The future role of translators when NMT gets on par with humans? What is SDL Language Cloud and why is an integrated solution coming only now? It’s hard to stay on top of what’s going on in localization and translation.
“The Localization Podcast” brings you a highlight of important news and social media topics from our industry. Each Monday, join Andrej Zito as he provides commentary in a rather… casual way. Translator, project manager or CEO? Client-side or language service provider? If you look for a fresh perspective, this is the podcast for you.
00:18 – Why I started a podcast about localization?
19:32 – Minor news from Slator
24:27 – Trados founder says CAT tools will become obsolete. Will NMT replace translators?
39:09 – SDL sponsored content about Language Cloud
Andrej Zito
Hello, everyone, this is Andrej. And this is my very first podcast, surprise, surprise. Um, I should probably start explaining why I decided to do podcast even though based on my first educational video that I posted on Wednesday, I’m probably not very good at explaining things. But I’ll try my best. So there are a couple of reasons number one reason is that I wanna practice just speaking in general, I mean, without preparation, you know, and just try to explain my thoughts in the best way that I can. And the reason for that is that I want to be producing a lot more content, but like, I was trying to focus too much like on on the quality and I think like I wasn’t very efficient in the process. So I think I’d rather like instead of like aiming for, like, 100% quality, I’d read just do like 80% with the 20% effort, you know, the 8020 rule.
Andrej Zito
So I’m actually going to try to do this whole thing in one, go. So you should be prepared to hear a lot of pauses, a lot of thinking, a lot of noise, a lot of breathing, here and there. And yeah, so that was the first bar, like, I want to practice just speaking. The second thing is, podcasts, I think is a good medium for me. Because I can just speak and try to voice my opinions in a way that it’s kind of representative of me. And you will find out eventually, like, as you listen to this podcast, and maybe like even if you like work with me in the past, you know that I’m not very, I cannot, like explain my thoughts in a concise way. Because usually, like my mind travels all around the places. And I think about like million things. Um, so I think like, when I’m producing content for YouTube, I think I’m trying to make the message more efficient.
Andrej Zito
Just, you know, get straight to the point and think of the right words. So that the video is like, not like one hour long. And it gets to a point and it’s like, dynamic and it tries to, you know, retain your attention. But for audio, I think I’m just going to, you know, talk. I’m just going to talk in my own way, you know. And, yeah, so I think that, hopefully, once I get better at this, the faults will come out easier. And what I’m getting getting sidetracked again. So what I was trying to say is that I think that like audio is like a better format like for me to speak like for a longer time without trying to be completely concise and efficient in my messaging or like what I’m trying to explain the third.
Andrej Zito
The third reason is that, as I was explaining in one of the previous videos, I’m doing a podcast to me is like the second pillar content that I want to be doing as part of my content strategy, which is pretty much based on Gary Vaynerchuk content model or content strategy. So, in that video, I was explaining it my priority will be educational content on YouTube. So that’s videos. And a second thing that I want to do is podcast. So Gary, and that would be Yeah, this is obviously like within the third reason, and that is that Gary Vee is like very high, very big on podcasts. Because we’d like Alexa would older voice recognition, he’s saying that that’s the future. And it kind of makes sense because, um, because it will save us time if we can just speak and just aura things just by saying something.
Andrej Zito
And also, people are consuming more audio content like podcasts because you can consume it passively. Like you don’t have to read anything like when you commute or when you drive, you can do it. So that’s why that’s the third reason why I decided to do podcasts. And the fourth reason, which kind of is aligned with number three is that I don’t think there is actually any podcast which is dedicated to localization, I only heard one or two episodes, I’m not sure. Even if they have like episodic podcast, the guys from common sense advisory. So the last one that I heard was, with a lady from Netflix, I forgot what her position was. But when I was actually applying for a job with Netflix, I was doing research like on her role and stuff like that.
Andrej Zito
And I found the podcast that no, sorry, it’s not common sense advisory, it’s actually I think it was Moravia was it? What’s his name? Benito something or Benito. I think he’s like a CMO or someone. Whatever. So he was like, interviewing her. So but how to explain this in the right way. So that podcast is like a typical, you know, like a professional podcast like, hey, what, what are you doing and stuff like this. So what I want to be doing, and because I want to do this on a regular basis, that is that I thought that like the easiest way for me to do something localization related. And because I cannot speak about my work, what I do is that I thought I was just, I would just go over some localization news. So I just go to Google, I type in localization news.
