Text United is the “best software for fast and effortless translation”. In this video, you’ll see my first experience with the localization tool. How did it go?
I’ve documented my whole journey with Text United from the first home page visit, through creating a project, to downloading the translated files in German, Czech and Japanese.
Andrej Zito
What’s up everyone? Hello, hello hello one time you see this is Andre Welcome to a new episode of the TMS UX series where together we discover new localization TMS tools in our industry. In this episode, we’re going to have a first look at Text United. Now, for those of you who are new to the series, where you’re going to get is my first experience with Text United. How I found Text United is I basically roll a dice, which tells me which TMS to try out next. And then I go visit the website, I look at the homepage, I register for a free account, I create a project, I translate my few basic files, one word document, one spreadsheet, and I use the online editor if possible, and then add all the files. And this is what I’m sharing in this series.
Andrej Zito
Basically, my journey of discovering a new TMS and what you would probably go through if you were trying out PMS on your own 345678 now before we get into the review of Text United, let me make a short quick disclaimer. Everything I say in this video is just my personal opinion, especially focused on the design, the UI and user experience of me personally Andrej Zito right here. So by no means is this my recommendation? Would a Text Unitedis right TMS for you or no, I’m not trying to cover all the different features that DMS has. So with that being said, let’s finally go into the review of Text United. Text United, okay. Oops, jus to bust software. everybody’s best these days. Huh? Okay, we have a cookie consent on the top. But it’s using the colors. Nice. Nice, very nice. Purple. And purple goes button.
Andrej Zito
I like OPERS don’t do anything but just a constant. Okay, so first glance, it looks kuriyama It looks clean. I like this effect of piping. Who is it for? I was thinking of using it for my own thing eventually. Maybe it’s too fast. But yeah, I like this this thing. Still know how it’s done. I don’t know if it’s done using SVG or how it’s done. But it’s very interesting. It makes it makes it look cool and modern. Okay, so Text United logo very colorful. There’s a check mark. I don’t know what that is supposed to represent. But anyway, boots translation software for for some people. Okay. That looks good. automate your acquisition process order translation. So I think after some time we have centered. How’s this called? Hero section? centered hero section. Get your free trial today again, oh, wait. skirts don’t like hovers. Even this doesn’t do anything.
Andrej Zito
Okay, it looks like the main button. But at least it it is the only button on this page that we can see 14 days free trial unlimited features. No credit card? Yes, we can do that. Okay. We’ve built trust with some of the world’s leading brands. So okay, I know where this is coming from, like I was thinking about is as well that if you and I assume that this this part down here will be about the social proof, the testimonials, customer references. So technically, you want to without the people scrolling, you might want to give them a hint that there’s something on link down below. But and the thing is that this whole thing, because the spacing here is not that not that bigger, compared to this one or auto spacing, like here, here here. It’s just slightly bigger. So this doesn’t separate the sections too much. So now when you look at it the way as it is right now it looks like it’s only just one section.
Andrej Zito
So and it’s also not separated through the typical, you know, the when you change your color on the whole section like this would be a different color than Yes, then it would look then it would be clear. It’s the next section. Right now it kind of like blends in together. Everything is just like a bunch of text. I think this could be definitely fixed. Yeah, the more I’m looking into this, because you don’t have any graphics here. You don’t have anything Else. I think like if I just wait, let me see how it looks like just what what does all think is the container wait? There’s a big do what I do here I just margin it more. Yeah, like this just for illustration. Okay? This looks cleaner. And this is what I use for my teaser teaser page. And at least here I put like some some slightly animated arrow pointing down like hey, there’s more.
Andrej Zito
We scroll down, but this this already looks better. Just that whitespace Okay, now how do we go back? Where did I put this think? Did it Dad? Here. Okay, good boy. All right, back to the original one. Okay. So I’m wondering if there’s a better contrast for the button. It looks good. We just pick this color. Very similar color for our auto podcast during branding. I like to combination with the black one, that’s for sure. But I’m wondering if it does or not. I probably does, right because you don’t see this color anywhere. So it’s good. Maybe just the stupid text everywhere around that. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, the this thing is good. Or it actually changes to purple on our good. Okay. Well, those are my things for the hero section or whatever this is. We’ve got trust with some of the world’s leading brands companies worldwide are using our platform blah, blah, blah. Okay.
