Localization Academy

SDL Language Cloud – First TMS Experience

SDL Language Cloud is “the industry’s only end-to-end intelligent translation management solution”. In this video, you’ll see my first experience with the localization tool. How did it go?

I’ve documented my whole journey with SDL Language Cloud from the first home page visit, through creating a project, to downloading the translated files in German, Czech and Japanese.

Andrej Zito 

Hey guys, how are you doing? This is Andre, I’m back with another episode of the TMS UX series where together we discover new TMS tools in the industry. And in this video, we’re going to have a first look at SDL Language Cloud. Now, if you are new to the series, let me quickly explain to you what I’m trying to do a roll dice, which tells me which TMS to pick. Next, that I go to visit that website, I look at what the company or the product is offering, I register, I sign up for an account, I create my project, I upload my two Sample Files, I have them translated in an online editor. And finally, I download the translated files back. And throughout my journey, I record everything. And I try to provide a commentary on how the software how the website feels, what I think about the user experience, what I think about the design choices and the stylistic call preferences of the company that created this, and I share this with you. So this whole series is focused mainly on design on how things look like and feel like how intuitive there are, this is by no means an extensive coverage of all the features that the TMS has.

Andrej Zito 

And this is how I ended up with SDL Language Cloud right now, by the way is Saturday, January 16 3pm. So let’s get right into it rolling the dice. 12345 they’re greater than five. Okay, something on top, I think I haven’t done 512345. Okay, it’s the sto package. So here I see a bunch of things from SDL SDL, multi trends, still even a TMS or is it just part of it. And we have the clout with server app, some experience with that anyway, I think I just might want to opt for just reviewing one cloud platform from frm episode from SDL, which might be language clludbut I’m not even sure which one it is because  SDL has so many things. So let’s see what STL has in store for us. Okay, I hear language cloud, I can only watch demo. Okay. Contact, how can we Baba partners, my partner products solutions.

Andrej Zito 

Right? submitted before? Good, good, good, good. Anything else that I wanted to maybe do, maybe I’ll do a post. After I made the post on LinkedIn, thank God, I got help from Hussein Hussein, thank you very much, who sent got me in touch with Justin from SDL. And then he organized his whole review internally. Because SDL Language Cloud is mainly targeted at enterprise customers who have their whole TMS solution set up by SDL. So these guys offered to set it up for me, they were very cooperative. One thing that I have to disclose because I always try to be transparent, and I will always want to keep my independent status is I had a meeting with the guys from the SDL. And their only requirement was that I first share my review all my recordings that I made all my commentary first with them. And they will have the opportunity to say yes or no to whether we released this or no, that was the only requirement that they had. And because you’re seeing this video, it means they went ahead with it. Now it doesn’t mean that my review was super good.

Andrej Zito 

As you will see very soon, I provided quite a lot of feedback on what I think could be improved. But the guys were pretty much okay with it. So there was absolutely no censorship from their side. And editing decisions that I made for this video were purely my own. So with that being said, Let me make my final disclaimer, everything that I say here in this video is purely my personal opinion. Again, I share how I feel about TMS, how I feel about the style, the design, how it feels intuitive to me based on my experience with other tools and with everything that we use on the internet these days. So this is by no means my recommendation whether this DMS is right or wrong for you. And with that being said, let’s get finally right into the review of SDL Language Cloud and have a look at the UI right so what I want to first do is I want to look at the website because I did some recording before when I first Select the language cloud but I think I was panicking a little bit and I just tried to submit the form to get my hands on language cloud.

Andrej Zito 

So my first thought about this is is this a good contrast? I was just looking at the contrast before not sure if I can get ooh What is this mess of everything it’s part of the image right? I cannot calculate the contrast now maybe I could pick the color somehow the the hex color the petal is visible that’s for sure. This thing I’m not sure if it has the right contrast the font is also a little bit skinny machine first human optimized intelligent translation management solutions see SDL Language Cloud for yourself watch them the description is more like a feature is very machine first human optimized, intelligent. It’s a lot of objectives for it, it doesn’t speak the benefit languages for the user. So wondering, is there a way how I can pick color I can just launch right this shirts have something the sheriff’s have color picker.

