In this video, Andrej gives you a comprehensive review of POEditor, a “software localization management platform”. He’ll discuss its features, pros, and cons, and show you if it has improved or not since the previous time he reviewed it.
Recently, POEditor’s website went through a major redesign. Now after giving it a second look, he documented his impressions about the page and the UI, how things went with the project, and his thoughts on it.
Andrej Zito
Everyone this is Andrej, welcome to the first stream of 2023. What we’re going to do today is the usual thing that I used to do so many times before, I used to do it mostly in the recorded version. But this time, we’re going to do it live. And what we’re going to be doing is going to try out the new POEditor. So if you have seen any description that I shared when I was posting about this, POEditor has recently done a big redesign. And I wanted to test it out. And also the team has reached out to me to ask for my opinion. So we decided to put it together into this one stream. So what you can expect is the usual thing that I used to do is, I’m going to first start from the homepage and give my honest amateur designer feedback about their homepage. And then we’re going to sign up create an account, we’re going to create a project, I think I still have some spreadsheets that I used for the previous research version of POEditor. And we’re going to run it through some MT and then we’re going to download the files. And that’s going to be what I’m going to be showing you today. I’m not sure if I forgot about anything else. I haven’t done this in a while. So I think we can just get right into it.
Andrej Zito
And the chat should be working open. If by any chance you have any comments. So let’s get right into it. Oh, yes, I forgot, now I remembered. The one thing that I wanted to say at the beginning is that when I was doing this reviews before, at the end, I did some sort of ranking of all my experiences. And I actually put POEditor to the very first place. So now the question is, did POEditor got even better? Or is it going to be worse? Well, we’ll find out in the stream. So POEditor. And I also want to kind of like confirm that I think I maybe like saw this part of the homepage, only for a very, very brief moment. And I was looking for their new logo, which I think is also slightly updated. But otherwise, I haven’t seen anything yet. So this will really be my sort of first reaction. So I hope that I’m actually live, at least I’m recording. So let’s get right into this. The first thing now that I mentioned the logo is actually that would be the first thing that I want to see.
Andrej Zito
I don’t know, I was gonna say like before that the PIO was like a thin font weight. And it was a bold one. I thought I wanted to say that. Now it’s the same font weight. But I still feel like you can see it on the O’s. If you compare the P to the O from the PO. And oh, from the editor, I think the editor is still slightly bolder.
Andrej Zito
So my thought is that like adding this thing here, like adds, I don’t know complexity to the whole logo, which I think would make more sense if you’re adding complexity to something you want to like make the wrist simple and consistent. So that’s what I would add on now. Maybe expect that P O would have the same same font weight as editor, but I guess it just a minor think. Alright. So what do we have here next? Oh, we have this thing. I haven’t seen that anywhere else. And I kind of like it. I think usually what your options are with the top menu navigation is usually seats stacked on the right side. But then these parts like login signup can, I don’t know blend in with this thing. Unless, of course, you separate them by something like this like a button. The option is also to have something on the left side, but then you want to separate it from the logo. And I guess they decided not only to separate by whitespace, but also by this horizontal line, which I think is kind of interesting. Like I mentioned, I had never seen it anywhere before I went on Now I’m curious, like how it’s actually implemented? Where’s my inspect working? Where is this? Brand? Oh, it’s here. This one, what is this? Oh, it’s a gradient. Right? Okay. All right, what do we have here? features? So there’s no drop down, I guess it’s very simple. It just features Okay, features pricing, integrations, how it works, login and sign up. Alright, jurisdiction to localization management platform that’s easy to use. We’ll see about that organization management platform that’s easy to use. Okay, so for the highlighted text, we’re still staying on the brand colors. And I guess we have more gradient here. That’s nice. This I think, is kind of like a no typical for everyone doing something good translation, you will show translated strings everywhere. Because it’s a management platform that’s easy to use localized