Andrej Zito
And I found like three websites where I could look at all the articles that were published in The Last week, I can go through them try to read a few things here and there. And mostly I can, I mean, I can, I will provide, like my own commentary on what’s happening. I’m not sure if I can do it for every topic. But I mean, that’s how I want to start, I hope that it’s not going to, like violate, like, some some copyright issues. Because I don’t want to, I probably don’t want to like read like the whole article, which was published by someone else, word by word. But I don’t know, I don’t know how I’m going to do this. We’ll see, we’ll see in a while. Because that is what this first episode will be about. So that’s the first thing that I thought because I can do this on a regular basis. The second thing I need to change, oh, fuck, I forgot to make a marker to remove the stupid noise when I’m changing position on my chair.
Andrej Zito
Okay, so the second part, which I want to be covering, and which again, it’s something that I can do on a regular basis is going through social media and seeing like, what’s new, what’s trending for localization. And this is one of the reasons why I started to be more involved in the communities like on LinkedIn, I look at Facebook or Reddit. Some of them are like pretty debt. So I think that’s linked in the groups will be the biggest source of some news that I could be covering. But I definitely want to be like the guy who kind of like brings in like, the new trends to you, in audio way, so that you can like catch up with like, what’s happening on social media? Because I think that and this is just like my personal opinion. I think they like localization is usually always fucking far behind the trend.
Andrej Zito
So yeah, I want to be the guy to bring you the news in my own special way with my specific very casual perspective. Is there another reason? Yes. So this, this will be like the content then that I can provide on my own on a weekly basis, we’ll see if I need to do it on a weekly basis, or if there will be too many articles, and I will need to do it twice a week. And the third part that I wanted to do is definitely, because it’s a podcast and the podcast, usually you have interviews with people. So of course, it will be people from from our industry. But I want to take a specific spin on that. And I just want to talk about like localization and best practices and blah, blah, blah. But especially like after landmark, and like, after all the talks that I have, like with my colleagues, like how people are, like God, no different at work, and how they become more real, like when they’re in like a casual environment, and especially if they like drink.
Andrej Zito
That’s like when you get like who the people really are. So to me, that would be the third thing that I would like to have in this podcasts. And probably, if I get to that point, and I actually interview people, that will be just one episode about that. So I will not be mixing the localization news and social media coverage in dose podcast. So yeah, I want to have some people here from the industry and like really talk to them like about, like, who they are, how they grew up, and stuff like that, and how they do localization and blah, blah, blah. And to take that even further. And I already mentioned is that people become more real when they drink. And this is an idea that I had a long, long time, based on my experience with one lady with one manager from Autodesk was like very smart.
Andrej Zito
She was like, very important in the localization department. And of course, she was like, very, very, very professional. But like, when I was like, sitting with her outside, I think it was, I don’t know, I forgot, like, what’s the name of the Singapore River, we were sitting just there casually, and just drinking, you know, and it’s like, at these moments when like, people tell you the things that they really think and especially like if they use the words, like, please don’t tell this to anyone. It’s like, that’s like the best part, you know, because like, they reveal their true self south to you. So I’m going back to the idea, the idea was that I wanted to have like some podcast or like, interview, or maybe it should be just like a video where we actually just drink during the whole process.
Andrej Zito
We or like with the goal of you know, getting drunk so that like the interview is like, gets like really real. And it will be probably even more entertaining. But that’s like for the future. So I think it’s 15 minutes. That’s a pretty, pretty long intro, I guess. But yeah, but I guess you need to get used to it. Because this is this is how how my mind works. So with that being said, I’m going to put marker here. So right around before 15 minutes. I’m going to Google and I’m typing in localizer sran noose. Alright. And here, we have two main things that come up. Number one. Actually, number one is local news at twitter. But that’s not for me, I guess. So number one is Slater. And I never heard about this site before.
Andrej Zito
So I checked the site and I think they do a pretty good job. And that is something that actually our industry was missing for quite some time, like somebody who would be covering stuff like this. So So technically, I’m competing against later with audio. I’m not sure if they do any podcast, probably no. But they cover like what they say Slater language industry intelligence. Okay. I don’t know what it means but whatever. So yeah, we’ll see. We’ll see what what it says maybe it will be like too high level for me just by looking at the latest articles, but we’ll see the Second thing that comes up in the results is multilingual news. So that should be not a surprise for everyone. I know that when I started in Moravia A long time ago, I think it’s like 14 years ago. I was 19.
