Zito 

So what I’m seeing here is already then pasting the text, I can see the calculation of the characters, but the price is still zero. So I assume that I still have to set up something later. To get the price. That’s right. Yeah, probably the language is right. Okay, let’s let’s start with this for a while. Know, to translate a context, describe the context no to translator. So to do this, this is my personal website. that be enough of a reference. I guess everybody has to judge on their own rights. Provide endnotes and translators.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, but in this case, this thing, I think it’s pretty obvious. And if he does are where it is on the website, and what it means he will go to the website and see if it is a complicated website, and it will take somebody a long time to figure out where those lines are, they will probably not spend that much time. So in this case, it’s best to attach a screenshot. But in your case, I think it’s okay.

Andrej Zito 

I’m wondering if the translators have any questions? Is there a way for them to contact the requester back? Or is this supposed to be like very lean process that they translate with whatever information they have at disposal?

Margarita Shvetsova 

That’s a great question. Yeah, they have a way to check back. One of the options is that, in Nitro, we also have a sport chat. So we have manager or administrator who is always there. And the translator can write to him and ask what what did the client mean by that? I didn’t know can you please can trigger the client and ask this is one way. Another way is? to well, to finish that relation, but to leave comments that I’m not sure what you meant by the dijamin. This I presented this way. But I should pay attention to this comment and answer it. How can can send that order for revision? If you think if you think that translation was not accurate, but he sent this question, and he’s like, now I meant something different. And he can send the order for revision and also leave a comment. or his question can be, can be handled through the manager in the chat.

Andrej Zito 

Do these revisions add something to the price or is it already taking into account?

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s free.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So, Note to translator. I’m wondering why you decided to make this part orange? Because you want it to stand out more? Or why is it because I see here like this one is grayish. This one is also grayish. So this one is orange. So it means it kind of like stands out wondering why?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think is Well, first, Orange is one of the Nitro colors. If you look at the page, you can see there is white, black and orange is sign up button. And signing up is it was orange. And I think it was probably to make it prettier, more interesting. And also to attract attention. Because called very important. And actually this this note to federal layer all appeared one year and a half ago. Before that we didn’t have that, then that question come up often. And this is a way to reduce the questions.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Yeah, I’m still wondering like, there’s maybe a different way to highlight this. Because also I’m thinking about like, you know, man, which fields are mandatory, I would assume most of the fields are mandatory, especially the source tech should be mandatory. But it’s not labeled as mandatory no usually have the asterisks there for something mandatory. I assumed that if I leave this empty in the license, something for translation, it just wouldn’t work, or something like that. But this one stands out. So maybe to me, I’m thinking like, okay, maybe this is something that is mandatory. But at the same time, I would assume that for many people, they will just leave this empty, because they don’t know much about localization. Right?

Margarita Shvetsova 

All right. And indeed, many people do leave it empty, especially if they’re new to natural. Sometimes they just have no idea like, what should I add here? They don’t know what they think is not important.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. That’s what I’m thinking like, you’re just like changing the color. If that’s the only way that you can do maybe you could also add something like a tooltip, like you have here to explain to the people like why giving a context is important. Or the people who don’t understand, because especially like if I’m the person who just use the link that you guys send to me. So this is this is basically the path that I will take the first experience natural, right? So I will not look at your website, not nothing, I’ll just go here. So here’s no to translate your context. So I don’t know what I’ll need to do.

Margarita Shvetsova 

That’s a great idea.

Andrej Zito 

So one thing that I also notice right now, is that when I’m focused in the source text, and then when I change to the note to translator, this doesn’t change. I don’t know when when this changes. But to me when we first started, I really like this because it kinda like shows like The few steps that you need to enter before you can send a translation. But now it’s highlighting the source text, which I thought it was automatic because I was typing the source text. But once I’m finished typing the source text, and I move forward, I would expect this to move to indicate where I’m in the process.

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s interesting because actually, it is moving and it will be moving. When and why it’s not moving now. I don’t understand it either.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Let’s move forwards.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I got your pass passage. When you scroll down it changes.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Okay. Crisis past a certain point. Got it? Yeah. So when when I tap to the next one, and the page doesn’t scroll down, it doesn’t change. So that’s one thing that you could maybe fix. Okay, let’s go to the source languages. This specify the language your text is written in. So it’s automatically detected. I like that. Can we maybe explain how the detection works? I noticed that there’s a detection when I use Google Translate. Yeah. Is it somehow similar? Like how do you guys detect the language of the source? Do you have your own thing? Or do you use API of a certain service or is it too technical for you?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Very cool. Speaking, I don’t have a clue. But I assume it just works the same way. Google Translate does and yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. English detected so I’m wondering if they’re like different No. So is English English. I was wondering if maybe it’s important for you to detect if it’s like British English or American English, but probably for the sake of simple translations, it doesn’t matter much.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Actually, I think does Google that? I think no. In cases it is difficult to determine what is British English or American English? Unless you have certain words, you can do English localization with with the set.

Andrej Zito 

It’s just English. Versus French. Okay. Google you failed us. Okay, target languages. We still like the one or more target languages you want your text to be translated into. Okay, so what do I pick? I think I would like to pick Czech because at least I understand Czech. Oh, you also have full luck. See what it does it the price. Now the price is working. Okay. Language is one. Nice. Like, I noticed one thing, this might be a very stupid thing. But let me show you. Let’s see if this thing works. Does it work? It does? Can you see the things? Yeah, I can get. So one thing that I’ve noticed is I only have 275 characters. But it’s already weights. It’s already can like going over just this label. So this whole thing to me looks like, like a table with, let’s say, one, two and three columns. So if I had more characters, so let’s say to be here, then this information, which is dynamic would be over this part, which is just like a text field. So that’s just my thought on.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Do you think it will look? Not pretty?