software efficiently using a powerful yet friendly localization platform and translation management system. Localized software. So I think there’s their primary use case is still software, which I think is was the same before. Because I believe that previously, I couldn’t upload basic word documents. Not that I’m saying that it’s a bad thing. Okay, so we have this one combined with orange, I’m wondering how it was, before we had before it was the yellow was the accent color, I guess. Because Shawn, I just want to get started for free. This, again, to me is like a new graphical style that I haven’t seen anywhere. It’s like the shadow sort of thing is on the left side, normally, I see it on the right side. And this one actually looks like it’s kind of like, angled, if I’m not mistaken, because like here, you can see it’s more here. And here. It’s kind of like going into the button. And there’s nothing here, which I think is interesting. So when you think’s and we just are looking at the hero section. All right, so otherwise, you can see that it’s very, very clean, compared to how it was before where it had this backgrounds. So previously, it was you can see like the article listed above the fault, right, like what you see before you start scrolling, like this is way, way, way more spacious and more cleaner than this one. Because here I got a lot of a lot of text. Previously, I like the the parrot. Although is just an illustration that doesn’t illustrate much about like the product. It doesn’t show the product, which I think is what we’re going to see here. So yeah, I think when it comes to this part, I think it’s an improvement. At least I like when things are clean and spacious. And so that’s that. Let’s move on. So here we see what is this? I think I remember this. This is basically where you can see the progress of your languages within a project I believe, and I guess these are the collaborators on the project
Andrej Zito
Yeah, the only thing that I’m thinking is if. And again, I’m not a bot. Wait, what? Oh, I wanted to scroll this on. But this is just a video on not a buyer. Like, for example for me, I don’t know, maybe we’ll see this later. Maybe they didn’t put it here because it will take so much space. But I think like showing more of the UI might be better, I don’t know. But this is kind of like teasing you like, okay, like, and these languages are in progress. It looks good, it fits the style. And yeah, I’m not sure what I was going with a thought. So Visually, it looks very, very good, very clean. And let’s stick to that. Maybe like the people who just want to translate software, or they just want to see like a quick indication of where the languages are. And they are fine. As long as it reaches 100%. And then they don’t care about the rest. Maybe I’m looking at more from the perspective of project manager. Okay, we have more numbers, I mean, more, more colorful gradients and numbers. So 200k active projects, 200 scientists for languages for chosen clients, bringing over 30,000 active users well. Okay, so this is the typical, I don’t know how you call this section, like where you give hardcore facts, which is always better than saying, I don’t know we are the best art form or something like that. And still, it all looks consistent, color wise. And here, it looks good. Then we have the section of the client logos. You can see at least I recognize a lot of the big names here. Care for converse, IKEA, Lufthansa, Ubisoft. Nice. Here, we have, again that that new Chateau style, I’m not sure how this is called. And I think I really, really like it. It really makes it stand out from the usual shadows that you can see used. So I think it’s really, really cool. And even the shadow is has gradient if I’m not mistaken. Trusted by 1000s of global brands from every industry 1000s Yes, we have 4000 clients, trusted by 1000s of global brands for every industry. Okay, this is customer testimonial section. Again, I would say this is a very different style than I’m used to. And again, I think in a positive way. I haven’t seen such implementation before where you have like the other people who are not currently active, can like grayed out, I can still click them. And the good thing is that they made this part where the text is inserted. Like a consistent height. Sometimes you can see when people use carousels with the testimonials, that when the when the length or the size of the testimonial actually is different, then the page kind of like starts jumping because sometimes, you know, like, if it’s smaller, then it shrinks, and then it pushes the whole page up. So yeah, I think this is again, really, really, really, really good. I want to see like how they did it before. Oh, yeah. So I think before they had it very, very
Andrej Zito
And I think maybe this is one of the reasons why I didn’t POEditor as the as the best homepage previously.