Andrej Zito
Now, I’m only 34 in August. So I think it’s around Holy shit. It’s like 15 years. Yeah, I think I, at that time, we were still getting like the subscription to their magazine. And I think I yeah, that they’d still do the magazines. I see the magazines at global me. So they survived. They survived for quite a long time. The third thing that I see here is E content mag. state of translation and localization. That doesn’t seem interesting. It seems like like, one time article. And the fourth thing that I see here is from Gala. And, yeah, so I was actually, when I was thinking about the podcast and what I could do actually check these websites. So I did this Google search, you know, for localization news, before. And so I kind of tried to map like, what I could be using.
Andrej Zito
So I did open gallon use. Although when I looked at it last time, it was really just like, like an aggregator of let me drink. It was just like an aggregator of press releases. So I think there won’t be anything useful. There. Where am I? 20 minutes. Okay, so with that being said, let me let me change my position. And let’s start with sleeter. So here’s the thing. I went through all slayter articles, then I stopped the recording in Slater. I went through all articles insulator, and then I stopped recording in Premiere. And then I saw the sound waves at some point, they just kind of like the finished, they were like very quiet, I have no idea what happened if it’s like a software issue. Or if there was something with the microphone, but pretty much everything I did in that one hour is lost, because I don’t know if I can recover it.
Andrej Zito
Because the sound quality is just so bad. And they’re like some glitches here and there. So I think I will have to go through the articles. Again, unfortunately. But there’s one thing that I kind of realized while I was doing this. So with Slater, there are a couple, like a lot of the articles are like, really business oriented like MMA, like somebody who hurt someone, somebody whose revenue fell down. So I think like for the next podcast, and this is like, you know, I just wanted to jump into this and just see what comes comes out of it. So I think like for the next podcast, I will need to probably do some preparation. And maybe I’ll just go through the articles before I started recording. And I’ll just give you like a quick rundown of the articles that I think like only like arlec business related, and I’ve just tried to distill the information for you.
Andrej Zito
Especially if I cannot provide like any useful commentary for it. And for the ones where I can provide commentary, I’ll just, you know, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. So let’s try to quickly go through these articles because actually now I remember what they were about. So the first article in this week, and that is from July 1 is media localizers Zoo digital strives to move past frustrating disruptions. And basically, this whole article was about Zoo digital, which is like media localizer and it was reported that their revenue went down and so did their operating profit. They had operating loss of 11 million USD 2018 And then there was a chart. Yeah, and there’s a chart of their share price, which was at 100 660 pounds per price per share in August 18.
Andrej Zito
And now in July 19, it’s only 80 pounds. So they dropped by 50%. And I think the comment that I provided for this article was like, regarding media, it’s kind of related to the, like me starting YouTube, you know, like video content is like, so big these days. And so will be audio. Because like, it’s like, it’s like a passive consumption of the content. Which actually then brings me back to the fact that if you just look like subtitles, it’s not passive content. Like full passive content, because you have to actually read the subtitles. So if, but then you probably also want to watch the video anyway. So I guess it’s fine. But like, my point is like, like for marketing, like video content is definitely probably something that’s not going to go down. So I’m wondering why these guys are reporting a decline in their revenue.
Andrej Zito
Although I think it was mentioned in the article that they were like, trying to do like, many things. Anyway, I’m wondering like, how audio position will change with with Alexa and stuff like that coming into play. Anyway, the second article from July two was about the Slater job index being up again. And this is something where I, I didn’t understand much like what the what the job index is about. And it’s like only my assumption is that it kind of like tracks like how many job postings there are like across various platforms like LinkedIn and stuff like that. So I guess it means that there are still more and more jobs being available in our industry. Third article was about Indian Government to invest 65 million USD in translation for a sitex students. And let me open the article.
Andrej Zito
And I think it was basically about the government sponsoring the translation of educational material and also creation of you material in Indian languages. I mean, it wasn’t that interesting. And this is the this is the this is the next article from July 4 is the one where I provided most of the commentary. I’m going to get into it once again and it’s about creator of Toronto’s joins Summa lingue board says cad tools will become obsolete. So Malinois technology’s appointed your clan humo executive supervisory board member on June 28 2019, Harold told slator he will advise and guide a company on cell strategy, technology implementation, and developing business relationships among otter matters. A company white men provided Slater further stated that humble will be active in the life of our company by meeting us and our customers on a regular basis.