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. Because this whole thing to me looks like like it should be like a nice table. But maybe more thinking, because this this, this doesn’t have any input. You know, this just stays probably right? Doesn’t matter. Like what you put into the move. All right, doesn’t move doesn’t depend on what you put here, right. So nothing is inserted here. And maybe that’s why. That’s why you thought it it’s okay to have it here. But I’m just thinking just like, stylistically looking at this. I think to me, it would be like overlap of like, different information would be wonderful feature. Yeah, I get it. So okay, so it’s just four bucks. So that’s pretty good. Let me try one more language. So I would probably pick German understand a little bit chairman. And then when something Latin language did I don’t understand Japanese, so let me play a little bit with the price. So if I have just check, it’s 423 foot German for 67. Okay, for Japanese 65. Okay. That’s as I was expecting it to be. So different rates for different languages. Okay, good. Shape German, let’s try these three things. Okay. If you require translation into languages that are not yet supported, please let us know. Okay. How many languages do you guys have total three times.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Here. In this table, you can see I think 52 languages or something, but you can’t translate into all of them from English. At least when I checked it last time, you couldn’t do that. translate from English into 35 languages. And other languages are available for proofreading. Like if you choose like, I don’t know, like the logo. I think it’s available for interesting maybe maybe they have just added it. Actually, from what I see now it looks like they are all you can just look into all of them because usually if you can’t do that they are in gray. And these are in black. But like basically, if You see these languages here it means we do have the right translators at Elq. Last, but not all the translators work at alkalosis. Also working nytro only a part of them. Because you know, to work in Agile, you have to familiarize yourself with the platform to have some experience on that. So so we have less languages in Nitro than in Alconos.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, delivery time, Please expect the translations to be ready in two to 24 hours. What does this say estimated delivery time, the time for translation to be completed depends on the translators availability, the number and the volume of the orders in the queue. And time can be also affected by national holidays, time differences, etc. Usually, we deliver 58% of the orders during the first two hours. That’s pretty nice and 96% in 24 hours. By the time I think we can look at your website later, logistic to this one. So one thing that I’m wondering is, I would assume that this time frame, this range is fixed. Is it fixed, regardless of how much text I put in? Or is it actually calculated? Because I see that this part is again, me. Yeah.

Margarita Shvetsova 

You’re delivery time just means that you have this block of text here. So it means that you scroll down, you go from language to delivery time to the price, but it doesn’t show you how much time it will take the translator to complete that translation. Because they don’t know how many orders he has in the queue now and it is my turn if his voice or not now. So it is not really fixed. When he gets the translation, yeah, he will have some deadline. But until one of the translators accepts the order, we didn’t know how.

Andrej Zito 

So before we get there, we might be able later once I was ascended for translation, will I be able to monitor the status is like what you said like somebody accepted the job? Or is that something that’s just done in the backend?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yes, you will see it when you send for translation you will see.

Andrej Zito 

So then I basically become like my own project manager.

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s alright, but you don’t have to because Maurya certification Anyway, when it’s ready.

Andrej Zito 

What I mean by the fix is that I was wondering if this range, if it’s 224, if it changes, let’s say I paste 10,000 words here, will it change to maybe indicate two to five days or?

Margarita Shvetsova 

No, it will all change. But definitely, if your text is too long, probably no one will take it. And you and you will write to the to the manager in the chat, like what’s going on. And he will look at that until well, your text is too long. Or if you know this is it, if he happens to see there is a new order, it’s in the queue. And he can see there are lots of lots of characters in it, he’ll probably connect you in the chat and let you know that it is too long with break down into parts. Or it may be better go to that relation department at Alconos.

Andrej Zito 

I see. So like, what would be the ideal length of the text that you think fits Nitro best.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Um, if we talk about number of characters, I think the writer the number of characters is up to 3000. But as James we have orders, or five or 6000 1000 characters, or even 10,000 characters 7000 characters is a bit too much, but it happens sometimes just you might expect that it will take longer for somebody to pick it up and to finish it. And as far as I know, the deadline is longer, like on that translator receives the order. And he says the deadline ticking. It will be he will he’ll be granted more time if there are lots of characters. But a lot of people send very very short translations because it is updates for their apps can be what’s new text or new buttons in the user interface. And it can be very short like 10 characters 30 characters 80 characters for its.

Andrej Zito 

Do you ever split Translation jobs into several translators.

Margarita Shvetsova 

No, no. If it is one order in one language it is assigned on which one translator

Andrej Zito 

Is moved. Excuse me. So, yeah, price. Price price. So yes, this is another thing, just pure UX thing is that when I scroll to the bottom of the page, I’m still technically at the delivery time. Like I can’t scroll down further. So the change of this filters like when it passes when the top of the section passes a certain point on the on the website, so that’s why I can technically never reach the

Margarita Shvetsova 

I probably also want to open options for payment to see if even looks convenient.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, before we send it for translation, or you mean this part?

Margarita Shvetsova 

No, oh, yeah.

Andrej Zito 

This takes it out of balance, right, whichever would be half the balance.

Margarita Shvetsova 

But if you click it, you will see options for for payment. And it’s also part of the experience that we probably should look at that.