Andrej Zito 

By no less famous painter of color picker should have brought up brought up Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Can I update the color? There we go. RGB. Okay, better. So beaker. Actually, no, wait, wait. Yes. I mean, just having the colors or j being you is 2991 40. That’s not the color. What the heck? luminosity. Okay, or it’s RGB, hex? Let’s see that. RGB. 69. Just want to get to the bottom of this 165 154. That’s the one hex There we go. And trust comb. Color. Where’s the beautiful link? I have it have this one called trust called or? versus a black one? Is that a black one? That’s kind of. So yeah, the contrast is good. Oh, maybe I’m tripping. But I don’t know.

Andrej Zito 

If I compared this think if I take this as a standalone page, that would be a landing page for let’s see a typical SaaS product, then this doesn’t stand out that much. Like the font is super, super tiny. Maybe it’s because they have so many different offerings. But I don’t know if I land here. This is the SDL Language Cloudthing, then this is very small. Typically, you know, the hero images. Take a lot more space than here. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s again, this kind of like reminds me of axiom cloud. That’s review that I just did recently where they really enjoyed putting their logos everywhere. So normally, this is not that this is SDL Language Cloud but select what is the A unique thing about SDL Language Cloud. But I guess it’s a it’s just a product page of a bigger website. I don’t know, I don’t have experienced that much here. So yeah, so we have green as the main color that I think is throughout the page consistently. So that looks fine at the first glance, the image here, really not sure what supposed to represent. And oh, yeah, I think I know what I don’t like about the color. Like the color doesn’t mesh well with the green I think. Wait, now that I have this thing? out, I have the color. What is the color of the green button? The green. Otherwise everything. RGB. Goddamnit. Put an RGB. A cat. Yeah. This is why I was Yeah. This is why it didn’t make sense to me. So it was actually not because of the the text.

Andrej Zito 

The text has a good contrast. Although the font is skinny and small. But the button. Nice. I messed up the color. Think I have the color right? It’s the same one. Yeah, the color against the background doesn’t have a good contrast. So that’s why I don’t like it. No, I know. And this image, this hero image, I’m not sure what it’s supposed to represent. Kind of like looking to a brighter Bay. Anyway, so that’s the section above the footer. I won’t say much like the footer looks clean. But much to say there. The breadcrumbs? Fine. Okay, let’s move on. Are you prepared for tomorrow’s content challenges? industries only end to end blah, blah, blah. For enterprise scale, okay. What should we learn about how machine translation? Yeah. So I was just, I’m just going through something similar similar, when I’m creating the website for my new project. And the idea is that you don’t reuse your color that much. If I look at this section, because of the first frame, or to come nail of the video that I see, there’s really a lot of green here. So even if you want to use green here, to emphasize some text, you’re still a lot other green elements here. So that’s why it loses the focus or attention, focus point attention, whatever. of the people because there’s too much green. So the green isn’t that cold anymore.

Andrej Zito 

So yeah, but that just may be because nobody thought even see even the play button is with the green thing. So I think this is too much green in one small area. I will not play the video. Oh, even the volume bar is still too green. So that’s good. That’s nice. Just the background. People are demanding and consuming more content. If I think about this, from the YouTube perspective, where it’s all about the thumbnails, to grab someone’s attention, maybe. Maybe it’s not that important for the videos that are embedded to your product pages. But this is not that attention grabbing because the font is again small. There’s bunch of green, and so on so it could be improved. So are you prepared for tomorrow’s challenges bla bla bla are the red that key benefits everything any translation stakeholder ever need. optimize for everyone? It’s sure blah, blah, blah. Okay. Mmm hmm. I think it’s okay, if it’s part of the same section.

Andrej Zito 

Is it okay, I think I’m missing something. I don’t know what I don’t know what is it that I’m missing? I think maybe it’s that this font which is like a subtext of this Section is almost the same as this one. So maybe it’s the maybe it’s the, the whitespace is not used correctly, or I don’t know what, but something here in this section just doesn’t feel right to me.