Andrej Zito
And here we are separating into a new section. This looks fine. Initially, I would say that I don’t know like my thoughts are like, Is this too much? whitespace is too far from this but maybe no. So ignore my comments that we have the testimonials just to wait for a second that the time to transition is different. Hands down. Okay, so what do we think about this thing? I would say nothing. Stop. This is what I don’t know if it should actually scroll to the next slide. If I’m reading I know that we’re what I’m doing in Elementor which is like a page builder for WordPress. There’s this option that one your mouse’s on top of the thing like it stops during the transitions. I’m just thinking about the whole section if the hierarchy is okay, I mean it looks nice. You have a picture you have the main text then you have the the biggest emphasis is on the company name.
Andrej Zito
Even the person’s name is weird. I don’t know. Maybe I would stop stop doing this. Maybe oh my god what it does. It is too fast, isn’t it? Now did I change to this thing? I think it’s too fast. I think it may be slows down or stops when I returned back my cursor. I cannot do anything otherwise okay. But moving. It’s not moving. So yeah, I don’t know if this Yeah, it’s all like stacked on top of each other. So you have the quote. Like cannot even select it. You have the quote you have the person you have the position you have the company logo and then you have to read the full case study. I don’t know. I don’t know if this could be done better. To me like like the the person’s name is like the least important here. Along with the position, font weight I don’t like that. I at least put the person’s name bolt. I actually what I did.
Andrej Zito
And this is not just like me trying to compare with this, but just when I was thinking about this is that I actually put the quote text slightly thinner, and then the person’s name slightly bolder. And I’m not sure like if the company logo needs to be that big. While the company logo like this one is different than this one, it’s inconsistent, like the space that you give to the company logos. And then the, the link seems to be like the more important than that person. I don’t know. I mean, I get it like people don’t know these people. Well, maybe it’s different. Within our localization industry, I don’t know. Like, if I had someone famous, then I would emphasize their name. Maybe not the company? I don’t know. I don’t know. I just don’t like the fact that like, this cats is like, so big. This is not this is less. And yeah.
Andrej Zito
I’m wondering, like, if you could maybe have a company on the left side, and then the person on the right side with the title, or maybe move the name and the title under the picture? Because right now, you still have a lot of space here. Because of how much the left column picks? Maybe? I don’t know. Yeah. But here we have at least for the dots, we have the purple color. What can text united do for you? So here we have new learners? I guess it’s the colors from the logo. Build a global audience. See more than nothing on the hover? Not sure why. Speed up turnaround times integrate seamlessly with API. Yeah. Wait, I think is this thing clipped? Or truncated? Or what is the right word? It is right. Like the this part on the right side of the flock? is truncated, right? I think it is. Yeah. override. I mean, it looks looks okay.
Andrej Zito
It’s like this part to me with the with the colors looks like too many colors at the same time. But they just me. What do we have here? To create a sticky? Why? Your best translation software? 18 19.1? What? Really? It’s not about what we say. It’s about what they say. We weren’t what our users say your script there, I get to have a lot of products blah, blah, blah. Using our platform. Yeah, so this is, this is confusing. So first, first what? The get app doesn’t go anywhere. So do what do you do they expect me to google it up? And the thing is with capterra. You can see like I thought, you know, like, who had this previously? thing was phrased, right. They, they had a lot of these reviews from these these independent platforms on their website. But they were showing the actual score.
Andrej Zito
These guys, when you look at it, it looks like maybe they have five star rating on those platforms. But this is just an image for five stars. But when you go there, it’s not a five star. It’s technically four and a half stars. So yeah, that’s a little bit misleading. Our professional translation services directly from the system. Project Management. Yeah, human translation was mission translation. Now they have empty voiceover and subtitling nice. What is this? Oh? Wait, is it me or is this column truss we are? The black one looks good. On the blue. And this is the first time that we see a blue like this. I don’t know if these two cars work together. The blue one and the purple one. What stands out I think would what makes my eyes bleed a little bit is this thing No websites to blah, blah, blah.
Andrej Zito
And here we have a new divider here, the bottom angled one. I’m not sure if it was necessary. Or if it is just like the show because you’re not using it anywhere else. And you’re just suddenly it’s angled. And it’s not like you You need that extra space to put something here in this section. can see right? Yeah. Not sure. But Okay, wait, do they actually do it is in Elementor? I think No, no, probably no. Okay. Yeah. And now now with the red thing. Like, yeah, like this text is completely. It’s not really readable very well. It really strained my eyes. Yeah, this part. Yeah, I don’t like the form. I think the part of the left side actually looks nice. On the right side, this is not a good thing. I don’t like the cars working together. And then we have the final What are nothing special but again, no hovers? Not sure why. But okay. So and what is this?