Andrej Zito 

You mean that funds right? Yeah. How about I send this for translation first, and then we look at what is the sea balance information

Margarita Shvetsova 

sends you to where you can top up your bills.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so let me send this first. Since we have the money, let’s complete the process. Okay. orders. So the orders, like can I actually see the orders, okay, from here menu goods. So this is my cue, so I get ID got it source text. Okay, when I hover, I can see the whole thing, good source language, target language correctors Prize created last modified, does it mean that I can actually modify the source text before it goes somewhere?

Margarita Shvetsova 

No, if you have sent it for that relation, I can do that the only thing you can do is cancel the order and then send it in. Also, you can contact the manager in the chat and let them know that you want to correct something. Probably if the order hasn’t been accepted yet, probably the manager will recommend you to cancel it and send it again. The way

Andrej Zito 

You talk about this manager a lot. So is it some person who oversees all the things that people submit?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yes, we have this guy who never sleeps. But really, he seems to be always alive and whenever somebody writes in the chat, usually he answers really fast.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, is this chap here? Yeah. Oh, maitri. Meet me true. To sleep. Have you yours? Well, okay, this is how I close it. Okay. Temperature replace under five minutes for Dmitri. Okay. All right. So this is the cue. So I guess it moves to in progress once a translator picks it up, right. All right. So what happens now for me, since we only have like, 10 more minutes? Do I get a notification somewhere in the system? Do I get an email that it was moved to a progress? Or should they just come here and refresh.

Margarita Shvetsova 

If you want to monitor if you should just come here and refresh. You won’t get any notifications. The only issue I get is when it is completed.

Andrej Zito 

Does it mean when it’s completed for all the languages as part of the same submission or for each language?

Margarita Shvetsova 

For each language. So when you have 20 languages, you will get 20 notification emails.

Andrej Zito 

Is there a way to control the notifications?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Sorry, what did you say?

Andrej Zito 

Is there a way to control the notifications?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Like change your conscience?

Andrej Zito 

Like let’s say I don’t want to receive motivation locations for each language separately or is it a way to just send once all the languages are Completed?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Actually, there is no way to do that. But recently This question was brought up, but one of the clients, he said, like I have, I think they have 50 languages of 52 languages. And she said, Can I just get one email when everything’s ready? And the answer was, well, we probably could do that. But maybe one of the translations is ready in, say, one hour. And the last one is really in 24 hours. So you probably want to know, when the first one is ready. But something to think about maybe before somebody, it will be important to get a notification all when they all already?

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I think, yeah, it’s best to let the user decide, if possible when it comes to notifications, because if you have to deal with like a lot of things, and have smaller jobs that fit nitrile, well, then maybe if you’re okay, with waiting until the whole thing is completed, so that then you can process everything at once that might be better than to receive a qualification. So I’m wondering what this does actually want to select it? All. Okay, so this is how I can cancel the order. So this, to me is like a very new way how to do bulk actions on items. To have it through here. I’m not sure if this is like a, like a robust way of thinking that later, we might add more, add more actions to here. But right now you only have one action. So it’s kind of weird to go to the action through this more button.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I believe it is to do you have the opportunity to add something later? Because I know when I talked to the product owner, I know that they have plans to add something more. And we’re talking about one button, and she says, Yeah, we have it here because we probably will add something else in the future.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I mean, it definitely does the job done. But I’m also dealing with something similar, like right now, like we are thinking of way how to do bulk actions over cables, as well. And I used Gmail as my main inspiration as a reference of how this should be done. So if you know, I want to my Gmail right now, like Gmail, the table looks good, the same way. But on Gmail, usually, once you select something, you have the bulk actions here. So this to me, kind of doesn’t fit like to be in. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But like the functional it looks, looks good. Okay, so this is this part. One thing that I also noticed is that this theme, which changes bins based on where I’m scrolled, after I submitted the job. Now it’s on the other side. When we were doing the submission for like, what I want to translate, it was on the right side, and now it’s on the left side, but actually can see why you pick different sides. Because when you’re submitting it, when you’re submitting it, the main focus, and usually the main focus should be like top left side. So what is left is more important. So I just want to submit my source tags and pick the languages. And the thing on the right side is more like indicator of where I’m in the progress and the process of submitting the form. While here, it kind of serves as a as a navigation. Like just links to get me to a certain page. But this is just like something that I noticed,

Margarita Shvetsova 

Cannot also notice each as our product orders, this is something that we have added recently, because somebody somebody asked us for that one of the clients that it would be convenient if I could archive the orders, which I don’t need anymore. And so we have added it.

Andrej Zito 

So, would you archive a completed job? Or can you also archive? What happens to cancel a job like if I cancel something? Where will we let up here we’ll just be removed from this list.

Margarita Shvetsova 

If you cancel it, you the translator will not will not be able to accept this order, you will just you will not have it. But if you archive it, actually I didn’t know what happens if you archive it because I have never done that. Me is more convenient to have them all and I can go back to my orders when I need them. So I haven’t done that. But you If you if you’re sure that you don’t want, you don’t need to turn to them anymore, you can archive them. Okay, so that’s not in this complete list.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. Five more minutes. I’m not sure if that’s enough time to look at. Oh, my balance still shows you a 100. Oh, so do I get credit?

Margarita Shvetsova 

You get charged only when the order is complete? Even if it is in progress, you’re still not charged.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, good. Is there any way that the price might alter? based on who picks it? Or is it fixed price?