Andrej Zito
So first of all, I was saying that Summa these guys like the CEO and CES Oh, I don’t know what that means probably like a chief strategist, strategic officer. They were actually in our offices one or two weeks ago. And our recent experience with them is kinda kinda questionable, to put it in the right way. And what I discovered in this article as I was reading it, so Let me say to you based in Krakow Poland su Malinois is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, trading under the ticker, blah, blah, blah. The company’s market capitalization currently stands at over 20 million USD. Although shares are traded thinly company merged with Indian language service provider Mayflower in late 2017.
Andrej Zito
And acquired Sweden’s communicare in late 2018. So I was actually surprised at first afford their public company and second that their capitalization is 20 million years these like I don’t know, like, and that’s like, based on our experience, like, I would never think that they are capitalization would be that big. Yeah, I want to comment any further on that. But let’s get back to the main point what this guy said and that is about cad tools becoming obsolete. So here it is, according to Hummel. The cat tool will soon disappear as neural machine translation nmt becomes the center of the workflow, as opposed to translators using cat tools humans will tous work to us work around nmt as it translates, we are doing it already. Now. He said also, there are tons of Research and Engineering resources thrown in and an empty, it will progress fast.
Andrej Zito
Of course, and empty quality also depends on language pairs and available high quality data. So how soon before the cat tool completely goes away? I’m sure we’re only talking about a few years. How much said adding that what has delightful disruption is the fact that sunsetting cat also disrupts the current business models of lsps instead of selling words and throwing them over the wall with a nice gross margin. I’m not sure if it’s that nice. They have to up their game and learn how to manage multilingual data. as sort of professional translator humble believes their work will evolve in depth of a subject matter expert he said although nmt has reached human parity, or will soon This doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality will be great. But as good or as bad as what you get with today’s budgets, time constraints and training he explain.
Andrej Zito
Human parity changes everything because doing words is done by a machine. However, for several use cases, revision by subject matter experts is required. Many professional translators are experts in their field, others will create multilingual knowledge, curate linguistic assets or engineer translation workflows. Hummel said this is where I want to say my opinion, which I did before, but it got by the by the record recording software, I think it was softer because audacity is recording pretty well so far. And so the question is, with nmt, if the quality gets better, and it will be equal to human translation, how will the role of translators change? So this guy says that they will evolve into that of a subject matter expert. And what the word subject matter expert meant in Autodesk is that is someone who actually is like a power user or has like a deep knowledge of the industry and the product and kind of uses it.
Andrej Zito
So it’s very different from a translator let’s say translator having 10 years of experience translating it, you know, because usually, at least in my experience of translators, they say like, okay, specializing like it or medical translations, blah, blah, blah, but it doesn’t make them subject matter experts on let’s say, processors or, or, I don’t know, give me one like Autodesk product as an example, like, like AutoCAD, like they don’t use AutoCAD like on a daily basis. They’re not not subject matter experts actually in it, As the subject matter experts, we’re not a linguist at all, because you are not subject matter expert. If you are a linguist or translator, that makes you subject matter expert in the field of translation, but you are not subject matter experts in the field of what you’re translating.
Andrej Zito
Either makes sense. So can they can the translators shift into subject matter experts? I don’t think so. And let’s say that the the quality of the nmt output is the same as the one of like a normal translator, would you then read or have it post edited by by one person? Who is still not like subject matter expert? Or would you rather have the nntp output reviewed by a crowd of actual subject matter experts? And if we go back to like the, let’s say, it processors like people who, I don’t know, manufacturer processors or design processors, or the self processors, they’re subject matter experts, it’s not the translator, that’s subject matter expert, in my opinion. So what would be more beneficial? Who is more? More? design? I mean, who is more that design? What would be the right word? Who is more? per per per person? Who is more?
Andrej Zito
I mean, who fits the role of subject matter expert, more? Isn’t the translator who has? I know, whatever, 1020 years of experience in localization, in translating ad content, or if it’s the people who actually use the tool or the product on a daily basis, and they also speak the target language? Of course, it’s going to be the second second option, right. So that’s my point of on the entities. And here’s another interesting question. Let’s say that we start with you as a customer or us LSP start with started using an empty, and I don’t know how it actually works. But I assume it’s kind of like it gets better over time. So let’s say that you start doing MTP right, generate the translation from nmt. And then you send it to the, to the editor for post editing. And let’s imagine that you are that editor, which if we assume that an MTP an MP is going to replace the translators, then all the translators will have to shift to editors.