Andrej Zito
We have some missing icons. Yeah, we have some missing icons. That happened to me as well. It’s the Font Awesome thing that it didn’t allow the font which represents the the icons. Hmm. Okay. So finally, this one, as I said, mostly the whitespace I don’t like it. Because all the text blends in together. more space I think would be better. This is fine. This is fine. Maybe just think about this thing. This is okay. This is misleading. This is okay. I mean, and this I don’t like this thing. That’s all okay. Get your free trial today. Let’s go guys. Oops, go. Twycross I need like a superhero will access with unlimited features and no credit card. I liked it. Why are these fields in purple? I mean, I know why they’re in purple body. And the purple border and then the black text. It doesn’t look nice the female passport country Canada store my 14 day free trial See this? This one looks looks good. Huh? No, they actually put the checkbox here.
Andrej Zito
This is really weird. isn’t the first time that I see something like that where you have text first and then you have the checkbox at the at the That’s weird. Okay, here we have actually hover on the button. Right. Okay. Well, it’s cool. onboarding. Okay, I’m going to get some in app tutorial. That would be nice. Where am I actually going to get some thing or what is going on? there What brings you here? Let us know when we’ll help you be on the fast track towards your goal. Hello, I am Andrej Zito I’m interested in United States for document translation. get me started like this. You can translate just about any type of document with the stepper. What is stepper? Start by naming your translation project. Okay, Darkest Dungeon interesting tutorial. It starts with a click with a click of a button you can upload one document or many document nice. Okay.
Andrej Zito
Raw logs grew Can you miss one about page and you will see whoops Wait wait what said that I can select multiple I cannot select multiple Okay Miss leaving one of our avoided Choose the language recite the source language sure in English you us and the target language let’s start with German can only select one language will translate to too much interest yes thank you good questions are human review okay thanks to a team member, specialist service nice let’s continue right aspects I don’t need to do that take me to my project Okay, so finally we see the UI Darkest Dungeon can add more files let’s start with that your files show files nice I’m not sure if this is the main user interface for the projects but okay let’s start commenting on this so mean it looks Oh, okay I don’t know what is that? Do you see it?
Andrej Zito
There’s this like a border like a slight dark slightly darker gray on the pump. I don’t know why. It just like a designer lemon. It’s weird. Okay, so the wide menu skirt on the grayish This is weird. These two guys have underlined this one changes color. We are this looks fine. Darkest Dungeon. This icon means like it means that you can just make pin colors do we have the colors from the logo we do? Add more fast continue right now. Okay, my point is that I’m not sure about these two colors. So continuing to add more files both of them are interesting against the background. How do I know which one is more important? I know of course that continue is the one which will get me further but just by looking at it through the course you wouldn’t know. Continue. She was language Okay, let’s check nice. Japanese use all variants of a target language What does that mean? system will use translation from the translation memory which are only in exactly the same. Okay. Oh, okay. I got it.
Andrej Zito
Okay. English if you see now there’s something wrong with the borders Is it the clashing with the with the with the active forum? You can see that there’s like the border sticker on the right, up and left side at the bottom. It’s not that looks weird. Choose languages or choose automated workflow. Okay, so this thing looks really bad. I think it looks like text has a shadow or something. Here’s all variants continue. Choose what translate machine Yes. Cost free. Yes. Like speed instant quality. Good draft. Nice. It’s what? This is it. Okay. With the fastest draw station ever. I didn’t even get to see the ledger. Can I do something on my own? Wait, I’m just going to get a link to download the translation. And that’s it. Wow. Repeat the fastest thing ever. I need to look into the the rest of the UI there’s something right now it looks ready.
Andrej Zito
Wait, are you serious? 76 tonight. It is texting. Right? It’s like it’s all okay. Nice. Nice drop. Oh my god is it oh my goodness okay we have some spacing issue but otherwise it looks alright it looks so great. Oh my God even this what all this shit okay, okay, this was the most easiest translation ever like FYI we don’t care about the quality here that’s the point all this shit okay, so we’re done we’re done with the process okay let me go back to this thing and I just want to see the UI okay translation projects you have not created any what what do you mean I haven’t created any completed what what happened my tasks in books search okay DUIs Okay, wait, what do I need to do? What is this thing? machine translate it’s integrated right here. Interesting. Well let me try again.