Andrej Zito 

Maybe, I don’t know, I don’t know how it would look like I would need to see it. But when I complain about too much green, we’ll move on to that end up with when I complain about too much green juice here, but actually maybe prefer to use some of the green here. Maybe with the icons, I don’t know. This whole thing kind of like, if it wasn’t for the icons, which make it look a little bit interesting, then it’s the text wise, it’s all saying it’s like one bit blending together? Shall we move on to the next one? reduce transaction costs. I don’t know. Also, just from experience, normally, with these benefits, there typically, is a little bit more text. Like what the benefits are. So this is like the benefit in your words, and then you expand a little bit more on that. Maybe part of it is explained here. I don’t know, whatever. So this part. This is again, just my personal preference. This to me seems like why does it always keep changing? Hello. I would prefer personally, a bigger padding. Here, especially since this section already has a green here. So it’s kinda like a very close to each other. So maybe that’s why the padding was bigger. Button wouldn’t blend in with the green section. Let’s see. Where are we? This is this one. Is this one? That’s the top 150. No, that’s left one. I’m stupid. Too true. Or no, slightly better, but it’s definitely better.

Andrej Zito 

I think the problem is that it’s still close to this big green thing. But yeah, but Alright, moving on. Download for sure. So we have watched them all. We have a video, then we have a download brochure. Boom. I like the consistent use of the green. But I’m just wondering, personally, for my own sake, if it’s good to have a hierarchy in there in the in the buttons, like the main call to action would be let’s say this wild green, or whatever it’s called. And the lower price the action call to actions would be a little bit D saturated. Right now everything has the same hierarchy, but I think it doesn’t, right. Like what is the most important thing that you want to do? I can like download bunch of things. I can watch them all. I don’t know. I don’t know what is the main call to action here. Actually, that’s a funny thing. I don’t know just by looking at this for me like typically you put the main call to action on the top. So in this case, it would be watch the demo. But as I scroll down the otter call to actions have exactly the same style. So now this part first looks very nice. I like this piece that this section got so I always say that. Good. whitespace is good. recover.

Andrej Zito 

I also like the gradient here around this box which makes it stand out. And what does it actually show? It’s covered The new must have transition features. Project keep them out. Yeah. So I think, yeah, I was reporting this in some of the previous UX reviews. We did well. fic x team call it Actually, yeah, that was the last one. They did it. Well, they showed the actual UI, what to expect? So these guys, they opted just to use some show some? No. What does this illustration? graphic? I mean, it looks very nice. It looks clean, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t show anything from the UI? And I’m not sure even if it’s, if it’s what they want to do. Or you watched them, or what does it do? What actually need to show them over here.

Andrej Zito 

So that’s could be just my preference is that if you’re, if you’re telling me about the features, I would maybe prefer to see them in the action. But I mean, I don’t know. stylistically, it looks nice. But one thing that I’m not sure about is the big, the big green think it looks good. But maybe if it was, I don’t know. Can I put gray because we have gray here? I don’t know. It’s again. This time it has more space here. From the greens green. This this think? I don’t know. Maybe I think Yeah, what I would do, I think everywhere. All the greens have the same shade. So maybe what I would do is I would use a different green here. What is this one? So if we saturate but I don’t know. Something like this. Like different different green. Yeah. But that’s what I think is a problem with the green. Like I said, You’re it’s overused.

Andrej Zito 

And the second thing is that it’s always the same green. It’s not different shades. So the different shades of green would give you a different hierarchy of the colors. So yes, no, I got it. Good. Oh, this even more surround. Nice. I never seen that. Anyway, that’s a neat feature. Okay. Now this this is a problem for sure. Because not sure if it was intentional, but this section as it ends here doesn’t have any separation from learn more about. I’m not really sure if they intended to keep it as one. But it looks weird. It does look weird, right? Yeah, it looks weird. Yeah, it does look for sure. Is that a separate David must be separated right? Yeah, it is a different section. Yeah, so there’s I don’t like yeah, I think there must be some separation. Even when I look at this part. This part This cannot like lift it. This part is lifted. When I scroll down.

Andrej Zito 

It feels weird. It still feels like this is lifted. Okay, now I know. I don’t know I got it. Looks like this thing is lifted. But it’s lifted from this this way. Why does? Why okay. It still feels like it’s lifted from this whole section. Because there’s no separation like it’s separated in this part through the green element, but this part is completely white. So it’s like one Big section. So this thing is trying to stand out against these things doesn’t make sense. That’s that, learn more about causation management, security, again, stock photos, yikes.