Andrej Zito
So let’s say that you are the translator editor who’s doing the post editing. You get the first batch and you see that it’s shit. So you fix it. But then over time, it gets better. Until one day you get the quality of the one day you get a quality of nmt. That’s like very good. And you don’t have much to change, what are you going to do? Because any customer, or any LSP that actually uses data, to drive their solutions. And to optimize their processes and budget, they’re going to notice that you are doing less and less edits. So at some point, they’re going to ask the question like why do we need to send this to the editor if the quality is already that good. And so technically, you by providing the edits, you are making the machine better, which in the end means you’re killing your own job and your customer because at some point you’re probably going to become obsolete.
Andrej Zito
So, so that is my perspective like, like if the nmt actually reaches the quality of human translators, then what will be their role? They’re not subject matter experts. What does he say? What else could they be? They will create multilingual knowledge. I have no idea what that means. Does it mean like creating content from scratch in their own language? Like multilingual knowledge, like, what is it like being like a consultant or something? I don’t know what it means to curate linguistic assets. Is that kind of like a QA? That would make sense that we already have like QA testers, and QA testers are probably cheaper than the translators and editors, because they just they just look at the localized assets from a perspective of user writing, they’re not required to look at the terminology.
Andrej Zito
I mean, unless you ask them to do it. They’re not supposed to provide like the linguistic quality, right? They’re supposed to check like other things like are the assets, Garang like are like any overlay? I mean, verbal, how do we call it overlaps and stuff like that, you know, like functional functional testing and stuff like that? Or engineer translation workflow. So this is the last thing that humble says that the translator should shift. But this is like bullshit. Like, how would the translator shift into engineering transitional workflows? Like translators usually don’t. And I may be wrong here. But they usually don’t view the whole workflow. I mean, from start to end, right, because they’re just like part of the workflow. I mean, an engineering translation workflows, like you would probably set up the workflow at once.
Andrej Zito
Like, how would you engineer it? Like on an ongoing basis? Or like, how can it become like a full time job like to engineer translational workflows, especially by translators? Like, that doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense. So then what will the translators actually do? I have no idea. I have no idea. What do you think? I have toyed? Yeah. Okay, so that was the article that kind of stuck with me. And then there were two more One of them was tomorrow. The first one was a Collette vice live words as it accelerates up the language industry food chain. So this was another and then a article in I have not much to say about that. And the last one was as do gearing up for general release of AI Pac as the language cloud. And this is a game where I can provide some information.
Andrej Zito
So the article says it’s from July 2019, the spider bundles of tools in the market translation productivity cat remains an unsolved problem. There are still gains to be made, and the market remains fairly fragmented. A recent report from a number of EU institutions identified gaps in existing productivity tools in terms of user friendliness and inter operability and stated that the futures market environment is yet to be yet to be developed. Oh, now I see why it’s here. It’s a sponsored content. Okay, I’m going to fuck you up as Neil. Indeed, the era of continuous localization and and the advent of artificial intelligence has brought about fresh challenges and opportunities in the field of translation productivity.
Andrej Zito
On the sidelines of a recent customer event in London organized by SDL, developer of productivity tool, Charles Slater spoke as your co editor for hair numbness. The event featured a preview of their new translation management system TMS as the language cloud which is set to go live in September 2019. A number of language cloud modules include translation memory, terminology, Management, automated workflow and empty and a content analyzer. Hernandez pointed out how the dial of adoption is moving as an empty usage in the language industry becomes widespread across lsps and end users alike. In fact, according to the aforementioned IE report and NT has become an integral part integral an integral integral part of a linguist toolbox, and most EU translation services provide an empty output to their linguists.
Andrej Zito
Beyond machine translation, there is potential for broader AI to be applied out of facets of language production. Hernandez shared his view on NLP saying there’s a lot more to natural language processing than translation. As the language clouds content analyzer is a foray into this wider application of AI the content analyzer uses AI to identify the subject matter of the source content through Sorry, my camera I step through where we are through tagging, this has the potential down the line to help automate project allocation by say matching a subject matter suitable freelance translation resources. As the language cloud is the first solution to use ml, I have no idea what ml means to understand content before Khan before it is handled for translation. Continuous localization.