Andrej Zito
Because not I’m looking at Yeah, it looks definitely more cluttered, and like small and messier than what it is right now. Now it feels like super, super, super modern and clean. Which again is what I’d like. thought out in every way to make your localization workflow smooth. Scroll on to catch a glimpse of the localization tools you’ll be working with. Scroll on, scroll on like here, okay. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, so let’s scroll on. So we have some icons, I assume these were custom made. So again, this is another thing which I really like so far. You know, like when I first noticed this is different shadow. I see it consistently used throughout. Like you can see here you can see it here. You can see here on the customer pictures. You can even see it here on the icons. So I think it’s super cool. All? Yeah, hear I would say it’s maybe too much. But at least it’s consistent. Translate strings how you want multiple translation options, choose between assigned your translators or in human translation, or machine translation, right? This we’re going to be doing and outsourcing translations and crowdsourcing translations from your community get started for free. Okay. Streamline collaborative translation real time online translation editor. We’ll see that later. Select mass relax. Purolator localization platform notifies translators, when they’re working, blah, blah, blah. When strings and contributors efficiently tags, common screenshots, teams, group strings in your translation projects with tags and your contributors with teams. Okay, I need to slow down because I’m going to lose my voice and avoid redundant translation work. There are ways to translate blah, blah, blah. Okay, so these are like, I guess the features slash benefits. Alex, can you show me where this text will appear? Just to make sure it fits? Well, here is a screenshot recovered deleted strings or see previous translation variants using the history module? Is this a feature? Is this a standard feature in all the other CAT tools? Not sure if we have any Translators watching this? Maybe I didn’t have to bother with this. But normally you have like a versioning of the files, but you have a version in on string level. Or segments. Sorry, I always make this mistake. Interesting. I’ll fix it. Junie Bravo. Okay. Okay. Anything else to comment on here? For some reason, I don’t like this thing. And maybe not only because of the, the shadow things, which is I think, Okay, I think this is the first time that we see kind of like the yellowish color which is what was previously used as an accent color. So like the yellowish compared to the orange, like the orange doesn’t stand out that much now, because there’s the yellow I think. And also it’s that this whole thing is an image. So the text on the images is not crisp, crisp or clear. You know what I wanted to say? This one looks fine. This one looks fine, I think. Yeah, automate your workflow and chief continuous localization. Purolator offers localization tools to automate recurring tasks so sit back and relax or look as your platform do the heavy lifting for you. What is this integrated with code repositories slack and teams integration REST API and swagger swagger specs I don’t know what is swagger. Okay, so these cards look good as well
Andrej Zito
actually want to see how it’s done. Weights can I see it?
Andrej Zito
Be here right now. Border Radius crowns. Crowns. Is it this thing? I think it’s this thing, right? No, it’s not think Wait, how’s it done? I hide this thing. Right. It’s everything so it should be part of it. Alright, unhide Oh, it’s the before. Is it that before? Well, looks like is it before think? Is it rotated with CSS? Border Radius transform matrix. Oh, yeah. This is the rotation, I guess. And this is the background. Yep. Interesting. No, you can do it that way. All right. So okay, so these cards I guess don’t lead to anything so then click on more and get started for free more than 20 supported localization formats, our translation blah blah blah who supports the most popular opposition file formats? Okay. So we will be having a simples spreadsheet to have documents no we don’t have okay because I guess social people don’t use documents stored your software because it’s a project now one doesn’t string unlimited projects languages and contributors for free get started for free This button looks different This button looks more 3d than before why is it like that? Is it because the the shadow is now darker so that’s why it looks more like it’s coming off the page we don’t have to sell anywhere else right we don’t have it looks cool. Nice. Get started for free. Okay, what does this think latest blog posts new design 2020 product features pricing. Oh, this is the footer. Interesting that they put their blog posts just as a footer and it’s even without any image support. To me this is like a very interesting way to make a footer. And in this case, I would say I’m not sure. I don’t know I still think it sort of fits the Queen style of the whole homepage but at the same time I feel like the rest is more visually appealing than this one. I know it’s a footer. So it shouldn’t be taking much attention but I don’t know new design they even use it for the blog posts Nice. Okay, so and we have here the final part which is the what is this how you call this I don’t know the footer of the footer and the copyrights terms and Privacy Policy All right. So that means we concluded the homepage and again, comparing it to the previous one I think it’s definitely major major upgrade and a lot of the things like like these new shadows to me are really nice and yeah, it looks great. Testimonials are super cool. This part I don’t like and the footer is okay i don’t know I’m still processing all right. Anyway, let’s get to the practical part I would say let’s look at the platform itself and let’s see if that one got better because I think when I was doing the