Margarita Shvetsova 

No. No. Actually, we used to have this three ranges of prices. But then we realized that our clients are mostly companies, and they don’t want to choose between like, average quality and best quality and they just want to go for the best. So he discarded this option long ago.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So let’s try to quickly look at this part, which you mentioned. So, okay, so my bones 100. Was there for current artists? Okay, good. Got it. So that’s kind of like credit on halt available, rest, balanced overdraft the load to me sounds very financial. What does it mean?

Margarita Shvetsova 

That means that, or some clients who are long term clients, and maybe those who have, who have exceeded certain amount of money spent, they can they allow this fellow’s overdraft? That means even if they have negative bells, they don’t have money on their account, they still can make orders and then top up their balance later on at least a few of such clients.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so I can add my phones. Visa, MasterCard, Amex. Is it something Russian? Yeah. These are things I have never seen before. The TV? Is it also some Russian payments for this or

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think not Russian? I didn’t know what the telephone because I have before Nitro. I never saw them either. properly. This is because of the translators, because translators are located all over the world. And I think for some of them, these methods of payment are preferred. So maybe this was ordered. This was added because of the translators not of course.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. And also, I’m wondering like, these two options are Visa MasterCard, as well as Visa MasterCard plus 30 other payment options. So what is the difference between two checkout and PayPal?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think these are the systems that proceed the payments. Check out.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. To me, just from my experience, this is a bit confusing, because I usually right now like, especially like in North America, I think most of the people pay with credit card. So I just want to choose like, I want to pay with credit card. And I like do me this is confusing, like why would I have to differentiate between to checkout and pay pro? Like, what does it mean for me? Like, I assume that I will still be charged the same amount of money. Right? So you probably know what I’m talking about. Right? But I’m not sure if the situation is different in Russia when you guys go pay for something. But to me, I have never seen two options for Visa and MasterCard.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, actually, this is not typical. I think this was added when I think they when they added it they were thinking about the the way the system that proceeds the payments this checkout and PayPal. And really now I realize that for the customer does look confusing. So this is also something I will bring up.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, yeah. All right. And finance and transaction history. Okay, so this is my gift from you guys. The 100 Okay. Yes. So I wanted to go back to what I was saying before, because I had some some ideas. So I had one idea right now today in the morning as I was in the bathroom. So I was thinking about the source tags. So because I only put there like very few strings. So if it goes on Okay, it resizes automatically. Good, good, good. Good. I didn’t know if that was possible. Okay. No translator languages, delivery time price. So we are Talk about this part. What it shows that you can technically never get the price highlighted.

Margarita Shvetsova 

You can I found out how you can do that if you click this plus under the balance Yeah, it will show you. Okay, yeah. Oh, so when you asked Yes.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes, yes. But that’s that’s that’s like very technical think it’s because you know if added extra text so that’s why pushes up this thing and that’s why triggers that now it knows that the pages scrolled below a certain point. That’s the only reason right but like if I’m ordering something and I already have the balance, then technically it never shows up. So I was wondering like what to do what to do about it? And I’m not sure. Because this is kind of like indicator like how much or more during this thing never fills in, right? Even if I put there there’s nothing here. Languages, yes, that automates by this thing. And delivery time, I think delivered doesn’t show anything.

Margarita Shvetsova 

So yeah, because it’s just this blog that explains to up how much sense

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes, yes. So I think this, this part here is used for two things. One of them is kind of like a navigation, which is what I showed you later, when you have this on the left side, after I submit, when I can see the orders, right, it’s on the left side, there, it serves purely for navigation. So if this is supposed to work just for navigation, then it should be in the same position. But I don’t think that you want it to have it be just for navigation, because it shows the the important information before I submit the order. I think what would be maybe better in my opinion, is that if this only served as kind of like a checklist for what I need to input before I send the translation. So like the delivery time, if nothing shows up here. And the same for the note two translator. Technically, to me, these two things like number two and number four, only serve just to get to a certain point. But this this whole thing on the right side. Let me let me be get fancy with this think. So this whole thing here because it’s to get a ride this is like, this is kind of like an indication like what I need to do before I can. Sorry, send things for translation, right. So it delivery time, I cannot affect it any way. And I way back. Yeah. So if delivery time only serves as a navigation. And no translator and context also serves just as a navigation. It doesn’t serve the purpose of Okay, I did something so now I can send it for translation. Maybe I would reduce it just to these three things. My opinion,

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s an interesting point.

Andrej Zito 

yeah, and one thing that I also realized after we did is last time, this again, might be just like my first experience, I never thought about this. But technically, if you think about it, this is kind of like ordering stuff from Amazon. Just like you put something in the cart. And you know, usually, I think I realized this last time is that once we once we fill out, fill out the order with this thing and then languages and and so the price, and then when I send it for translation, it immediately goes into into the process, right? So there’s no, no summary. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Because you know, when usually people order things that kind of like put them in the cart, and then they see like a summary, which is like Okay, are you 100% sure that you want to send this word translation? Because and we already have the summary. Technically, if you think about this also serves as like a summary of what I’m sending for order and how much I’m going to be credited from my balance for that order. It goes straight straight into the translation. But maybe if I’m like very, very new to the process, and or do something by mistake, then the price which is calculated here immediately goes against my balance as soon as I send it and then the only way for me to to revise it is to cancel the order right. So that’s that’s another thing that I noticed personal opinion, because I have never I know that like Amazon has this like instant checkout. So maybe that’s what this is about, like, okay, you select something, and you immediately want to checkout. So it. So the advantage of this is that it speeds up the process because there’s no extra summary screen like, Hey, this is what you’re ordering. But again, I don’t know, what is the right thing to do. That’s what I thought.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Well, the creator of Nitro, he was saying that he likes simplicity. And he, he did his best to avoid extra screens. So one page and one screen for the order. And one for the order that is in the process. interview. Yeah, yeah. So I think you will see, no, we don’t want any extra screens.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, yeah, it does make sense. Yeah, I can see the advantage of that. Okay.