Andrej Zito 

Just look at that. Oh, and never check the buttons. So this one changes color, this one changes, color changes color. And these guys, they don’t do anything, they only push out the image, which is weird, because like I said before, all the buttons look pretty much the same, they are the same, I think. So this is inconsistent in their ecosystem buttons. And I don’t know if he’s the best way, like if I I don’t know, like, if I’m hovering here, and the changes, here, it doesn’t change anything, it just pushes the image up. That’s the way the bit we’re seeing the better implementation of the images. Think what typically, I see. And what I’m used to at this point is that the image would, let’s say, maybe initially, it’s a little bit darker. And then when you hover, it opens up, like brightens up, or the other way. Or it zooms in the image, but not that the image goes up.

Andrej Zito 

That’s weird to me. And the images are super tiny. I don’t know like, for example, here, this is funny thing, because here in this part, position measurement security. Well, that’s an exclamation mark. But what I wanted to draw something like lock benefits of continuous localization, some circle streamline your translation process, I don’t know, some, some arrows or something like that. So exactly the same thing that we have here. These these graphical elements, I think would better fit here, then the stock horse and here I would instead maybe put some images off the view Why? Learn more about Okay. Now, this is again, think wrong separation of the sections going this, because, again, we’re still in the white section, the white section goes, I think it’s three different things that they put in this one thing.

Andrej Zito 

So this is one, the features, learn more about the second one. And the third one this year is you can just guess based on the context because there’s absolutely no title here. And this is worse, I guess, customer testimonials. So that’s another part. The section is not separated clearly. And what I also don’t like I think I’m pretty right is the alignment. So the logo is not in the center and the missing title. customers love us. customers love us. And ideally, more, more, more references. The next one take advantage of next generation intelligent Trumps which which demo to see. So this again, we have the repetition of the same CTA that we have here. So I would assume that that’s the main CTA you want me to take.

Andrej Zito 

So again, going back to what I said, I think the button should be differentiated. Because they’re all the same. They could read younger generation baru bracelet. Watch that one. Yep. I mean, it’s okay. Again, maybe some extra padding. But wouldn’t mind that’s a metaphor, but I forgot. Is it the hierarchy of the text here? I don’t know. I mean, it’s not bad. Yeah, I’ll just shut up. Oh, longer recording half an hour. Oh, my gosh. That’s so long. He’s here and the final winner. I think that one looks pretty nice. This is the first time that I see something like this. Like the router links on left side and use the right side for something else. I like the separation. See, Sup? This is nicely separated even here we have actually can see there’s a there’s a there’s a slight gration line separating this. Wondering if we use this anywhere before. Okay, they use it here in their headers. Okay, so that’s fine. I do like it, it looks nice. I do like this there’s like some slight gradient if I’m not mistaking. And this looks nice, it looks like a separate window. Sign up and again, sign up for what? Like a newsletter.

Andrej Zito 

So again, same thing with the with the with the here. Why? So sign up for a newsletter that’s probably like, more probably to think watch them all. And I’ve no contact us. So yeah, but I already said that many, many times. Right. So that’s the that’s the the product page, as you see from the landing page, landing homepage, product page, whatever. There’s no way for me to try out. So I contacted SEO team if they would be so nice as to give me access to this super excited enterprise platform. And they said yes. And they created an account for me. I haven’t logged in yet. I haven’t tried it yet. I will need to create my SDL ID or something as do account. And we’ll see what happens. So I got this invitation. Can we see it on the screen as we go? Good. Andrej Zito, you’ve been invited. I’ve been invited. Beautiful. So what actually allow me copy the link? And when open here not in the other things. So let’s see if it works.

Andrej Zito 

All right. No, I know the information that I got that I need to use sign up. This whole thing actually looks nice. Noise noise noise is the funny that when you log in, it doesn’t say log in. But when you sign up it does sound that’s inconsistent. Why? But I do have to say I like the sdlc color palette. It’s green with the green head. I’m actually considering green as my primary color. My own project. So okay, what do we do? Which email do I use? Well, maybe I have to use my what’s your password? Let’s try we password. Do you have a checker? This Okay, there’s no confirmation of password. Right? I have not read and I accept. say so. Grab the button gets activated when you complete everything. Thanks. Okay, here we have a different as you can see different behavior of the same style of the buttons. Maybe because it’s the way it’s different. So this time the text grows in size. Let’s help us remember the password.