Andrej Zito
Andrej Zito
POEditor I think I probably said that the platform itself is better than the homepage so we’ll see if in this case it’s going to match the homepage expectations join 1000s of global companies blah blah blah blah blah create your free account Free Trial included no credit card required okay and raise funds to do sorts all I can say with Google Why did I do that? I want to sign up with Google probably sign up with Google or I don’t have I’m not logged in here shit
Andrej Zito Password weak password get started for free. password should have at least eight characters and a digit 12345678 and one okay almost done. An emailing with a confirmation was sent to your email Okay, let me let me open my email in
Andrej Zito
just a second
Andrej Zito
okay, we have our email are usually done. Don’t pay attention much to the emails, but I think we can have a look. I hope I’m not showing anything dangerous. So curator so everything is centered. What I definitely don’t like here is that there is no space from the logo like it’s all together. That I think is a mistake, I would say. And it’s not one. That’s preferential Hi, Andre and great to have you on board board. period has been clearer before activating your because as you please take a second to activate your account. So here we’re using the main color board to action. CTA button. I don’t know I guess maybe because I was looking so much at the homepage, where it means that action equals orange. So maybe I would prefer this one to be orange. And also here. I’m not sure if it’s just again, my the way that I see emails, but I would, since it has the background color, I would expect it to have more padding, so it looks more like a button. Instead just the text that’s just highlighted, and there’s no space around it. And your estate. Don’t be shy. Okay. So there’s that. Let me hide this again. Let me close the email, Waylon will be the link. Because my email and we are oops, where it’s oh my gosh, I copied the text or the link. Copy hyperlink. Okay.
Andrej Zito
There. So here we are POEditor looking at activation code.
Andrej Zito
Let’s go. Alright, tada, we are now in the platform. I think I can close this one. personal account settings. So you start with your settings, account has been activated, okay. By address to fix your addiction not enabled, okay, just here, the settings look very, very good. And all this may be not a very important thing. For many people. I don’t know which platform was it, where the settings, just the settings look like weird, or the team is pink. More attention to I don’t know, like the project management or the dashboard, which makes sense, because that’s what that’s the reason why people are using your platform. But here we also see some care dedicated to, to the other things. Although in this case, it makes sense. If this is the first thing that you see, once you activate your account. So it’s not like some hidden part of the platform that you normally don’t see. So if we start here, and I guess it makes sense to to play with it a little bit. Again. Normally, you see the settings, I don’t know very how to say it, I wanted to say Memsource see? Like it’s it’s very standard, like it doesn’t have anything special about it. Here I think like the settings like the weights done, I think it’s very, very, very, very good. Okay, and even the shadow think we have it even in the platform. I think it’s interesting. It’s interesting that they use the rounded corners here. In this part. I think it looks nice because kind of like fits into the top bar where you don’t want to round it by the rounded here because it blends into the rest of the white page. I think it’s very nice. Okay, but I don’t want to spend time here. So this is our profile. And let’s get to the where does this go? Okay, to my projects. Okay, so we have once again, recall this in app tutorial. I think we had the same before my stomach. Did we think I saw it? Oh, yeah, here it is. It’s very similar style. It is. Yep. So you can see here what I was talking about in the email. Even here in the platform, we still stick to the orange CTA button. So that’s why I think the email one should be orange as well
Andrej Zito
what am I showing here? I already create a project start to name your projects. Okay, these are very big Well, this is where I’m not sure if the if the usability of such a big things is a good thing instead it for the settings, but this one to me just to enter two things. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking But this to me seems like it’s for kids. Right? Kids usually have these big things. Alright. Let’s, let’s go with the Ark case. On June. All right. If asterisk care project, I usually don’t I usually forget to comment on these things. So yeah, other than it being big description, screw scription will appear in the invitation email sent, okay. We will probably not be doing that. One thing that I see here, I’m not sure if it’s still there. Once is zoom out the circle is nice. But here, I’m not sure if you can see it. Let me see if I can show it. It’s like the left part of the circle. Looks like it’s straight. Like, like the circle is cut off. Kind of like, I don’t know how to draw a circle. Kinda like, you know. Brewer kind of like this. Maybe it’s just I don’t know me. I don’t know. It’s alright. Description we will not provide well we can provide just to see where else that shows up. So this is a sample of the script scription for my first Darkest Dungeon project, thank you, Ed. Alright. Begin to set up your project by adding a source language. Okay, so we have another plus. See, this is again another thing I want to see how they did before. Why do I have so many things here. I want to see how they did it before Add Project. And then you had a languages here. Yeah. So this, again, is another very small but I think it’s it’s amazing attention to details I don’t know or touch when it comes to the user experience. Cause this button kind of like wraps the whole thing previously, based on where you are in your in your dashboard. This buttons serve to add a project not mistaking now it serves to add a language because now you’re within the context of your project. And that’s what I was looking here before like how it was before you can see like it was completely different because you had like cards for your projects. And you could also use one car to add a new project and you add it here and then you’re adding the languages here right. So I like that I like redlynch Okay, again, for kids. English, US English, English us add language add more languages to your project from here. Okay, I can do that. When next. Project Settings are here, it’s where you can add administrators make the project public set a default reference language, you’ll need it if your file contains labels string IDs. You can invite people to join language using the contributor button this their work is counted against the limit of your plan. Port Trump’s your project from here if these are keys, string IDs, you should also import a source language strings as translations, right. Go ahead, try it. Okay. I’ll do that. Okay, so what do we have different here? So I didn’t comment on this part. So we have this I don’t know how to call is this this this greedy things which remind me of the of the footer on the homepage and also we have this thing which is what was used in the in the top navigation in the header header right header that’s how you call it I think it looks very very cool. I like how this kind of like like you have this background and this thing like this sort of card think goes on top of each other I think I use it also for our website. So here we have the project name is this h1 and h2. Here we have the progress and here we have the stuff which I think I would assume is similar to what we had before. Languages terms terms are now first statistics contributors, and then we have important settings. Okay, so they changed the order a little bit, I think makes sense, right? Because like the import you do maybe at the start and then you can like use these things to manage or to get the project done. Right
Andrej Zito
See, I had a lot of notifications here. What does it look like when the notifications go away? Okay, so see, like previously, it was more like like a standard what I would call standard thing like you have one section then the intersection and the intersection. It’s kind of like layered on top of each other. I think it looks better or modern. Alright, languages. Okay, language added. Okay, so these are my notifications. Oh, I thought like these different costs are part of the UI, but it’s just notifications if I remove it, okay, now it looks together. I’m not sure if the notifications should be here like I can see why they will be there. But the kind of like the breaks the whole does it? I don’t know. That’s just my first thought like now it looks nice and clean. Would there be a better place to show the notifications? Probably not right? Because you don’t want to show them after languages if you have a lot of languages. And if you have to scroll your notifications will be at the bottom so you probably want to put them in the top I don’t know well many times you have the notifications that just I don’t know appear in the in the corners and then after some time they go away but I guess they opted for notifications that you have to close yourself so I guess it makes sense to put it here Yeah, I guess so. If you don’t expect like magnifications for I don’t know let’s say you’re adding 20 languages and then you have not reached notification for each language then it will be messy but if it’s just only few notifications and you can like probably close them right away while reading notification. So then I guess this this style like this white card here wouldn’t be interrupted that much better notifications. So okay. So what did we say we want to do? We want to add languages right? And language what choose the language you want to add? I hope I will be able to add multiple languages because I think before I was able to or not. So what do we do with the German German German I’m not sure why this decision I think I saw it somewhere else as well that like for the main German the country code is not included Okay, so I can only add one language that wasn’t possible before. To do multiple ways why is my
Andrej Zito
was it before? No. You still had to do it one by one. Okay. Language edits either have a terms. Okay, so now it’s annoying that I have the same notification for missing terms after I add language let me see for add Japanese what is the standard check? No, I changed weights and is it more German? Okay, there is a slight highlight that they don’t see when I have just one language, what it is there. So I have this highlighted, I press enter. I select it. And I’m tabbing okay, I guess now I tap to the add language. All right. Was it refreshing the website before?