Andrej Zito
So I mean, the content analyzer, the way I understand is that like, you feed content into the cloud. And somehow it analyzes what the content is about. And based on that it can say like, Okay, this is like it. This is HR, this is, I don’t know, marketing content and stuff like that. Is it that useful? I mean, like, Can you just tag it somehow or say, like, from this CMS only documentation goes to the cloud. And from this one, it’s, I don’t know, marketing or something like that. Okay, let’s continue continues localization. Slater also spoke to Andrew Thomas at the same event. Thomas is Senior Director of Marketing at STL. He said, what makes as the language club different is that it’s being designed specifically for continuous localization. Continuous localization requires on demand localization at scale.
Andrej Zito
And Tomas said, that’s a skill that nobody has ever really tackled yet because the infrastructure wasn’t there. I mean, really, what? As the name suggests, SDL language cloud is a cloud based solution. It is designed for companies to manage their end to end localization process, and combines machine intelligence with integration into sto trellis studio, among others. As the language cloud is based on the microservices architecture, so like Netflix, meaning that customers can choose to switch available modules on and off as required. Customers can also request human translation services from SDL through Wang which Klout. That must explain that a number of as the audit tools were developed for different use cases and different niche types, meaning they are primarily geared towards serving a number of specific customer needs, arguably, worse or worse, predominantly focused on large enterprises with large complex issues, multi trends, was really designed for the regulated industry with security in mind.
Andrej Zito
Group share was designed for lsps because it was cost effective and aligned with trata cset. But as the language cloud is targeted at a broad customer base, including enterprise clients, third party lsps, and translators, the shorthand vision is all all all content types, or translation methods, all users involved in the process. That is the goal that was set at Inc. Initially, we’re going to be focused on new customers, and we’re probably going to be focused squarely on acquisition departments within the enterprise. Make sense? So this is where I wanted to pause. And I know and I know this is going to sound odd but this is kind of a thing that I was trying to work on. When I was working on my Start up a couple of years ago. And I’m really surprised that like, there is no integrated solution like this already in the market.
Andrej Zito
And they’re saying that it’s going to be only now like their social is the first that that integrates everything. And it’s only going to be really September 2018. So what I was working on was kind of similar. And I know that landbridge had something like that, like landbridge, I think it was on demand. So basically, you log in, you can upload your content. And then you can choose whether you can kind of like, build up like your own workflows, and one of them would be like, okay, I put content, it goes through empty, then somebody does a pee, and then I get the transition in the end, or I can choose like a human translation, I can choose editor, I can just two editors, whatever you want, you’re like how many review steps you want. And then I get the transition in the end. So that’s kind of like a simplified version of what I see now.
Andrej Zito
But the way I understand is like this is going to be integrating everything. So you connect API, you connect it to all your content management systems. The content goes into the language cloud, it gets analyzed. I was already explained this, like, I don’t know why it needs to be analyzed, can’t you just say like, this is like, from this API, I don’t know. Only this type of content goes into the cloud. And then you can probably set up the set of the select the the workflows, which you would probably do at the beginning and click drink, like your setup or configuration stage. And then he gets an empty sheet that is get posts edited. And I don’t know what happens then like if they can do also like in context preview or not. But here, where was this, I think is the last paragraph so according to Hernan this, there are a lot of good people out there doing cloud TMS.
Andrej Zito
Yes. There are a lot of people who’ve got productivity tools and workbenches. There are a lot of people who got no real solutions. There are some people who have project management and workflow management. But I haven’t seen anyone who’s got all of this integrated in the same place as we have. But how is it this is like nothing revolutionary or anything like that. Like you can have cloud teams, okay, that’s like a standard. That’s a standard thing. That’s very difficult. Although, I mean, cloud works doesn’t even do that. But okay. We got productivity tools, which I understand it’s got like a cat. That’s how this whole Slater portal refers to cat tools and work benches like, okay, so you can edit online, fine, that’s not something new. There are a lot of people who have gotten neural solutions fine.
Andrej Zito
You just, you just add, like an extra step in your workflow, which sends the content to your NLP engine. Fine. That’s, that’s nothing amazing. There are some people who have project management and workflow management. So okay, I mean, you can have like, some nice overview of where each stage is and how long it should take and stuff like that. So it’s kind of like a better interface to, to TMS. So you can see all the steps laid out in like a better project management overview. And that’s pretty much it. So they’re just integrating this so I don’t know. If this is like such a huge thing. To me, it’s not because it’s still like, still sits within as the, you know, it’s like, if you’re using different platforms, then you are probably fucked. Because you need to use their solution. So ideally, like each of the be like very modular, kind of like plugins, like you can set up like hmm, no. I mean, like, you should have the ability to change like, which empty engine I mean, I don’t know.