Andrej Zito 

Change in terms whatever understand agree. Yes. Thank you continue. Dada, dada. Dada. Yes. Successfully activated. I have no idea how much this even costs. Oh, look, we have orange. That’s good. Wait. So one thing that I know from the guys from SDL guys. They told me that I need to actually use language called SDL slash LC, not CP and right now under the CP Customer Portal. We’re have limited things to do. So I’m clicking and going there right now. is the same session does it look different? Release 27 January the images pertain Cat Cat See it?

Andrej Zito 

Alright, this looks like a different green on this one. All right. Now my question is what happened to orange? We’re having a project. We don’t everything is green. wet. Okay. All right, let’s start the review. SDL Language Cloud translation management. Right. On the menu looks good. So many options. out there on that’s good. Bad users. teeny tiny text. Not a fan of teeny tiny text. Also, I’m not sure why we have so much space. I don’t know that. says I can close these. What happened? What just happened? Why was that pushed to the end of the think? Because this, this, this, this this box? completely torse. Okay, so this is the like, Dude, this first? Oh, yeah, we recommend that you first add customers.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, I definitely don’t like this. This feature. I mean, that feature another feature. It’s a it’s a design choice. So first of all these things here on the top. They there’s not, I mean, if I if I if I didn’t experience the fact that it pushes me down to a section which is called completed tours, I would have no idea that this is supposed to like guide me how to use the language cloud there’s much weight better, much better way to do in UI tutorials. So I don’t like the fact that it scrolls down. That’s super weird to me. All right. There are no projects in your account projects created. So here were some dashboards most processed okay. So, okay, that’s the dashboard as the first UI so let’s try to do our own bank projects with good let’s go create a project. What is this filter? filter filter, this looks good. First glass Can you project this is the thing again, like I said too much green fingers that if you use the green for your whole header then this is the main CTA again doesn’t stand out.

Andrej Zito 

And if you remember before that on the customer portal, we have the new we had the new project with orange so definitely stood out. Now it’s again one thing but I found it super smart. General your project okay. So here we have an indication of where we are in the setup like that to our project and then your active field is highlighted in green. Good. Okay, let’s do with Darkest Dungeon. Hello. Hello. Do date. What is this? See here we have different shades of green. I like it but I need to make a sense of it. So today’s third How does it overlap? Let’s do next Friday. Okay, so it highlights this. Yeah, that’s nice. Location what is location? location of a project? What? Okay, Andrew Thomas, you are my location. This is only drays project templates. Okay, yeah. So these are again things that the guys set up for me.

Andrej Zito 

So I will not question what it is. source language US Okay target languages. How do we add oh they have the flex. What’s a nice touch? But just so we do our Jim Maroney Jim Swan, Japanese and Shrek Hello, Czech Republic that configuration? Sure. enter any additional instructions? No custom fields. questionable. I mean, I have some idea what it is for but it’s advanced. Greg the farce or browse alrights. Where do we have our files? This one? VLC? Let’s see. Got our nice for me to comment on the UI as we grow up, because I forget. I think it’s okay. I said I have no idea what the location means. In this case. Why is it important to create a project that I don’t know about? scription that’s fine. This is fine. The fields look good. There’s clear indication of what’s mandatory, it has labels. There are not that many fields here that you would need to separate them into sections. So that’s fine.

Andrej Zito 

It’s fine. Only thing I was thinking about whether the file should be here on the right side, or whether they should be more on a separate set step. But I think it looks okay. At least they make a use of the right side, which would otherwise be empty. reference to memsource. Okay, so we have the files. It takes a type usage translatable. What is this? Oh, reference can indicate reference there is what it gets. I can already create and start. Anyway, let’s let’s walk through the translation engine. Andrew Thomas Hello. What translation engine? I don’t know what translation engine means, in this case is the machine translation I mean, whatever we just use the defaults bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Oh, no, no, see, this is where we add much machine translation engine. What translation engine, I have no idea. But that’s another thing, which we have to maybe mention here. Since it’s like an enterprise solution.