Margarita Shvetsova 

And it is pretty simple. You can just Nitro before sending for translation. You, you go over your text, the languages, you check it and then you send for translation.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes, yes. I think that’s the thing that I’m usually trying to be very aware when I also do like my stuff, you know, like, when we design like how certain things should go, like how many screens there should be, is one thing is like, what is simple for us, like the creators, you know, simplicity is definitely the goal. Like, don’t get me wrong, I totally agree with you. But the second thing is like what the users are used to, you know, like, if like most of the people that use Amazon are ordering from Amazon. So they have a certain a certain behavior by using other tools like this. So

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, but only part of the world uses Amazon, even if it is very popular to read, a lot of people are not affected by Amazon’s interface. So I actually I was thinking about that it’s very difficult to create a product that will be that will feel natural for everyone, for North Americans, and for Europeans and for Asians, because we all have so different habits. And also, it’s interesting that recently, somebody told us that just looking at the landing page, I think there was a person from America from the US said that, Oh, I thought it says subscription service. And for us, it was like what subscription service for translations. But people in North America are so used to subscription services, maybe also in Europe.

Andrej Zito 

Is it that popular in Russia? Really?

Margarita Shvetsova 

No. It is not. at all.

Andrej Zito 

Surprised? Yeah. Yeah. I think Yeah, I think that’s when it comes to like your your strategy, like, like, what kind of customers actually you are mainly targeting right?

Margarita Shvetsova 

In Taiwan? Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah, like, in my mind, like, I would never say that, like, there are parts of the world that don’t prefer a subscription. Because now everything to me is like subscription model. You know, with Netflix, Spotify, everything is subscription based.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think it’s because, well, we russians, we are not really used to pain, and something that charges you every month. That sounds crazy trying to test some services of this kind, but people are reluctant to pay for this kind of service.

Andrej Zito 

are actually if you can speak about Alconost are most of your customers in Russia, or do you also target part American clients?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, actually, we would target a lot of founders in America also. And we also have customers from from Europe from North America. But because because we are based out of Russia and Belarus, Belarus, mostly. That’s why we have a lot of Russian speaking customers. I don’t know if they’re the majority or not, but they are a significant part of our customers. Yeah. I also wanted to do something else about this interface thing. Just await some new customers when they talked about their balance. They thought that it was enough like okay, I’ve topped up my bills. So my order is sent. So they always forgot to to hit the central translation button. So we had to ask They, they added money to their balance, we had to add at notification saying, Please don’t forget to hit send for translation button because your order is nonsense, right? It was very unusual for us and unexpected. But yeah, people are new to this. And they just they’re not sure how it works.

Andrej Zito 

Exactly, exactly. That’s, that’s one of the things is like, you need to think about like the how’s it calling English like the common denominator? Like the person like, with the least, that has like the least technical savvy to build it freed them so they can go but so that yeah, that’s what actually it might help to, like kind of make like, maybe like a check marks, like, okay, you did this, you did this, you did this. And now you can send for translation. Because right now this this, this button is actually green, even if I’m missing information. So one thing that can help, right, because I don’t have any language selected. And let’s say that I pick, okay, this is Turkish, okay, let’s say whatever. So let’s say C, so not now my order could be completed, right? Because I completely that I want this translated into Arabic, but the button is still green. So technically, what might also help people indicate that they cannot send something for translation is if this button was inactive, like disabled, until you complete the information that you need to in order to send something for translation.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Here comes another problem. If it is say, pray and inactive. People might not notice it like okay, I’ve added manage my balance, so I’m ready to go. They might not realize that they need to hit extra button. I think this is the right pane also to attract attention. And even even with the right buttons, still some people miss it. Yeah. Also, I you said that about this checklist. I think maybe we could add this household. checkmark I have I have a note to the translator, I have left a comment and a checkmark.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, when when you say about the button like people miss it. I think maybe it could be because so this think this this is like a confusing meaning. And if it just like a summary, then it’s just like a summary. But you know, usually, these buttons also tend to be many times like at the bottom of the form right there. Because it’s like, as you fill out the form, the form ends with the main call to action button. So maybe it is also something that you could experience with I don’t know. Yeah. So this would be kind of like a summary. And this is like your I feel before and at the end, I hit the big button sin for translation, which like you said, If I add the balance here, then it might be

Margarita Shvetsova 

In this way, they have no way of missing it.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. But technically Yeah, if I if I add the bonds a year, like the button is right here. But that’s, that’s because I think about maybe using the software in a different way than other people. Right. So that’s the tricky part with everything. Anyway, okay, let’s move forward. So I received the translations. And so the check one already checked it as soon as I got it. And it seemed pretty good. The only thing that I notice here is that the translator left the Bs, which tensor board? Yes.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Have you have you looked at the translations in your in your account?

Andrej Zito 

No, no, never. let’s do that

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s much more convenient than.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. Yes. I just I just loved the notifications, because that’s what I got. So okay, so I can go here.

Margarita Shvetsova 

And the translator. Ah, I’ve also looked at your orders, and I saw that one of the translators also left a comment to you about BC. I think even bullshit.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, of course.