Andrej Zito
Create a new project upload files Yes. I the same again. Darkest Dungeon check to add files boom boom Okay, now I can select two files right continue Choose the language. English us jonkman Japanese Shrek? Puccini choose who translates you machine and human me and my team translated within this option is free our team will allocate just eight hours will correct the mission trip this is a paid service okay I don’t want that’s weird if you choose machine translation and you cannot review and fix it yourself. Okay, I want to see this one. cost three speed the find by you bought the highest return So there we go. Nice. Oh, okay. Nice. I’ll specify your team okay. Nice. Project Manager and here I said that was the translator nice. Continue Frank files processing files. While okay.
Andrej Zito
You have some advanced settings and a project note set of mine. 5% we have analyzes with remaining words or Jeannine Townsend What is this think? Paul words in your project for for for many words? Oh, I think that’s because it adds up to 50k. Right. Yeah, that’s for the machine translation. Set it at line should fly next Friday. First number to meet with our advanced settings. What? Hello? translation projects. Why did it create a project for each language? that’s confusing. That it’s confusing. In German I’m only recording for half an hour. Wow. And I already have the translations. Did it It didn’t it did it didn’t. So okay, when I click this, am I going to get a Okay, this is a preview word we’re actually translate structions for collocation translation. Otherwise, this is out of date. We’re not ready run analyze this.
Andrej Zito
Oh, something’s flashing. Okay now Okay, so I didn’t finish the preparation my tasks is enginetech to inbox to Okay, let’s see what open closer okay therapies I didn’t translate Okay, here we have the editor. Oh, dark is dungeon boom cool stood in Guiana Okay, so it’s already pre translated shortcuts I want to see the shortcuts. Okay, so inside of editor they’re using the the green blue. Why is it called to color? shortcuts and receive cygwin open next one. Source machine trusted segment. Oh, you have a typo here. attack? Not enormous. Do we have a stare somewhere? Is there the status? It won’t be the status because it’s filling up the bar. I like it. I don’t like the fact Well, I usually don’t command on the editor. I don’t like the fact that everything here has the same background color. The only thing is the headers.
Andrej Zito
I would actually put the actual text with a white background to it stands out more. And the rest would be grayish. I like the progress bar. That’s a super cool soup. What are these options here? Copy source target. Nice. Machine prostate. Nice. Holy shit. This is good. This is good. sand. We’re done. We’re done. What is this thing? Is this to confirm? Or is this the status? Bit? I don’t get any tooltips. But yeah, we are 100% completed. I get a preview as well. Is it opening something? I think is happening. Um, what’s probably your one? Okay, yeah. Okay, this must be the status. This is the machine translation. So 4% Okay, now I changed okay. Beam beam, beam beam beam beam beam beam beam. Okay. Okay, file based. Now the question is, can I actually somehow download files for all three projects at the same time? Think I can. Can I somehow download the files for all three projects? What is a flag? I don’t think I can. is weird. Okay.
Andrej Zito
Download and download. Okay, so well, that should just give me the same files, right. German, Japanese, Czech. Yeah. The ones that are already translated before using mt only. So yeah, I mean, we’re done. What guys see final thoughts. What I really like was the simplicity of everything. I think the UI can be good to be fine tuned a little bit. But otherwise, it was simple to do it. very intuitive, like the tutorial like from the way you locked in how I got the files like that was. That was great. It’s like they knew what I wanted to do. So that was fine. Fortunately, we cannot try out all these different integrations. I think that might be even easier. If you grab the files automatically. I don’t like the fact that when Project is just into one language. Because initially you said the project s one into multiple languages, but then it creates different project for different language.
Andrej Zito
Not a final fan. Yeah, otherwise it was all working fine. I think the problem is that once I get into the UI, I just want to do things and I get my own things. For example, here you can see like everything is this green or teal or whatever color it is. And it’s just too much like it doesn’t highlight anything. Yeah. Too much. Yeah, I think. Yeah. I think a little bit more care would make it really nice. But the workflow everything work mine, I think about it when it comes to the using the tool. It was more or less simple as phrase and po editor. It just that dos UI is look better and cleaner than this one. And that’s it. That’s the end of my review of Text United. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up as questions comment below if you have anything for me, or you want to share your experience with Text United.
Andrej Zito
Now finally, if you enjoyed this and if you want to see more videos like this, I do this every two weeks, and I think we are around halfway through all the TMS tools in our industry. So my journey continues. So if you don’t want to miss out next TMS that I try out and you want to hear my comments, you want to see what you might go through if you decide to try out the TMS then please do subscribe, and I’ll see you in two weeks. Bye bye.