Andrej Zito
I guess I had the same comment before about the German. It was refreshing. Alright, so now we have this notification here again. And I think that’s funny because if I were, if I was following the tutorial
Andrej Zito
which POEditor
Andrej Zito
created for me would be first adding the languages before importing the terms. Let’s see if the notification will be repeated. Or the last language No, so it just stays there. Okay, at least some think. Anguish at it. Okay, let me see if I add another language which I’m going to then get rid of. Okay, so we have only one language added. Okay, so the notifications don’t grow for each language. Okay. So I’ll remove a free can sorry. And I’ll stick to this one. Okay, so next thing we have to do oh my gosh, see? Okay, this is this is a little bit annoying to me. So I deleted language. Okay, so I have a notification for that but I have began the notification that I don’t have any terms, which is annoying. All right, so let’s add a terms import. Let’s see. Click here to select the localization file and check the option to also import translations recommended to set a tag on districts look in advanced Alright, so let’s find our file I guess used before which would be this one. Wait did not have any labels there
Andrej Zito
really Oh, of course. I didn’t have any labels. What am I thinking? I never had any labels here. All right. So let’s let’s see. Drag and drop. All right. Also import translations to a language for the English language. Alright, existing. We don’t have anything more crispy transition for the other languages as fuzzy for public voice. Use advanced options. What are advanced options? Learn more about input options here. This is a documentation. Yes. Project. Search. No, no, no, no, no no no. Imperva integrations API import. We don’t have that. We’re very basic here. Okay. Let me see the settings. Settings Advanced read access to all languages. This is for awkward for contributors. automatic translation. We want to enable proofreading. Okay
Andrej Zito
all right. You can also import via one of our integrations okay. So is this like how they show the current AB interesting. It’s nice import to project. Alright. This menu holds all the translation related features you need in the language page including import and export. Next, use this filters to list turn terms and translations according to your needs and the other options Okay, here you can see a mock I would say that the buttons are overlapping the text option and options to make language related selections okay next add or edit translations in these boxes don’t worry about saving everything’s automated that’s it’s questions drop them on exit tour all right. I can see it I can see it I can see it Wait How is this done? wasn’t supposed to we had we said that these are the English translations already
Andrej Zito
Oh sure. There was a way to do it Sure, also this is filtering through wait select Is there no way to select select all here and T trunk toggle fuzzy toggle through friend
Andrej Zito
right I imported the terms but I never had the option to sit like this thing Did I not do it? My stupid I think I forgot to check it. Did I forget the chickens? Right select all 20 Delete selection let’s try this again. Import here’s my file Feodor bank I’m pretty sure I did this and I do it important now it’s here but why does it show here I thought that’s how it works wait maybe I selected the import but I don’t have two columns
Andrej Zito
copy turns to translations Yeah, that’s what we need. Since translations will not be touched
Andrej Zito