Margarita Shvetsova 

But the translator was not sure about it. He thought it was aachelor of science.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, yeah. Wait. Oh, okay. Yeah, that would make sense. Oh, okay.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Because also without the context, I’ve looked at your website, and I could feel that the style was pretty laid back and casual so I was like, must be bullshit. This this because

Andrej Zito 

Inever see it. sure Yeah, that’s the same thing as with your website, you know, like people think about stuff differently. I never thought that somebody could interpret this as a Bachelor of Science Yeah.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Out of context, without looking at a website and realizing that it’s a relaxed atmosphere.

Andrej Zito 

Wait, so this is the actual Czech translation. So these are the three things right. So how do I know which one left the comment? Do I need to go into reserve?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Ah, when you open it use with the comment on the right. And also the comment was in your in your email, you can also see,

Andrej Zito 

So that was a Japanese one. Yeah. Right. I see it’s at the bottom. Huh? Okay. So I’m thinking that this is also something that we deal with, internally for our stuff is that usually, if there’s something that requires like my attention, as a customer, I would probably put the, put the information to the top. So that it catches my attention. Because like, if I if I order, like a larger text, then I will have to scroll all the way down. But but this is something that maybe I may need to address. So it might be better to put it to the top.

Margarita Shvetsova 

And also this comment by the translator is under your own comment. So you’re looking at the translations and you say, Oh, that’s my own comment, and you don’t look below. And there is a comment from the translator. So it’s very easy to miss it.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, I see. Yes. Hmm. You Yeah. Oh, so it copies every all the comments I see. Yeah. So this is something that I would definitely, probably change. Because if also, for example, like if the comments if it takes the whole comment section, including my instruction, which I left to translator, technically, I don’t need to see it again, especially for actual language. So just give me like, the action will think so that it jumps at me. And also, like when it comes to the software. Again, we already talked about this. Like, if I order like 20 languages at the same time, it would be difficult for me, especially if I have to scroll down like the email notifications. And if I go here, as an overview, it would be good to maybe like indicate with something with some flag that there’s like common left for me as the customer when the translation was completed.

Andrej Zito 

So okay, so let’s say that he replied to me, now, I’m going to try to figure out how Actually, I can respond back. So translator said, I guess bs is the abbreviation of Bachelor of Science, but if not, please request a revision with its context. So how do I request revision? The only thing that I see here is the orange thing which gets my Okay, send order for revision? This I’m not sure. So I understand the orange thing here. But then the selection is blue. Which to me is a bit confusing. I assume that like blue is like your, your main color and you use orange just to highlight something. But this thing I’m not sure if I have ever seen this, like the the selection of the of the drop down is like a different color. That’s really weird to me. Okay, so send the order for revision. Okay. Hi. I want to correct your assumption. Yes. stance. Okay. You

Margarita Shvetsova 

Do want do you want do you have the same way in Japanese? Probably they don’t have the same contraction form. But maybe you want to say it isn’t this form because it sounds much more mildly. And you probably want to have the same way in Japanese because if he says Straight out bullshit. It will probably sound a bit rude.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, but I don’t know that about. Right. Like, I don’t know about like the Japanese way to translate these kind of words.

Margarita Shvetsova 

But you might have your preferences, because he might be able to render it and maybe not depends on how it is in Japanese. I just I just know there are lots of nuances in Japanese and maybe he can. Oh, have it speed?

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, I send it and I.

Margarita Shvetsova 

You haven’t sent it. You always send it when? When you hit the

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, yeah, I know. But like, let’s say attention. So yeah. Like in the case that we just did. Let’s say I read something I just like I did right now. Like, like, I instinctively like want to reply something then that read this thing attention. And it’s a based on this text. I want to change something. So when I cancelled the submission, then I’m not sure if it should be automatically removed or if it should stay there for me to edit.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I would prefer to have stage Yeah.

Andrej Zito 

So bs stands for bullshit. Something which is so turn, please. That is not very soft. Okay, what does this say that you’re about to send the order for revision what happens next the order will be queued for editing by the translator who completed translation the translator will be notified that text be revised. And they will see your comment when a translator is done with editing resident education continue? Yes. Okay. Here, I’m not sure why you pick the ghost buttons. So you know what goes buttons mean? Now, what is so goes buttons are the ones that don’t have like the feeling like this one is like fully orange, they just have the border is colored.

Andrej Zito 

So that’s what the ghost buttons and usually use used ghost buttons when you have a standard buttons like with the full full filling of the color. And then you have like next to it, you have something with hash, just a border, so that you can then visually indicate like, which one is more important. So the one with the full is more important than the one with just the borders the goes button. But in this case, this is like a pop up so I can do anything about the rest. So this this is like a very well, I’m not. I hope that nobody will miss this. But you never know. But in this case, like the goes button to me. Doesn’t make sense. Because you only want the people to click Yes. Right. That’s the main thing. So okay, let’s go. Yes, thank you or has been successfully sent as soon as the revision. Okay, maybe one thing that I’m thinking is for people who don’t know, or maybe actually for people who usually are used to paying for revisions. There was no indication that this will be done for free. I don’t know.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I actually just today, I I added this. This email them I forgot the English word. Okay. You know, we have some emails, which we sent from nytro, about nitrus features and some things that are less obvious,

Andrej Zito 

Like a newsletter or say it again, like a newsletter or like an OS.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Kind of a newsletter. And so today, I added one more newsletter, about this revision thing. And it explains it in detail how revision happens, and that is free of charge. And I was thinking to myself, on one hand, yes, we have explained it to people. On the other hand, there are lots of people who will not open the emails. Yeah, and when you said it now, I’m like, Yeah, actually doesn’t say it anywhere except in the email. That it is free of charge.