Andrej Zito
I don’t know much about NLP. But if there are like different engines, like you should be able to pick anyone, any. I hope that SEO won’t be like forcing One nmt to be used. What else is there? Like API that’s not new, like TMS in cloud and workbench and cloud, like, That’s old school thing. And then you just put in like some nice project management workflow management way, which is also not that super great. I mean, let’s see. And actually, this kind of like, brings me back to the thing that I was saying in the beginning of like, localization, always so fucking behind the trends. Like, how is it? Why is this only coming? Like in 2019? Like, what the hell? Oh, what the hell? Anyway, um, I think I should like, keep an eye on this. I’m pretty sure there will be like another. Well, it’s in September, right.
Andrej Zito
So that’s one, two, that’s in two months. And what else can I say about this one? I don’t know. I will keep an eye on this and see how it works out. But to me is just like, catching up with with the trends. I’m pretty sure. But it’s like, like, if you think about the just, I don’t know. It’s like connecting all the pieces into like, one package. I don’t know. I’m, I’m not that sold on this. I mean, if no, like, here’s the thing, like, like, the idea is like pretty good. Like everything should be integrated into one solution. That’s no doubt. The question is like, why is it only coming now? And why is it coming with SDL? Like, was there really nobody else like doing something like this? Because this is actually like a sponsored content. So I’m not sure what the other solutions are there. But, yeah, anyway, okay.
Andrej Zito
So that covers Slater. Finally, I’m done. And finally, let’s have a look at something new that I haven’t done before. And now I have to rerecord. So 40 minutes, I’m heading to multilingual use. And let’s see what is new. Oh my god, what is this page? This is like just like a list of titles. Oh, no. What the hell? Okay, I’m going to the homepage because I thought I’d like multi-lingual had like a better news. Please tell me that the homepage Oh, no. What the fuck? No. Okay, now I understand why Slater is on top because they actually provide like news. And this is like, opportunity for me actually. Because, yeah, like the coverage of news in the localization industry sucks. multilingual, I cannot show you just go to And like, their home, like the use, they say they say like, they have no pictures.
Andrej Zito
There’s no, like, I don’t know, like meta description or something like that. It’s just like a title. And all these titles actually will look like press releases, which is something that gala has to so they don’t put much effort into that. And there’s only one news from July 3. And that is transperfect achieves is Oh, blah, blah, blah, 18587 certification. And what is there? It’s just like what, like two sentences. trance perfect. a provider of Global Business Services has achieved certification to the ISO 18 587 standard. The standard provides universal requirements to ensure the quality of transmission produced using artificial intelligence tools, including machine translation and nmt. And okay, how is this news? Holy shit. How is this news man? This is such a terrible thing.
Andrej Zito
Okay, it looks like they they’re still stuck. In the old world because why don’t you produce like more articles? Why don’t you produce more articles other than the one that you do for your magazine? Man please guys, you need to switch to modern airlines 21st century like I see their articles on their homepage. But I saw this articles actually in the magazine. And there are some insights What are insights, multilingual insights? And the last one is from June and nine, and Today is July 6. What is going on? I’m disappointed I’m disappointed. The last one is from June 9, than the one before is from May 10. The one before it is a prelude 23 they only produce content every month. And what are the insights that here’s the description insights cover language, sorry. insights covers language through multi lingual ality and translation localization in global markets, individual skills and emerging technologies, enablers and barriers.
Andrej Zito
Norwich and speculation What? What the fuck does that mean? Oh my god. This is bad. This is very disappointing. And transperfect achieved ISO certification. Like what the fuck? I don’t know why, like, why so many companies are so many like showing off and going for the ISO certifications. I have no idea. Do the customers really care about ISO certifications? Maybe I’m just not experienced in this but I don’t know. To me, it’s the same as with PMP it’s like bullshit. PMP doesn’t make you good. Okay, so this is disappointing. But it’s good because I can get to pee soon. Because Okay, I’m moving to gala, which is the last one and the news here are the same shit as multi-lingual because they’re just fucking press releases. So there are four press release press releases in July. And let’s have a look. Now number one from July 1.