Andrej Zito 

And I guess there’s a lot of training that you get before you start using it. It’s not supposed to be mega super self explanatory. Like the other things that you try on your own in 30 days. Because those guys are basically banking on the fact that you tried and you’ll figure it out. And you stick to the software while people who would normally be using SDL Language Cloud already dealt with someone from SDL maybe even had it set up for them and were trained on this. Okay. So this is where we see the full width thing which we didn’t see on the General tab by go back I can go back Is it good? Is it not the good? Good the fields be organized better? Oh no. It’s like too much weight or with this think the main has such a long such a huge space for the main but I guess your translation. Memories are not named that long. What is this are missing. Do I need to do I need it? No and here unlike in the previous one when I was selling thing you that there is no separation for the sections.

Andrej Zito 

So on the translation engine we have actually a lot of these things is that necessary like for example this like translation engine language processing rules is like something you pick, we need to separate it I don’t think we need to separate it. Is it that different it’s kind of like just I don’t know setup. And then you have the section for languages and then in languages you have just this separate like this separates only nothing quick. These two lines on separate source and target languages from the rest of the world. Is it necessary? I don’t think it is. me it’s like too many lines here. On this page, even though when you count the lines in the tables, so we have this line, have this this this this, this I already talked about the full width thing. I’m not sure if this could be organized in a better more compact way for doing a translation memory or no? No.

Andrej Zito 

Good mark. Yes, please. Okay, do I have the transition All right. I never bothered with creating transition memories in the previous things turn based No Okay, next pricing model that’s the best thing for us. So it calculates prices during lean workflow at default Okay, workflows, you can select different workflows. That’s fine. Oh, okay. I’m not sure why. Okay. I saw the languages here. I still edit them here. I cannot on hold right just shows what this is the pencil icon right? pencil icon typically indicates editing is that’s what I’m used to. But what I want to say initially is can I get out of the focus from there Why did it turn green? What did I do? What I wanted to say before is that this to me look like a list of gave each of the languages that you were doing this for but here the list of languages looks different. And looks worse than this one. This one looks this one looks better. This one has this this weird borders which makes sense here because this is a active field but here it looks weird.

Andrej Zito 

So that’s what next one workflow here the same thing. Again bunch of lines. This thing here looks good. The workflow human human the human content analysis resource with target transition mirroring matching machine translation Yes. Position memory metric next quarter or half translation memory copy source targets. Automatic shame translation Yes, Bruce analyzes translation same task finalization transition right update, okay. This work will actually look super nice. I have to say it looks nice. You still have the option to customize it for your project. icons look nice. finalization I don’t know what the colors represent. But I guess orange is all for pre processing. Since error sign tasks to a human that’s settings. Yeah, whatever. We just create the first I don’t know Wait, what is creating start mean? Well, maybe it serves the workflow. Mostly that police work. Work, work, work, work work. Right. crunching, crunching, crunching successfully created again, green, green, green, green, green, green, green. Again green. Too much green. Too much great. Too much green.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so we have our projects. I wonder if the dashboard updated it Okay. Okay. So what now we are stuck we have a Kanban board nice. Better in file format conversion work. So, yesterday I stopped because I hit a roadblock because the files that uploaded to my project, the ones that use all the time and got stuck on an automatic step, which was file format conversion if I’m not mistaken. I contacted the guys from SDL and they tried to reproduce the issue but they couldn’t. And they were actually able to create a project with the same files successfully so I don’t know what happened but I just launched this window. So let me see if they Okay, it is in progress. So okay, so these are the test files from bennis. Oh, let’s see. My Projects. Is my project still stuck? It is it still has errors. So I guess I’ll try to recreate a project again. Create and start let’s successfully created Yeah, yeah. New status is new. Oh, this is moving. I didn’t notice it yesterday.