something above this button is weird for me. I don’t know what it is. Copy Alright, so we have this thing here. Good. Now what can I do with this think? Okay, now we have changed 100% translate it I think in a way this could be confusing because I don’t want to press something weird because the part that shows you the statistics is still on the same line with your project. Like it’s not obvious that this statistics actually refer to the English language of the Darkest Dungeon right and I’m wondering if there would be a different way how to do that. But yes, if I look at the rest of the beach Yes, I can. I guess I can see that I’m in the language Wait, what was that? What was that? I’m not sure if you saw that but my screen just went blank for a while. Anyway, yes, I can see that I’m on the terms. Page look translations, okay. And then I see the DSM on English but I don’t know. I’m just thinking okay, so let’s say that this is done. So what would you normally do with this wash flush I guess is delete and if I contributors select all this to me is normally I would expect this to be here and we even have a like empty space here. Like where you would have the you know the check box which when you press you select everything. I’m not sure why they put these selected Reverse at the bottom instead of on the top. I’m not sure and here we have the pagination, pagination one two I think it looks too nice. Okay, so wait so select all and toggle proof read issue want to change the crosshairs of the six by toggling the proof red flag? Yes. How does that change? Okay, this is the proof read toggle fuzzy Wait what is total proof? What does it mean that we already proof read it? changes have been saved. Thank you probably right. Does it show anywhere in the statistics for go back? No English. It doesn’t show anything. It just shows that it’s translated stats. cells by languages, languages 1.2 Total doesn’t show proof read anywhere is it actually doing the things such as I thought it was doing? Your Earth toggle infrared how to proofread translations multigrade proofreading rights okay. I had a proofreader and blah blah blah how to proofread proofread just can mark translation is appropriate or not preferred when a contributor tries to edit the perfect translation and notification appears to all be unset in any language proofread and non public can be used as filters right. How to lock proofread it Yeah, we saw that how to export okay, but I’m still missing the part which says this is how you proofread which means just clicking this icon
Andrej Zito
for the translations and marking as fuzzy next to each translation there is an F button Oh F button to toggle a fuzzy translation who if you want to look at okay, here it if you want to let other people know that the translation requires reviewing Okay. Proofreading blah blah blah blah. Can Mark translations it can mark but it doesn’t say how I was able to master this what we just did okay, so it’s funny. That’s for marking fuzzy it says here explicitly how you do it and for proofreading it doesn’t What is this one is the old one yeah, this is the old one reading old screenshots right. Yeah. All right. What else okay, next we want to do the empty right Wait, wasn’t it that last time when I did it did not have that amazing feature where it asked me if I want a machine translate everything
Andrej Zito
okay, so like you can see the previous note these are seven stores the import
Andrej Zito
okay, this is the import so you can even see like how this improved from the previous screen it looks way nicer now also in for translations in functionality it seems to me more or less the same
Andrej Zito
Where did I get the prompt to machine translate? Oh, just automatic translation. Okay, this is where I copied for national
Andrej Zito
Well, no, I think now I remember I did it for one language and then it asked me if I wanted to do it for other languages.