Andrej Zito 

Yep. Okay. Yep, yep, that’s, that’s that’s the correct thinking here. Like, ideally you want the information to be somewhere in the system as people use it. Because like you said, people, you can, you can totally not rely on people reading email, especially when it comes to little details like this. Or maybe even if they read it, there’s like a very low chance that they will remember it when they actually get to use things. So yeah, definitely. Okay, so, okay, so we went back to the queue, I see what is this revision of See? So you actually do have a column to indicate something? Yeah. So that’s where you could use here to indicate that there was a comment left from translator?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think I would use the exclamation mark.

Andrej Zito 

Yep. Ok, and also, let me correct this guy. Because just because I understand this. So what happens when there’s a send a message to the support chat? Let me try to check it. Okay, I have a question. Nutri hydrometric. So in what case, would I should I use the support chat? So the localization manager versus just sending it back?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Basically, you need to do that. If you have some general question, like, you don’t want to send it to the translator, you want to ask this matter? And you want to get the answer as soon as possible. Because here, you have to wait until the translator sees it saves it and answers you. So sometimes you want to get the answer very fast. And also, I think it’s a very rare case, but maybe you send it for revision, and then nothing happens, like the translator didn’t correct what you wanted, or he didn’t understand something like, you want somebody to supervise the translator. So in this, you also talk to the manager, but it’s a rare case. Usually it usually is because people, people want to give the answer as soon as possible.

Andrej Zito 

So one thing that I notice here that after we send it for revision, the last modified date didn’t update.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I think it must be because the orders are completed yet. It’s still in the queue. And when it is completed, it shows the correct date because I have edited some orders and says let’s modified one is completed. But technically, yes, each has been modified now. Have a different date. Yeah, okay, can be changed.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so that’s the process. And before we had the landing page, I wanted to quickly look at the rest of the UI, because we have never looked here. So you order?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yes. Actually, you haven’t told me what you think about the quality of the translations. So you speak some German?

Andrej Zito 

Yes. In Japanese, I don’t speak at all. So this one, don’t be a sheep. That’s good. Learn localization. It’s good. Like, it sounds good. To me. This is the only thing. So he translated as learn to localize versus learn localization as learn now as like our industry. So he translated as the verb, like learn to localize, but that’s not a big thing. Imagine you could see here a second order, just because this is gonna look because I said he’s musisz. You see, oh, oh, yeah, I forgot about this. So this is I stream localization live. And he translated it as kind of like, instead of streaming, he used the word kind of like, broadcasting. I broadcast. And I think that streaming is not sure how it is in Russia. But I think in Czech Republic, we still refer to it as streaming. So we don’t localize it because this word, technically sounds very, very old.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I get it. Yeah. We, we usually say is trimming. But it depends on the age of the person, the biggest people of age will this mean and they Produce streaming we use this word, but people who are like 40 and up or maybe 45 and up, they will be not sure what to use and they will probably use some like I will make a video on the internet online in real time something like that.

Andrej Zito 

Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. So I just checked it like yeah, people are definitely using just as you can see, like, like even the person who streams the streamer is called streamer. In Czech Republic, so can I actually wait. So now I cannot comment.

Margarita Shvetsova 

You can do load you can copy your comment, then cancel the order and Sandy for vision again, copy paste it and, and add your new comment. So if you’re just one comment at a time not to Oh, can you do that again? one more comment. Really?

Andrej Zito 

No, that goes to Demetri automatica. Okay.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah, sometimes people also leave, leave messages to Dmitry so that he adds new comments or correct their comments. He can also leave comments if the customers ask about it.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, let’s try that. Also notice, that has been translated in a way. Also, check. For sure. This is only Oh, wait. Comments? Yeah, so I’m not sure like, what is the the idea of comments? Because right now, it seems it’s only related. It’s very tied to the action that I take. Like, when I want to revise audit, that’s where I can add a comment. But I’m not sure if you want to open this up more so that I could add a comment at any stage? Um, maybe not, because then it would maybe result in spam. I don’t know, for the translator.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Usually, you can’t, you can just send messages to the translator so that people don’t try to overwhelm them with questions or communicate with them directly. Because usually, I’m not supposed to be communicating to the customer directly, unless a problem occurs.

Andrej Zito 

So in that case, you think it’s better if my question goes to meet metering.

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s just easier. You can you can copy a comment and cancel the order and do this again. But why not? Try this chat option? And I’m sure that Meteor will first tell you well, you can use their vision option and you will tell him Well, I already did. But then I realized there is one more thing and now I can do that.

Andrej Zito 


Margarita Shvetsova 

So he can use his administrator power and add on more.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, I can quickly look at German but like my German is like, very bad. So as I kind of chef, I guess Lucrezia? Yes. They again left it in English. I’m not sure what is the chairman alternative? Bullshit. Maybe they use it that same way. Rubbish plus, because to my one design, that’s good. So therefore, the consistency when it comes to s see, they left it in like the English way. So high sure I will. Okay. Okay. So, you order we already covered this orders, we looked at this balance. So we already looked at this as well. Right. So this is what we talked about last time. That I guess many of these things are mainly for your Russian customers, that they are very confusing for providers. Add funds transaction history. Okay, so this filled in Oh yeah, that’s what you meant last time, right that only after the order is completed, that’s when you get finally credited. Oh, and I can go back to the Good, good, good. Okay, cool. Sorry, what is this all? All Siri languages This is the glossary may include terms and definitions in different languages, you can choose languages that will be used in the glossary.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so let’s check. Oh, I have to add term. So am I adding this glossary like for all my orders, like that are part of my account?