Andrej Zito
Yunus worldwide participated in LSP Leadership Council hosted by CSA in Boston. Oh. The shift toward digital globalization means that companies can reach international markets with less capital intensive business models and manage their worldwide operations in leaner more efficient ways. Yeah. What opportunities and risks does the era of digitalization present for the LSP industry today, trends strategies and market analytics were discussed by LSP industry experts at a recent event in Boston. for almost two decades now CSA research has been valued by language service providers for its commitment to the highest standards of primary market research, gathering, managing and analyzing language, service and market trends and data. The LSP Leadership Council and event regularly hosted by CSA was this year held in Boston on May 29 230.
Andrej Zito
The council brought together CEOs and executives from the leading global language service providers, giving them an opportunity to network and share their vision for the translation industries prospects. President and CEO of pianos worldwide Mr. Constantine, Yossi lionni attended this discussion panel and shared his view of the future of localization industry. Oh my god, what the fuck How can you How can you press release something like this? like where is that you just shared that and not that you attended a conference and you say that you shared a view of the future of the organization industry, okay. I will read or learn like what that is. Instead of just hearing that you share the view like Why don’t you share it publicly? Like just do it on your social media or whatever, please.
Andrej Zito
21st century can next one Queen’s award winner All language inside becomes ISO police. Why do I have to keep reading about these ISO stupid things? Okay, moving on. across systems streamlines terminology work with cross term now with the latest update of its across language server across systems GMB h has also supplemented its additional component cross term now with new functions. Now the web based terminology solution allows the mapping of individual workflows and assignment of workflow steps to individual users. Okay, and there’s a free webinar, okay? Not interested. I cannot acquire sly words. And this is something that we read about on slayter bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, okay, I will not be going through this man, I would not be great for this.
Andrej Zito
So, okay, I think I will end the recording very soon. So we covered, we look at three major portals that is slayter, multilingual, and Gala. And multilingual and Gala. That’s just very disappointing, because that’s actually not covering what’s happening in the localization. So it’s definitely only Slater that seems to be like, the most relevant sorts of information. And, and the, the disappointing thing is that they’re mainly focused on like, like, we were like business No, like revenues, m&a, and stuff like that. It’s not about like, going deep into the, like, day to day work. So maybe that is something that I should be doing. So I’ll start my own media company, and we’ll report on how to translate more documents and stuff like that. No, but seriously, um, yeah, I think it’s, it’s a, it’s a good start.
Andrej Zito
I’m very happy that I did this first part. And like I was saying before, I will need to probably do more preparation for the next part. So that I don’t read the articles. And maybe I just go through the articles for the past week, I select the paragraphs, which I want to read to you so that you have a context. And so that I don’t have to rephrase the articles, because that’s where we will probably make you suffer a little bit because I will need to find the right words. And I might miss some important context. And I will pick the articles where I can actually provide some commentary. So I think that seems like a good strategy. And I think this could be really valuable to some people, you know, just to read the news. And yeah, and because it took me this much time, I’m definitely not going to do to cover the social, social media for localization.
Andrej Zito
So I think for that, I will use episode number two, so please stay tuned. That was it from me for the first one. And also just FYI, if by any chance, you’re still listening to this, which you’re most likely not. What I will do is that I will also probably, I didn’t want to do this because I didn’t want to spend that much time in like post editing. But I feel like some of the things that I said that I said in the, towards the end like like the critic, critic of multilingual and gala, maybe I should just, you know, grow some balls and just extract that part and just tag them like on social media and see how they react. Because to me, like definitive, like, they really seem like, I don’t, I have no doubt, like why Slater is number one, because they actually do like coverage of language. I mean, localization news, the other ones, they’re just like, you know, like publishing press releases of water companies, which is kind of just like marketing, you know, there are aggregating the marketing content that lsps provide.
Andrej Zito
Which is, by the way, the same thing that is happening on the localization subreddit. It’s just like people like linking their press releases and white papers and stuff like that, and there’s no real discussion. happening. I think I like the real discussion is probably happening like in some groups. And I need to explore those in the next episode and see what’s going on in the social media world of localization. So thank you for listening. This was my first very first podcast. And I really enjoyed this. Even though I was a little bit pissed and disappointed that I had to do it again. Because the because my software My dear Premier, turned me down and fucked me over. So now I’m recording in Audacity, and we’ll see how it goes. So okay, I’m finished. I’m finished. I’m finished. I’m finished.
Andrej Zito
Now. This was Episode One of my podcast, then I still need to think of a name for it. I think I’ll just call it the localization podcast, because that will be easily searchable. Yes, nice. Okay, let’s dominate that keyword. Haha. All right. All right. Thank you. See you next time.