Andrej Zito
Andrej Zito
oh yeah hear concept more languages. I think that’s Was it okay going back to our project languages let’s start with German so I’m opening German I’m gonna do automatic translation okay all Max translations is feature complete the target language with machine translations only in the singular for generated but provider you choose using 80 characters from your accounts existing translations will not be affected. Can we have 10k characters and better translation quality you can try professional human translation done by native speakers Okay. Let’s just use the bell. I want to translate from English to German. Okay, I can pick Danish even though my selection is German. What does it do effect the crunch going to add French What do you think
Andrej Zito
an 819 characterise? English to French results well, here it offers English to check English to Japanese. So, is it treating the French translations as the German? No, yeah. Okay. Should this be possible? It’s kind of weird. Why should we don’t want this translations? automatic translation let’s do it again. The PAL English the German use text in Project terms. Project terms, which should be the same as English translation. Translate translate now. Okay, English to German results in level of the verbal or was it more likely just automatically translate now? And translate now? Close. So we have our empty done. So when we have two pages actually. Yeah. Customer notes. All right. So let’s say I’m a proof reader for eyeshade decision Good. Are you sure you want to change? Yes. Okay. What is this there’s our project so everything shows 100% translated even though should I have said it maybe here somewhere and maybe it’s under Advanced? Maybe proofreading I do have proofreading. Which to me is weird. Because this only shows everything is translated but it doesn’t distinguish between translated and proof read. Like it shows 100% status even if you don’t have proofreading done the way enabled proofreading I don’t know Is it maybe wait maybe it’s that I need to first set the status for the strings to be fuzzy
Andrej Zito
but it’s still showing 100% Yeah, there’s no change here. That to me is weird. Why you have the flags if you don’t show them anywhere. Right. Okay, this is all fuzzy. Like I saw here like when you go to export you can Yeah, maybe select like things which are only proof read.
Andrej Zito
Interesting. And check. It’s got amino acid water. Alright, so check looks good. Then we can go with it. Wait, now this one I’m just going to leave it as it is. So German we have fully proof read if I’m not mistaken. Yes, Japanese is set to fuzzy and check is nothing set. But there’s no indication of the anywhere terms. And this is just okay. Now it’s showing that these terms are, I guess translated for all of the languages. Translation translations. Yep. Okay, this looks nice. Attributes. We don’t need attributes again for kids. Stats. English, when to interval we don’t need that sort of strings. You cannot change anything here. What is this? Okay, this is a bar chart. This is this thing. Alright. Yeah, so again, no indication about the fuzzy fuzziness, or the proofreading is here. contributors, we don’t have any. I guess the final thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to export the files and how to do it last time. From here it looks like there’s no way how to export everything for the whole project. I guess you have to do it one by one. And then do it one by one before.
Andrej Zito
Thank you for watching. Please subscribe. I don’t know how to do it. But I guess I guess so. Okay, German Export. Export translations. Microsoft Excel, guests use advanced or advanced options. Export All order. default file name, okay. You can change the file name. Let’s export file. Alright. As it looked Germany, it looks germ way what?
Andrej Zito
Wait, did my source file a different? Way to? Oh, no. It’s just too. Two big cells this way looks different. So yeah. Okay, I guess we have the term and then the translation. And your thing is fine. Yeah, to me the other option that you have to export language by one by one. Okay, I guess maybe the typical use case is to do it through integration would be in which case if it’s an automatically doesn’t matter, but yeah, I think it would be better if you were able to export everything at once. So that’s it. I think that’s it, right? Like, there’s no reason for me to export the other languages. Because it’s going to be looking the same way. So, anything else I want to do here? I think it’s been like, what is the time? It’s 10? Or it’s 10? One hour? Perfect. Um, what else? Okay, oh, dashboard. Now, if retina looks like this, so it will look more like a table. Previously, it was the cards, which I think was interesting, but I guess this makes more sense if you’re managing a lot of projects. Use strings. Okay, I guess that’s towards your plan. One total projects, one on project. Get. So this is not smart based on the number. That’s fine translation orders. contributors, contributors, integrations, this looks nice, but we don’t have any integrations and isolation orders. Support account settings. Okay, that’s it. So to conclude the video for today, let me go here.
Andrej Zito
I like everything. I mean, visually, when it comes to visual thing, I think it’s definitely an improvement compared to the previous POEditor that I still put as number one. The only things that I didn’t like that much were inside the platform and some of the I would say the limitations
Andrej Zito
enjoyed this review of the new POEditor and we’ll be seeing you in some other video and some other live streams this year. So thank you for watching and if you like this, don’t forget to give it a like and subscribe to our channel. And again, see you next video and Happy New Year 2023 Bye bye