Andrej Zito 

Take two Where are we in? pre processing? Step two. Copy source to target. Okay. Sure. Memory matching. Oh, yes. Thank God we are in the next stage now. Good. Okay, what is the workflow? So? Yeah, it was already done this one. Okay. So it worked and God. Okay, so these are all automated. And until it gets to translation. I think I shouldn’t be doing anything. Refresh. What am I doing? Oh, okay. So now we got something nice some bash Bart. Okay, pre processing is done. 24 hours? 24? Oh, yeah, I think yes, I get it. So it counts a step for each language. I think there were eight steps in pre processing times three because for translation we have six steps times two files right? finalization. So four steps for finalization? Does it match? Well, there are two times two for two files. Yeah, that’s good. Make sense? Go, let me look at the dashboard, because we haven’t seen this yesterday.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, project details on the right side, I think I like it. Because a lot of the people put the details of the project here as the main thing on top of the left, but technically, it’s not that important information. It’s small, like metadata. If your project manager, what you want to see is where your project is, and some nice numbers. So that looks good. I like the colors here. Oh, art? Oh, yeah. This is what I was talking about. The domain. That’s nice. Look at the things. Project progress. Okay. So that’s shows the steps. That’s nice. That’s nice. One thing that I’m not sure about if that’s intentional, or no, is if you look at the progress bar here, the height of it, and this one indicates content. This one is higher. Not sure why. I would say technically, if I think about it, the progress is more important to me, then, what is the type of content that you detected automatically? This is kind of like an indication, maybe like attack, but progress. This is what I care about as a project manager? I think so. If we have different heights of these progress bars, and I would probably say, to have the bigger one here. Because even from the position of this, this this thing, I don’t know boxwell panel, however you call it. It’s on the top left. So it’s the most important one.

Andrej Zito 

So yeah. What else do we have? So that’s the progress. That’s fine. What I liked actually, from the workflow was that the steps were connected with this lines that looks super cool, I think. So technically, here, we have this bunch of things. The little arrows could indicate that these these stages are in an order, like slightly indicate if you have more things because right now, yes, if you if you understand your workflow, and if you look at the text, then yes, you know that like it goes one after the another. But if I just look at it like this, it kind of looks the same way that this thing looks like so there is actually no order. So I don’t know, that’s just a little, little hint. Oh, okay. Task overview. What are tasks? I don’t know. Ask history. Translation. Maybe once I start translating task over the new tasks, active tasks, completed tasks. I don’t know what it means right now.

Andrej Zito 

Oh, is it like no, there’s no active task right now because nobody’s translating completed tasks. I don’t know if you think about this. If this is the list of the tasks, then these tasks are completed, right? Maybe it just tracks manual tasks done by human that would make sense. Those tax statistics 0% progress. I like it. It’s big. Looks like it’s going to fill up with the yellow or orange doesn’t make sense to use a different color now? Maybe I don’t know. I’ll see once they start doing something, can we have a statistics? draft 1335 thing that’s for all languages slayed it proved sign off. It looks fine. This table looks fine, like the big progress bar. But does it mean this is only related to translation? I think it is only really related to translation. But then my question is only with the translation workflow. I wonder how it works if you have a project with DDP and QA stages, if it also tracks those steps. Or if it’s only based on completing the word count based tasks. Here we have the content analyzes entities. What are entities? Just like the terms? That’s nice. Looks like a tax. I don’t know what is the meaning of this? Like I said, I didn’t have any training for SDL Language Cloud.

Andrej Zito 

I don’t know how you normally use the entities in in a business sense from the localization perspective. Oh, here we have keywords are supposed to be somehow interactive, blurred? Do they give me any value or is it just FYI. Loaded I have a glance of what the content is about in here. The quick the gaming, that’s pretty good. Many of these IPR I guess there are some terms like Microsoft Windows and so on. Arts Yeah. I’m just wondering if this is that important. Or project? Maybe if you run bunch of projects and probably yes, I was thinking it would make more sense to put it maybe here but then it wouldn’t be that nice. So I guess, I guess okay. Complete project. We’re not doing that yet. So what do I do next? I need to do the translation. Stages translation. Open an online place. I open multiple files. Let’s see. First, I’m looking at the online editor. That will close a file. Okay, loading. Oh, it looks nice.

Andrej Zito 

We didn’t merge the two files document in read only mode while the command is open in read only mode. You cannot do any changes. How do I start editing? My question Oh, we have already nmt nice in place. And no, it’s just about all do switch to the documents. Walk to the walk the other one? Oh, yeah. Okay, it opens in two tabs. Each file separately. Got it. About how do I make it translatable? Do I need to assign to myself? linguists. Oh, yeah, I think it’s assigned to linguists. I’m not a linguist yet it’s read only I’m done. It’s still read only. I have no idea. I have no idea. I have absolutely no idea. Stop being recorded. Quickly resuming. As I just asked for help from Dennis. I look at the Oh my god. So many things. I looked at the notifications and now I see that I need to accept a task. Makes sense. I’m stupid. Okay, Darkest Dungeon tick to me quickly tried. Where is the German one? It’s here. Good except.