Margarita Shvetsova 

It will be for all of your orders, if this term comes up again, see, what you mean by this term? Or what preferable translations as he has.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, do people actually use this?

Margarita Shvetsova 

We, we added it, I think only half a year ago. And not many people started using it yet. Yeah, just to hold the moment.

Andrej Zito 

Which is terms.

Margarita Shvetsova 

Okay. Like, for example, if you often translate content and this word stream of when it comes on in, like, Hmm, I noticed that managers leaders tried to translate it to their own language. And I don’t want that to do that. I want them to use them the English version, or the version that sounds similar to the English word stream. So you can edit as a term. And all the displays will see that your preferences do use this version that sounds almost like an English. Okay? Or maybe you have a product. And it maybe sounds a bit confusing, like people. translators are not sure whether they should translate it or not. So you edit it the term and your market is don’t translate this, it’s the name of the product or service. And in every language that they seed, and they don’t translate it.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. Where I’m confused is that the glossary part see, like, I have all of this covered right now. Um, so it’s not like integrated into the the main workflow of submitting translations, maybe for a reason. Because if this is supposed to be for quick translations, and simple translations, then maybe the person usually doesn’t even know what a glossary means. So that would make sense. So this is kind of like for advanced clients who understand something about terminology. Okay. Is there any way for me to import? Because normally, I would imagine that people who know about a glossary, and maybe they have, if they know what the glossary means, and what is the purpose of it, then maybe they already have an existing one. Is there a way for them to upload it somehow?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Okay, well, for the moment, they definitely cannot do that on their own. But they can ask for the manager mitre. But it hasn’t ever happened yet. So Ross is something new to we, we should be able to import an existing glossary, but we haven’t done that yet. So I don’t know how it will go. You shouldn’t.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah, but it’s definitely the probably not a priority if people are not using it. But then again, the question is, why are dinner not using it because they don’t know about groceries? Or it’s not easy to edit? I don’t know. That’s, that’s a question. Okay, API, so I won’t go into it. But I can also connect my app to the try API and just automate this whole submission.

Margarita Shvetsova 

And I think so. I haven’t. I see here it says you can. If you have questions, you can contact us and or ask us in the chat. I’m not sure how, how it is used, and I’m not sure have any clients who use

Andrej Zito 

this way is their orders get older or skill specific or to translate this endpoint says text for translation and creates a list of orders post source language, target languages, text quality, because there’s quality at this moment, excellent quality support only. Okay.

Margarita Shvetsova 

I it is, I think it’s called legacy. Because we really, like two years ago, we used to have three grades of translation. Good and low cost. But excellent was the most popular options. So we discarded all other options. Because people were confused, which one they should use. If they want very good translation. They, they were not sure. They thought that low cost means bad quality. And we didn’t think that it was bad was.

Andrej Zito 

Yeah. It’s probably the same cases with the glossary. Like if, if you don’t know more about localization, and you just want something to be translated, and you probably don’t want to spend time thinking about like, which quality to pick?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Well, the match will only have a newsletter explaining what glossaries and how they can use it.

Andrej Zito 

Mm hmm. Okay, so we got into this part. Do you have a question? What does this do? Oh, something’s wrong in an order. Open shirts. general questions? Okay. settings. Okay. I think we covered pretty much everything. I was wondering. System newsletter, subscribe. Okay. I was wondering if you have any documentation somewhere?

Margarita Shvetsova 

What kind of documentation?

Andrej Zito 

Like one line? Like, let’s say, like, how do I submit an order?

Margarita Shvetsova 

I’m only on the landing page.

Andrej Zito 

Okay. So shall we shall we look at it right now? Do you have time?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Yeah. Well, I’m running out of time, but I definitely want to know your opinion on this lady.

Andrej Zito 

I was thinking if, if that is your work, right? Did you do like a copy for the landing page?

Margarita Shvetsova 

Well, I was part of the process. I didn’t put that as one person, but well, we are constantly working on that. And there are some changes I would like to be made. So I would like to hear your opinion.

Andrej Zito 

So this one already snoozed. Okay, so this, this is another thing, technically a buck? Because I can see that there’s the I have a second tab here. But you can see and maybe you even heard I’m not sure if you heard me? No. But it sounded like this message just appeared. But I already close this message in my audit tab. So this step doesn’t know about that yet.

Margarita Shvetsova 

It’s just like in LinkedIn, and in LinkedIn is manage that. Yes, it? I haven’t read that.

Andrej Zito 

Yes. What is this green button? Oh, I think, oh, that’s sent for translation. Probably, I don’t know. Oh, and you know, also like, like, I just let I just discard this. So this here, again, like the navigation, you have it on the left side, here also on the left side. And by the way, like, the width is different than than here, like, this is bigger.

Margarita Shvetsova 

This is what?

Andrej Zito 

This is bigger. So this one, you know, spans from here. So the navigation is here. Then when I change here, it’s it’s in a different position. And that’s what I was thinking actually, you know, like, when, when we were initially talking about this button. So maybe if I don’t know, maybe it’s confusing, but maybe if no, it will. Yeah, it will be. It will look weird. Yeah. But, but technically, if you had this part on the right sides, with the button on here, that’s what I think is like the default expectation of people that like the button to say To the next phase is like right here, right below the form on the right side.

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