Andrej Zito 

Except, okay. Active. Do I have it active? I do. Okay, open an online editor. Now there’s extra buttons. So I think it will work now. Oh gosh. Yep. Yep, not works. Okay. So what do I have the right window? I don’t have the right window. But okay, what actually do a quick clean up? I’ll get rid of this project, the elite. Yes, goodbye. And I’ll go to my inbox and everything. So these are? Yeah, these are Genesis projects. I don’t mean those. This one got stuck. Let me clean this up a little bit. With the projects, okay. Let me refresh this. It’s still in my queue. Why? That’s weird. Okay. So project, filter, whatever. Wanted 345 whichever these things 12345. Except, good. Okay, except nice. So now if I go back to my project, I should be able to translate everything. stages. I like the combat board. Let’s go. I want to open everything. x, which is German?

Andrej Zito 

It’s great to pick a little while to load. That’s correct. Yep, that’s the one. Okay. Don’t kill step dungeon. How do you confirm its control and work? It does know its comfort. Nice. I like the user interface. So I didn’t comment. I usually don’t comment much on the online editors. I already said that lack of the ribbon. Highlighting here is green. Again, like I said before, I think maybe the header could be different. Not so bold, because it’s the saturated green. And I think the the header could be all the bits to tone it down. one I think is good. help them find your content content content, content, content content. Alright, play this one. And that means all of our translations are ready now. If I refresh this, yes, everything is in the finalization stage target file generation. Is that the manual step? Probably because it’s here. Let me look at the workflow quickly. Target file generation. No, no, it’s automated. But it doesn’t mean it’s doesn’t mean it’s generating where Oh, I didn’t. I didn’t update this while I was translating shit. Completed task six.

Andrej Zito 

Okay, so one task means one file or one language translates what’s 125 translate? That’s weird. What does it say? 125. Words translated. And 1200 is in draft. Where? Okay, I’ll have to run so let’s wrap this up. Oh, yeah, I couldn’t even select this. So finalization Okay, let me go through the files. One, two, they’re still this file for what conversion? I don’t know why. Go away. Go away. And downloads or translated files. I don’t know what is the difference between download download all Oh, download all this for everything. So you don’t have to select it. Is it necessary? And why does this download have no option and this download has source and reference files and translated files. Anyway, the zip code in all files has been created, successfully create or download it. Oh, there we go. England and downloads? darkest SDL. Great, so good.

Andrej Zito 

So it’s grouped into the language folders and let’s look at German because that’s the best one. Google search or whatever. Okay, this looks fine here. I forgot some spaces around tax. The links are fine. And even this thing, the syphon cost books translated. A lot of the editors actually don’t parse that information. I mean, that those strings. Yeah, I missed. I missed the spaces around that. But otherwise, I guess, okay. The DLC? Sure I won’t, but for men, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s right. Alright. That’s it. That completes our review, as the language club, a little bit of technical hiccups roadblocks. They had to figure out. But otherwise, the platform looks promising, I would say. It looks good. The editor looks good. One thing that I was pointing out in previous reviews was that typically, there’s a big disconnect between the homepage and the UI, and sometimes between the UI and the editor. But for SDL Language Cloud, everything is consistent, because they just use the green but they use it everywhere. So it’s used here. It’s just an editor. So at least that’s a good thing. It’s, it’s consistent.

Andrej Zito 

That’s a big plus. I mentioned a couple of things yesterday when I was setting up the project. The editor looks good. There are just a few things and and the roadblocks that I encountered were because of the settings. I guess because I’m not, it’s not as straightforward as some of the audit tools. But I managed to figure it out. Well I have to do is accept a job. And yesterday, I got stuck on the fact that the files didn’t convert for some reason. But today it was working quite. So that’s it. That is the review of SDL Language Cloud and that was my review of SDL Language Cloud. I’m running out of battery. So let me do this quickly. Thank you, first of all for watching the whole video. If you got to this point. Hopefully it was useful to you give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more of my reviews more on my commentary on the other PMS tools that we have in the industry, or you want to check out a previous ones please consider subscribing to the channel. And I will see you in the next two weeks with another new PMS then we’re going to discover together See ya bye bye.

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